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Trick or Treat.docx
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Cards with the beginnings of the sentences:

1. Every full-moon to my bedroom comes a……

2. In my childhood I’ve dreamt of becoming …………….

3. Recently I’ve learned that I’m an illegitimate child of ……………….

4. I want to have children from ………………..

5. I presume that the title “the most gorgeous creatures on Earth” should go to ……

6. I’m trembling with fear every time I hear someone mentioning ……………

7. Right at midnight I turn into ……………………….

8. I’ve subscribed to twitter …………………………

9. In my childhood my parents gently/tenderly called me ……………………..

10. I think that our monitor (supervising teacher) is in reality a …………………….

Cards with the endings of the sentences:

1. Shrek

2. Freddie Kruger

3. Gollum

4. Banshee (female ghost-moaner)

5. Living dead

6. Poltergeist

7. Merlin Manson

8. Grim Ripper

9. Loki the God of Mischief

10. Werewolf

NB! банши - фольклорный персонаж: привидение-плакальщица, чьи завывания под окнами дома предвещают обитателю этого дома смерть

12. How much do you remember?

Remember five horror movies about Halloween.

13. Say it right

You need a candy and a couple of boys. The “tricker” asks the participants, if they have any problems with their speech. After that the host says the task, which is quite simple – to introduce themselves, but only with a candy in their mouth. Every time the task is getting more difficult: the number of words and candies multiplies (Name, Name and Date of birth, Name, Date of birth and Occupation ……). The winner is the one who can speak clearly with several candies in.

14. Vampire’s Dinner

You need 3-4 participants, some scraps of paper and pens. You all know that vampires bite in order to drink blood. Now you have some paper and write 2 parts of the body you like. Put the papers into a special packet. The “tricker” tosses the papers. The participants in turns take a paper out, than they are ordered to stand to each other with the described parts of the body. The task is to hold a minute in that position.

15. Spooky Bag

You need a bag or a box covered with the cloth, several objects with a strange structure to the touch. The participants are to guess what they are holding in their hands. The “tricker” should give a spooky description to what can it be.

16. Stick the Donkey’s Tail

You need a big picture of the donkey, a tail and a scarf. The “tricker” ties the eyes of the participant, spins him/her and leads to the picture. The closer the participant to the target the better. The participant gets a small prize.

17. What’s on your mind?

You need pieces of music and a hat. The “tricker” goes with the hat to each person, holds it above the head and the other “tricker” plays any track of music (on the cellphone).

18. Twist your tongue

1) Bobby Bippy bought a bat.

Bobby Bippy bought a ball.

With his bat Bob banged the ball

Banged it bump against the wall

But so boldly Bobby banged it

That he burst his rubber ball

"Boo!" cried Bobby

Bad luck ball

Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball

Now to drown his many troubles

Bobby Bippy's blowing bubbles.

from mid-Willamette Valley theater

2) How many cans can a cannibal nibble

if a cannibal can nibble cans?

As many cans as a cannibal can nibble

if a cannibal can nibble cans.

3) Double bubble gum, bubbles double.

4) But a harder thing still to do.

What a to do to die today

At a quarter or two to two.

A terrible difficult thing to say

But a harder thing still to do.

The dragon will come at the beat of the drum

With a rat-a-tat-tat a-tat-tat a-tat-to

At a quarter or two to two today,

At a quarter or two to two.

from a college drama class

5) Der Braumeister zu Zipf zapft zehn Fässer Zipfer.

6) Balach beag bìodach a' bocadaich air bàrr baraille. (Scottish Gaelic)

7) It's a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht. (Scottish)

8) Kleine Kinder können keine kleinen Kirschkerne knacken.

Kleine Kirschkerne können kleine Kinder keine knacken.

9) Сев в такси спросила такса: "За проезд какая такса?"

А таксист ответил так: "Возим такс мы просто так-с."

10) Сделан коплак не по-колпаковски, сделан колокол не по-колоколовски. Надо колпак перколпаковать, перевыколпаковать. Надо колокол переколоколовать, перевыколоколовать.

11) Говорит попугай попугаю: "Я тебя, попугай, попугаю!"

Попугаю в ответ попугай: "Попугай, попугай, попугай!"

12) Корабли лавировали, лавировали, да не вылавировали.

13) Мишки гризли мышку грызли, но не загрызли мышку гризли.

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