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III. C. Translate the sentences

1. Let him explain the rule. 2. Don’t go there. 3. Let’s repeat this rule. 4. Let me translate the text. 5. Let’s go by bus. 6. Let’s do exercise 4 on page 6. 7. Don’t open the textbook. 8. Let’s go to Bulgaria for our holidays. 9. Let’s go and see a film this evening. 10. Don’t let her do it. 11. Don’t close the books. 12. Let’s have dinner at home. 13. Don’t open your dictionary.

IV. A. Practise the dialogues

a) Woman: Hello, Giovanni. Good to see you again. How are things?

Personnel Manager? Bryan, this is Giovanni Toncini. He’s from Italy. He works in Milan.

Bryan:Pleased to meet you, Mr Toncini.

Giovanni: Please, call me Giovanni.

Bryan: And I’m Bryan.

Woman: Have a seat, Giovanni.

Giovanni:Thank you.

Giovanni: Just fine. And you?

Woman: Oh, not too bad. Giovanni, do you know Bryan Turner, our new

Woman: How about some coffee, Giovanni?

Giovanni: Yes, please. Cream and sugar, please.

b) - Hello. How are you?

- I’m fine, thanks.

- Mary, this is Alice.

- How do you do? Nice to meet you!

IV. B. Расположите диалоги в правильном порядке

a) - Not bad, thanks. And you?

- Very well. How are the children?

- - Hi, Dave! How are you?

- They are fine.

b) - Fine, thanks. And you?

- Yes, all right. See you. Bye.

- I’m OK. Let’s go to the disco today.

- Hello, Pat. How are you?

V. A. Translate the following international words: сandidate [′kændidit], diploma [di′ploumə], academy [əkædəmi], prof. [prɔf] = professor [prə′fesə], taxi [′tæksi], technical [′teknikəl], Mars [mα:z], rose [rouz], organization [,ɔ:gənai′zeiən], reorganization [,riɔ:gənai′zeiən], resources [ri′sɔ:siz], technospheric [,teknə′sferik]

V. B. Study new words

basis [′beisis] основа

light свет, огонь

try [trai] пытаться

сorresponding member [,kɔris′pɔndiŋ] член-корреспондент

emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi] чрезвычайная ситуация, авария

graduate from [grædjueit] (the University) заканчивать

be tired of устать от

road [roud] дорога

tired [′taiəd] усталый

environmental [in,vaiərən′mentl] экологический

real estate [′ri:əl is′teit] недвижимое имущество

safety [seifti] безопасность, техника безопасности

as a result в результате

include [in′klu:d] включать

promise [′prɔmis] обещать

site [sait] площадка, сайт

soil [soil] почва, грунт

talks [tɔ:ks] переговоры wood [wud] дерево, лес

assistant – professor [ə′sistəntprə′fesə] доцент

construction site строительная площадка

embrace [im′breis] охватывать, заключать

establish [is′tæbli] учреждать, устанавливать

human [′hju:mən] человек, человеческий

usage[′ju:zidʒ] использование, употреблениеwoodworking [′wud′wə:kiŋ] деревообработка

carry [′kæri] нести, перевозить

civil engineeringстроительство

protection [prə′tekən] защита

take placeпроисходить, иметь место

anybody [eni,bɔdi] кто-нибудь, любой

engage [in'geidʒ] заниматься чем-л.

production[prə′dʌkən] производство

safety engineering техника безо­пасности

environment[in′vaiərənmənt] окружающая среда, природные условия

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