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Характеристика description


авантюрист adventurer: They thought John was an adventurer and after their daughter's money

авторитарный authoritarian: Hundreds of people gathered outside the presidential palace, demanding that the authoritarian president leave office

авторитетный authoritative: The authoritative teacher places limits and controls on the students but simultaneously encourages independence; (зна­ющий) competent: He is a competent art dealer

агрессивный aggressive: My 6-year-old daughter is a tall girl for her age and very aggressive and with the way she looks, the boys and girls in her class think she is a boy

азартный (любящий риск) venturesome: I am not venturesome enough to go mountain climbing or sky diving; (легко увлекающийся) carried away: He is easily carried away

аккуратист stickler for detail: Sh$is an expert with numbers and a stickler for detail; perfectionist: She is a perfectionist and works so slow, it drives me nuts

аккуратный (любящий чистоту, порядок) neat: Please be as neat as possible; tidy: Her high school diploma listed her attributes as «a tidy gin from a good family»; (организованный) orderly: A suitable candidate, in order to fulfil his duties property, must be temperate, orderly and respectable

активный active: She died at the age of 90, active to the last

алкоголик alcoholic: He is a recovering alcoholic

алчный avaricious: The doctor was an avaricious man, everyone was aware of the doctor's reputation for fleecing his patients; covetous: A covetous man is not the same as a rich man

альтруист altruist (n): The ultimate altruist, he has a genuine concern for the spiritual and practical welfare of others; altruistic (a): Should we expect our leaders to be altruistic?

амбициозный ambitious: He is a little too ambitious, all he thinks about is his career

аморальный amoral: He was an amoral, bitter man who lusted for money and was not averse to killing to get it

апатичный apathetic: He is apathetic. / feel he is afraid of making a bad decision, so he does not make any

аристократ aristocrat: He behaves as if he were some sort of an aristocrat

аристократичный aristocratic: He comes from an aristocratic family

аскет ascetic: I am an ascetic who has left home in search of the solution to the problems of old age, sickness and death. Now I have no permanent home. I take shelter under a tree or in a deserted temple. I live on food given by the people

аскетичный ascetic: On his fourth trip he met a calm, serene ascetic monk, who inspired Siddhattha to have the same kind of life; self-denying: John was a self-denying man, dead to all the pomps and pleasures of the world; austere: To the first appearance, he was a rough and austere man, but turned out to be very courteous and affable

атеист atheist: I never pray, I am an atheist

аутсайдер outsider: One of the most basic human traits is the ability to distinguish between «us» and «them», in almost any situation it is possible to be classified as an outsider by not behaving according to expectations

аферист crook: The crook was caught in the act; swindler: Internet share swindler was finally sentenced to jail


баба (о мужчине) sissy: We've been taught to mock and despise and joke about this man who was defamed by most modern critics as sissy, picture of weakness; wuss: Never has there been an era so wuss-friendly as the one in which we live today. It is a sandpaper society, constantly rubbing up against men and rounding their shoulders with invitations to be more in touch with their female side. Are you a man or a wuss?

бабник womanizer: My boyfriend is very attractive and someone has told me that he is a womanizer

балаболка chatterbox: Your sister is a real chatterbox; big mouth: She cannot keep secrets, she is such a big mouth

балагур wisecracker: Tell the wisecracker to shut up

баламут trouble-maker: As a boy, I was such a troublemaker that one of my mother's sisters-in-law, who was expecting a baby, told my mother, «If I knew my baby would turn out like yours, I'd rather not have a child at all»

балбес booby: Why did I marry a boob like you?

балда dunderhead: You are a fat, idle, blundering dunderhead!

балованный pampered: It was hard for Lucina to become adjusted to a large family after being an only, pampered child; spoilt: He was a tall,

well made boy, and, except when he had the peevish expression of a spoilt boy, he was decidedly good looking

баловень molly-coddle: You have been bred up as a molly-coddle, Pen, and spoilt by the women

- судьбы fortune's favourite: Come here, come and learn about your good luck, you who are Fortune's favourite!; a favourite of fortune: He proves, at starting on his perilous career, to be a favourite of fortune and wins largely

бандит mobster: That actor played a mobster in a TV comedy; bandit: She used to call me «my little bandit»

бдительный vigilant: A vigilant watchman sees the enemy at a distance and prevents the enemy from doing any harm by warning in advance of his approach

бедный poor: I was as poor as a church-mouse at the time

безалаберный careless: I can't respect a careless, stupid man. I'll forgive him, but I may never respect him again

безвестный obscure: American National Biography is a record of the people, well-known and obscure, who have shaped the life of the U.S.A.

безвольный weak-willed: It seems very plausible that some people are more genetically predisposed to be addicted to smoking, so weak-willed smokers can blame genes now; gutless: Stop acting like a gutless wimp

безвредный harmless: He looks scary but he is quite harmless

безголовый headless: Some headless idiot erased that file from my computer

безграмотный illiterate: In a country where college graduates remain unemployed for decades, what is an illiterate, unskilled man to do ?

бездарный ungifted: No healthy child is really ungifted, unmusical and untalented; (об исполнителях) ham: He is a ham actor

бездарь (об исполнителях) ham (n): Не's a ham, don't you think so?

бездельник loafer: Look round any office and your colleagues will be divided pretty much into two distinct camps — the gophers and the loafers

бездеятельный inactive: My husband is very active and successful at work but at home he is inactive, lethargic and withdrawn

бездумный thoughtless: A thoughtless man's problem is not that he has no thoughts, but that he thinks that he really is able to think

бездушный callous: The doctor was callous about my wife's condition; heartless: Luke thinks of himself as a heartless man who will never love

безжалостный pitiless: He is pitiless to himself; merciless: Is he a merciless murderer or a victim of slander?; ruthless: He was a ruthless, scheming man, determined to replace his predecessor by any means necessary; relentless: She's relentless, focused and insufferably prissy about achieving her ends

беззаботный carefree: I envy carefree people, nothing seems to worry them

беззастенчивый shameless: She is a shameless liar

беззащитный defenceless: Hey, you two, release immediately that poor, defenceless kid!; (уязвимый) vulnerable: She believes that men are attracted to vulnerable women

беззлобный good-natured: He was a good-natured man, who never took revenge

безликий nondescript: He's a nondescript man who runs a nondescript business out of his nondescript house

безмозглый brainless: Dennis is a good-looking brainless athlete; witless: She is so witless that she misunderstands everything I say

безмятежный serene: Whenever she makes a scene, he remains serene; placid: She was a very placid child who hardly ever cried

безнадежный hopeless: /'т hopeless, / always gel involved with the wrong men

безнравственный immoral: This book describes how an immoral, manipulative tyrant achieves and maintains power; wicked: / don't care how nice you seem in your appearance and ways, in your soul you are a wicked man

безобидный harmless: On the surface, at least, he appears to be a harmless man

безответственный irresponsible: Son, having a car at your age is a privilege and it can be taken away if you are irresponsible

безразличный indifferent: He is totally indifferent to me; (не проявля­ющий заботу) uncaring: Better no man than an uncaring one

безрассудный (не думающий о последствиях) reckless: Не is a reckless driver; rash; The coward calls the brave man rash, the rash man calls him a coward (Aristotle); (неразумный) unreasonable: We were arguing and finally he erupted in anger, saying that 1 was the most unreasonable person he'd ever known and threatened to walk out on me

безропотный submissive: Some men prefer submissive women

безумный insane: Are you totally insane?

