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UTL Chapter 1. Exercises.doc
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II. Answer these questions about the text.

1. When and by whom was the building of the ‘RCJ’ opened?

2. What is the RCJ building like?

3. What do wigs and gowns still worn by judges symbolize?

4. Apart from the judges, who else wears robes?

5. What is the accepted manner in which barristers address the judges? What phrases are commonly used in barristers’ speech?

6. What court officials work for the RCJ? How do they perform their duties?

7. What kind of atmosphere is there in the RCJ? Does it correspond to the nature of the cases the courts are concerned with?

8. What sort of decisions may the RCJ judges have to make?

9. What are the three main areas of the courts’ work?

10. Give a few examples of the cases tried by the criminal Division of the Court of Appeal, the Civil Division, and by the High Court.

11. How are the three main areas of the courts’ work distributed between the Court of Appeal and the High Court?

12. Why do people come to court?

13. How can justice be defined? Is it an objective or a subjective notion?

14. Give examples of the cases in which justice done to people can be questioned.

15. Why are the Royal Courts of Justice called ‘Royal’?

16. How many divisions does the High Court comprise? What are they?

17. What other courts except the RCJ are there elsewhere in London and throughout the country? What are their functions?

18. What is ethics and how can it help in the cases where it is difficult to do indisputable justice?

19. What is the aim of providing any society with laws?

20. What are the courts necessary for?

21. What do the laws that we have represent?

22. What are the rules of natural justice?

23. Should we expect a legal system to be ideal (infallible) and always providing justice?

24. How can a legal system go wrong?

25. On what grounds have the methods of reaching legal decisions been criticized?

26. How does perjury put justice at risk?

27. Why is there confidence in the society that the British legal system can be generally regarded as a good and fair one?

28. What is the objective of the Law Commission?

29. What are you going to read about in the rest of the book?

III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.

IV. Discuss these issues.

1. Would it be ethically right to separate the conjoined Siamese twins?

2. What is your attitude to euthanasia (causing death painlessly, so as to end suffering from incurable, painful diseases)?

3. Interpret the words of Lord Jessel, the Master of the Rolls: ‘I am not conscious of “many shortcomings” and if I were, I should not be fit to sit on the bench’. What attitude does the author express toward this quotation and why?

4. What arguments can you give in support of the claim that the laws and the system of justice are forever in need of review and reform?

V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.

1. The historic building of the RCJ (photos, video, documents, etc.).

2. The Court of Appeal (Criminal and Civil Divisions).

3. The merits and shortcomings of the British legal system.

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