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8. Complete the following sentences and use them in the speech of your own.

1. One of the most significant decisions you make in life is…

2. It’s important to find the job that…

3. The person who has a career that fits his or her special needs and abilities…

4. In two years I’ll become a specialist in the field of…

5. Mechanical engineering deals with…

6. Mechanical engineers…

7. To do well in this profession, a person…

8. Mechanical engineers need to have…

9. Some of the businesses that hire mechanical engineers include…

10. I’ll be a good specialist in the field of…

Job hunting

Word list:

to get a job – отримати роботу

an employee– службовець, праців-ник, робітник

an employer – наймач, робото-давець

to search for a job/to applyfor a job – шукати роботу

a résumé/a CV (Curriculum Vitae) – біографічна довідка; анкетні дані; резюме

a cover letter – супровідний лист

to fill out an application – подати заяву про прийняття на роботу

an interview – співбесіда

references – рекомендації

a thank you letter – лист-подяка

to find the right job – знайти підхо-дящу роботу

to match smb’s individual goals and needs – відповідати особистим ці-лям та потребам

to make money – заробляти гроші

success – успіх; удача

one-stop career centre – бюро пра-цевлаштування

networking – пошук роботи через друзів, знайомих, родичів

Exercises to the subject:

1. Read the text and say if it is difficult to find a job.

Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee from hundreds of candidates according to special rules, that’s why there are special ‘typical’ factors, influencing on employer’s choice. Among such factors are: age, sex, experience, family background and marital status, personality and references.

Here are the steps you need to take to get a job:

- decide what you want to do;

- get the training or education you need;

- search for jobs;

- write a resume/CV and a cover letter;

- apply for jobs (send a resume/CV and a cover letter or fill out an application);

- go for an interview;

- provide references;

- send a thank you letter.

Career planning means that instead of just taking the first decent job that’s available, you develop a strategy for finding the right job that matches your individual goals and needs. If you take the time to plan your career you’ll be a lot happier with the job you get and probably make more money too.

The more skills and education that you have, the better jobs you’ll be able to get and the more money you’ll make. What level of training or education that’s right for you depends on what kind of job you want.

Here are four of the best ways to search for a job (for the most success, do as many of them as you can):

- search for jobs online;

- go to a one-stop career center;

- look in the newspaper;

- networking.

2. Find the following phrases in English in the text: обирати працівника за спеціальними правилами; вибір роботодавця; вік; стать; досвід; соціальне походження; сімейний стан; особисті риси; рекомендації; навчання або освіта; пройти співбесіду; надати рекомендації; надіслати лист-подяку; перша пристойна робота, яка є у наявності; витрачати час на планування кар’єри.

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