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4.3. Find Russian equivalents for the italicised set expressions and translate the sentences:

A. 1. If you don’t take care of your teeth you’ll stand a good chance of loosing them. 2. The new type of refrigerator prolongs the storage life of food. 3. Market economies rest upon the principle of individual freedom. 4. In implementing the programme they faced a lot of unexpected problems. 5. Do you have many top student’s in your class? 6. A new second-hand clothes store was opened in our district. 7. The nurse gave him an injection of penicillin. 8. Let’s knock a hole in the wall. 9. Tom would not lift a finger to solve the problem. 10. When he regained consciousness, he found himself in hospital.

B. 1. The arrow hit the target. 2. It was a narrow escape for him. 3. She survived the operation. 4. The air was rich with the scent of summer flowers. 5. The earthquake caused much damage. No loss of life was reported. 6. He often meets with misfortune. 7. He backed the car into the garage. 8. The child clung to its mother’s skirt. 9. Don’t encourage him in his idle ways. 10. I intended no hurt to his feelings.

C. 1. He didn’t want her to ask him any questions. 2. Pay attention to the spelling of the word. 3. She takes a keen interest in history. 4. He hoped he’d manage to gain his living. 5. Last night I had a wonderful dream. 6. The train runs from London to Manchester. 7. Rich feeding does more harm than good. 8. They were looking at terraces rising from the sea. 9. Let us take an example. 10. Unfortunately, he missed the 5 p.m. train.

D. 1. The ship went aground. 2. It’s not easy to get on friendly terms with him. 3. Mr. Smith was asked to arbitrate the dispute. 4. The lawyers argued the case for hours. 5. He was placed behind prison bars. 6. His fingers were bitten by the frost. 7. Her failure to pass the examination was a great disappointment. 8. Where does the blame lie for our failure? 9. Large, black clouds announced a coming storm. 10. My life is entirely given up to work.

E. 1. The idea struck me greatly. 2. Don’t play the fool. 3. Mr. Smith consulted Mr. Green on the matter. 4. The mist lifted. 5. Snakes renew their skins. 6. He came across an interesting fact. 7. All-round co-operation among the countries is very important. 8. We are always short of time. 9. It takes an hour to get there. 10. They put forward two questions for discussion.


Язык математики


Правила написания чисел

1. Основное различие при написании чисел в английских и русских текстах заключается в использовании точек и запятых. По английским правилам пунктуации точка отделяет десятичные знаки от целых частей, а в русском языке для этих целей используется запятая. В английской пунктуации запятая отделяет разряды целых чисел.

2. Ноль может опускаться при написании десятичных дробей.

3. Большое количество нулей после точки в английских десятичных дробях может заменяться нулем в соответствующей степени (см. таблицу).






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