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Пособие по англ.яз.1 курс 2 семестр.docx
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1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is food essential to the nutrition? 2. What are the chief constituents of foods? 3. What is the main function of food? 4. Why should people eat?

2. Переведите на английский язык.

потреблять питательную и разнообразную пищу; способствовать жизнедеятельности организма; ссылаться на вещества как основу диеты человека; зависеть от ежедневного питания; классифицировать составляющие пищи на группы; восстанавливать ткани; составлять наибольшее количество; терять способность работать; использовать питательную ценность продуктов; регулировать жизненные процессы организма

3. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

food is necessary to the nutrition of any human being; if the quantity or type of food is not sufficient; foods which we take in are often complicated substances; the benefit that food makes to the body; the main constituents of foods are divided into six groups; the capability of the body to use food constituents; the body’s requirement for energy is satisfied through carbohydrates, proteins and fats; the regulation of body processes is usually considered as a special function of water and other chief food constituents; water, proteins and carbohydrates constitute the largest amount of food constituents

4. Укажите номера пропущенных сказуемых.

I.The chief constituents of food ... into six groups. 2.The body processes ... by means of the chief constituents of food. 3. When the amount of food is inadequate the capacity to work ... 4.The regulation of body processes ... as the function of water, organic acids, minerals, cellulose and vitamins. 5. Foods…to as substances which supply energy, build and repair tissues, and regulate body processes.6. The body’s need for energy ... through carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 7. Food … of various constituents such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. 8.The substances forming a part of our usual diet ... as food. 9. The need for building and repairing tissues is primarily met by proteins and minerals, though these ... by other constituents. 10. Food constituents and their contribution to the body ... at the next lecture.

1. is made up 2. is met 3. are referred 4. are classified 5. will be discussed 6. are regulated 7. are supplemented 8. is regarded 9. is lost 10. are defined

«Why do we eat?»

  1. Прочитайте текст, выделив из каждого абзаца основную мысль.

  2. Озаглавьте последний абзац. 3. Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос, содержащийся в заглавии.

No record exists to tell us who first began to think about why we eat or about various effects of foods, but the ancient Greek philosophers and doctors commented along these lines. Socrates said, the purpose of food is to replace the water lost through the skin and the loss of heat from the body. Hipocrates, the “father of medicine”, thought that growing bodies should have more heat than those of older people and so require more food, that neither overeating nor fasting is a good idea.

Lavoisier thought that the combustion1 that produces body heat should occur in the lungs, but later several chemists could show that the oxygen combines with the red corpuscles of the blood and is carried to the tissues in all parts of the body to supply energy where it is needed.

Understanding of the composition of foods and what happens to them after they are eaten had to wait for several discoveries in chemistry. What happens to food from the time it is eaten until it is oxidized to produce heat and mechanical energy, could not be learned until the chemical nature of foods was discovered. And the foods appear to be very complex organic substances.

Foods are composed of organic substances far too complex to be understood with the state of chemistry as it was in the first half of the nineteenth century. Modern work on digestion and nutrition began about a century ago.

Although scientists had attempted to learn why we eat, they could learn very little. We might sum up their accomplishments by saying they learned that all animals inhale oxygen, combine it with the food to produce carbon dioxide, heat, and the energy with which they could move about. The chemistry of that time could not tell more.

Now we know that we should eat to have energy. When the nutritionist uses the word “energy” he means the capacity to do work. To him “work” is movement. All work requires energy and work involves motion; therefore, the more a person moves about, the more energy he requires. Even when a man is asleep he is still partly in motion because his heart, lungs and most of the other organs are working.

1- combustion - сгорание