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Infinitive. Complex Object. Complex Subject.

Task 1. Write different forms of the Infinitive.

  1. Indefinite Passive (to translate – to be translated)

to receive, to defend, to defeat, to tell, to write, to read, to do

  1. Continuous Active (to translate – to be translating)

to develop, to make, to discuss, to look, to give, to take, to examine, to watch, to enter

  1. Perfect Passive (to translate – to have been translated)

to send, to finish, to teach, to arrest, to offer, to attack, to make, to do

  1. Perfect Continuous (to translate – to have been translating)

to live, to work, to tell, to teach, to discuss, to look through

Task 2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the forms of the Infinitive.

1. The witnesses were glad to help the accused.

2. The prosecutor was satisfied to have been working at this case with Mr. Brown during the trial.

3. The lawyers were glad to have been invited to train law students.

4. The judge is qualified to decide such law questions.

5. The jury was directed to follow the instructions of the judge.

6. We were satisfied to have been hearing the discussion.

7. Mr. Smith is happy to be found not guilty.

8. The jury is ready to start their deliberations.

9. The accused appeared to be living in this district.

10. He hoped to be earning his living by his new profession.

11. They expected the death penalty to have been abolished in this country.

Task 3. Translate into Russian and define the functions of the Infinitives.

  1. A simple majority of the jury is enough to reach a verdict.

  2. The law presumes the accused to be innocent until his guilt has been proven.

  3. To use custody is a sanction of last resort.

  4. The defendant prefers to be discharged at once.

  5. The person is unfit to be tried.

  6. To inform the defense of the witness whose evidence may not help the accused and whom the prosecution does not propose to call is a job of the prosecution.

  7. To have made the same mistake twice was unforgivable.

  8. He discovered how to open the safe.

  9. The solicitor encouraged me try to appeal again.

  10. He was the only one to be imposed a sentence of imprisonment.

Task 4. Use the particle “to” with the Infinitive where necessary.


1 We asked how ______ get to station.

2. Let him _____ do what he wants.

3. Never make children ____ eat if they are not hungry.

4. Why not _____discuss it together?

5. I’d rather ___ ask strangers for help than my own brother.

6. He pretended not _____ notice me.

7. I was made ____ do it.

8. Mike heard a baby ____ cry.

9. They wanted Tom _____stay with them.

10. The police didn’t allow the crowd ______ approach the City Hall.

11. I’d like ____ see the concert.

12. Would you like ____ go abroad?

13. Couldn’t we ___ pop down in the bar for a game of darts?

14. Mother advised me ____ talk to them seriously.

15. You’d better ____ hurry up.


  1. Let him ____ help you with your work.

  2. He would rather die than _____ betray his friends.

  3. Have you ever heard him _____ complain of his colleagues?

  4. The policeman made the young offender _____ write all the details of his crime.

  5. She seems ____ know a great lot about this case.

  6. All I have ____ do is _____ inform his relatives.

  7. There is hardly anything ___ do but ____ wait.

  8. Let them _____ come as early as possible.

  9. Let me ____ give you some advice.

  10. . We expected him ___ do this work in time.

11. I’d rather ___ go to Italy.

12. Why not ___take this book for reading in class?

13. He promised___ find some books for us.

14. Mum made m___ do homework first.

15. The children were allowed ___ leave early.

16. I felt someone ___ touch my cheek.

17. He may ___ be still working there.

18. The accused refused ___ answer the questions of the officer.

19. I was made ___ wait for 2 hours.

Task 5. Translate the sentences with Complex Subject.

