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You are What you Eat.

Ex.4. Match the 4 common names describing people who have different food preferences with the things they like to eat.

A. Hungry Harry

B. Picky Polly

C. Suzie Sweet-Tooth

D. Chilli Charlie

1. I love eating hot, spicy food. I enjoy trying foreign specialities in restaurants, and I'm also fond of preparing exotic dishes in my own kitchen. I hate eating the same thing two days running - I would rather go hungry!

2. I don't mind what I eat, as long as there is some chocolate on the menu. I adore desserts: I have so many favourites I often find it difficult to choose! I like milk shakes and fizzy drinks better than tea or coffee.

3. I'm not keen on dishes which don't look beautiful. In fact, I haven't got a large appetite. There are all sorts of things I refuse to eat at all, and even when I'm given one of my favourites I always leave half of it on the plate.

4. I'm more interested in quantity than .quality. I can't stand getting up from the table if I still have room in my stomach. I prefer rice or potatoes and cooked vegetables to salads, and would rather drink Coke than fruit juice.

Ex.5. Identify yourself with one of the characters. Then read what your tastes in food tell about your character.

Character Analysis

A. Chilli eaters are brave and adventurous; they like to shock, but they get bored and restless very easily.

B. Sweet eaters are easy-going and sociable but they lack confidence. They are kind and sympathetic but not always reliable.

C. Hungry eaters are hard-working and generous; they aren't ambitious and hate changes of any sort. They worry about the future.

D. Picky eaters are artistic and sensitive but they lose their tempers easily. They set themselves very high standards and don't like to fail.

Ex.6. Answer the questions given below.

  1. Can you say that you belong to only one type of eaters? Why? Why not?

  2. How similar are your tastes to the tastes of your family and your best friends'?

  3. What dish can't you stand though all your family enjoys it?

  4. What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?

  5. What are your favourite sandwich fillings?

Ex.7. Fill in the blanks with one suitable word and read a magazine article about fast food.

Text Should 'fast food' be a Fact of your Life?

The big three fast food giants – McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Wimpy – sell more _______ (1) 500 million of food a year in Britain. But junk food junkies risk saturatint their systems _______ (2) fat and running short of essential fibre and vitamins if they fail to _______ (3) attention to the warnings published by nutritionists who _______ (4) that there are nearly two ounces of fat in a halfpounder burger and up _______ (5) 12 teaspoons of sugar in a large cola. Besides many takeaways are a _______ (6) source of essential nutrients. A double burger, fries and milkshake _______ (7) half the day's total calorie needs for an average grown up person, but just 18 per _______ (8) of the vitamin A needed, 26 per cent of the vitamin C and 31 per cent of the iron. So think twice _______ (9) visiting one of the fast food restaurants no matter how busy you are.

Ex.8. You are going to read some recommendations on how to make your diet healthier. Fill in the missing letters and read some recommendations on how to make your diet healthier.

Have you put off changing the way you eat because h__ __ __ __ __ y (1) eating advice in the past has concentrated on telling you what you shouldn't eat? Well here's the good news - there are many d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ s (2) foods which you can eat more of, especially f __ __ __t (3) and v __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __s (4).

Fruit and vegetables are full of v__ __ __ __ __ __s (5), m__ __ __ __ __ __s (6) and f __ __ __e (7) that are needed to maintain good health. Experts all agree that a healthy d__ __ t (8) is low in fat, rich in fruit and vegetables and also in starchy foods such as p__ __ __ __ __ __s (9), b__ __ __ d (10), pasta and r__ __ e (11).

Most people need to double the a__ __ __ __ t (12) of fruit and vegetables they eat, no matter whether they are f__ __ __ h (13), f __ __ __ __ n (14) or c__ __ __ __d (15), to about 400g in total to get the right balance. The e__ __ __ __ __ t (16) way of doing this is to adopt a five-a-day rule. Potatoes should not be і__ __ __ __ __ __d (17) in your five-a-day total as they are classified as starchy foods.

Many dieters find s__ __ __ __ s (18) to be their downfall while trying to eat healthily. They find c__ __ __ __ __ __ __ e (19) bars, c__ __ __ __ s (20) and b__ __ __ __ __ __ s (21) all too convenient. But have you ever realised that fruit and vegetables are the ultimate «fast» food because they need no p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ n (22) and can be eaten raw? Try biting into a b__ __ __ __ a (23), a c__ __ __ __ t (24) or even some dried fruit as an alternative. So why not make your diet healthier and r__ __ __ __ r (25) by eating more fruit and vegetables?

Ex.9. Study the table below and answer the questions given after it.


Common Source

Important Functions

Problems caused by lack of vitamins


Dairy produce, vegetables, liver, fruit

Essential for normal growth and good eyesight. Helps prevent infection.

Night blindness, skin trouble, tendency towards colds, and throat and chest infections, poor growth.


Meat, milk, fish, whole cereals

Keeps nerves and muscles functioning efficiently. Helps new blood cell formation, and vital for clear, healthy skin.

Nervous disorders, poor appetite, sore tongue and mouth, cracked lips, stiffness in limbs, skin troubles, sensitivity to sunlight.


Fresh fruit,





Necessary for healthy blood formation.

Sore bleeding gums, loosening of teeth, pains in joints, slow wound healing.


Egg-yolk, fish, fish-liver oils, sunshine

Helps the body convert and use calcium, which is essential for strong teeth and bones.

Soft bones, weak spine, bow



Eggs, peanuts, apples, lettuce

Believed to be necessary for healthy nerves and muscles, and a vital factor in blood cell formation.

Red blood cell deficiency

  1. Which vitamin will your body get if you eat a lot of apples?

  2. Which products do you have to eat if you want to have healthy teeth?

  3. Which vitamin does your body need to provide you with good muscles?

  4. Deficit of which vitamin results in weak gums and teeth?

  5. The lack of which vitamins is responsible for skin problems?

  6. Which vitamin helps children to grow?

  7. Which vitamin is believed to strengthen bones?

  8. Which products are rich in calcium?

  9. Which vitamin is necessary for quick wound healing?

Ex.10. Answer the questions given below.

  1. Are you interested in the cuisines of different cultures? Why? Why not?

  2. Do you enjoy trying dishes you've never tasted before? Why? Why not?

  3. Do you enjoy eating in the open air? If yes, what do you usually eat?

  4. Does in your opinion food taste better eaten outdoors? Why? Why not?

  5. How do you feel about eating in bed?

  6. Would you rather eat nothing than eat something unhealthy? Why? Why not?

  7. Do you ever leave home in the morning without having breakfast? Why? Why not?

  8. Do you like experimenting while making salads or cooking other dishes? Why? Why not?

  9. What is your opinion about fast food?

  10. Have you ever tried to become a vegetarian? Why? Why not?

  11. What do you like to eat or drink to keep you cool in summer?

  12. What kind of food helps you keep warm in winter?

  13. Which do you prefer: eating alone or in the company of good friends?

  14. Would you rather eat in an expensive restaurant or have a simple home-cooked meal?

  15. Do you think eating is one of life's pleasures? Why? Why not?

  16. Do you ever show your affection for someone by cooking them a meal?

  17. Is there any kind of food you find too disgusting to eat? If yes, which is it?

  18. If you feel sad, can eating something delicious make you feel better? Why? Why not?

  19. Does anyone ever force you to eat anything? If yes, what food is it?

  20. What eating habits does your family have:

  • Do you eat separately or all together?

  • Do you observe any table manners? If yes, what are they?

  • Do you have any traditional table settings?

  • Do you eat anything between meals? ,

  • Do you ever eat in a hurry?