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UTL Chapter 1. Exercises.doc
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X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.

1. Эти свидетельские показания вряд ли подтверждаются обстоятельствами дела.

2. Утверждают, что судебное решение либо должно быть исправлено, либо следует назначить повторное рассмотрение дела.

3. Несмотря на все свои недостатки, система юстиции в Великобритании в целом считается очень справедливой.

4. Юрисконсульт считает, что это дело нельзя передавать на рассмотрение суда, главным образом, потому что в нем недостаточно относящихся к делу доказательств.

5. Также необходимо понимать, что правовая система не всегда может осуществлять правосудие.

Grammar Revision


Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the meaning and function of the word ‘for’.

  1. As a preposition: на, в течение (временное значение); на протяжении, в, к (направление или протяженность); для, за, на , к (значение цели, намерения, назначения); от, за, из-за, по (значение причины, повода); несмотря на (противительное значение)

  2. As a conjunction: поскольку, так как, потому что, ибо (вводит обстоятельственные придаточные предложения с указанием причины действий или событий, указанных в главном предложении)

1. Some of these decisions may be so important that they will affect the lives of us all, for they will be adding to the great body of law that has to be followed by all the courts in the land.

2. A father is fighting for a court order that his local hospital authority should provide expensive medical treatment for his sick child.

3. A singer has been in court for weeks, fighting to be released from his contract with a record company.

4. Over a period of almost one thousand years they have built up a remarkable body of laws, and a legal system that, for all its faults, is generally admired and has been copied in many other countries.

5. Our legal system does not and cannot always provide justice, for any system operated by human beings must be fallible.

6. The cavernous Hall is impressive for its size and intricate mosaic tiled floor.

7. There may be an appearance of calm, but for all their courtroom courtesies the lawyers are likely to be fighting as fearlessly for those whom they represent as the stone cat and dog above the judge’s entrance, representing battling litigants in court.

8. The very methods of reaching decisions have also been criticized, for some people claim that we seem to be more concerned with procedures than with getting at the truth itself.

9. We now have very different ideas of fairness and justice from the ideas of our ancestors, for they lived in different ages and experienced different problems.



I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why drawing on the text.

1. Barristers addressing the judges don’t use quaint old-world courtesies at all.

2. The British legal system is based on case law.

3. The word ‘Royal’ in the name of the RCJ has nothing to do with the Crown.

4. Everyone has the same idea of what justice is.

5. Judges and juries do make mistakes.

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