  1. He was known to be a gloomy man.

  1. The train was heard to approach.

  1. The performance was expected to be a success.

  2. The poem is believed to be written by an unknown author.

  3. The crop is supposed to be good this year.

  4. They seem to have heard all about it.

  5. I happened to overhear their conversation.

  6. He is not likely to change his opinion.

  7. He is sure to have noticed it.

  8. Through the open window the people were heard to speak Spanish.

  9. He appeared to be the best policeman in the district.

  10. The expedition is supposed to have reached the place of its destination.

  11. Bernard Shaw was known to be a very witty man.

  12. Our climate is considered to be very healthy.

  13. The British Prime-minister is reported to arrive next week.

  14. The book is said to be popular with both old and young people.

  15. I happened to be present at the meeting.

  16. The language of the article turned out to be too difficult for our students.

Task 6. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to Complex Object and Complex Subject.


  1. The investigator wanted the criminalist to take pictures of the objects in the crime scene.

  2. The Police Chief considered robbery detectives of the Investigative Division to have been helpful.

  3. The detective saw the suspect cross the street and enter the building.

  4. The investigator expected the suspect to give him useful information.

  5. The accused expected the lawyer to ask him questions about the details of the accident.

  6. We want the policemen to feel proud of their profession.

  7. The citizens must know the members of the Parliament to be honest public servants who want to be respected in the society.

  8. I heard the door of the courtroom open.

  9. I saw the public meet the verdict with satisfaction.

  10. We all know him to be a very experienced lawyer.

  11. On hearing the verdict the accused felt his heart beat with joy.

  12. The data proved to be wrong.

  13. A local authority is known to be responsible for making decisions in the county.

  14. The young offender is said to have been brought to court.

  15. He was seen to be working very hard.


1. The reaction is unlikely to take place.

2. The data have been admitted to be incorrect.

3. This reaction was found to be inefficient.

4. These results may be presumed to be successful.

5. The system can be expected to give a good basis for our research.

6. The investigation was announced to proceed in a satisfactory way.

7. The conditions seem to have been poorly chosen.

8. The crime rate proved to be increasing.

9. This investigation is likely to produce good results.

10. The fact may be proved to be of great importance.

11. The technique is believed to have become a norm. The efficiency of this method can be predicted to be high.

12. The reaction could appear to involve the force.

13. Negative attitude of the public is assumed to arise from improper actions of the police.

14. The burglary is imagined to occur under certain favorable circumstances.

15. These results are argued to be very good.

16. The operational conditions have been estimated to be extremely difficult.

Task 7.

Read the text and find all the cases of the use of Complex Subject and Complex Object. Translate the questions into Russian.

1. One of the most famous private policing agencies in the world, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, is believed to have been founded in 1850 in a small Chicago office by a young Scottish immigrant Allan Pinkerton. The firm’s trademark is known to be an open eye, underlined with the slogan, “We never sleep”. And curiously, the Pinkerton National Detective Agency is considered to be responsible for the term ‘private eye’ in the American language. Alan Pinkerton himself is supposed to have devised what is today’s “rogues’ gallery”. The Pinkerton’s rogues’ gallery proves to contain detailed descriptions of known criminals including their physical characteristics, backgrounds, companions, and hideouts. His organization is certain to never close a rogues’ gallery case until the individual was officially declared dead. The Pinkerton National Detective Agency’s staff is reported to have been increased from 9 detectives in 1850 to 13 thousand people working in 70 departments of the firm all over the USA. Robert Pinkerton, the representative of the fourth generation of the detectives’ family, appears to be at the head of the firm now.

2. The FBI tradition of service is known to be realized in the Bureau’s motto “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity”.

3. Vollmer, Healy and Smith are known to have contributed much to police education.

4. According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report robbery, rape, assault and murder are reported to have been increases by 224, 121, 117 and 76 per cent respectively between 1960 and 1970.

5. The Los Angeles Police Department is acknowledged to be one of the finest in the world.

6. The first modern polygraph or lie-detector is considered to have been constructed in 1921 by John A. Larson, a medical student at the University of California, working with a member of the local police department.

7. Hypnosis is reported to be particularly effective in helping witnesses give descriptions of criminals, relate the details of violent sexual attacks, and recall the scenarios immediately preceding certain accidents.

