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Vocabulary notes

enhance (v)





lean meat





belly pork

back pork

— збільшувати

— той, що любить багато поїсти

— цінитель страв, гурман

— паштет

— місцевість

— пісне м'ясо

— піч, духова шафа

— букет

— доповнення

— особливості

— свиняча грудинка

— задня частина свинини

I. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Mark the stresses:

restaurant, suppose, particular soup, refined cuisine, influence, appreciate, enhance, gastronome, raw materials, cuisine, bouquet garni, cutlet, sauce, bourgerose, vinegar, gourmand, gourmet, flavour, unforgettable, pate, mixture.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exerscises

Ex. 1. Give the corresponding Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

peculiarities; ingredients; gastronome; careful selection; have great influence of; common cuisine; refined cuisine, salad dressing; vinegar; unforgettable flavour; minced; mixture; poultry; game; belly pork; back pock; herbs; restorative properties; acquire.

Ex. 2. What are the English equivalents for:

особливості французької кухні, складова частина, збільшувати, кухарське мистецтво, мати великий вплив, спеції, вишукана кухня, приправи, оцет,

гурман, ненажера, перекручене м'ясо, часник, запікати.

Ех. 3. Give the plural of the following nouns:










Іп. Speech exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions about the text:

1. What is the secret of fine French food?

2. Has French Cuisine had great influence on that of other nations?

3. What do you know about the origin of some French dishes?

4. Into how many parts do French divide their cuisine?

5 . What does "cuisine regionale" - mean?

6. What do you know about "haute cuisine"?

7. What is "cuisine bourgeous"?

8. What are the specific peculiarities of French salad, French bread?

9. Who is called a gourmand?

10. Who is a gourmet?

11.In which way do French cook pate?

12. What is "Bouguet garni"?

13. What type of eating out establishments is "Bistro"?

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the information given in the text:

1. The secret of fine French food is ...

2. French call a skilled culinary specialist ...

3. French culinary terminology has come ...

4. French salad dressing means ...

5. A gourmand is a person ...

6. A gourmet is the name of a person ...

7. The basic formula for pate is ...

8. Bouquet garni is ...

9. Bistro is ...

Ex. 3. Make up dialogues on the basis of the text.

Recipes of french cuisine french style pork chops

8 slices apple rings

8 pork chops

6 medium potatoes

4 cloves of garlic

3 medium onions

2 slices cooked ham


1/4 tablespoon of pepper

1 cup white wine

Wipe the chops with a damp cloth and trim off a little of the fat. Slowly heat fat in a large frying pan, add chops and brown on both sides for about 20 minutes. Remove chops and keep aside. Peel potatoes and cut into 1/2 inch thick slices. Peel and slice onions too. Take a large casserole and put half the potato slices at the bottom then add half onion slices.

Arrange the chops on the onion and place a halved slice garlic on each chop and top with a slice of apple.

Cut each ham slice into 4 equal portions and arrange a piece on potatoes and onions. Sprinkle salt and pepper and pour wine over the top. Cover and bake in a preheated oven at 350° for 2 hours.

Baste with the drippings from the casserole and bake uncovered for 20 minutes longer till potatoes are golden. Spoon off excess fat and serve hot.