безупречный impeccable: It doesn't matter what anybody says or does. You must be an impreccable man yourself, irreproachable: He may be irreproachable as a pianist, but he is much less satisfactory as a teacher

безутешный inconsolable: After the tragedy, the inconsolable widow sold all her belongings, donated the proceeds for a new church on the island, and entered a convent

безучастный disinterested: Drifting along without direction or purpose, the younger generation seemed to many as hopelessly apathetic, aimlessly passive, and genuinely disinterested obscure all their lives

безынициативный passive: You never get promoted because you are too passive; lacking initiative: His co-workers look down on him, accusing him of lacking initiative and business savvy

бережливый thrifty: Being thrifty helps you save some of your time, energy and money; economical: She's very economical — saving money seems to come naturally to her

бескорыстный unselfish: How unselfish he is! It gives him a real satisfaction, as long as it does not cost money, to make other people happy; disinterested: He has such a noble heart! Such a disinterested man! unmercenary: Cosmas and Damian were unmercenary physicians and miracle-workers. These two saints were brothers, were bom in Rome and as children were baptized and brought up in the Christian spirit

беспечный carefree: When I was 16,1 was a carefree, confident teenager who loved people; (демонстративно) nonchalant: Don 1 be apathetic or nonchalant, if you don't care, why should your manager support you?

бесподобный incomparable : He is an incomparable cook

беспокойный (ментально) worry wart (n): Don't be a worry wart, worry consumes time but accomplishes little; anxious: Kids and teens feel anxious before the first day of school, before a test, or before a date', (не находящий себе места) restless: When restrained, she grows restless; (физически выражающий нетерпение) fidgety: Mental health experts estimate that as many as one in 33 school-age children has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Some are fidgety or hyperactive. Some are very distractible and have short attention spans

бесполезный useless: I am so useless!

беспомощный helpless: You are as helpless as a baby

безызвестный obscure: Most actors remain

беспорочный blameless: Only the cave people could be truly blameless; faultless: I think that only faultless people have the right to criticize others; irreproachable: A church leader must be irreproachable

беспощадный merciless: Boys at school were merciless, they called him by the names of all known animals; ruthless: Napoleon was a ruthless master of war

бесправный deprived of rights: In this country prisoners are deprived of human rights

беспринципный unprincipled: He is the most unprincipled politician I've ever met; unscrupulous: Blessed indeed are the unscrupulous, for they do not suffer from the anxieties and troubles of those who have scruples

беспристрастный unbiased: Do you have the will to be unbiased?; impartial: Some divorcing couples need an impartial mediator to help them reach an agreement on the issues dividing them

беспутный dissipated: Mr. Wharton is a scheming and dissipated man who prides himself on rejecting the rules by which most people live; dissolute: The movie is about an affluent, dissolute man who refuses to grow up and form meaningful relationships

бессердечный heartless: Julianne thought I was heartless, but I wasn't. I just didn't know what love was at the time; cold-hearted: A cold-hearted businessman doesn't care how high his prices are as long as he makes money

бессильный powerless: Don't put your hopes on him, he is too powerless to stand up for his rights; weak: He is as weak as a baby sometimes

бессловесный (безроптный) meek: He is meek, he never answers back no matter how abusive she gets

бессмертный immortal: Appolon is the immortal son of Zeus and Leto

бессовестный unscrupulous: There are many mercenary and iscrupulous financial advisers around, the problem is how to avoid iem; dishonest: He thinks himself on a mission to expose dishonest and competent officials

бессеребреник unselfish person: Unselfish people are rare

бесстрастный dispassionate: Isn't it sad you are so dispassionate and don't have any feelings!; impassive: Kitano plays a cop named Nishi, a determinedly impassive man whose face occasionally ripples with an involuntary tic, hinting at the explosive but contained forces within; unemotional: I go out with girls but I don't get sad, mad, or excited. Why am I an unemotional guy? What would cause that?

бесстрашный fearless: Cleopatra descended from a line of queens who knew the art of ruling. They were strong and fearless and without mercy; daring: John Lennon was the most daring and outspoken of the four Beatles

бесстыдный impudent: Scientist Richard Owen was considered «lazy and impudent» by his schoolmasters; shameless: You break the record in being openly rude, shameless, and extremely offensive!; brazen: One day while I was shopping I observed a man stealing an item of clothing. I remember I was amazed at how brazen the shoplifter was

бесстыжий shameless: He's an unusually good liar, or rather a shameless liar with a large audience of credulous followers

бестактный tactless: A tactless man — I'm sure everyone knows someone like him. Thick-headed, idiot, and jerk are often names for a tactless man

бесталанный untalented: Now that I have stared into the face of the most untalented man alive I know that nothing else can truly scare me; (по­средственный) mediocre: She is the most mediocre singer on Earth

бестолковый muddle-headed: I could not remember what he said, and was unable to make anything of it. I felt muddle-headed and stupid and impatient with myself; witless: My father was a poor witless man, an ordinary laborer who believed in doing good even if his good often fell far below expectations; goofy: Isn't she goofy!

бестолочь nitwit: Don't touch it, you nitwit!; boob: You boob! What have you done?

бесхарактерный weak-willed: You are so weak-willed, I'm tired of being a decision-maker in our family; (немужественный) gutless: He's not just weak, but he is ruled by his weakness. He is controlled by his fears, and he proves to us that he is a gutless coward; (бесхребетный) spineless: He is spineless, not a man of his word

бесхитростный guileless: Honest people are guileless. They expect other people to be honest and guileless too; artless: Judith has often been kicked in the teeth for being so artless

бесхозяйственный thriftless: His father is a lazy, thriftless man, no wonder they are so poor; unpractical: You are so unpractical and you think of starting a family?

