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Эксперименты / Тесла-Эксперименты

11.88 Mб

Tesla on Wireless (October 1907)

My Apparatus, Says Tesla (December 1907) The Future of the Wireless Art (1908)

Nikola Tesla's Forecast for 1908 (January 1908) Mr. Tesla's Vision (April 1908)

Little Aeroplane Progress (June 1908) Tesla on Aeroplanes (September 1908) How to Signal Mars (May 1909)

Nikola Tesla's New Wireless (December 1909)

What Science May Achieve This Year -New Mechancial Principle for Conservation of Energy (January 1910)

Mr. Tesla on the Future (May 1912)

The Disturbing Influence of Solar Radiation on the Wireless Transmission of Energy (July 1912) Nikola Tesla Plans to Keep "Wireless Thumb" on Ships at Sea (November 1913)

From Nikola Tesla (Tribute to George Westinghouse) (March 1914) Tesla and Marconi (May 1914)

Science and Discovery are the great Forces which will lead to the Consummation of the War (December 1914)

How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies (February 1915) Some Personal Recollections (June 1915)

The Wonder World to Be Created by Electricity (September 1915) Nikola Tesla Sees a Wireless Vision (October 1915)

Correction by Mr. Tesla (October 1915)

Tesla's New Device Like Bolts of Thor (December 1915) Wonders of the Future (December 1916)

Electric Drive for Battle Ships (February 1917)

Nikola Tesla Tells of Country's War Problems (April 1917)

Minutes of the Edison Medal Meeting, May 18, 1917, with Nikola Tesla's Acceptance Speech on Receiving the Edison Medal (May 1917)

Tesla's Views on Electricity and the War (August 1917) A Lighting Machine on Novel Principles (February 1918)

The Effect of Statics on Wireless Transmission (January 1919) Famous Scientific Illusions (February 1919)

Tesla Answers Mr. Manierre and Further Explains the Axial Rotation of the Moon (1919) The Moon's Rotation (April 1919)

Tesla on High Frequency Generators (April 1919)

The True Wireless (Electrical Experimenter, May 1919) The Moon's Rotation (June 1919)

Electrical Oscillators (July 1919)

Nikola Tesla Tells How We May Fly Eight Miles High at 1,000 Miles an Hour (July 1919) Can Radio Ignite Balloons? (October 1919)

Signals to Mars Based on Hope of Life on Planet (October 1919) Developments in Practice and Art of Telephotography (December 1920) Interplanetary Communication (September 1921)

Nikola Tesla on Electric Transmission (September 1921) A Giant Eye to See Round the World (February 1923)

'World System' of Wireless Transmission of Energy (October 1927) Nikola Tesla Tells of New Radio Theories (September 1929)

Mr. Tesla Speaks Out (November 1929)

Tesla Maps Out Our Electrical Future (April 1930) Letter to Editor (On Marconi's feat) (April 1930) Man's Greatest Achievement (July 1930)

Tesla at 75 (July 1931)

Faster Than Light! (November 1931)


No High Speed Limit, Says Tesla (November 1931) On Future Motive Power (December 1931)

Dr. Tesla Writes of Various Phases of His Discovery (February 1932) Statement of Tesla Relating to Force and Matter (April 1932)

Tesla Cosmic Ray Motor May Transmit Power 'Round Earth (July 1932) Tesla, 76, Reports His Talents At Peak (July 1932)

Chewing Gum More Fatal Than Rum, Says Tesla (August 1932) Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on Power (September 1932) Mr. Tesla Writes (Refers to J. P. Morgan) (June 1933) Tremendous New Power Soon to be Unleashed (September 1933) Tesla 'Harnesses' Cosmic Energy (November 1933)

Breaking up Tornadoes (December 1933)

Possibilities of Electro-Static Generators (March 1934)

Nikola Tesla Writes (Additional comments on electrostatic generators) (April 1934) Tesla Sees Evidence Radio and Light Are Sound (April 1934)

Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World (July 1934)

Invents Peace Ray -Tesla Describes His Beam of Destructive Energy (July 1934) Death-Ray Machine Described (July 1934)

