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  1. Point out subjective infinitive constructions in the following sentences. Translate the sentence into Russian.

1. I don’t happen to find out the truth.

  1. This play is sure to be interesting for you.

  2. He is not likely to know anything about this case.

  3. She was never seen to be so excited.

  4. This person is known to be a good teacher and lecturer.

  5. A new town is supposed to be built in this district.

  6. They are believed to have already reached their place of destination.

  7. He is not likely to be made to do anything if she doesn’t want to do it.

  8. She was not expected to arrive so early.

  9. Do you happen to know this man?

  10. You don’t seem to like his offer.

  11. We appeared to have met somewhere.

  12. Now our investigations can be considered to be finished.

  13. They turned out to be good friends.

  14. This teacher is said to be working out a new method of teaching.

  15. She is sure to pass her entrance exams successfully.

  16. The experiment proved to be a failure.

  17. He is sure to come.

  18. This book seemed to be very interesting from the very beginning.

  1. Paraphrase the following so as to use a subjective infinitive construction.

Model: Nobody ever saw him smile or look happy. -He was never seen to smile or look happy.

  1. We know this writer to have been a very witty man.

  2. My sister doesn’t allow me to touch her books.

  3. People consider the rest at the seaside to be very healthful.

  4. Nothing could make me change my mind.

  5. Who do you suspect to have offered this plan?

  6. Everybody heard him say that terrible story.

  7. It is said that this book is popular with both old and young.

  8. It seems that you don’t approve of the idea.

  9. We are sure that everything will turn out all right.

  10. It is likely there will be much snow this winter.

  11. It is reported that the thunderstorm has caused much damage to the city.

  12. It turned out that the language of the book was quite easy.

  13. It so happened that I overhead their conversation.

  14. We know you to have entered the University.

  15. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown writer.

  1. Paraphrase the following with the help of the verb or expression in brackets so as to use a subjective infinitive construction.

Model: My fears were to be groundless (to prove) - My fears proved to be groundless.

  1. This test was to be the final one (to suppose).

  2. This part of the land was under the sea (to believe).

  3. Hardly anybody noticed his departure (to appear).

  4. She was to have come home before Christmas (to expect).

  5. The truth will come out (to be sure).

  6. I don’t think my words will please him (to be likely).

  7. He is the best candidate to the post (to consider).

  8. One could see that she was in a good frame of mind (to seem).

  9. The negotiations are reaching a decisive stage (to say).

  10. I would not have agreed to it but for the circumstances (to make).

  11. The Crimea is visited by many tourists every summer (to know).

  12. He didn’t have any money on him (to happen).

  1. Define the meaning of the verb and word groups with which subjective infinitive constructions are used.

  2. This sportsman is certain to be the first at the competition.

  3. He could be made to follow any advice easily enough.

  4. Your health appears to be all right.

  5. He was expected to leave for London soon.

  6. She seemed to know all the novels by this writer.

  7. The child was not allowed to leave the playing spot alone.

  8. Perhaps he was made to remain silent.

  9. They were seen to touch each other’s hands.

  10. Your plan proved to be a success.

  11. He is said to be a person of weak character.

  12. She is not likely to believe you.

  13. The remains of the tsar’s family were supposed to be buried in Peter-and-Paul’s Cathedral.

  14. We happened to learn about his arrival.

  15. The girl was heard to laugh heartily.

  16. He is known to be a young man with great fortune.

  1. Complete the following so as to use subjective infinitive constructions.

  2. The weather appears ...

  3. Our friends are sure ...

  4. He was made ...

  5. This person is known ...

  6. Everything seemed ...

  7. They are supposed ...

  8. People are expected ...

  9. They are not likely ...

  10. The girl is said ...

  11. This boy is likely ...

  1. Translate the following sentences into English using subjective infinitive construction.

  2. Известно, что многие писатели пишут свои произведения под псевдонимом.

  3. Сообщалось, что погода изменится в ближайшее время.

  4. Его статья оказалась такой интересной, что привлекла внимание широкого круга читателей.

  5. Одно время об этом случае очень много говорили, а затем, казалось, совершено забыли.

  6. Мой попутчик оказался очень интересным собеседником.

  7. Эти картины будут обязательно выставлены на ближайшей выставке.

  8. Предполагают, что второй роман этого писателя будет интереснее первого.

  9. Ожидают, что фестиваль будет успешным.

  10. Полагали, что концерт был отменен из-за болезни солиста.

  11. Никто не слышал, чтобы они когда-нибудь сорились.

  12. Казалось, никто не заметил его отсутствия.

  13. Я был случайным свидетелем этой сцены.

  14. О твоем поступке, безусловно, все узнают.

  15. Многие считали моего друга незаурядным человеком.

  16. Было видно, как крупные хлопья снега покрывали землю белым ковром.

  17. Его заставили явиться в суд и дать показания.

  18. Вряд ли он согласиться помочь вам.

  19. Она, казалось, уже совершено забыла его.

  1. Point out and define the type of infinitive constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  2. I just don’t seem to care about it.

  3. When do you expect the translation to be finished?

  4. Who you consider to be the most outstanding artist?

  5. She seemed to look at him from many miles away.

  6. A young man was reported to be a flop.

  7. I watched the engine come nearer.

  8. His remark made everybody feel uneasy.

  9. The lady turned out to be a very nice person.

  10. One could hardly believe him to be 80 years old. He looked much younger.

  11. They appeared to be wealthy people.

  12. The girl was talking and talking but he didn’t seem to hear her.

  13. They were supposed to wait until he let them enter the room.

  14. She couldn’t make herself forget about him.

  15. I only want it to be as soon as possible.

  16. He was seen to kiss her.

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