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A Few Steps to Business English.doc
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  1. A Visit of a Foreign Partner

John Brown, a Sales Manager for a British company, has just arrived at the International Moscow Airport from London. He is visiting a Russian company that wants to buy equipment produced by this company. Here are conversations between him and the staff of a Russian company (Mr. Ivanov, Mr. Petrov, Mr. Volgin, Miss Krivenko). Read the conversations and play them.

At the airport

Mr. Iv.: Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown?

Mr. Br.:Yes.

Mr. Iv.:I’m Oleg Ivanov, from TV Systems. How do you do? Have I kept you waiting?

Mr. Br.:Oh, no. The plane’s just arrived. Thanks for coming to meet me.

Mr. Iv.:Not at all.

At the office

Mr. Iv.: I’d like to introduce Mr. Petrov to you, our Director General.

Mr. Br.:Glad to meet you Mr. Petrov.

Mr. P.:Glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to Moscow before, Mr. Brown?

Mr. Br.:No, it’s my first visit to Moscow.

Mr. P.:Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss Krivenko.

Mr. Br.:Nice to meet you, Miss Krivenko.

Miss Kr.:Nice to meet you too, call me Ann.

Mr. P.:I also want you to meet Victor Volgin, our Sales Manager. And you’ve already met Mr. Ivanov.

Mr. Br.:What does Mr. Ivanov do?

Mr. P.:He is our Export-Import Manager. Please, take a seat.

Miss Kr.:Would you like a cup of coffee?

Mr. Br.:Yes, thank you.

Mr. V.:By the way, Mr. Brown, what is your profession?

Mr. Br.:I’m an engineer, but at Continental Equipment I work as a Sales Manager. Here’s my card.

Mr. P.:Let’s get down to business, Mr. Brown. We’re extending our business and want to buy equipment for producing some goods. Your company provides advanced technology and efficient service, which small companies can’t provide. That’s why we’re interested in your company.

Mr. Br.:Yes, I see. You’ll be pleased to hear that the service life of our equipment has been increased, and also prices have been reduced.

Mr. P.:Would you like to speak a bit slower, Mr. Brown? I’m not very good at English.

Mr. Br.:Sure. I’d like to visit your factory and study your requirements.

Mr. Iv.:Well, I’ll show you our factory tomorrow.

Mr. Br.:What time?

Mr. Iv.:How about 10?

Mr. Br.:That’s fine.

Mr. Iv.:Thank you Mr. Brown. Our driver is at your disposal during your visit. His name is Vladimir.

Mr. Br.:Thank you very much, Mr. Ivanov.

Mr. Iv.: Well, that’s all. Our driver’s waiting for you. He’ll take you to your hotel.

Mr. Br.:Goodbye everybody!


1) Have I kept you waiting? Я заставил Вас ждать?

2) DirectorGeneralгенеральный директор

3) Let me introduce my staff to you. Разрешите мне представить Вам своих


4) Let me introduce you to my staff. Разрешите представить Вас моим


5) Letmeintroducemyself. Разрешите представиться.

6) SalesManagerменеджер по сбыту

7) Export-ImportManagerменеджер по импорту и экспорту

8) Takeaseat. Присаживайтесь.

9) Here’smycard. Вот моя визитная карточка.

10) Let’sgetdowntobusiness. Давайте перейдём к делу.

11) Well, that’s all. Ну что же, тогда всё.

12) Would you mind speaking a bit slower. Не могли бы Вы говорить немного


13) tobeatsmb.’sdisposalбыть в чьём-либо распоряжении

14) Gladtomeetyou. Рад с Вами познакомиться.

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