8. Portable field chemical kits are known to have been developed to help police detect narcotics and dangerous drugs.

Task 8. Choose the right form of the Infinitive.

  1. The article is difficult (перевести).

  1. to have translated b) to be translating c) to translate

  1. They proved unable ( решить) the dispute.

  1. to settle b) to have been settled c) to be settled

  1. You do not seem (иметь) a good knowledge of history.

  1. to have had b) to be having c) to have

  1. Let the children (собраться ) in the hall.

  1. to have been gathered b) gather c) to gather

  1. They are known (награждать ) with medals recently.

  1. to have been decorated b) to be decorated

c) to decorate

  1. The children are glad (обучаться) music.

  1. to be taught b) have taught c) to be teaching

  1. He waited for the paper (опубликовать).

  1. to publish b) published c) to be published67

Task 9. Infinitive or –ing form?

1. I remembered (turn off) the oven.

2. Don’t forget (post) the letter.

3. I remember (spend) holidays in the South when I was a kid.

4. I stopped (tie) up my shoelace.

5. He stopped (wear) ties years ago.

6. We regret (inform) you that we cannot offer you the post.

7. She regretted (accept) the job after the first day.

8. I saw them (cross) the street, but I don’t know whether they crossed it after all.

9. I’d rather (stay) home.

10. I heard her (sing) yesterday.

Task 10.. Translate into English.

1. Она слишком молода, чтобы понять это. 2. Извиняться не за что. 3. Спорить не о чем. 4. Он пришел первым. 5. Он хочет, чтобы она забыла об этом. 6. Заставьте его арестовать этого человека. 7. Она не разрешает пользоваться ее телефоном. 8. Его считают опытным врачом. 9. Маловероятно, что он способен выполнить это задание. 10. Сообщают, что корабль зашел в порт. 11. Он, несомненно, придет. 12. Я видел, как преступник забрался в окно.

Task 11. Translate into English.

  1. Студент слышал, как профессор упомянул в своей лекции о важности любых улик.

  2. Таможенник видел, что такси остановилось у двери.

  3. Никто не заметил, что следователь вышел из комнаты.

  4. Свидетель слышал, как дверь открылась и кто-то вошел в комнату.

  5. Было известно, что он опытный судья.

  6. Предполагают, что суд присяжных может состоять минимум из 9 человек.

  7. Он порядочный человек и, несомненно, поможет своему другу, с которым дружит так много лет.

  8. Ожидают, что эксперт прибудет завтра.

  9. Кажется, никто не заметил серьезных ошибок в следствии.

  10. Адвокаты полагали, что экспертиза подтвердит их версию.

  11. Прокурор утверждал, что необходимо применить самую суровую статью уголовного кодекса.

  12. Я слышал, что полицейский сдал оружие после смены.

  13. Он сказал, чтобы ничего никому не давали без его разрешения.

  14. Солиситор попросил, чтобы ему рассказали подробнее об этом деле.

  15. Нарушитель был слишком напуган, чтобы понять вашу шутку.

  16. Я не знаю его достаточно хорошо, чтобы попросить у него денег.

  17. Вы не можете купить собственность без помощи солиситора.

  18. План нашей работы будет обсуждаться завтра на заседании.

  19. Ему нечего было сказать в свое оправдание.

  20. Вы как раз тот человек, который может нам помочь в этом вопросе.

Subjunctive Mood. Conditional Sentences.

Sentences with “wish”.

Task 12. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. I wish I were cleverer. I wish I had been cleverer 10 years ago. Then I would not have made so many mistakes in my life.

  2. I wish you followed my advice.

  3. I wish he hadn’t been there at the moment of murder.

  4. I wish I had asked him where he had been at the time of the crime.

  5. He wished he hadn’t believed those promises.

  6. We wish all people lived in peace and harmony.

  7. I wish I had studied English at school. Now I have a lot of problems.

  8. I wish I could have talked to him before the trial.

  9. I wish it weren’t true.

  10. He wished he could run away.

  11. I wish I had my children with me. It’s such an interesting play!

  12. I wish he might have stayed here.

Task 13. Complete the sentences.

