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V. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use objective infinitive constructions instead of the object clauses.

Model: I know you were right. - I know you to be right.

  1. They required that I should attend this lecture.

  2. The judge ordered that this person should be imprisoned.

  3. I believe they are very good in English.

  4. She saw that he was greatly surprised.

  5. He felt that she was unreasonable and unjust.

  6. I knew he was a kind person.

  7. I think his idea is the best one.

  8. She doesn't expect he'll think about her.

  9. My mother believes that I am just a kid.

  10. I haven't heard that anyone was calling me.

  11. The teacher didn't mean that you should do the whole task in written form.

  12. I think that he doesn't have any talent.

VI. Complete the following sentences so as to use objective infinitive constructions.

  1. I have never heard …

  2. She felt her heart …

  3. I want you …

  4. She hated …

  5. She didn't mean …

  6. She declared him …

  7. We know her …

  8. He intended the girl …

  9. She ordered the dress …

  10. I cannot get my child …

  11. What made you …

  12. The noise caused me …

  13. I won't have you …

  1. Translate the following sentences into English using objective infinitive constructions.

  2. Она чувствовала, как кровь приливает к ее щекам.

  3. Она распорядилась, чтобы чай подали в гостиную.

  4. Я не могу допустить, чтобы ты выглядел так небрежно.

  5. Девушка позволила молодому человеку проводить ее до дома.

  6. Мистер Браун приказал, чтобы ему срочно подали карету.

  7. Я хочу, чтобы вы пригласили меня в театр.

  8. Я не хочу, чтобы ты оставалась дома одна.

  9. Врач сказал, что я должен придерживаться его предписаний.

  10. Он хотел, чтобы я вышла за него замуж.

  11. Я не люблю, когда ты так на меня смотришь.

  12. Они вынудили меня подписать эти документы.

  13. Я предполагала, что ты первой придешь на экзамен.

  14. Я не слышал, что твоя сестра поступила в институт.

  15. Мы считаем, что он не виноват.

  16. Я не видел, как он вышел из дома и направился в сторону леса.

VIII. Read the text.

  1. find sentences with the objective infinitive constructions

  2. translate the text into Russian

  3. retell the text so as to use as many sentences with the objective infinitive construction as possible

Theatre (by s. Maughm) An Extract

Their play was running through August, and Michael had taken a house at Taplow so that they could spend the height of the summer there.

Julia was to come up for her performances and Michael when business needed it, but she would have the day in the country and Sundays. Tom had a fortnight's holiday; he accepted the invitation with alacrity.

But one day Julia noticed that he was unusually silent. He looked pale and his buoyant spirits had deserted him. She knew that something was wrong, but he would not tell her what it was; he would only say that he was worried to death. At last she forced him to confess that he had got into debt and was being dunned by tradesmen. The life into which she had led him had made him spend more money than he could afford, and ashamed of his cheap clothes at the grand parties to which she took him, he had gone to an expensive tailor and ordered himself new suits. He had backed a horse hoping to make enough money to get square and the horse was beaten. To Julia it was a very small sum that he owed, a hundred and twenty-five pounds, and she found it absurd that anyone should allow a trifle like that to upset him. She said at once that she would give it to him.

“Oh, I couldn’t. I couldn’t take money from a woman”.

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