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7.5. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words with ing-ending:

A. 1. The monument needs restoring. 2. The monument of what century are you restoring? 3. The monument of what century is being restored? 4. The experts restoring the monument were provided with modern equipment. 5. With the help of a magnet we can hold two metal plates together without tying them. 6. He pointed out that the assembling time of the apparatus was very short. 7. The police were informed of the criminals having appeared in the city. 8. The committee studied the problem of improving the bus service in the town without increasing the number of buses operating on the routs. 9. Increasing population of the world changes the face of the Earth. 10. Heating the substance to high temperature may change its properties. 11. Being heated to high temperature the substance considerably expanded. 12. The substance was being heated for three hours.

B. 1. Leaving the earth means moving upwards against gravity, and this requires work. 2. The moon keeps moving around the earth without slowing down considerably. 3. Before discussing the method it is necessary to get some additional information. 4. It’s a device for converting an optical image into an electrical signal. 5. They succeeded in solving the two problems. 6. His measuring of pressure was accurate. 7. They had difficulties in transmitting the signal. 8. We can improve the device by making it lighter. 9. They told us of his having solved the problem. 10. For radically improving the vehicle he was granted a patent.


Перевод инфинитива. Цепочки существительных


Инфинитив является неличной формой глагола, как причастие и герундий: он только называет действие, но не имеет лица, числа и наклонения. Перевод инфинитива на русский язык зависит от его функции в предложении:

1. Подлежащее: To test the air balloon is very important. Очень важно провести испытания воздушного шара.

2. Часть составного сказуемого: His plan was to test the air balloon. Он планировал провести испытания воздушного шара.

3. Дополнение: He decided to test the air balloon. Он решил провести испытания воздушного шара.

4. Обстоятельство: To test the air balloon he needs very accurate measuring instruments. - Ему нужны очень точные приборы для испытания воздушного шара. An oxygen atom combines two hydrogen atoms to form a molecule of water. - Молекула воды образуется при соединении атома кислорода с двумя атомами водорода.

5. Определение: The balloon to test was very large. - Испытываемый аэростат был очень большой.

6. Часть составного сказуемого со словами likely, unlikely: The air balloon is likely to be safe. - Вполне вероятно, что этот воздушный шар совершенно безопасен. The air balloon is unlikely to be safe. - Маловероятно, что этот воздушный шар вполне безопасен.

7. Часть сложного дополнения (COMPLEX OBJECT): We know him to test air balloons. - Мы знаем, что он испытывает воздушные шары.

8. Часть сложного подлежащего (COMPLEX SUBJECT): He is known to test air balloons. - Известно, что он испытывает воздушные шары. She is said to have published the book. – Говорят, она опубликовала книгу.

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