Tesla, at 78, Bares New 'Death-Beam' (July 1934)

Beam to Kill Army at 200 Miles, Tesla's Claim on 78th Birthday (July 1934) Tesla on Power Development and Future Marvels (July 1934)

Tribute to King Alexander (October 1934)

Dr. Tesla Visions the End of Aircraft in war (October 1934) A Machine to End War (February 1935)

German Cosmic Ray Theory Questioned (March 1935) Tesla Predicts Ships Powered by Shore Beam (June 1935) 3 Tesla Inventions (July 1935)

Nikola Tesla, at 79, Uses Earth to Transmit Signals; Expects to Have $100,000,000 Within Two Years (Kivonatok a cikkbo"l) (July 1935)

Tesla's Controlled Earthquake (July 1935)

Tesla, 79, Promises to Transmit Force (July 1935)

Expanding Sun Will Explode Someday Tesla Predicts (Kivonatok a cikkbo"l) (August 1935) Nikola Tesla Tells How He'd Defend Ethiopia Against Italian Invasion (September 1935) Tesla, 80, Reveals New Power Device (July 1936)

Prepared Statement of Tesla (For interview with press on 81st birthday observance) (July 1937) Sending of Messages to Planets Predicted by Dr. Tesla on Birthday (July 1937)

Tesla Has Plan to Signal Mars (July 1937) Dr. Tesla's Honors (July 1937)

In the Realm of Science: Tesla, Who Predicted Radio, Now Looks Forward to Sending Waves to the moon (August 1937)

Text of Tesla Speech for the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May 1938) Reference to Compass in 13th Century Poem (October 1938)

Story of Youth Told by Age (1939)

The Soviet Sacrifice of Spain (July 1939)

Aerial Defense 'Death-Beam' Offered to U. S. By Tesla (July 1940) 'Death Ray' for Planes (September 1940)

Proposing the 'Death Ray' for Defense (October 1940) Mechanical Therapy (??)

The New Tesla Electric Heater (??)

Tesla's New System of Fluid Propulsion (??)


Материалы о Николе Тесла на английском языке.

48 ) Nikola Tesla: Lectures, Patents & Articles


Nikola Tesla (1956)

This is one of the finest Tesla reference books available. Documents are taken from the Tesla Museum and Beograd University. A wealth of information compiled into two huge volumes, it makes finding pertinent information easier and faster. Lectures on A New System of Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency & Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination; On Light & Other High Frequency Phenomena; High Frequency Oscillators for Motors. 9 Patents for Transmission of Electric Power; 6 Patents for Lighting; 17 Patents for High Frequency Apparatus and Circuit Controllers; 12 Patents -Radio; 1 -Telemechanics; 7 -Turbines & Similar Apparatus; 11 -Various Patents. Also 24 Articles and an Autobiographical Article. A must have for the serious Tesla enthusiast.


Includes: Differences between the Magnifier Transmitter and the Tesla Coil; different usages of the Archimedean Spiral; Why the building is shaped and sized in the manner it was, internal features and sizes for each. Regeneration as main feature for this transmitter; Reasons for the metallic hemisphere at both ends of the TMT; Internal Radio Devices: Apparatus placed within the Magnifier Transmitter to broadcast and receive voice and visual.


T. Edwin Lowell & H.S. Norrie, 1904

Here several old and hard-to-find books have been compiled on the construction and use of Induction Coils.


This is a vital book for the electrical engineer pursuing the lost science of electricity as developed by Tesla and other pioneers. Steinmetz was hired by General Electric to decipher the Tesla Patents.


V. E. Johnson, M.A.

If you are into electrostatics and related phenomena you will find this a fascinating, useful handbook.


An essential handbook for experimenting with Tesla coils and amateur radio gear.


Jorge Resines

Interesting work on fully conductive vacuum tubes. Contains info on the Farnsworth Multipactor Tubes, and has a wealth of diagrams and patent drawings. Excellent resource for the serious researcher!