бесценный invaluable: He is invaluable to us

бесцеремонный unceremonious: Edgeworth was a blunt, unceremonious man, and Simpson could not have said he liked him very much; brusque: Much has been said about George Tryon's charm of manner, but in truth he was a very brusque and dictatorial man; offhand: He is offhand with her

бесхребетный spineless: Just when I thought that he couldn't get any more spineless, he made another concession

бесчеловечный inhuman: This inhuman dictator will stop at nothing to achieve his goals of world domination

бесчестный dishonourable: He, though foul and dishonourable, wants to be thought elegant and urbane

бесчувственный insensitive: People these days are very insensitive; callous: This callous and calculating dictator thinks of us as small and insignificant

бесшабашный reckless: Somehow he managed to be both cool and reckless, heroic and vaguely sinister, laconic to the point of inertia, yet still a man of action; daredevil (n): He is frequently a daredevil, he pretends that there is no such thing as danger

благовоспитанный well-bred: She's a well-bred, high class girl

благодарный grateful: Parents expect their children to be grateful

благодетель benefactor: A benefactor contributes $1 million to the health center program

благодушный complacent: It's better to be complacent than competitive

благожелательный benevolent: He is such a benevolent old man, he wouldn't hurt a fly

благополучный (материально) well-off: She is materially well-off but cannot plan the future; well-to-do: He was very well-to-do, very moral, very religious; (хорошо приспособленный к обществу) well-adjusted: Не went through what many might call an unstable childhood, but he turned out to be a well-adjusted and successful adult

благоразумный (продумывающий свои действия) prudent: What is «a prudent man»? Does a «prudent man» mean a «wise man»?; (здраво­мыслящий) sensible: I like sensible people, they are so much easier to deal with

благородный (живущий no принципам чести) honourable: She was quite willing to become his mistress, but he was too honourable to take advantage of her; (имеющий высокие моральные качества, также из семьи аристократа или высокого ранга) noble: At the bottom of her heart she had profound contempt for the great ladies and the noble lords she met at partus, but she knew the connexion was useful

благотворитель philanthropist: Soros Foundations Network is a nonprofit foundations created by the philanthropist George Soros

блестящий brilliant: What a brilliant performer!

блудливый lecherous: He took my questions as some sort of advance w my pari and In a minute the seemingly harmless old man transformed a disgustingly lecherous, smelly, fat old man

блудиый сын prodigal son: The return of the prodigal son

богатый rich: He is as rich as Ooemt; wealthy: Her father is fabulously wealthy

богобоязненный God-fearing: We are. gathered here to witness the marriage of two God-fearing Christians

богохульный blasphemous: My heart hurts at the fact you are so openly blasphemous against an Almighty God who created the world and everything in it.

бодрый buoyant: What a buoyant old lady!; cheerful: She used to be a cheerful girl, what's the matter with her now?

боевой (предприимчивый) go-ahead (a): He has rather an indolent and careless appearance and does not look like a «go-ahead» man; (ре­шительный) determined: She is a very determined girl

боец fighter: She '11 survive, she's a real fighter

божественный divine: She is divine, isn't she?

бой-баба virago: When you say to people that you "re a feminist, they expect you to be some sort of virago

бойкий (дерзкий) saucy: Susie was a saucy girl, named after my father t old girlfriend. She wore other peoples clothes and drank beer; pert: His secretary is a pert blonde called Harriet; (живой, веселый) perky: She was a perky little widow in her 70s

болван dunce: It would be nice to be brilliant all the tune — but few of us would claim to be a genius at everything! I admit - /hi complete dunce at maths; moron: You moron! Do you understand my question?; blockhead: «Afo man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money. (S. Johnson)

болтун blabbermouth: That blabbermouth told die whole class I love Bill; bigmouth: His gift of gab had earned him the nickname «Bigmomth», I'm ямгг even he is not interested in what he's got to say half the rime

болтливый chatty She и never tired, always bright and сhatty; chattery 4tt book encompasses 20 yean in the life of a nghth wound chattery woman who can V seem to find herself

боязливый fearful: Не is unbelievably fearful but he very skilfully conceals it

брезгливый squeamish: / am not squeamish but those photoes made my stomach turn

брюзга grump: You old grump, I do not want to listen to you; grouch: He is such a grouch

брюзгливый grumpy: Today she is more grumpy than ever; peevish: Aged persons are apt to be peevish and fretful

буйный wild: He is a very wild child; violent: My father was violent, he used to abuse me physically

бука surly person: That surly boy never answers my questions, just pretends not to notice

буквоед comma-counter: That comma-counter is such a pain in the neck!

бунтарь rebel: He has been a rebel virtually all his life

быдло lowlife: «Who are you calling a lowlife?» he demanded, from the floor of the cell. «Look at yourself» he said, «if you aren't a lowlife, what would you call yourself?»

бывалый experienced: This tour is for the experienced and adventurous travelers

бюрократ bureaucrat: As a Surrealist, Dali had an aversion to bureaucrats. In addition, his father, who expelled him from the family home, was a notary — a respected bureaucratic position in Spain


важная шишка bigwig: He's an assistant for some Hollywood Bigwig thai I have a business relationship with

важный important (V.I.P, — very important perion): There are people, and there are important people, and then there are very important people. The trick is to be as many of the three as possible — all at the same time

варвар barbarian: Get that barbarian out of my house now!

везучий lucky: Aren't you lucky!

вежливый polite: Being responsible, polite, smart and hardworking is the golden rule of management

великодушный magnanimous: «It is the characteristic of the magnanimous man to ask no favor but to be ready to do kindness to others» (Aristotle); generous: / like your sister, she is a warm, generous soul

великолепный magnificent: Oh, you are magnificent!

величавый dignified: The painting on the back wall is of a dignified man in a lace collar, presumably the master of the house

величественный majestic: As Malcolm Xput it, self-loathing keeps a caged man from becoming a majestic man; grand: He can introduce you to this grand woman, if you want

верный faithful: He is a very honest, faithful servant; true: He is a true friend

вероломный treacherous: As King Arthur lies dying, mortally wounded by his treacherous son Medraut, he instructs Sir Bedwyr to return his famous sword, Caliburn, to a nearby lake; (книж) perfidious: How could Judas sell the blood of Christ for a little money? Why did he become a perfidious traitor to his Lord, who had called him, honored him, and carried himself so tenderly towards him ?

вертопрах giddyhead: I can never rely on him, he is such a giddyhead!

веселый (жизнерадостный) cheerful: / like your mother, she is always cheerful, my mother is always moaning; (в хорошем настроении) high- spirited: The team consists of many high-spirited, talented sailors who love to sail; (радостный) jolly: Her next-door neighbour was a plump jolly woman who was a/ways smiling and laughing

ветреный flighty: The teacher started telling me that my little girl didn't always pay attention in class and was sometimes a little flighty; giddy: In the film, she played the part of a giddy blonde

взбалмошный daffy: In «Bringing Up Baby,» Hepburn is a daffy society girl who gets mixed up with an absent-minded zoologist, Grant; eccentric: She can be a bit eccentric sometimes, but by and large she is quite a sound girl

вздорный quarrelsome: The Bible says «Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife»; argumentative: Whatever I suggest she is all against it, is she always that argumentative?; unruly: Occasionally, every business has to deal with an unruly customer, it's part of doing business. No matter how carefully you explain your position, there's one customer in a thousand who will misunderstand and take great offense

взрывной temperamental: A temperamental man, Jackson could love or hate with committed passion

взыскательный (предъявляющий высокие требования) exacting: An exacting teacher, Sonny asks much of his students, and attentive pupils respond with a demonstration of ability that surprises some and pleases all; (требовательный) demanding: How can I say no to my demanding boss?; (привередливый) fastidious: A fastidious gourmand, he insisted that only fresh food should be used for cooking

взяточник bribetaker: Who do you think is worse — the bribegiver or bribetaker?

