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Definition of Tourism and its trends in Ukraine

Tourism is a travel away from a person’s usual place of residence for a period longer than twenty-four hours, primarily for pleasure or recreation, and frequently to multiple destinations. We can define international and internal tourism. International tourism means a tourist travel between two or more countries. Internal tourism is a tourist travel within the same country of which the tourist is a resident. This is also called domestic tourism. Tourism is directly linked with the intellectual, cultural and economic potential of any country.

Tourism is one of the important factors that can help get Ukraine’s national economy out of the economic crisis, increase the revenue returns, replenish the state budget, positively affect the state of things in many branches of the national economy.

Ukraine has a good potential for developing tourism: excellent geographical and climatic conditions, historical and cultural resources. There are over 125 thousand archeological, architectural, historical and other monuments and hundreds of museums in Ukraine.

All these monuments reflect the remarkable history of the Ukrainian people who have made worthy contributions to the world culture. Today there are excellent conditions for having inexpensive and very good rest in Ukraine. As the marketing research has shown, tourist companies of Ukraine can provide services for 20 thousand foreign tourists daily and in the near future it can be expected that Ukraine will receive from 7 to 10 million foreign tourists.

The adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On tourism” has demonstrated that the state is not indifferent to the tourism industry, to its problems and development.

The state has proclaimed tourism one of the priorities in the development of national culture and economy and has created favourable conditions for tourist

Travelling and the main purposes of travelling

Tourism necessarily involves travel. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Some people travel for pleasure, they are people on holiday. They are fond of sightseeing, they want to meet new friends, to take photographs of themselves in different places, to enrich their own experience, to broaden their minds and to get to know something new. Other people travel for reasons of health. The city he/she lives in cannot offer the medical attention he/she needs, so obviously they need to travel miles just to get medical treatment or attention. No matter what your reason for travelling is, when all is said and done travelling is still a very wonderful experience. We can say that travel is the name of a modern disease which started in the mid-fifties and is still spreading.

There are different ways of travelling. If you are in a hurry and want to save your time you’d better travel by plane because it is the fastest way of travelling. It is the most comfortable, most convenient method of travelling. Flying itself is a thrilling thing. Some words about trains. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. If you are hungry you can have a meal in a dining-car and if the journey is a long one you can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper.

Some people prefer to travel by ship when possible. A sea voyage is very enjoyable.

Nowadays many people consider the best way of travelling is by car. The advantages of this way of travelling are you don’t have to buy a ticket, you can stop wherever you wish where there is something interesting to see.

And finally hiking tours. A lot of people consider this way of travelling is preferable for young. It gives new impressions and tests the strength of our body and spirit.

Tastes differ. Different people like different ways of travelling.

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