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3. Give Russian equivalents of the following (use explanations as a guide):

1. In this particular field they are far ahead of other researches, having made a much earlier start (far ahead — well in advance).

2. This particular matter can be registered far outside the terrestrial atmosphere (far outside — beyond the limits of).

3. So far we have made little progress here (so far — to this point or extent).

4. This tendency is certainly to the benefit of science of the world (to the benefit (of) — for the good of, in the interest of).

5. It was not so easy to get at the root of the trouble (to find out what was the real cause) (at the root — at the source or origin).

6. You must complete the preliminary experiment in time to be able to continue the work (in time — not late, early enough).

7. You will learn how to do it in time (in time — sooner or later; after the passing of an indefinite period of time).

8. It was rather easy to fit the pieces together but it was difficult to keep the entire system in running order (in running order — in good working condition).

4. Make up English-Russian pairs of the word groups equivalents in meaning:

1. At any rate; 2. at great expense; 3. at least; 4. at once; 5. as soon as; 6. at the edge of; 7. by no means; 8. from now; 9. in full; 10. in general; 11. in the long run; 12. let alone; 13. not (no) . . . at all; 14. of necessity; 15. of one's own; 16. on the one hand . . . on the other hand; 17. some day; 18. that long.

1. В конечном счете (в далеком будущем); 2. в любом случае; 3. вообще; 4. как только; 5. когда-нибудь; 6. на грани; 7. никоим образом; 8. оставляя в стороне; 9. отныне, с данного момента; 10. полностью; 11. по меньшей мере; 12. по необходимости; 13. с большими затратами; 14. собственный; 15. совсем не; 16. с одной стороны … с другой стороны; 17. сразу; 18. так долго.

5. Give Russian equivalents of the n'. . . N". . . N groups and of the hyphenated word groups:

A. 1. A science student; a physics department (of an university); a computer project. 2. In the text to follow people who were involved in the development of the first computer, are referred to as «a computer group» or «computer people», and those who supported the idea of an accelerator, are mentioned as “accelerator enthusiasts”.

B. Short-range and long-range forecasts; a problem of a longterm nature; an unexpected break-through into a new field; a selfevident statement.

6. Give Russian equivalents of the following word groups:

1. to have room for (Earth has room for everything); 2. to give an opportunity (He was given an opportunity to continue his research); 3. to have an opportunity; 4. to throw away an opportunity (Once you have an opportunity, don't throw it away); 5. to take place (The process does not take place at such low temperatures); 6. to take into consideration (To solve the problem one must take into consideration all major factors involved); 7. to make an effort (He made no effort to rebuild the laboratory); 8. to make forecasts (It is very risky to make long-range forecasts); 9. to make smth. certain (All these factors make rapid progress in this field practically certain); 10. to present the case for (Two physicists will speak and present the respective cases for their fields of research); 11. to keep in touch (It is good for physics to keep in close touch with biology); 12. to come into being (New branches of science are coming into being); 13. to come to one's mind (An idea came to his mind of building quite a different machine); 14. to do research (He is doing research in the field of polymers); 15. to be of two minds (I don't know what to do, I am of two minds about it); 16. to be in a position (The Academy of Sciences is in a position to influence the distribution of funds); 17. to be at home (He knows the subject very well, he is quite at home in many fields); 18. to be in the forefront (Molecular biology is in the forefront of the search for knowledge).