видный prominent: Julian Huxley was one of the most prominent of the modem Humanists

властный domineering: My aunt never wanted kids, but she married a domineering man who insisted she bear him a son; dominating: Her mother- in-law is a large and dominating woman, full of barbs, innuendo, and acidity; overbearing: My father is overbearing, he often says «this is my house and you»ll do it my way as long as you live under my roof»; (высокомерный и властный) imperious: She plays an imperious, aloof, stately and well-bred woman without an effort; (разг.) bossy: She is in her thirties but her bossy mum is still trying to rule her life

властолюбивый power-hungry: He is obviously trying hard, but he is not very adept at hiding his true power-hungry nature

влиятельный influential: He is one of the most influential people in the history of the movies

влюбчивый of an amorous disposition: He early showed signs of a rare genius, and also of an amorous disposition; amorous: Carole secures employment as the personal assistant to Murray, a rich and amorous man. Murray finds her attractive and makes a pass, which she responds to with a sharp punch

внимательный attentive: I must admit that he was a good and attentive husband but I was not very happy with him; considerate: Tony is a bit of a jerk, but he is considerate and gentle; thoughtful: You are getting very thoughtful, that's strange

внушаемый suggestible: The client becomes suggestible when he is hypnotised into a state of relaxation

возбудимый excitable: Energetic and excitable children need outlets for their enthusiasm and energy. Planning study breaks and scheduling active after school activities lets them blow off steam

воздержанный (умеренный) temperate: «Today he has done nothing but quarrelled with me. What could have caused such a temperate man to become so angry?» said William

воинственный belligerent: Don't waste your time being belligerent and argumentative, just do what you are told; bellicose: That bellicose man beats the drums of war

волевой strong-willed: This company is run by a beautiful, intelligent, strong-willed woman; determined: She's very determined, I think she's get that job sooner or later

волокита philanderer Насктап plays the chameleon-like President, a diplomat in public and an alcoholic and philanderer in private

волокитчик procrastinator: Nick is a first-rate procrastinator and shirker

ворчливый grumbling: If you want to have a good time, get rid of that grumbling boyfriend of yours", grouchy: You are still the same person only older and wiser. If you were a grouchy, ill-mannered kid you are probably now known as a crotchety old man; (жалующийся) querulous: He had lost much weight, was a little querulous after a two-month hospital and was a frail shadow of his former self

ворчун grumbler: There was a grumbler in our group who spent the whole time trying to upset people

восприимчивый receptive: Don't approach her now, wait until she's more receptive; perceptive: Children are remarkably perceptive and observant; (подверженный) susceptible: He is so susceptible to flattery

восторженный enthusiastic: Bacon, a contemporary of Galileo and Descartes, witnessed the first conquests of modem science and the first inventions. He became a most enthusiastic admirer of science; rapturous: The king was greeted by a rapturous crowd

восхитительный adorable: She is an adorable little girl

впечатлительный impressionable: TV stereotypes influence impressionable viewers; sensitive: Victorian culture valued women who were emotionally sensitive and loyally devoted to one man

враждебный hostile: She is openly hostile to strangers

всезнайка know-it-all: That Know-It-All thinks he knows everything about anything and wants to make sure everyone knows about his immense knowledge

всемогущий omnipotent: She idolized her rich, charismatic father, thinking he was omnipotent

вспыльчивый quick-tempered: Ни immense energy makes htm aggressive and quick-tempered, short-tempered: She is so short-tempered, quick to gel angry and slow to cool down; hot-tempered: Beneath the veneer of success and happiness, Ronald was a hot-tempered man, given to bouts of rage and violence

вульгарный vulgar: When she s angry, she becomes vulgar

вызывающий provocative: He wanted me not to be an introvert brooder but a powerful and provocative man, eager for battle

выдающийся outstanding: He is a music archivist, very outstanding in his field; prominent: He arrived from Europe as a very poor young boy and matured into a prominent man of many accomplishments; eminent: That man is one of the world's leading organic chemists, he was named by Time Magazine one of the 30 most eminent people of the millennium

выдохшийся stale: They have been working under a lot of pressure lately and they have both become a little stale

выдумщик fabulist: У'm really such a fabulist when it comes to my own past that I really can 7 trust a word I say; storyteller: Nicholas never requires anyone to believe him, even if he is telling the truth. He is, after all, a storyteller; (с воображением) imaginative (a): How imaginative are you? Do you like to make up stories?

выживший из ума senile: Look, your senile father is chasing the cat again!

выносливый having stamina: This player has great stamina; hardy: You have to be hardy to live in such an inhospitable place

выскочка upstart: He was looked upon as some sort of an upstart by the families of the landholders, but was tolerated because of his utility in remissions of arrears of rent; parvenu: The truth is that he is a vulgar parvenu and social climber seething with class resentment

высокого полета high-flyer: She had been a high-flyer before she got married, she is a house-wife now

высокомерный arrogant: You think you look smart, but you just appear egotistical, arrogant and pathetic; supercilious: There's nothing worse than supercilious highbrows and eggheads; (разг) ditsy / ditzy: / hated them because they were ditzy and they both made my life miserable

высокопарный bombastic: He is a bombastic but lovable know-nothing; grandiloquent: Don't be so grandiloquent, big words annoy people

вялый listless: He is on some pills now that make him listless and lethargic; sluggish: I believe man is inert, sluggish, and averse to labour, unless compelled by necessity


гад / гадина skunk: If you were not such a skunk you wouldn't let youself be bought

гадкий lousy: You are a bunch of lousy hooligans!; loathsome: There was a dead man on the floor, a withered, wrinkled, and loathsome man, with a knife in his heart; disgusting: He is a disgusting man, a gruesome parody of a normal human; creepy: We got inside and stared out the window waiting for the creepy man to make his next move

галантный gallant: He always remembers to be gallant to my widowed aunts

гангстер gangster: He was arrested for murdering two other gangsters

гибкий flexible: If you want to be promoted, demonstrate that you are reliable, flexible, willing to be part of a team effort

глумливый sneering: The boy fell in love with that sneering brunette, despite his painful experiences

глупый silly: They are both in their thirties but they behave like silly 16- year-olds; stupid: He is stupider than everyone else, but acts like he is smarter; daft: Don't be daft!

гнусный foul: Не is a foul man and I don V want to talk to him.'; vile: Am I so vile? Am I truly so horrid?

говорливый talkative: She's a lively, talkative girl; chatty: She was not in a mood to talk. She had a feeling the old woman was the chatty type, and Alex did not want to be rude to her

головорез thug: You are a racist thug

головотяп bungler: It is shameful to be a dunce or a bungler in any profession

гордый proud: He says that his hot blood makes him proud and arrogant

горемыка unfortunate (n): He was one of the poor unfortunates who put all his money in stocks and bonds just before the crisis

горемычный hapless: He used to be such a hapless hack!

горластый loud-mouthed: At first Taunja never paid much attention to the tall, loud-mouthed man sitting at the bar, but a little later he introduced himself to her and offered to buy her a drink; loud-mouth (a): Why is this cynical loud-mouth disc jockey bothering to write a book?; noisy: What a noisy kid!

