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Past Perfect 1.doc
1.89 Mб

3. Прочитайте ситуації і складіть речення, використовуючи дієслова в дужках у Past Perfect та before.

Model: Last year we went to journey by ship. It was our first travelling by sea. (sail) = We had never sailed by ship/by sea before.

1. The man sitting next to me in the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. (fly) ______________________________________________

2. A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger for me. (meet) _____________________________________________________

3. Simon played tennis yesterday. He wasn’t very good at it because it was his first game. (play) _________________________________________

4 . A little boy was surprised to see the “beds” in the train.

(sleep) _______________________________________

5. Ann couldn’t imagine how zebra looks. (see)


6. Last year we went to Denmark. It was

our first visit there. (be)


7. My mother was surprised with the noise at the football stadium. (attend)


8. Professor interested in those facts. (hear)


9. There were no people on the island. (live)


10. Barbara was surprised to see mistakes in her dictation. (do)


11. The soup wasn’t good. It was my first experiment in cooking. (cook)


12. Last year I took part in the strike. It was exciting. (take part)


4. Складіть речення до ситуації, використовуючи Past Perfect.

Model: You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the

cinema late. The film HAD BEGUN before/by that time.

1. I offered Dick something to eat but he wasn’t hungry.

He _______________________________________________ before.

2. I came to the party at 9, but Jane wasn’t here. Maybe ______________

___________________________ by that time.

3. The house was very quiet when I got home.

Everybody _________________________________________ before.

4. I dreamt to buy a ticket for that concert on Sunday but there wasn’t any left. They ____________________________________________ before.

5. I phoned to my friend at 9 o’clock but nobody answered the phone.

Maybe she _______________________________________ by that time.

6. I saw Jack in the crowd. He looked so sunburn.

Maybe he ________________________________________ by that time

7. We arrived to the station late in the evening. There were no buses there.

Maybe all of them ____________________________________ before.

8. I wanted to play tennis with Mark and Anthony, but I found nobody at the court. Maybe they _____________________________________ by that time.

9. The Island of Easter is lifeless now, but somebody has erected huge stone figures there. People ______________________________ before.

10. Look at Fred. He is wet to the skin. Maybe he _________________________________ before.

11. When Tony had come back home from expedition he didn’t find his old friend at his address. Maybe ________________________________ by that time.

12. The burglar alarm phoned and the police arrived to the museum, but they didn’t find strangers there. Maybe ____________________________

_______________ before.

13. Thailand is a new country for us. However Dick knows everything about local habits. Maybe _____________________________________ before.

14. I put some fish on the table, but when I came to the kitchen there was nothing on the table. Maybe ____________________________________ by that time.


HAD може скорочуватись до апострофа + D (SomebodyD), але таким же чином скорочується WOULD, що використовується для вираження майбутнього часу після слів автора у минулому (сказав, що ПРИЙДЕ), або для виразу „Хотіти щось”.

У випадку, коли скорочується WOULD, далі розміщується дієслово у формі INDEFINITE, а у випадку зі скороченим HAD далі слідує форма PARTICIPLE II.

Model: I’d like = I WOULD like;

I’d liked = I HAD liked

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