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Family-School Partnerships - National Association of School ...

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Заняття 8.

Тема:Reducing Undesirable Behaviors. Скорочення небажаної поведінки.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.


Discussion Questions and Activities:

1. Your student, Ann, wants to reduce the number of arguments she gets into with her classmates. Show how you would work with her to develop a proactive behavior management plan.

2. Develop a case study of a teacher of students with learning and behavior problems who wants to use techniques for decreasing undesirable behav­iors. The problem is that she is unaware of ethical considerations when implementing such procedures. Create the case study to illustrate some of these concerns, and facilitate a discussion based on your case study.

3. Demonstrate the use of a proactwe strategy for reducing undesirable behaviors.

4. A local parent and family support group requested that you conduct a workshop on positive behavior management strategies that they can

implement at home. Plan (a) topics and subtopics to cover, (b) materials to be used, and (c) methods of evaluation.

5. Work with a group of students to develop a group plan to decrease an un­desirable behavior. Immediately following the group meeting, tape record your reflections on the process. Share your notes and the plan with the class.

Reflective Questions:

1. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you employ behavior reduction strategies that are least intrusive to target student(s)?

2. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you consider individual and cultural differences when selecting strategies?

3. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you use techniques for responding to surface behaviors before implementing behavior change strategies?

4. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you understand the advantages and disadvantages involved with using selected behavior reduction strategies?

5. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you develop procedures for implementing selected behavior reduction strategies?

6. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you solicit student, family, and community member input on procedures to be used in the classroom?

7. When working with students to decrease undesirable behaviors, do you inform all significant persons of student progress on decreasing undesirable behaviors?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.152-176.


  1. Promoting Positive Outcomes for Children with Disabilities ...


Заняття 9.Тема: Promoting Prosocial Skills. Забезпечення формування просоціальних вмінь.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions and Activities:

1. Observe a student in two different settings (school, community). List the behaviors you assume increase student success in each setting. Interview an adult in each setting to determine the setting-specific behaviors that fa­cilitate success. Compare your observations with those of the other adults. Discuss the similarities and differences.

2. Tape record a message to a new student's family to explain your social skill instructional procedures and to begin developing a teacher-family partnership.

Reflective Questions:

1. When teaching prosocial skills do you enlist students and significant oth­ers in identifying target skills?

2. When teaching prosocial skills do you prioritize potential target skills and teach those that will affect student quality of life?

3. When teaching prosocial skills do you engage parents and community members in arranging opportunities for students to practice in various settings?

4. When teaching prosocial skills do you use innovative techniques to moti­vate students to use newly learned social skills?

5. When teaching prosocial skills do you employ meaningful reward systems when students demonstrate acquired social skills?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.181-193.
