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V. C. Future Indefinite Tense



I, we (shall) / will work / go

he, she, it, you, they will work / go

I, we ( shall) / will not work / go

he, she, it, you, they will not work / go



Shall I, we work / go? – Yes, I (shall) / will.

Will he, she, it work / go? – No, he won’t.

Will you, they work / go? – Yes, I / We (shall) / will.

Where (shall) / will I, we work / go?

Where will he, she, it work / go?

Where will you, they work / go?

We shan’t discuss this question at the meeting tomorrow. Мы не будем обсуждать этот вопрос завтра на собрании.

They’ll go there tomorrow. Они пойдут туда завтра.

Shall I read? Мне читать?

What will you do tomorrow ? Что выбудете делатьзавтра?

V. D. Translate the sentences

a) 1. I’ll pay for the taxi. 2. He won’t leave any message. 3. There is no need to take an umbrella. It won’t rain. 4. She’ll do the shopping on Sunday. 5. Will you be quiet, please? 6. I hope you will pass the exam. 7. I’m too tired to walk. I think I will take a taxi. 8. It’s a secret. I won’t tell anybody. I promise. 9. Will you turn on the light?

b) 1. Shall I help you to carry the bag? 2. Will you come home early tonight? - Yes, I will. / No, I shan’t. I’ll work late. 3. Will you please stop talking? I’m trying to concentrate. 4. When will the talks take place? 5. I’ll have some roses, please.

V. E. Translate the sentences

1. Она много путешествует. Сегодня она в Лондоне. Завтра она будут в Риме. 2. Вы будете дома сегодня вечером? 3. Позвони мне вечером. Я буду дома. 4. Не пей кофе вечером. Ты не заснёшь. 5. Я думаю Диана сдаст экзамен. 6. Я забуду, а он не забудет. 7. Не думаю, что завтра будет дождь.

V. F. Translate the following word combinations

to enter the University, first-year student, the course of studies, to last 5 years, the head of the Faculty, computer classes, to study at the Faculty of Construction and Ecology, to train civil engineers, to train managers, attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests, do practical work, Soil and Water Protection Department, Real Estate Management Department, Building Construction Department, a coordinator of economic activities, graduate from the University, get diplomas, work at the plants

VI. A. Read the text Our Faculty

We are first-year students of Zabaikalsky State University of the Faculty of Construction and Ecology. The Faculty of Construction and Ecology was established in 1999 as a result of the reorganization of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, founded in 1972 on the basis of the Chita Branch of Irkutsk Technical Institute. The course of studies lasts 5 years. The head of the Faculty is Dean.

Highly skilled specialists including ten Doctors of Technical Sciences, professors, 32 Assistant - professors, Candidates of Technical Sciences, eight Correspondent members and academicians of the International Academy of Ecology and Human Safety Sciences are engaged in training the students.

The Faculty of Construction and Ecology trains specialists whose profession embraces many fields. There are several departments at the Faculty: Construction (Civil engineering and industrial Construction, Real Estate Management, Road Construction); Woodworking; Nature and Water Protection (Usage and Water Resources Protection, Soil Protection); Technospheric Safety (Safety of technological processes and Production safety, Environmental Protection, Protection in Emergencies).

I study at the Civil Engineering and Industrial Construction Department. There are 17 classrooms, a lecture room, two computer classes and 9 laboratories at this department.

We attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests and do practical work. We take exams at the end of each term. Every year a lot of young people graduate from the Universities and get diplomas. The graduates work at the plants and research Institutes. We can also find the graduates of our University at every major construction site.

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