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A Few Steps to Business English.doc
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15. Summarize what you have learned about etiquette using the following word combinations:

be of great practice significance-иметь большое практическое значение

for this reason-по этой причине

deserve special scrutiny-заслуживать особого внимания

permanent improvement in smth.-постоянное совершенствование в чём-либо

make a deal-заключить сделку

16. Read the text below and get some more information about the history of etiquette. Use the definitions of the words in bold type. From the History of Etiquette

From time immemorial (1) rules of behavior (etiquette) 1. for a very long time back

played important role in people life.

Romans liked to invite odd (2) numbers of guests. 2. not exactly divisible by two

They believed that even (3) numbers meant conflict. 3. that can be divided by two

Nowadays in Western countries an even number of men with no remainder

and women is referred (4) to help the flow of 4. what is said

conversation. 5. a person who entertains guests

In the ancient Middle East, a host (5) would pour (6) 6. cause a liquid to flow in a

perfumed oil over the heads of his guests. This was continuous stream

to mark their passage(7) from the “dirty” outside 7. act of going past, through or

to the “pure” inside. across

In ancient Greece and Rome, guests wore wreaths (8) 8. flowers or leaves twisted

of flowers and leaves. They believed these would together in a circle

prevent drunkenness (9). 9. the state of being drunken

In early Northern Europe, feasts (10) were male affairs. 10. splendid meal with many

Men got very drunk. good things to eat and drink

Among the ancient Celts the thighbones (11) of a bird 11. bone of the part of the leg

were reserved for the most important guests. Men between the knee and the hip

would fight to the death over thighbones. 12. be unsuccessful

If a guest failed (12) to stick to the rules (13) of 13. follow the rules

behavior in 19th-century Paris, a professional guest

could be hired (14) to take his place. 14. obtain or allow the use or

Modern dining forks were invented in Italy. They were services of in return for fixed

brought to Europe in the 17th century by Thomos Coryat. payment

When Coryat showed the fork to his friends they laughed

at the new invention (15). Only 50 years later people in 15. something that was created

England began to use forks. or designed

Fingers (16) are very useful for handing food, but they 16. one of the five members at

are get sticky (17) and dirty. the end of the arm

Knives were the first pieces of cutlery (18) to be used. 17. that sticks or tends to stick

The first stone knives were made to anything that touches it

three million years ago. Some Stone Age wooden forks 18. implements used at table

may date from as long ago as 7,000 BC. (esp. if made of stainless steel)

It was once traditional for a male guest to be given an

envelope containing the name of the lady he was to

accompany to the table. The couple (19) would 19. two persons or things, seen

then walk to the table together. together or associated

The first chopsticks (20) appeared in China during 20. pair of tapering sticks used

the Shang dynasty (1600-1028 BC). They were by Chinese and Japanese for

considered to knives because they were lifting food to the mouth

used by scholars (21). Scholars were more highly 21. person with much

thought of than warriors (22) who carried knives. knowledge

22. soldier; fighter

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