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1.Assessments for Young Children http://www.Ldonline.Org/article/6040/

Заняття 22.

Тема: Paper–and-Pencil Test Questions. Бланкові тести (тести «олівець і папір»).


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Interpret the following : « In general, the longer the test, the higher the test's reliability».

  2. The reason for this is that longer tests allow a teacher to look at a larger sample of pupils' perfor­mance than shorter tests.

  3. What is significant about Test 1, which consists of a single word selected from the larger list?

  4. What is significant about Test 2, which contains a sample of 15 words selected from the longer list?

  5. Do the more words we ask, the more reliable the indication of the pupil's ability to spell the 100 words?

  6. Are as long as the important topics and behaviors included in the test, the more items on the test, the higher the reliability?

  7. Since reliability is concerned with the stability and accuracy of test scores, factors that directly influence scoring are factors that influ­ence test reliability, aren’t they?

  8. We would like the scores we get from tests to be objective—that is, not dependent on who scored the test, wouldn’t we?

  9. If the scor­ing process is subjective, why can the teacher never know whether the pupil would get the same score ?

  10. If the scores cannot be as­sumed to be stable and consistent across scorers and scoring times, how is one to use the scores to make good decisions about pupils?

  11. Why is objective scoring more difficult to obtain for essay test questions than for selection questions?

  12. The suggestions pro­vided to help make scoring of essays more objective will contributions on the chapter or unit objectives;

  • administering the test un­der conditions that interfere with pupils' comfort, concentration, and effort;


13. Can these factors diminish the usefulness of an achievement test in providing information about pupil learning?

  1. Advance planning will provide opportunity to think about the nature of the assess­ment needed, write or select potential test items for use, inform pu­pils of the impending test, and carry out meaningful review, won’t it?

  2. Paper-and-pencil achievement tests are common assessment de­vices in elementary, middle, and high schools, aren’t they?

  3. Are the results of tests are used to make many important decisions about pupils, in­cluding the grades they receive?

  4. What do these grades represent ?



  1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp. .- PP. 195-248.

  2. Bushway, a., and Nash, w. R. (1977). School cheating behavior. Review of Educational Research, 47, 623—632. //School Cheating Behavior - Review of Educational Research



1.Paper-and-pencil instruments http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc-cpp/acs-cmptnc-evl-cmptnc/pp-instrmnt-pc-eng.htm

Заняття 23.

Тема: Performance Assessment. Oцінка виконання.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do Performance assessments include those assessments in which a teacher observes a pupil carrying out a process and rates the pupil's performance?

  2. Do they also include instances in which a teacher rates a product that a pupil has produced?

  3. Are many aspects of school instruc­tion directed toward teaching pupils to perform complicated be­haviors?

  4. Why is assessment best carried out by having pupils perform an activity, rather than responding to a paper-and-pencil test, in the areas of oral communication, psychomotor skills, athletic activities, concept acquisition, and affective characteristics?

  5. Is direct observa­tion the best means of determining whether pupils have accom­plished the desired behaviors?

  6. How many characteristics do successful performance assessments have ?



1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp. .- PP. 251- 305.


1.Implementing Performance Assessment in the Classroom http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=6&n=2

Заняття 24. Тема: Performance Assessment. Oцінка виконання.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Questions and Activities:

  1. Do most teachers carry out performance assessment in their classrooms, because most teachers recognize that not all desired school outcomes can be assessed with paper-and-pencil tests?

  2. What factors do lead to per­formance assessment which omits one or more of the characteristics necessary for success?

  3. Why does it mean that de­cisions made on the basis of the observations may be incorrect?

  4. Is conducting structured performance assessments in classrooms less difficult than con­structing one's own paper-and-pencil test?

  5. Are paper-and-pencil achievement tests provided as part of the in­structional package by most textbook publishers, commercial performance assessment instruments have not yet been provided on a broad scale?

  6. Is the lack of textbook-provided perfor­mance assessment instruments part of the reason why teachers must rely on imperfect approaches?

  7. Is Performance assessment a necessary aspect of a teacher's class­room assessment practices?



1.Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp. .- PP. 251- 305.


2.Implementing Performance Assessment in the Classroom http://pareonline.net/getvn.asp?v=6&n=2

Заняття 25.

Тема : Grading Pupil Performance. Атестація. Oцінка продуктивності учнів.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Grading is a judgmental process carried out by the teacher in order to convey information about a pupil's academic performance, isn’t it?

  2. There is no one best way to assign grades, is there?

  3. Must each teacher consider the nature of his or her class, the subject matter being taught, and his or her beliefs about grading in order to devise a system for assigning grades?

  4. There are two primary approaches to grading: norm-referenced and criterion-referenced. In the norm-referenced approach, a pupil's performance is compared to the performance of other pupils to de­termine a grade, aren’t there?

  5. Can only a limited number of pupils get each grade?

Заняття 26. Тема : Grading Pupil Performance. Атестація. Oцінка продуктивності учнів.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do pupils who score higher than most other pupils receive the high grades?

  2. In the criterion-referenced approach, there is no limit on the number of pupils who can receive a particular grade, is it?

  3. Should older pupils be told about the standards and the system used to award grades?

  4. Should teachers be consistent in their application of the standards and system, not telling pupils one thing about grading and then doing something different?

  5. Can the various types of assessment information be weighted differently and summarized, with infor­mation perceived to be most important being weighted most heavily?

  6. Is Grading an easy task for most teachers?



1.Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp.- PP.357-406.


2.Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Grading


Заняття 27.

Тема: Standardised Achievement

Test. Стандартизований Тест досягнень.


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Did this chapter discuss two types of formal classroom assessment that are administered in most schools but that are not initiated and controlled by the classroom teacher?

  2. Does each type of test seek to assess pupil achievement in a subject area over a broad and common set of objectives that cuts across the par­ticular instructional emphasis in any single classroom?

  3. Do state-mandated tests give criterion-referenced interpretations of performance based on state­wide cut scores or performance standards?

  4. Is information from state-mandated tests used to assess learning in school districts or to de­termine whether an individual pupil will be promoted, graduated from high school, or placed in a remedial group?

  5. Do teachers have little control over the content and scoring of either type of standardized test?

  6. Can teachers at least make their own interpretations and uses of commercial standardized test results?



1.Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp.- PP.357-406.