  1. If I recognized the criminal, I’d ….

  2. My heart would be broken if …

  3. If I were a millionaire’s daughter ….

  4. If I had written a novel …

  5. I would never forgive a friend if …

  6. I wish I had …

  7. We wish we …..

  8. We wish we had ….

Task 14. Use two or three words to complete the second sentence of each pair so that they mean the same as the first sentence.

  1. We haven’t got any matches to light the fire. – I wish _____ some matches.

  2. I can’t afford that skirt. - I wish _____ that skirt.

  3. She is very sad that she missed your wedding. - She _____ your wedding.

  4. You always make a mess in the kitchen! - I wish _____ make a mess in the kitchen!

  5. We were late for the train, so then we missed our flight! - If only _____ late for the train!

  6. You live too far away, so we never see each other. - If only ____ closer to me.

  7. I can’t do this biology homework. It’s too difficult. - I ____ better at biology.

  8. I love China but I can’t speak the language. – I wish _____ Chinese.

  9. I ate a disgusting pizza. - I wish _____ that pizza.

  10. You’re always complaining! - I wish _____ stop complaining! 68

Task 15. Choose the correct response.

  1. I want to be there with you, but I’m too busy.

  1. I wish you were here too.

  2. I wish you had been here too.

  3. If only you are here too.

  1. You’re lazy and your room’s a mess and you haven’t done your homework.

  1. I wish you stop criticizing me.

  2. If only you shut up!

  3. I wish you would stop criticizing me.

  1. Our exam is on Thursday.

  1. If only we won’t have to do this exam!

  2. I wish we didn’t have to do this exam!

  3. I wish the exam be on Friday.

  1. You didn’t have to buy those new chairs. I’ve already ordered a new sofa.

  1. If only you had told me earlier.

  2. If only you told me earlier.

  3. I wish you would tell me earlier.

  1. There’ no room for all your friends to stay.

  1. I wish there were more room.

  2. I wish we had a bigger house.

  3. If only we had a bigger house.

  1. You have to keep working. All of this must be finished by 5 o’clock.

  1. I wish you gave me a break.

  2. I wish I could take a break.

  3. If only I could stop now.

  1. You’re too young to come in here.

  1. I wish I was older.

  2. If only I’m older.

  3. I wish I can go in.

  1. That film was absolutely terrible.

  1. I wish we had gone somewhere else.

  2. If only we saw a different film.

  3. I wish we hadn’t wasted our money. 69

Task 16. Complete the second sentence of each pair using the verbs in brackets so that they mean the same as the first sentences.

  1. It was my first time in Scotland. (go)

I wish _____ Scotland before.

  1. I hate smoking but I can’t give up! (stop)

I wish I ______ .

  1. When I arrived the room was dirty. (clean)

I wish _____ before I arrived.

  1. That lottery ticket was a winner, but you threw it away. (throw)

If only you _____ the ticket!

  1. I love tennis, but I’m not very good at it. (be)

I wish ____ better at tennis.

  1. I didn’t hear his lecture. I came too late. (hear)

I wish _____ that lecture.

  1. I did not use all the opportunities.

I wish _____ the opportunities.

  1. The exam is tomorrow and I haven’t finished the work yet.

I wish ______ studying earlier.

  1. It will be nice if you could go with us.

I wish ______ go with us.

Task 17. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Жаль, что я не могу с ней поговорить.

  2. Жаль, что я не мог поговорить с ней вчера.

  3. Жаль, что я не попытался помешать ему.

  4. Жаль, если ваши планы не осуществятся.

  5. Хорошо было бы, если бы он нам помог с бумагами.

  6. Если бы только они были сейчас здесь!

  7. Жаль, что он не послушался твоего совета.

  8. Было бы сейчас лето!

  9. Если бы только все были здоровы!

  10. Жаль, что ты не можешь поехать в отпуск с нами.