55)Tesla Coil George Trinkaus

Invented by Nikola Tesla back in 1891, the Tesla coil can boost power from a wall socket or battery to millions of high frequency volts. In this document, the only systematic treatment of the Tesla coil for the electrical non-expert, you’ll find a wealth of information on one of the best-kept secrets of electric technology, plus all the facts you need to build a tesla coil on any scale. And you can build one out of everyday materials. A well-tuned coil’s output is harmless but can perform amazing tasks. Light your home, farm, or ranch at a fraction of the usual cost. Disinfect water. Build a powerful radio transmitter. Learn about the souped-up Tesla coil called the magnifying transmitter and how Tesla envisioned its use for wireless electric power and global communications.

56)Son of Tesla Coil


George Trinkaus

We've thrown lots of sparks, but is that what Tesla had in mind? In this sequel to the classic Tesla Coil, we venture into the utilitarian Tesla. In clear english and 40 illustratins, we ponder the questions: Can Tesla coils do real work? Can they build an alternative florescent lighting? Will Tesla technology be the next big step in home power?

57)Magnetic Amplifiers by George Trinkaus

We've thrown a lot of sparks, but is this what Tesla had in mind? In this sequel to the classic Tesla Coil, we venture into the utilitatian Tesla.

58)Tesla -The True Wireless

by George Trinkaus

This is a reprint of Nikola Tesla's June, 1919 article in the Electrical Experimenter. The article outlines the differences between his wireless technology and that of academic convention. "The True Wireless" is one of the most important of Tesla's articles in that he explains in great detail HIS system of wireless. Also, this document, in his own words, smashes currently held beliefs about so-called "Tesla Technology". Written some years after his Wardencliff Project, Tesla explains the inefficiency and limitations of the Hertzian method of electromagnetic propagation (through the air) with great clarity -- and that his system of wireless which was vastly more effective, utilised the ground itself for propagation. Tesla states, "Properly constructed, my system [of wireless] is safe against static and other interference, and the amount of energy which may be transmitted is billions of times greater than with the Hertzian which has none of these virtues..." He explains in particular, with several analogs in diagrammatic representation, his single-wire-without-return system --the heart of Tesla's radio and wireless power systems. Introduction by Mr. Trinkaus with references and diagrams of his own experiments which prove the Teslian wireless system.

60) Radio Tesla

The Secret of Tesla’s Radio and Wireless Power George Trinkaus

In clear English with a minimum of math, this booklet details the peculiar radio technology of Nikola Tesla. Early elemental radio devices like Tesla’s are fascinating and worthy of study because they remind us that powerful radio technologies can be so simple and accessible. Tesla’s transmitters produced high-voltage, sudden-pulse disturbances conducted through the earth at low frequencies. His radio is as taboo in official science as his wireless power, which works on the very same principals. Tesla said the radio physics of Hertz, still in vogue, was an "aberration," a "fiction." Modern radio took a lot from Tesla, but what did it ignore? Also: spark gaps reconsidered, grounding rediscovered, low frequency revived, lament on solid state, underground radio, the suppression of amateur radio, radiofree energy.


This paper contains many essential formulae and supporting data necessary to understand the Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires. Discusses and diagrams the Marconi Wireless station based at Bolinas, California, circa 1919. Unlike many erroneous modern theories of how Tesla achieved his goal, this paper is based on real work with a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter. Illustrated with charts & diagrams.


Eric P. Dollard

Eric Dollard’s work on the relationship of the dielectric and electromagnetic aspects of electricity is the most important breakthrough in modern day electrical research providing real avenues of research into Tesla’s secrets. Contains ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS IN ANTENNAE & INDUCTION


COILS by John Miller, 1919, one of the few articles containing equations useful to the design of Tesla Coils.


An abstract of the theory and construction techniques of Tesla Transformers written by one of the most brilliant modern day researchers into High Frequency Electricity as pioneered by Tesla and Steinmetz. Contains the article CAPACITY by Fritz Lowenstein, assistant to Tesla in his research.


Eric P. Dollard

Extension of the theory of versor operators and imaginary numbers to represent complex oscillating waves such as those encountered in the researches of Nikola Tesla and everywhere in Nature. Theory of Free Electricity produced by rotating apparatus such as variable reluctance devices. Waves flowing backwards in time are explored.


