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A Few Steps to Business English.doc
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Comments Greetings

В англоязычных странах наиболее «нейтральными» приветствиями, которые употребляются при обращении как к хорошо знакомым, так и мало знакомым людям, являются:

Good morning! – Доброе утро! (до 12.00)

Good afternoon! – Добрый день! (с 12.00 до 18.00)

Good evening! – Добрый вечер! (с 18.00 до 20.00)

Ответами на эти приветствия являются те же самые фразы.

При представлении людей друг другу наиболее формальной является фраза: “Howdoyoudo?” Это приветствие предполагает такой же ответ.

Часто употребляются фразы:Pleased(glad)tomeetyou. – Рад с Вами познакомиться.

Nice to meet you.

Спросить человека о том, как у него обстоят дела, можно следующим образом:

How are you? – или – “How are you getting on?”

Ответы на эти вопросы могут быть такими:

(I’m) all right. Thank you. – Спасибо. Хорошо.

(I’m)fine.Thanks. – Прекрасно. Спасибо.

So-so. – Так себе.

Saying Goodbye

Goodbye– До свидания. - Это самое нейтральное прощание.

Bye-bye. (Пока.) иSolong. (До скорого.) - Употребляются при прощании с хорошо знакомыми людьми.

Часто также говорят:

See you later – Увидимся.

See you tomorrow (the day after tomorrow, on Monday, etc.) – Увидимся завтра (послезавтра, в понедельник и т.п.)


Наиболее распространённые фразы, служащие для выражения благодарности:

Thank you very much. – Большое спасибо.

Thankyou. – Благодарю Вас.

Thanks. – Спасибо.

Ответы на слова благодарности могут быть такими:

Not at all. (My pleasure. Anytime. Welcome.Don’t mention it.) - Не стоит. Пожалуйста.

It’s nothing. – Пустяки.


Excuseme– Обычная форма обращения в англоязычных странах, служащая для привлечения к себе внимания

I’m(so/awfully)sorry. – Фраза употребляется в случае, если человек хочет извиниться за свои действия.

Tactics for the Chairmen

These words are mainly for the chairman (who chairs the meeting, and is in the chair, but they may also be useful for all people present, especially if there is no chairman.

Stopping people who talk too much:

Essential? Edward, do you think it’s essential? Sorry to interrupt you, Charles, but I’d like to know if the others agree. Perhaps you could write a paper on this, Charles?

Encouraging people to talk:

Would you like to comment, Nore? What do you think about this, Paul? Could you let Paul finish? I’d like to have his point of view on this. That’s an interesting point, Mrs. Orr. Thank you.

When personal disputes occur:

Let’s just concentrate on the arguments/issues. Jim, you have experience of this; I’d like to ask you a question.

2. Read the conversation “A Company Meeting” and point out the phrases mentioned in the previous section.

A Company Meeting

Chairman: I’d like us to reach a decision today about item 1. The issue is falling sales in the Italian market. Henry will explain the background to this, and the present situation.

Henry: Thanks. Well, as you know, in Italy we’ve always…

That’s how things are at the moment.

Chairman: Thank you, Henry. Now, let’s look at possible courses of action.

Bob: Could I just say something? The Italian market isn’t as important to us as the Russian orders. I was in Moscow last week, and learnt some pretty interesting things about the way things are moving out there.

Chairman: Let’s keep to the immediate subject, which is the Italian market.

Bob: My own feeling is this: the only way to sell in Italy is to go there and see the market for yourself, instead of asking our agents to do it.

Chairman: Sorry to interrupt you, Bob, but I’d like to know if the others agree. What do you think about this, Walter?

Walter: Well, I’d like to say that for the last two years we haven’t had a stand at the Milan Trade Fair. I understand that the Fair has produced lots of contacts in the past.

Chairman: That’s an interesting point, Walter. Let’s summarize what we’ve said so far. Bob thinks we depend on the agents too much, and Walter suggests that the Trade Fair is important.

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