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PropertyLaw– право собственности, вещное право

ContractLaw– договорное право, договорно-обязательственное право

TortLaw– деликтное право

MerchantLaw– торговое право

NegotiableInstrumentsLaw– закон об оборотных документах

negotiable- оборотный, могущий быть переуступленным, могущий быть предметом переговоров

procedure– судопроизводство

realproperty– недвижимое имущество

personalproperty– движимое имущество, личная собственность, имущество

tangibleproperty– материальная собственность

intangibleproperty- нематериальная собственность (например, интеллектуальная)

equity– справедливость, право справедливости право, основанное на нормах справедливости

EquitableLaw– право справедливости

remedy– средство правовой защиты

    1. Before reading the text below try to remember:

  • What branches of law do you know?

  • What problems do they tackle?

    1. Read the text.

The law is the whole body of laws considered collectively. There are many ways in which the law can be classified. It can be divided into common law, civil law, criminal law, constitutional law, substantive and procedural laws, etc.

By the words ‘common’ law’ we mean law which is common to the whole country – national law in contrast to local law. Common law in England is unwritten law, based on judicial decisions made by judges in previous cases (case law) in contrast to the law made by Parliament or other law-making body (statute law). It distinguishes the common law legal systems based on precedents from the civil law jurisdictions based on civil codes. Law of equity is the application of principles of justice outside common law or statute law, used to correct laws when these would apply unfairly in special circumstances.

One important distinction is between private – or civil – law and public law. Civil law concerns disputes between citizens within the country, and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another. The main categories of English civil law are contracts, torts, trusts, family law. The main categories of public law are crimes, constitutional law, and international law.

Commercial law regulates commercial relationships among people in the world of business. The main areas of commercial law are bankruptcy, consumer credit contracts, relations of debtors and creditors, as well as landlords and tenants, mortgages, real estate transactions and so on.

Intellectual property law is designed to promote the worldwide protection of industrial property (inventions, trademarks, and designs) and copyright materials (literary, musical, photographic, and other artistic works).

Family law covers child custody, children’s rights, marriage, divorce, insurance, adoption, estates and trusts.

Workers’ compensation laws are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards, eliminating the need for litigation.

    1. Answer the questions:

  1. What is law?

  2. How is law classified?

  3. What is common law?

  4. What does civil law concern?

  5. What are the main categories of civil law?

  6. What does commercial law regulate?

  7. What does intellectual property law regulate?

  8. What problems does family law cover?

    1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. Law may be broken into Criminal Law and Civil Law. Civil Law may be broken into Property Law, Contract Law and Tort Law. Each of these three can be broken into law and equity components.

  2. A Law of Property would be required so that we could determine who owned what or had what rights in what property.

  3. If you damage my property, we need Tort Law; if I want to sell the land to you, we need Contract Law; if I want you to get my property when I die, we need Inheritance Law; if I want to pay by check, we need Negotiable Instruments Law; if we want to be merchants or manufactures of products, we need Merchant Law; we need remedies and procedure to make the law work for us when someone breaches the law against us.

  4. The relationships between people in the world of business are regulated by the Law of Commercial Transactions.

  5. Land and what is erected on it or grown upon it, property which, on death of the owner, passes to his heir, is called real property, for example, a real estate.

  6. In broad and general sense, everything that is the subject of ownership and is not included into the concept of real property, is considered personal property. It includes money, goods, furniture, animals as well as such personal property as stocks, shares, patents and copyrights.

  7. Everything that can be felt or touched is called tangible property.

  8. Intangible property is connected with a right rather than a physical object. Examples would be patents, stocks, bonds, goodwill, trademarks, franchises, copyrights.

  9. Equity generally means justice or fairness. Historically, equity refers to a separate body of law developed in England in reaction to the inability of the common law courts to provide a remedy for every injury. The principle of Equitable Law is to find a way to achieve a lawful result when legal procedure is inadequate. 72

    1. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Объектом вещного права является конкретная вещь.

  2. Все законодательство может быть разделено на гражданское и уголовное.

  3. Гражданское законодательство может быть разделено на вещное право, договорное право, и деликтное право.

  4. Если будет нанесен ущерб собственности юридических и физических лиц, то может быть использовано деликтное право.

  5. При необходимости продажи земли может быть использовано договорное право.

  6. Для передачи наследства используется наследственное право.

  7. Для регулирования платежных операция используется право оборотных документов.

  8. Торговое право регулирует коммерческую и производственную деятельность.

  9. В случае нарушения законов необходимо использование средств судебной защиты и судопроизводства.

  10. Интеллектуальная собственность относится к категории нематериальной собственности.

  11. Гражданские правонарушения включают нарушения прав личности, права владения собственностью, нарушение других прав.

  12. Нападение на человека, избиение его означает нарушение прав личности.

  13. Воровство и ограбление человека со взломом помещения означает нарушение права владения собственностью. Небрежность, халатность означают осуществление конкретным человеком таких действий, которые другие благоразумные люди на его месте не совершили бы в аналогичных или сходных обстоятельствах.

  14. Опрометчивость, грубая неосторожность (recklessness) означает совершение определенных действий без учета того, являются ли эти действия безопасными для других. При этом тот, кто эти действия совершает, знает или имеет все основания полагать, что его действия создают ситуацию, когда возникает большой риск нанесения вреда другим лицам.73

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