Introduction to the FOUR QUADRANT THEORY of Alternating Current which allows engineering of Tesla’s inventions. Provides a more complete understanding of the use of versor operators (degrees of rotation), necessary to the understanding of the rotating magnetic field. The process of the production of electrical energy using the neglected QUADRANTS OF GROWTH is brought about via the use of these operators.


A laboratory demonstration video with Eric P. Dollard & Peter Lindemann

If you’ve ever wondered if there is more to a Tesla coil than just making big sparks then watch this video. Borderland presents a series of experiments providing you with factual data on the reality of Tesla’s theories. You will see experiments on: The One-Wire Electrical Transmission System; The Wireless Power Transmission System; Transmission of Direct Current Through Space; and, a novel form of electric light which attracts material objects but repels a human hand! Also presented is a longitudinal broadcast from Borderland Labs to a nearby beach, using the ocean as an antenna. These experiments can be reproduced by any competent researcher, there are no secrets here! Today’s conceptions of a Tesla Coil provide the researcher with little practical material. Eric Dollard reintroduces the "pancake" Tesla Coils in a series of experiments taken directly from Tesla’s work. No modern interpretations needed, we went to the source — and it worked! Construction details are given.

If you want to do some exciting, exploratory work into Tesla’s theories then this video will certainly give you a good start.

67)TRANSVERSE & LONGITUDINAL ELECTRIC WAVES A laboratory demonstration with Eric P. Dollard

Eric demonstrates the reality of longitudinal waves and their application to the natural transmission of electricity. Analog computers (networks of coils and capacitors) are presented opening up an entire new field of electrical researches into the wave forms discovered and used by Tesla in his wireless power transmissions. You will experience the physical functions of the various waves via direct measurement inside the computer network. The Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric wave is shown to have a propagating velocity greater than the speed of light! The transverse electromagnetic wave, (in present use) is shown to be a retarded, unnatural form of energy transmission. A Multi-Pactor Orgone Detector is demonstrated indicating a relationship between dielectricity and orgone. A competent researcher can duplicate the experiments on this video from the information given. Amaze your science teacher!

68)Free-Energy Research

Eric Dollard


This new book contains conributions Eric has made to the Journal of Borderland Research. It contains the key to unlosk the Etheric aspects to Tesla technology. Includes: Functional Thinking-an Interview with Eric Dollard, The Transmission of Electricity, Understanding the Rotating Magnetic Field, Introduction to Dielectricity & Capaciatance.


1915-Тесла Никола. Никола Тесла и его работы с переменными токами и их приложение в радиотелеграфию. Телефонная связь и передача мощности: растянутое интервью. Перевод Рауфа Курбанова. США: Юрисконсульт Теслы, 1915. 55с. Находка копии преинтервью Николы Теслы с его юрисконсультом в 1916 году произошла во время тщательного поиска архивов юридических фирм, одни из которых уже давно исчезли, а другие были перекуплены позже в связи с временным интересом. Это интервью было вызвано многочисленными незаконченными судебными процессами в нарождающейся индустрии коммерческого радиовещания в момент жестокой конкуренции. Юрисконсульт Теслы верил, что интервью было необходимо не только для того, чтобы подготовиться к неизбежному прессингу его собственных претензий против Компании Marconi, но также и для того, чтобы защищать его собственные патентные интересы - тогда, когда он будет вызван в суд для дачи показаний, как эксперт-свидетель в предстоящих судебных делах между конкурирующими новыми компаниямипионерами связи и радио. Текст этого интервью, конечно, никогда не был предназначен для публикации. Юристконсульт, обеспокоенный прежде всего защитой патентных интересов Теслы, задает вопросы, которые имеют почти исключительное отношение к приоритету патентов Теслы и их применению. Тесла открыто обсуждает его соперников во время представления его работы по переменным токам и их применении в беспроводной передаче. В этом документе, он описывает экспериментальные методы, технику и приборы, которые он использовал в своих лабораториях в Нью-Йорке, Колорадо Спрингс и Лонг Айленде. https://www.twirpx.com/file/1604746/



Глава 2. Материалы о Николе Тесла.

2.1 Книги о Николе Тесла.


