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A Few Steps to Business English.doc
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When do you need a resume? Choose the correct answer:

  1. when you leave school

  2. when you enter the university

  3. when you want to find a job

1.Read and memorize the following words and word combination:

1. opening вакансия

2. employer наниматель, работодатель

3. tool орудие, инструмент

4. employeeработающий по найму

5. sale продажа

6. responsibilitiesобязанности

7. accomplishmentsдостоинства

8. contributionвклад

9. neat ясный, точный, лаконичный

10. performance действие, деятельность

11. capabilities (неиспользованные ещё) возможности

2. Translate the following word combinations:

today’s job market; the number of openings; resumes submitted every day; to get into the company; the employer’s tool; the most marketable skills; job responsibilities; neatly organized one-paged resume; past performance; future capabilities


1. Read the text “What’s a Resume” and answer the question:

What should a resume tell about? What’s a Resume?

In today’s job market, the number of openings is limited comparing to the number of resumes submitted every day. The resume is the employer’s tool for choosing among candidates and the employee’s tool to get into the company.

So, if your resume is your sales tool – show your most marketable skills. It should not just summarize your job responsibilities. Focus on your accomplishments and contributions, emphasize your successes and strengths.

Employers prefer neatly organized one-page resumes, as they spend only 15 to 20 seconds on each resume. So, your resume should quickly tell about your past performance and future capabilities.

2.Choose the correct endings for the statements.

1) A resume is a kind of business correspondence

    1. that is used for job-hunting matters

    2. that tells about your experience and abilities

    3. that helps employers to choose among candidates

2) The number of openings in a company is usually

  1. more than the number of resumes submitted

  2. less than the number of resumes submitted

  3. the same as the number of resumes submitted

3) Usually the employers spend

  1. no time looking through resumes

  2. a lot of time looking through resumes

  3. little time looking through resumes

4) A resume is primarily a tool for

  1. employers to make the best choice among candidates

  2. employees to get into the company

  3. both

5) A resume should

  1. only tell about your job responsibilities

  2. be more than two pages

  3. tell about your successes, achievements and strengths

6) Resume should cover

  1. your past and present

  2. only your past

  3. your past and future

What Shouldn’t Be in Your Resume?

Don’t include personal information such as age, race, gender, height, weight, religion, origin, marital status, children, health, physical appearance, or your photograph.

Don’t handwrite your resume. Typewriters are all right, but a computer and printer should be used if possible.

Don’t tell an employer what you want from a job – only what you can contribute.

Don’t exclude a previous job just because it doesn’t relate to your career goal. If you don’t want to have a gap in employment record you can just mention it.

Don’t give the reasons why you left each place of employment.

Don’t touch on salary or wage questions.

Don’t tell about your hobbies and interests. Such information should be omitted if it doesn’t represent your career goal.

Don’t forget to put your name on the second page, if you have two-page resume.

Don’t use cheap paper. Don’t use bright colors, if you want to look conservative and business-like.

Don’t submit a resume longer than two pages. Never write it on two sides of the same paper.


include - включать relate- относиться

gender - род goal - цель

origin - происхождение gap- промежуток

contribute- делать вклад wage - заработная плата

exclude- исключать omit - пропускать, не включать

previous - предыдущий

3. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1) A correct resume should include such personal information as gender, height, religion, marital status, children, health and so on.

2) The best way of typing a resume is using a computer and printer.

3) It’s better to have an employment gap than to mention a previous job that doesn’t relate to your objective.

4) Resumes can be printed on any kind of paper.

5) It’s better to print a resume on two sides of the same paper than to make it two-pages long.

6) A resume should be at least two pages long.

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