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1.2. Find Russian equivalents for the English proverbs:

1. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 2. Curiosity killed the cat. 3. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4. It is not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 5. Second thoughts are best. 6. If we can't as we would, we must do as we can. 7. What's done can't be undone. 8. Dog doesn't eat dog. 9. In the end things will mend. 10. Everything is good in its season. 11. Between two evils it's not worth choosing. 12. When candles are out all cats are grey. 13. Hasty climbers have sudden falls. 14. Company in distress makes trouble less. 15. True coral needs no painter's brush.

1.3. Translate the sentences:

1. It took her a long time to find out on her own what many had long since known but too well: “What can't be cured must be endured”. 2. “I'm a free man and I'm not going to dance after your pipe”, he said.

3. I don't believe you any longer. You've learned to cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 4. She really thinks that fine feathers make fine birds.

Unit 2




Первая лексическая трудность перевода заключается в различии признаков, определяющих происхождение слова в различных языках (рис. 1).

Например, происхождение англ. “glasses”, рус. “очки” и нем. “Brille” основано на разных признаках одного и того же понятия (рис.2).

Рис.1 Рис.2

2.1 Compare the origin of these English words with the origin of corresponding Russian words:

MODEL: English a horseshoe < horse + shoe

Russian подкова < ковать

A newspaper, a head-wind, a lighthouse, a face (of a watch), a hair-dresser, a sun-flower, field-glasses, wall-paper, a tail-wind, a watch, a window, a plate-rack, a record-player, a tape-recorder.

2.2. Translate the sentences paying attention to italicized words and word combinations:

1. There were snowdrifts 20 inches deep. 2. He lives next door. 3. He is a well known brain surgeon. 4. The volume of gas is intimately dependent on temperature. 5. We need accurate weather forecast. 6. That is a result of careful selection. 7. They introduced an automatic control system. 8. It was an old record-player. 9. He couldn't find his pocket-knife anywhere. 10. From the earliest times human beings have wondered about the shape of the earth.

2.3. Find the words and word combinations to which Russian words with different signs correspond to and translate them:

1. It's high time to air the room. 2. Our living standards depend greatly on agriculture. 3. I don't need an alarm-clock. I can wake up myself. 4. The balance can measure very small weights. 5. The boy likes his bicycle very much. 6. The brilliant idea occurred to me. 7. He has shot a few very nice pictures with his new camera. 8. Nickel provides the top coat on the telescope mirror. 9. It's a use-and-discard instrument. 10. Could you name any characters of the novel?

2.4. Translate the sentences:

1. Long-distance spacemen will have to drink and re-drink the same water, over and over again. 2. The careful selection of metals and increased accuracy of voltage measuring instruments has made it possible to increase the range of the thermocouple to embrace very low temperatures. 3. The safety of personnel engaged in gamma-inspection of articles is ensured by the construction of protection devices, the reduction of exposure time and by increasing the distance between gamma-sources and attending personnel. 4. A molecule of protein is made from 20 different kinds of amino acid molecules, strung together in a polypeptide chain. 5. The compressor is particularly suitable for filling compressed air bottles.


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