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Учебное пособие ИЯПК(ИЗМ).doc
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I. Learn the following words.

Treaty of commerce – договор о торговле;

to expand - расширяться;

to spur – стимулировать;

to restore – восстанавливать;

conclusion – заключение;

remote – отдаленный;

counselor – советник;

tonnage dues – тоннажные (судовые) сборы;

consumption tax - налог за потребление;

supervision – руководство, контроль;

process of cargo – обработка груза;

appropriate – соответствующий, подходящий;

harmful items – вредные вещества.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. Where were the first Japanese customhouses established?

2. What policy was undertaken by the Japanese government at that time?

3. When was the autonomy in respect to customs duties completely restored?

4. Why were the commerce treaties with other countries revised?

5. What is the number of Customs officials in Japan?

6. What is the structure of the Japanese Customs Service?

7. What is the purpose of Customs guard posts?

8. What is the Central Customs Administration?

9. What are the main responsibilities of the Customs and Tariff Bureau?

10. What are the three main roles of Japanese Customs?

III. Choose a), b) or c) to complete the following statements about the text.

1.The conclusion of a "Treaty of Commerce and Navigation" with the United Kingdom in 1894 … .

a) hindered the development of international trade;

b) spurred the revision of unequal commerce treaties with other countries;

c) encouraged the development of trade with Asia.

2. The long-desired autonomy, in respect to Customs duties, was completely restored … .

a) in 1911;

b) in the 19th century;

c) after the Second World War.

3. … are engaged in Customs clearance work in addition to the surveillance and control work.

a) Sub-customs branches;

b) Customhouse brokers;

c) Most of the guard posts.

4. The central Customs administration is the Customs and Tariff Bureau, which is … .

a) a law enforcement agency;

b) an internal bureau of Japan's Ministry of Finance;

c) a department of Foreign Trade Ministry.

5. Customs facilitates and promotes the international harmony of trade procedures … .

a) to expand the world economy and improve lives;

b) to promote interior trade;

c) to prevent commercial fraud.

IV. Match the verbs with the appropriate nouns.

1. to establish

a) the autonomy

2. to undertake

b) the revision

3. to spur

c) a policy

4. to restore

d) the system

5.to consolidate

e) customhouses

V. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

VI. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian phrases.

В соответствии с торговыми соглашениями; жесткая политика модернизации; быстро расширяться; несправедливые торговые соглашения; консолидировать систему; быть разделенным на 9 округов; подразделения; делегировать полномочия; упрощать работу таможенных органов в отдаленных регионах; повышать эффективность таможенной службы; тарифная политика; тоннажные сборы; специальные тоннажные сборы; тоннажные пошлины; потребительские налоги; начисление и сбор таможенных пошлин; контроль за деятельностью таможенных брокеров; обработка морских и авиационных грузов; статистика торговли; ежегодный доход по налогам; предотвращение контрабанды; упрощение торговли.