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Vocabulary notes

selling unit

— тут: торговельний заклад


— вигоди, прибутки


— устаткування

make an order

— робити замовлення

play a part

— відігравати роль


— місце біля столика


— люстра


— парча

refined surrounding

— вишукане оточення

attract (v)

— приваблювати

customer (client)

— відвідувач


— ввічливий

carry out (v)

— проводити

re-stock (v)

— відновлювати запаси

table silver

— столове срібло

table lay-up

— сервірування столу

salt cellars

— сільничка

pepper castors

— перечниця


— пляшечки для оцту

dine out (v)

— їсти поза домівкою

sample (v)

— дегустувати


— надмірний

enhance (v)

— тут: підкреслювати

І. Phonetic exercises

Ex.1. Transcribe the following words:

facility, dine out, catering, numbers, ashtray, gradually, important, polishing mirrors, furniture, arrange, restorative, chandeliers, courteous, reputation.

Ex. 2. Mark the stresses:

complete, civilized, pleasure, decoration, define, re-stocking, substantial, connotation, establishment, attentive, enhance, undue, refined, customers, surroundings, attracting.

II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. What are the English equivalents for:

робити замовлення, сервірування столу, приготування їжі, вишукане оточення, серветка, репутація, торговельний заклад,

оформлення ресторану, грати важливу роль, дегустувати страви та напої, приваблювати відвідувачів.

Ех. 2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents for:

come back to, play an important part, help to create the right atmosphere, attract customers, make customers feel at home, keep the reputation of establishments, the assistant waiter, table lay-up. preparation carry out, table silver, basic element, refined surroundings.

Ex. 3 Give the Past Indefinite of the following verbs:

Complete, come, call, lay, include, define, keep, carry out, change, arrange, serve, suppose, feel, refine, create.

Ex. 4. Write the «ing» form of the following verbs:

Serve, lay, establish, cater, cook, polish, take, dine, enjoy.

Ill Speech Exercises

Ex. 1 Answer the following questions:

1. How did the word "restaurant" appear?

2. What is a modern restaurant?

3. What are the basic elements of catering?

4. What other elements of catering do you know?

5. What part does decor play in attracting customers?

6. How does service enhance the pleasure of dining out?

7. What preparations take place before laying the table?

8. What does table silver include?

9. Why can dining out be called a civilized pleasure?

Ex. 2. Make up a short plan and retell the text.

Unit 3



Catering Manager

Head - waiter

Assistant Head-waiter

Station (or Chef) waiter

Assistant (or Commis) waiter

Head wine-waiter


Commis Wine-waiter

Duties with the guests

The staff of the restaurant must have sufficient knowledge of all the items on the menu and wine list in order to advise and offer suggestions to the customers. Further more they must know how to serve correctly each dish on the menu what the accompaniments are, the correct cover, the make up of the dish and its appropriate garnish, and also how to serve various types of drink, in the correct glass and at the right temperature.

The Head - waiter greets the guests on arrival, shows them their tables and seats them. Then he hands the menu and takes the orders. He should be able to give expert advice as to the food and enduce the guests to buy of the best ... and most profitable too. A good Head-waiter knows how to reconcile his clients' satisfaction and the interests of the House, he never forgets that guests are people, and may like to make their own decisions. He will in many cases act as Head - wine-waiter and suggest appropriate wine from the wine list. A Head -waiter is therefore an expert in food and wines plus a keen-eyed psychologist and an organizer, since he is responsible for the good working of the restaurant.

The Station waiter notes the orders and passes them on to the kitchen; he must have a clear notion of the required time for the preparation so that he can adjust the timing of his courses. He will serve the dishes from the customer's left, the dirty plates being collected from the right. It takes a skilled and clever man to give the right sort of service.

The Commis waiter brings the food from the kitchen to the restaurant using a tray or trolley. He collects the dirty plates and dishes and takes them to the wash-up area.

The different Sorts of Service (silver service and plate service) vary with the class of the establishment. Silver service derives its name from the silver dish used by the waiter for bringing the food to the guest. A service fork and spoon are laid by the dish. The waiter manipulate both of them with one hand, picking the food from the silver dish to deposit it on the guest's plate.

Plate service is speedy and economical. It indicates a lower standard: the guest is served with food already placed on a plate by the waiter making use of a dumb-waiter. With silver service where as with plate service, he can deal with a great number, particularly if he uses a trolley.

The wine-waiter will bring, prepare and serve the wine ordered by the guest. He will see that it is served at the right temperature and replenish the glasses when necessary.

When the meal is over, the waiter will have the bill made out by the cashier as soon as it is asked for. He will make sure that it is correct and there is no shortage or overcharging, then he will fold the bill and present it on a cash tray or plate. He will take it back to the cash desk with the amount laid by the guest. Once the bill is cashed in and receipted the waiter brings it back to the guest with the change if any. When the customer has left a tip, it should be acknowledged with a distinct "Thank you very much, sir" before the customer has left.

The number of staff and the allocation of duties depends on the size and exclusiveness of the restaurant. In a large restaurant or dining room, whether belonging to a hotel, a non-residential establishment or within Industrial Catering, there must be one person in charge. Under him or her there will be principal assistants in charge of sections.

In a small restaurant the person in charge may be called Restaurant Manager, Maitre d'Hotel or Head - Waiter, and his assistants may all be called "Waiters".