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IX. Explain the italicized grammar constructions in the following sentences.

1. The appeals process is set up to help ensure that people have as fair a trial as possible.

2. Its main instru­ment is the Supreme Court, which watches over the other two branches.

3. Congress has the power to fix the number of judges sitting on the Court, but it cannot change the powers given to the Supreme Court by the Constitution itself.

4. Once approved, they hold office as Supreme Court Justices for life.

5. The Supreme Court has direct jurisdiction in only two kinds of cases: those involving foreign diplomats and those in which a state is a party.

X. Talk about a crime that has been in a news recently. Use the following questions as a prompt.

What happened?

Who was involved?

Was anyone hurt/killed?

Have the police found out who did it?

What do you think the sentence should be for such a crime?

XI. Match the word on the left with the definition on the right.

1. Justice a) highest court in the U.S.

2. jury b) Decision: you did nothing wrong

3. judicial branch c) court system of the U.S. government

4. Supreme Court d) a judge on the Supreme Court

5. innocent e) Decision: you did something wrong

6. guilty f) people who make a decision in a case

XII. Read the following sentences and decide which ones are true and which ones are false. Write down true sentences.

1.You can appeal a Supreme Court decision.

2.The Supreme Court hears all appellate cases.

3.There is a jury and nine justices on the Supreme Court.

4.The Supreme Court listens only to cases about federal laws.

5.The Supreme Court is in Washington, D.C.

XIII. The following picture shows the Supreme Court's bench. The Supreme Court is in Washington, D.C. The nine justices sit and listen to important cases. Read the sentences above the picture and study the given information. Describe the Supreme Court in your country.

• There are nine justices.

• Justices choose the cases to hear.

• Supreme Court decisions are final.

• Justices can say a state or federal law is unconstitutional.

Chapter 8.

Law and order in great britain and the usa

Unit 8.1

Juvenile Delinquency in Great Britain and the usa

Pre-reading task.

Study the dictionary definitions of juvenile delinquency below. Note down any differences and similarities. Write your own definition of juvenile delinquency.

“Juvenile delinquency – law-breaking by young people.”(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982).

“Juvenile delinquency – crimes committed by young people.” (Cambridge International Dictionary of English. – Cambridge University Press, 1995).

“Juvenile delinquency – the antisocial actions or legal violations of a minor, subject to the jurisdiction of a juvenile court.” (New Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language. – Surjeet Publications, 1989).


to break – нарушать

violation – нарушение

jurisdiction – отправление правосудия, юрисдикция

minor – несовершеннолетний, подросток.