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8. Read the following dialogue. Check your understanding with the multiple choice comprehension quiz given below. Having a Hard Time Finding a Job

Mark: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?

Peter: Oh, Hi Mark. I’m not doing very well, actually.

Mark: I’m sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?

Peter: ... you know I’ve been looking for work. I can’t seem to find a job.

Mark: That’s too bad. Why did you leave your last job?

Peter: Well, my boss treated me badly, and I didn’t like my chances of advancing in the company.

Mark: That makes sense. A job without opportunities and a difficult boss isn’t very attractive.

Peter: Exactly! So, anyway, I decided to quit and find a new job. I sent out my resume to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, I’ve only had two interviews so far.

Mark: Have you tried looking online for a job?

Peter: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I don’t want to do that.

Mark: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?

Peter: I haven’t tried those. What are they?

Mark: They’re groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each other discover new opportunities.

Peter: That sounds great. I’ll definitely try some of those.

Mark: I’m glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?

Peter: Oh, I’m shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible at my job interviews!

Mark: There you go. That’s the spirit. I’m sure things will look up for you soon.

Peter: Yes, you’re probably right. I hope so!

1. Why is Peter unhappy?

a) He’s not feeling very well because he has a touch of the flu.

b) He’s quit his job.

c) He’s lost his job.

2. What has he been doing lately?

a) He’s been working at a job he doesn’t like.

b) He’s been looking for a new job.

c) He’s been studying at a new work group.

3. What does Susan think about his quitting?

a) That it was a good idea.

b) That it wasn’t very wise.

c) That he made a great choice.

4. What reason did Peter not state for leaving the job?

a) His boss was treating him badly.

b) There was little chance for advancement.

c) The pay was too low.

5. Why doesn’t Peter like the jobs he’s found online?

a) Because they pay poorly.

b) Because they don’t exist.

c) Because they often involve moving to another city.

6. How many jobs has he interviewed for?

a) For twenty

b) For two

c) For none

7. Which suggestion does Mark make?

a) Visiting other friends at their jobs

b) Looking for work in another city

c) Going to networking groups

8. What step is Peter taking today to getting a new job?

a) He’s interviewing with Mark.

b) He’s shopping for a new suit.

c) He’s writing up his resume.

9. What has Peter not yet done to help him find a job?

a) Sending his resume

b) Taking job interviews

c) Visiting networking groups

10. Why does Peter need a new suit?

a) To cheer him up

b) To make a good impression at job interviews

c) To impress his girlfriend Susan

9. Read the text and say what the main features of a resume are.

No matter what method of job hunting you use, inevitably somebody will ask you for a resume. Most companies require a resume before seriously considering a job candidate from the outside. Resumes are sometimes also required in order to receive a job transfer within a company. The purpose of a resume is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. Very few people are hired without a personal interview. Effective resumes are straightforward, factual presentations of a person’s experience and accomplishments. They are neither overdetailed nor too sketchy. A general rule is that two or three pages in length is best. One page seems too superficial; a four-page (or longer) resume may irritate an impatient employment official. Some writers suggest that a chronological (the standard-type) resume may be used; others argue for an accomplishment resume. A useful resume should include both your experiences and key accomplishments. When sent to a prospective employer, a resume should be professionally reproduced, with particular attention to misspellings, typographical errors, and careful spacing. To attract attention, some job seekers print resumes on tinted paper, in a menu-like folder, or on unusual-sized paper. If done in a way to attract positive attention to yourself, these approaches have merit.

10. Find the following words and phrases in English in the upper text: неодмінно; вимагати резюме; серйозно розглядати нову для компанії кандидатуру на посаду; переводити людину на нову роботу в межах компанії; мета резюме; отримати можливість пройти співбесіду; особиста бесіда; прості (резюме); досвід кандидата та його досягнення; перевантажені подробицями; схематичні; поверхове; роздратувати нетерплячого представника відділу кадрів; резюме в хронологічному порядку (стандартного типу); резюме досягнень; майбутній роботодавець; професійно оформлене резюме; особлива увага; орфографічні помилки; друкарські помилки; правильне розташування тексту; щоб привернути увагу; шукачі роботи; друкувати резюме на тоновому кольоровому папері; папка для меню; незвичайний за величиною папір; заслуговувати схвалення.

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