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  1. Insert the particle “to” where required in the following sentences with objective and subjective infinitive constructions. Explain your choice.

  2. She heard the front-door bell ... ring once or twice.

  3. I want you ... go away as soon as possible.

  4. He was made ... follow her orders.

  5. This dog seems prefer playing with little children.

  6. We like to watch the sun ... sink from the glistening sky.

  7. He was heard ... win the Hobal prize.

  8. What makes you ... believe this man?

  9. The ship was seen ... disappear somewhere in the horizon.

  10. She has made him ... play according to her rules.

  11. I heard somebody ... mention my name.

  12. He appeared ... know everything about our plan.

  13. He is supposed ... known more than he has said.

  1. Complete the following so as to use objective or subjective infinitive constructions.

  2. He appeared ...

  3. Do you expect me ...

  4. She was supposed ...

  5. I don’t want him ...

  6. I made her ...

  7. The students are expected ...

  8. He saw her ...

  9. He would permit me ...

  10. Many famous people are believed ...

  11. They seemed ...

  12. I hear her ...

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use subordinate clauses instead of the objective and subjective infinitive constructions.

  2. You seem to forget my offer.

  3. Everybody thought this man to be happy.

  4. I supposed my brother to have done it.

  5. It was supposed to be the only chance left.

  6. She expected him to ask her to dinner.

  7. This man was seen to enter the house.

  8. It appeared to be my fault.

  9. I’m sure you don’t want him to accept this invitation.

  10. When we came back I made her explain me everything.

  11. He is said to be a good fellow.

  12. I saw them quarrel.

  13. She is considered to know a lot of poetry by heart.

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use subjective and objective infinitive constructions instead of subordinate clauses.

  2. We thought that we were lucky.

  3. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for health.

  4. He found that he was thirsty.

  5. I felt that it was true.

  6. It is expected that they would like the performance.

  7. It appeared that he was loosing patience.

  8. He has surely noticed your mistakes.

  9. Do you think it is useless to wait any longer?

  10. Father likes it when his tea is strong.

  11. I am certain this treatment will help you a lot.

  12. It is likely there will be much snow this winter.

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using objective and subjective infinitive constructions.

  2. Было слышно, как в саду щебечут птицы.

  3. Вполне вероятно, что по характеру она похожа на своего отца.

  4. Я хочу, чтобы мы все были друзьями.

  5. Если он займется наукой, то, наверняка, станет хорошим ученым.

  6. Мы много раз слышали, как он рассказывал эту историю.

  7. Я вижу, вы меня понимаете и не сердитесь на меня.

  8. Если ты случайно встретишь его, пригласи его к нам в гости.

  9. Долгое время произведения подобного плана считались запрещенными.

  10. Он слышал, как она плакала в соседней комнате.

  11. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать.

  12. Она не любит, когда ей задают вопросы.

  13. У нас оказалось много общих знакомых.

  14. Полагают, что это открытие произведет фурор в мире науки.

  15. Как известно, многие талантливые люди несчастны в личной жизни.

  16. Она не заметила ни как я вошел, ни как я вышел.

  17. Я слышал, что они переехали в другой город.

  18. Он обязательно придет.

  1. Read the text.

  2. find the sentences with objective and subjective infinitive constructions. Translate them into Russian.

  3. find the sentences with the infinitive and define the functions of the infinitives.

  4. translate the whole text into Russian

  5. retell the text so as to use as many objective and subjective infinitive constructions as possible.

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