Task 18. Translate the conditional sentences into Russian.

  1. Conditions would be better if there were fewer prisoners.

  2. If parents brought up their children properly, there would not be so many juvenile delinquents.

  3. If laws were stricter, people would not commit fewer crimes.

  4. If the driver had not been drunk, the consequences of the accident would not have been so tragic.

  5. If she had a sense of humour, she would not be offended by our jokes.

  6. If everybody thought about the ecology of our planet, our life would be much happier.

  7. If Stolypin had managed to realize the reforms he offered, the development of Russia might have been different.

  8. Your memory would be better if you learned poems by heart.

  9. If Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut in the world, had not coped with the problem in space, she would have perished.

  10. If children discussed moral problems at school, their attitude to laws and crime might be more mature.

Task 19. Discuss the following situations.

  1. What would you do if you lived in one of the houses that will be destroyed? What would be the best form of the protest? How would you encourage other people to join your protest?

  2. What would you do if you found a wallet with a lot of money and cards in the street? Have you ever lost something valuable?

Task 20. The sentences below refer to the past. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

  1. The sentence ___ (be) longer if they ____ (steal) any money.

  2. If the windows ___ (be) locked, the burglars ____ (choose) another house.

  3. The customers ___ (be) frightened if they ____ (think) it was a real robbery.

  4. The police ____ (not/arrest) them if they ____ (not/find) the missing bag with the money.

  5. If the witness ____ (explain) the situation properly, the judge ___ (not/ask) so many questions.

  6. If the driver ___ (drive) more carefully, the accident ____ (not/happen).

Task 21. Read the story and write five sentences about the story with if in the past perfect.

Example: If the owners had been at home, the thief wouldn’t have broken into the house.

One evening a thief broke into a house in the village of Lachelle. The owners were not there because they had gone to visit some friends. The thief had not eaten all day and was extremely hungry. He found a packet of biscuits in the kitchen and ate them. He then felt thirsty and, finding a bottle of champagne in the fridge, drank that. The thief felt sleepy and decided to have a little rest before robbing the house. Unfortunately, he did not wake up and the owners of the house found him on their bed when they returned. He was still asleep when the police arrived.70

Task 22. Think of some situations which would not have happened if the circumstances had been different.

Task 23. Are you a survivor?

What would you do if …

A it was late at night and your car skidded off the road into the river and began sinking fast, upside down?

B you were in the middle of a large field when you suddenly saw an angry bull coming towards you?

C you were trapped by fire in an upstairs bedroom in a house?

D you were driving at 100 km/p/h downhill and your brakes failed?

E you were cooking chips and the pan suddenly caught fire?

F you ran out of petrol crossing a desert by car, alone, and you had very little water and no idea where you were?

G you picked up a hitch-hiker in your car and he/she took out a knife and told you to drive to a place 100 kilometers away?

Here are some people’s first reaction to the situations above. Match each answer to the appropriate situation.

1. I’d throw it in the sink.

2. I’d try to open one of the doors.

3. I wouldn’t go too far away from the car.

4. I’d try to signal to someone with my lights.

5. I’d tie a handkerchief over my mouth and nose.

6. First, I’d tie a handkerchief very tightly around it.

7. I’d sound the horn to warn other drivers to get out of the way.

8. I wouldn’t run. I’d start walking backwards very slowly.

Write down what you would do in each situation.

From groups, discuss and write down:

- What you think would be the best thing(s) to do in situations A-H.

- What you think you shouldn’t do.

- Each group then tells the class their opinions.71

Stop and check 3

  1. Translate the following words and expressions into English:

1) заключенный (2)

2) исправительные учреждения

3) малолетние преступники

4) предотвратить побег

5) жертва

6) компенсация

7) надзор

8) наказание (2)

9) совершать преступление

10) лишать родительских прав

11)условный приговор

12) общественные работы

13) дисквалификация

14) коррупция

15) тюрьма строгого режима

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