горлопан loud mouth: There are a number of loud mouths here who are competing with one another

горячий hot-tempered: Never tell your boss stories that make you look hot-tempered or irresponsible; hot-headed: A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hot-headed and reckless (Proverbs, Chapter 14)

гостеприимный hospitable: He was not a hospitable or a sociable man. «I care about nothing but fishing,» he used to say. «I find my dog a very good company»

грешник sinner: I am a reformed sinner

грешный sinful: How can a sinful man go to heaven?

грязный dirty: He isn't a dirty old man, he just likes ladies, that's all!; filthy: I didn't even know what that filthy manager was up to

гуманный humane: If you are humane, let me go

грубиян churl: He rescued a young lady from a drunken churl; boor: «The Boor» is a film adaptation of Anton Chekhov's play based on a short one act farce called «The Bear»

грубый rude: She was incredibly rude and I told her so; (оскорбляю­щий других) offensive: He's changed, he is drunk and offensive most of the time

грустный melancholy: Kim Novak was often called the melancholy blonde; sad: When you 're sad, the world seems dark and unfriendly. You have a hurt deep inside that crushes your heart and your spirit

гурман epicure : The epicure who puts butter on his vegetables and adds cream to his vegetable soup is wiser than he knows; gourmet: This man is a gourmet — he loves Mongolian cockroaches' gums, and especially giblet jam


двуличный two-faced: Don't be such a two-faced back-stabber. You should remember the saying: «Whatgoes around, comes around»; double-faced: She is a double-faced woman, for whom a man is nothing but a means of attaining her goal

двурушнический double-dealing: Wealthy, confident and capable, Nate is a family man whose good-natured exterior masks a darker side — a double-dealing business man with more than one enemy

деликатный tactful: He became popular, because he was tactful and pleasing, and he knew how to pull strings; considerate: Can't you be more considerate towards her?

деловой business-like: Не is a tidy, business-like man, who keeps the papers chronologically arranged

деревенщина hick: He moved to the city as a teenager, determined to shed his image as a country hick, and to become a great ballplayer; yokel: «Tell me,» said the hiker to the local yokel, «will this pathway take me to the main road?» «No, sir,» replied the rustic, «you '11 have to go by yourself!»

дерзкий (смелый) audacious: He is a young, audacious man not bound by old traditions, who will try a lot of new things to change the situation; daring: They have been feared and respected as the daring, deadly; bold: I am a witch, bold and brazen. Because I spoke out the truth to you; (нахальный) impudent: Guards, take this impudent man out, blindfold him and execute him; impertinent: He wanted to slap the impertinent woman but his hands reached out slowly instead; (разг.) cheeky: Don't get cheeky with me!; (разг.) pert: She was pert and blonde and wore a turtleneck sweater and has obviously never worked

дикарь savage: «The savage in man is never quite eradicated» (Henry David Thoreau)

дикий savage: Man is savage at heart; (необузданный) wild: There are always a few wild kids in a school class

дисциплинированный disciplined: A good performer is not only multi- talented and versatile, he is also disciplined

добродетельный virtuous: Only the virtuous person deserves honour (Aristotle)

добродушный good-natured: I have a 2 1/2-year-old son who has been good-natured almost from day 1, but now he cries every time he doesn't get to do something his way; good-humoured: He was good- humoured and kind, he would take any amount of trouble to do anyone a service

доброжелательный benevolent: Confucius said:«Only a benevolent man is able to tell whom to love and whom to hate»; well-wishing: Four years ago he was urged by an old well-wishing friend to stay one more year in college and «enrich his life»

доброжелатель well-wisher: I love you, because you love me. I am your friend, your well-wisher, because you are my friend and well-wisher

добрый kind: My dream mother was beautiful and kind, my real mother was a world apart from everything I'd ever known; good-hearted: He was a clever and wonderfully good-hearted man

добропорядочный respectable: I am a respectable citizen!; honest: I am an honest girl, I'm not going to consider this indecent proposal

добросердечный tender-hearted: Tender-hearted is the best way to describe me. I will do anything within reason to make someone smile and laugh. I hold doors open for people, help elderly people to their cars at the store and make funny faces at babies if I see them; good-hearted: What do I look for in other people ? I look for people who are outgoing, good-hearted and open

добросовестный conscientious: You keep such long hours on the job but can you really earn a bigger salary for being conscientious?

доверчивый trusting: I wish you were not so trusting, people take advantage of you; trustful: He was a man of character and integrity, a loving father and a trustful friend; credulous: Corporate businesses have a vested interest in encouraging people to be credulous. Advertisements and other sales techniques may train people from an early age to believe what they are told

довольный happy: I am looking for a happy girl, I don't want someone I have to cheer up; satisfied: He is satisfied with what he has; contented: He is such a contented little baby!

догадливый quick-witted: She was quick-witted, it did not take her long to understand what was going on; shrewd: He was shrewd enough to know that what she might do for his wife she would not do for him

докучливый annoying: That girl is really annoying, she talks all the time and repeats herself; bothersome: We don't know his name or why he was there, but this man was quite bothersome to all of us that night

домашний domestic: They often quarrel because she loves going out, but he's very domestic and prefers staying home

доносчик stool-pigeon: Watch out for Doug, I'm sure he's a stool-pigeon for the supervisor

дорогой dear: You will always be my dear boy

достойный worthy: That man in not worthy of me; dignified: He chose him, this tall and bearded, dignified man, because he showed the qualities of a spiritual being

доступный approachable: How approachable are you? Do people find you magnetic or maddening? The art of being approachable, can it be easily mastered?

дотошный thorough: He did a much better job than we expected, because he was thorough; meticulous: What are the suitable careers for meticulous people?

драгоценный precious: Precious angel, you believe me when I say what God has given to us no man can take away

драчливый combative: He was a coarse, combative man, and he took part in a great folly. Sustained risk was the only life he knows how to live; pugnacious: He became very pugnacious as a result of being bullied at school

драчун scrapper: He has always been a scrapper. He believes it goes back to his childhood on Fargo's North Fourth Street where he claims to have been a member of a gang

дружелюбный friendly: He was friendly, but it was clear that he was not in love with her; amiable: She is amiable but distant, she likes people to know who's the boss

дрянной wretched: That wretched boy is up to no good again!; rotten: We spend many evenings planning how we are going to get even with our mean and rotten boyfriends

дрянь scumbag: Listen, scumbag! Keep me out of this; louse: He turned out to be a louse, and I stopped seeing him; rotter: Who could possibly think that friendly, smiling man Mr Lamley was such a rotter?

дряхлый decrepit: I'm not totally decrepit, you know, I can lift things

дубина blockhead: This blockhead is totally intolerant of opinions other than his own; dunderhead: I'm always afraid that I'll sound like a dunderhead if I ask too many questions

дубовый thick: I am not as thick as you think me

дурак fool: Design a system any fool can use and only a fool will want to use it

дурень nincompoop: Take professional wrestling - even the most dimwitted nincompoop realises that it is a fake, but we still watch it for the entertainment

душевнобольной insane: He is insane, he should be locked in a lunatic asylum


елейный unctuous: He is unctuous toward me, because he feels guilty. Ht fawns upon me, ignoring other people; oleaginous: Virtually everything that comes out of the mouth of this oleaginous man is a lie; slimy. Овr representative was a slimy man

ершистый rough: He is rough, always ready to pick up a fight


жадинна tightwad: He is a tightwad, his money and other possessions on parts of himself

жадный greedy: My greedy landlord keeps raising the rent so lb thinmt qf moving out

жалкий pathetic: She did not want to be called Grandma or Granny. «It always makes me feel like some pathetic little old lady»; sad: You are a sad man!; (несчастный) miserable: I mustn't show how miserable I am, I must pretend it's all right

желчный acrimonious: Some acrimonious people say that she is a witch

жеманный mincing: You acted exactly like a trivial and mincing little girl!