список литературы «Никола Тесла», 250 названий за период 1956-2016 годы, составитель Зарубин Альберт Петрович, Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН. Новосибирск.

http://www.twirpx.com/library/gpl/scientists/tesla_nikola/ http://www.tarielkapanadze.ru/kelly5-1.htm http://www.studmed.ru/view/naudin-zh-l-generator-prodolnoy-volny_825668f6502.html http://mexalib.com/tag/Никола+Тесла

http://teslaheritage.com/index.php?id=95&Itemid=605&lang=ru&option=com_content&view=article http://booksee.org/g/Тесла%20Никола загрузка

http://www.koob.ru/tesla/ книги онлайн.


Рис. 2-1-1. Серия «Никола Тесла. Рассекреченная история». Серия в 14 томах. М. Эксмо. 20082010.


Бегич Н., Мэннинг Дж. -Никола Тесла и его дьявольское оружие; Горьковский П. -Запрещенный тесла; Максимов А. -Никола Тесла и загадка Тунгусского метеорита;

Образцов П. -Никола Тесла. Ложь и правда о великом изобретателе; Ржонсницкий Б. -Никола Тесла. Первая отечественная биография; Рыков А. -Тесла против Гитлера и Сталина; Рыков А. -Тесла против Эйнштейна;

Телицын В. -Никола Тесла и тайна Филадельфийского эксперимента; Тесла Н. -Откровения Николы Теслы; Тесла Н. -Прозрения Николы Теслы;

Тесла Н. -Утраченные изобретения Николы Тесла; Хайленд -Никола Тесла и утерянные секреты нацистских технологий;

Хакинг С. Тесла против Эдисона. Война великих изобретателей; Эрлих. Загадка Николы Тесла. Научный детектив.


Рис. 2-1-2. Де Агостини. 100 человек, которые изменили ход истории. DeAgostini. 1993.

-Де Агостини. Наука. Величайшие теории. Выпуск 36. Двустороннее движение электричества. Тесла. Перменный ток. 2015. 178с.



Рис. 2-1-3. Обложка книги.

2009-Арсенов Олег Орестович. Никола Тесла. Гений или шарлатан? Вся правда о таинственном ученом. М. Эксмо, 2009. 207с.++ 2010-Арсенов О.О. Никола Тесла. Открытия реальные и мифические. М. Эксмо, 2010. 335с.

2010-Арсенов О.О. Никола Тесла. Засекреченные изобретения. М. Эксмо, 2010. 205с.+ http://www.twirpx.com/file/425536/


Рис. 2-1-4. Обложки книг.

2009-Баландин Рудольф Константинович. От Николы Теслы до большого взрыва: Научные мифы. М. Эксмо. Яуза, 2009. 350с.

2016-Баландин Р.К. Никола Тесла. Маг от науки. М. Вече, 2016. 288с. 2009-Баландин Р.К. Подлинная история времени. М. Эксмо. 2009. 288с.



Рис. 2-1-5. Бахарев Ю.П. Аспекты электродинамики Николы Тесла. М. 2016. 334с.+ Одним из аспектов электродинамики Н.Тесла является как раз применение им свойств этой поверхности в электротехнических изделиях. На этой геометрии, в том числе, великий Тесла построил свою нетривиальную электродинамику. При построении электродинамики важна геометрия пространства. Никола Тесла в основе своих изобретений положил принцип односторонней поверхности или неориентированного безиндукционного контура первичной обмотки своего трансформатора, неориентированного. http://www.twirpx.com/file/2201475/


Бегич Николас (Begich Nick), Мэннинг Джин (Manning Jeane)

Рис. 2-1-6. Бегич Николас, Мэннинг Джин. Программа HAARP. Оружие Армагеддона. М.

Яуза; Эксмо, 2007. 384с.

2008-Бегич Н., Мэннинг Дж. Никола Тесла и его дьявольское оружие. Главная военная тайна США: пер. с англ. Переводчик: К. Козырев. М. Эксмо, 2008. 380с.+ (Серия «Никола Тесла.

Рассекреченная история»). http://www.twirpx.com/file/1683563/



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