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К теме № 12: Герундий

1. Translate the sentences with Gerunds and Gerund Construction into Russian:

1. Calculating consumer price index is part of general statistic procedure.

2. He could not help telling the results of the negotiations.

3. It is worth while having all the data together before discussing them.

4. Would you mind our taking part in the discussion?

5. High credit emission in 2nd quarter resulted in the inflation rate having been considerably raised.

6. Both the companies are alike in being represented in the European market.

7. In dealing with statistical data it is necessary to have all the factors involved.

8. Upon being shown in tables, the figures were subject to thorough analysis.

9. There is high probability of their being invited to the congress as special guests.

10. We’ll probably think of trying another approach in this matter.

11. The manager insisted on all the employees getting bonuses.

12. President Coleman’s being late was accepted with patience.

13. In spite of not having special training, they performed quite well at all the stages of the experiment.

14. In addition to being accommodated in double rooms, they were asked to check out of the hotel four hours before the usual times.

15. They objected to the talks being held without all the parties represented.

16. Do you think it’s worth while beginning this project without waiting for the confirmation to arrive?

17. Such result may be accounted for by their having started the experiment in the middle of the year.

18. Newton’s having discovered the laws of mechanics determined the development of science for many years to come.

19. I have no objection to your coming late.

20. We are concerned about the company's trading in raw materials.

21. She was very much surprised at his being so worried about the incident.

22. Do you know the reason for the miners stopping work?

23. Some parents don't approve of their children watching a lot of television.

24. I insist on both of them coming in time.

25. I can't imagine your mother approving of what you are doing.

26. He was against my going there alone.

27. I remember his saying it.

28. I object to children going out on such a windy day.

29. Our being tired is easy to explain.

30. Did you ever hear of a man of sense rejecting an offer?

2. Determine the form of Gerund and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I remember your having objected to this schedule.

  1. He entered the room without noticing her.

  2. We were surprised at hearing his name among the winners.

  3. Nothing could prevent him from playing tennis practically every day

  4. Did you have any difficulty in solving this problem?

  5. He improved his report by changing the end.

  6. She is against being sent to this faraway place.

8. Is there any possibility of their finding a suitable building material so soon?

9. They insisted on the question being reconsidered.

10. Flying is better for long journeys but travelling by car is more interesting.

11. Wood has many uses We use it for making chairs and tables. It is used for building houses. It is used for making matches.

12. Seeing is believing.

  1. 13. Smoking is not allowed in this building

  1. He tried to find an excuse for being late

  2. You should avoid hurting other people's feelings

  3. He was given an award for having saved the life of the little children.

  4. The director was responsible for the work being finished in time.