женоненавистник woman-hater: He is the woman-hater who threatens that if a woman comes into his yard he 'II chase her out with a pitch-fork; misogynist: He is a misogynist at heart

женственный effeminate: He was athletic and he was not effeminate

женственная feminine: She is the sort of woman who knows all about the insides of cars, but still very feminine

жеребец stud: Look at that stud over there! Do you think he's going steady with anyone ?

жертва victim: Victims rarely let the people who are taking advantage of them know how they feel about this treatment

жесткий tough: She is as tough as nails

жестокий cruel: Children can be very cruel to animals; brutal- His father, a factory worker, was an extraordinarily brutal man, beaten horribly as a child by his mother's boyfriend; ruthless: TV boy is almost always ruthless end unmanageable

живой vivacious: An extremely vivacious brunette, she is always seen laughing and talking in the halls; lively: / took to Ms wife right away, because she was always lively; high-spirited: He is a high-мрН tod guy, with о ready smile and a hearty laugh

животное brute: You but*, how could you Mr о woman', animal: He becomes an animal when he’s drunk

жизнерадостный cheerful: Не never told anyone about his worries. Naturally, people could hardly realize that such a cheerful man suffered so much; buoyant: He was a remarkably buoyant man

жулик rogue: I saw his photograph in the rogues' gallery at the police station; con man / artist: I'm beside myself over my stepson who is a lying, manipulative conartist; swindler: She married a swindler but does not regret that


забавный funny: He is very popular with the girls because he is funny; amusing: He talked well. He was amusing and sometimes witty

забияка bully: Bullies enjoy being bad

забулдыга gargler: Some old gargler froze to death last night

заботливый caring: In my imagination she was soft, caring and smelling of perfume; thoughtful: In being a true friend you become a thoughtful person

забывчивый forgetful: She is very old and is getting very forgetful; absent- minded: He is awfully absent-minded, he's always leaving documents lying around

задира bully: Why do you let that bully walk all over you ?

зажиточный well-off: The Trevors are very well-off; prosperous: Maud came from a prosperous family; wealthy: She was extremely wealthy, having been married to three very rich men

зависимый dependent: As she became increasingly dependent on heroin, her life raced towards total chaos; addicted to: He is addicted to alcohol

завистливый envious: I believe that envious people have the evil eye

завистник envious person: I'm surrounded by envious people

загадочный enigmatic: Alan Greenspan is one of the most powerful and enigmatic men in the world. Although endlessly pursued by the press and ceaselessly present in the public spotlight, very little about his private life has ever been revealed; mysterious: Who is this mysterious lady?

задиристый quarrelsome: A quarrelsome man has no good neighbors

задумчивый pensive: He is one of the foremost artists on the planet that tastefully depict the female form: the solitary woman, pensive, lost in thought; thoughtful: Onscreen Kim Novak seems distant, enigmatic and thoughtful; given to reflection: He is almost always positive, rarely given to reflection. He deals in the present

зазнавшийся self-important: Like so many self-made and self-important men, he confuses boorishness with wit

закомплексованный (неуверенный) insecure: If you are insecure, finding a partner can be a problem; (неспособный выражать свои эмоции) inhibited: A rather inhibited, lonely man finally splurged on a luxury cruise to the Caribbean. It was the craziest thing he had ever done in his life; self-conscious: Acne is no fun for anyone. But for self- conscious teens, it can be a serious problem

закоренелый hardened: Adam is a hardened cynic

закоснелый rigid: I wonder if such a rigid, old-fashioned man is someone lean spend my life with; obdurate: His detractors described him as rather an irascible, obdurate man who was too slow and cautious and too interested in playing a defensive role; stale: You are young, it means you are not stale, you '11 get that promotion!

замечательный wonderful: She is a wonderful woman, I admire her

замкнутый withdrawn: I am astonished by the change in him, he became nervous and withdrawn; reclusive: He lived alone too long and became increasingly reclusive, he's not comfortable in a big city

занозистый caustic: She'd seen his true colours. He was the most insufferable, caustic man

заносчивый arrogant: Не came across as, arrogant, aggressive, selfish, unwilling to abide by the rules, a man whose sole ambition can be summed up in one word: control!; snobbish: Proud people are often conceited and snobbish, but Atticus is neither: he never boasts about his talents, he is a modest man; (разг.) stuck-up: She seems pretty stuck-up, one day I said hello to her, she mumbled something and never even looked at me

зануда bore: He is a real bore, he'll pester you with long, dull stories; (умный, но скучный для общества) nerd: I know a lot of people who were nerds in school, and they all tell the same story: there is a strong correlation between being smart and being a nerd

занудливый boring: Some people think it's better to go out to dinner with someone who is boring, than to stay at home alone

запальчивый quick-tempered: They may be quick-tempered, they do not hide their anger and thereby offend close associates

запасливый thrifty: They have everything, but they still tend to be thrifty

застенчивый shy: I am a nineteen-year-old and have a problem with women because I am too shy; bashful: She acts bashful, but really, she isn't at all; self-conscious: The three children she photographed on a wooden bench in their bathing suits seem self-conscious, not quite sure where to put their hands

затворник recluse: She has led the life of a recluse since her husband died

заторможенный slow: His daughter Lana was a plump, brown, slow girl

заурядный mundane: Stop wasting your time being mundane and mediocre. Continue to give birth to new ideas; ordinary: He does not pay much attention to her because he finds her too ordinary; common: Selfish, stupid and common, that's what he was

зачерствелый hardened: Billy's Dad is a hardened man who thinks ballet is an unmanly activity, and therefore bans Billy from dancing; hard: Oh, you 're a hard woman, Elaine!; hard-hearted: People change with time, and so the lender-hearted boy grew up to become a hard-hearted man. He became a thoroughly materialistic, flinty and self-centered individual

заядлый inveterate: When Worcester, an inveterate gambler, separated from his wife, he returned to England to live with his sister Sophie

зверский brutal: That man was one of the most depraved and brutal serial killers in history

здравомыслящий sensible: Do be sensible, stop seeing that man, chuck him; sound: We've decided to appoint Browne to the post. He's a very sound man

злобный spiteful: You are a sick man. You are a spiteful man!; malicious: Malicious people intentionally do bad things

зловещий sinister: I found my new neighbour sinister right from the beginning; menacing: In this movie, Reeves does a great job of playing a menacing and frightening person

зловредный malevolent: He's clearly not malevolent, just look at the way he treats women and children

злодей villain: Gaius Julius Caesar, is he a hero or a villain ?

злой malicious: You know how malicious people are and fond of gossiping; vicious: When he was drinking, he was vicious; wicked: Her wicked mother- in-law makes her life a misery

злонамеренный ill-intentioned: A computer virus is, simply, a computer program written by an ill-intentioned programmer; malicious: I have a desire to clear my name, I admit I was mischievous, but not malicious in any sense

злопамятный unforgiving: She is very unforgiving about any kind of a miss and it comes between us

злорадный spiteful: By the time he hit bottom he was a demoralized, spiteful man who sought escape in booze and drugs and Mexican whorehouses; malevolent: Meanwhile her son grew up a strange, silent, malevolent boy who harbored intense hatred toward the man who was his real father; gloating: Tonight I won the game and almost became a gloating winner. It's the competitive spirit in me, I think

злоязычный slanderous: He is a slanderous idiot, take no notice of him

знаменитость celebrity: She is a celebrity now and kind of keeps me at a distance

знаменитый famous: At the age of 23 he wrote his first novel and became instantly rich and famous; eminent: Trithemius — the name of this eminent man became famous in the annals of alchemy

знаток connoisseur: They are perfect connoisseurs in choosing what restaurant is best for what kind of dish and at what time to go there

зрелый mature: He is very mature for his age

зубоскал scoffer: Ignore the scoffers, they like to amuse themselves at your expense


игривый playful: She is as playful as a kitten; (разг., сексуально) frisky: He got very frisky at the party; (поэт.) frolicsome: «I'm frolicsome, I'm easy, Good-tempered and free, I don t care a single pin, my boys, What the world thinks of me» (folk song)

идеалист idealistic: I may be idealistic. But I wasn't born yesterday

идейный committed: He was a committed fighter for his brand of radical Islam and gave himself to shooting and killing his fellow countrymen in the opposing Northern Alliance; ideological: My father was not a very ideological man but mildly liberal at heart

идиот idiot: He Is one of those idiots that a woman can turn round her little finger; imbecile: You are a pea-brained imbecile

изверг monster: Only a monster could beat a child so severely; fiend: Their father was a fiend, violent when he was drunk

известный famous: Overnight he became suddenly the most famous man in the world; renowned: He was a renowned eighteen-century poet', well- known: He is a well-known man, I have seen his pictures in the papers; distinguished: In addition to being a distinguished man of science, Howard had a deep appreciation of art

изворотливый shifty: I can't vouch for any of the information he has given me. He can be a shifty fellow; devious: You have to be a bit devious if you 're going to succeed in business; crafty: They were crafty in the way they got us to agree by showing how much money we might lose by saying no

извращенец pervert: I am a colossal pervert, no form of sexual deprevity is too low for me

изгой outcast: HIV-infected children, he said, were outcasts — rejected by schools and hospitals alike

издерганный run down: Since he took that extra job, he looks run down

изменник (предатель) traitor: The traitor was sentenced to life imprisonment; (изменяющий супругу) cheater: What if you cheated and got caught? Could you live with the knowledge that you were a cheater?

изнеженный coddled: Their children are coddled beyond belief and their every whim is catered to; pleasure-loving: How did Jane go from a pleasure- loving girl to a prim middle-aged worrier?

изобретательный ingenious: «The analytical power should not be confounded with simple ingenuity, for while the analyst is necessarily ingenious, the ingenious man is often remarkably incapable of analysis» (E.A. Рое); inventive: By the middle of the nineteenth century it became popular to study prominent artists and scientists to investigate the factors which brought forth inventive people; resoursefui: Today, however, fewer and fewer children are learning the importance of being responsible, resourceful and determined

изощренный subtle: Lector himself is a subtle тая, whose evil seems to be under the surface

импульсивный impulsive: Don't be so impulsive, remember the proverb 'Look before you leap'; impetuous: He's so impetuous — why can i he think things over before he rushes into them ?

индивидуалист individualist: I think it's possible to be both a socialist and an individualist. I concern myself with other people but I still have my own mind, my own thoughts and / don 7 need to conform. So I guess in that sense I am an individualist

инертный inert: She was fat and inert, moving about as if she had been half-asleep; (бездеятельный) sluggish: Edmund Burke observed that the kind of society and government a nation has is an accurate reflection of the character and intellect of the people who inhabit it. A corrupt, careless, sluggish people will have a government to match their nature; slothful: Tylor is a worthless man, slothful and indecisive

инициативный initiator (n): She is an initiator, always seeking out opportunities to learn, expand her job, obtain recognition

интриган intriguer: You are a bom intriguer

интроверт introvert: My son is now in the 10th grade and has always been very shy and a bit of an introvert

инфантильный infantile: How infantile are grown men! How are they to be understood by the poor women living together with them ?; (незрелый) immature: She's rather immature for her age, don i you think?; childish. Stop being childish!

искренний sincere: My dream man has to be handsome, faithful and sincere; wholehearted: Peter was a wholehearted man. He always knew his mind and heart

искусный skilful: The manager as a skilful communicator; skilled: He is certainly an extremely skilled story teller who knows how to grip and hold' the readers interest; adept; At an early age he became adept at building, repairing, inventing and sketching; adroit: He was a most adroit man in ail kinds of games, and a man of uncommon strength

искусственный affected Garnet is a fiery and determined heroine who through heartbreak and adversity, evolves from a naive and somewhat affected girl into a strong, compassionate and independent woman

искушенный (в житейских делах) sophisticated: Не is 10years older and seems immeasurably more sophisticated than me

исполнительный diligent: He is always diligent in his work; thorough: I wish you were more thorough in your preparation for the meetings; efficient: He's got an incredibly efficient secretary

испорченный spoiled: She is rich, beautiful and very spoiled; rotten: She's rotten to the core

истеричный hysterical: He behaved like a combination of a spoiled child and a hysterical woman

исчадие ада devil incarnate: Some of us probably think lawyers are the devil incarnate, especially defense lawyers who help criminals «get off»


капризный whimsical: For some reason I always fall for whimsical women; (своенравный) crotchety: He was simply a crotchety old man who refused to listen to reason; (книж.) capricious: He was a capricious man wrapped up in his twisted concept of power

карьерист careerist: It was difficult not to feel intimidated by his high- earning, careerist sisters; career man/woman: Like many career women, she's in the office until eight or nine and always brings work home

квалифицированный skilled: The agency specializes in placement for jobs, staffing, and employment of highly skilled personnel; efficient: He is о very efficient manager

кичливый conceited: A conceited person never gets anywhere because he thinks he is already there; snooty: I prefer not to fraternize with the guys upstairs. They're so snooty and stuck up, I don't like them much; snotty: At one very amusing point of the film, a screen actor is asked how he can stand being near people who are so snotty and egocentric. Without hesitation, he cheerfully rebukes, «you forget that I get paid to impersonate them»

клеветник slanderer: I want to prove that slanderer wrong; defamer: I'm going to sue the defamer

клоун clown: They are a few clowns short of a circus

кляузник pettifogger: The nitpickers, the whiners, the pettifoggers are everywhere

коварный insidious: He is in every respect a dangerous and insidious figure; sly: That sly girl got her friend's job; (разг.) underhanded: He knows how to turn on the charm but is habitually underhanded; (тот, кто способен вонзить кинжал в спину) backstabbing: John Cusak as always does an excellent job as a backstabbing climber that will stop at nothing to get to his goal as a Congressman (movie review); back- stabber (n): Nearly every organization seems to have at least one back- stabber. These are the people who rejoice publicly in your success, while secretly plotting ways to undermine you

кокетливый flirtatious: She became very flirtatious in her twenties

колеблющийся indecisive: I am tired of my indecisive husband. I am left to make all the decisions in the family: which house to buy, where we go on vacation, what kind of food we eat, who our doctor is; doubtful: He was a human bundle of contradictions — a man of undoubtedly large ego who writes about none else but himself, and yet comes across as a humble, wise, doubtful man

комбинатор schemer: That schemer tricked a rich widow into marrying him to collect life insurance after she died

компанейский companionable: He was a very companionable man, hospitable and generous, and was always trusted and respected

компетентный competent: She is the only competent member on the committee

консервативный conservative: My dad is conservative, he does not understand miniskirts or pierced noses

конфликтный quarrelsome: He was a quarrelsome man and attacked his literary contemporaries viciously and often without provocation; contentious: He was a lovable, contentious man who dominated an essentially contentious field of thought

копуша slowpoke: This morning, I was impatient with you as you dressed too slowly and told you to stop being such a slowpoke; dawdler: People are always telling Alice to hurry up because she is a dawdler and sometimes she is deliberately disobedient

кормилец breadwinner: Who is the breadwinner in your family?

корректный correct: How to speak about men and be politically correct — don't say «He gets falling-down drunk», say «He becomes accidentally horizontal», don't say «He is balding», say «He is in follicle regression»; tactful: A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking so much, but a tactful man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed

корыстный mercenary: She is a mercenary little thing, she '11 stop bothering with him when his money flows less freely

корыстолюбивый self-interested: People see party politicians as gouging, ambitious self-interested creatures, working in kahoots with big business and the banks; self-seeking: He is a self-seeking egoist, who pretends to be what he is not or is unable to be

косный stagnant: Martha does little but complain, thinking that she has blown the opportunity of a lifetime being the dean's daughter and marrying a less than ambitious and stagnant man such as George; narrow-minded: Dogmatic and narrow-minded, he was not a man to be troubled by doubts

косноязычный inarticulate: The book describes the astonishing personal revolution by which Mohandas Gandhi changed himself from a simple, inarticulate man into the Mahatma who ushered the British Empire out of India nonviolently; not articulate: The man is not very articulate-, tongue- tied: Everyone gets tongue-tied every once in a while

красноречивый eloquent: «The simplest man, fired with enthusiasm, is more persuasive than the most eloquent man without it» (Franklin Field)

крепкий strong: He looks fragile but is a very strong person; sturdy: She's not afraid of manual work, she's very sturdy

кретин cretin: You cretin, you can V do anything right

критикан faultfinder Stop being a faultfinder, you are not faultless yourself; captious person: «Occasionally / used the little silk mask of an additional pen name in order to deceive this or that captious critic...» (Vladi­mir Nabokov)

кровожадный blood-thirsty: «Civilization has made man, if not always more blood-thirsty, at least more viciously, more horribly blood-thirsty* (Dostoyevsky)

кровопийца blood-sucker: This woman is a true «blood-sucker», and to make matters worse, she is a horrible mother to her children

кроткий meek: She seeks out meek men because she wants to be the one in control

крохобор hairsplitter: Dad wasn't a hairsplitter and he didn 7 raise his children to be

крючкотвор pettifogger: But a double life was the life he led, That pettifogger from Furnival's Inn, Lord of misrule and riot and sin, Who looked on the wine when it was red (poem)

куколка dolly: She always plays cute dollies in romantic comedies

кумир idol: He was a childhood idol of mine


лакей lackey: Не treats us all like his lackeys, expecting us to be here whenever he wants us; flunkey: What a flunkey! Just watch him slinking up to the boss: * Yes, sir, No sir, whatever you say, sir.»

ласковый affectionate: He was a very affectionate man, and I felt increasingly free and comfortable with him and began to look upon him as someone my very own; tender: She is very tender with him

легковерный gullible: Are you sure he is a friend of Bruce? You know how gullible you are; credulous: You must not go through life being too credulous, my friend

легкомысленный light-minded: The light-minded youth was carried away by the deceitful glitter of the world's pleasures; careless: She is so careless, whatever you say to her goes in one year and out the other; frivolous: You are too frivolous, it won 7 help you in this profession, you know; flippant: How could you be so flippant about everything ?Please take the matter more seriously now; (разг.) giddy: Many years have passed. The shy and scrawny girl of ten is now nearly 60. Silly, sometimes to the point of being giddy, she still rummages through those old photographs, still chasing down the memories and the stories

лежебока slugabed: People call me lazy, a slugabed. The problem is I just can 7 get up when I don 7 have to; (лежащий на диване перед телеви­зором) couchpotato: I quit exercising and then when winter hit, I became Mr Couchpotato

ленивый lazy: Though she gets more work done than many of her coworkers, they think of her as lazy; (bone-)idle: Throughout his life, he was always productive with his time and energy and was never idle

лентяй lazy bones: What are you, a lazy bones?, idler: They all called him an idler, though he, like other men, had a home and sometimes a job

лжец liar: «Chronic liar» is a label that fits many children between the ages of 10 and 15

лживый deceitful: I'd never have thought that he was so deceitful; (книж.) mendacious: I am becoming more and more convinced that most story­tellers are either mendacious or negligent

лизоблюд lickspittle: He was lickspittle who spent his life trying to win his superiors' approval

лицемер hypocrite: When someone says «Do as I say, not as I do», isn't he a hypocrite?

лицемерный hypocritical: The portrait by those who knew him in his earlier years is not flattering. He is pictured as a vainglorious careerist and a hypocritical and ruthless politician

лоботряс loafer: You are a loafer, who will want to employ you layabout: He is a layabout. He lives off my money

ловелас lady-killer: « He's gorgeous!» she said. « What a lady-killer!»

ловкач trickster: As such, the trickster is one of the most ancient mythological types we know, appearing in the stories of an enormous variety of cultures and religions

ловкий dexterous: The man became an accomplished thief, and so dexterous that nothing was safe from him, if he once desired to have it; (в решении проблем) adroit: The adroit man profits by everything, neglects nothing which can increase his chances, the less adroit, by sometimes disregarding a single chance, fails in everything; (изворот­ливый) crafty: Peachy is a crafty, cultured man who is unable to resist his mischievous side

лодырь slacker: Aren't you a slacker? Shouldn V you be doing something responsible right now? Don't you have a deadline to meet or a project to complete ?; loafer: Get up, you loafer!

лопух patsy: He '11 be an easy catch, he looks like a perfect patsy

лох dupe: I don't want to be a dupe for anybody

лояльный loyal: This guy was a loyal man and he wouldn 1 do anything with Carol while he was still going out with Lorraine

лукавый arch: She was rather arch in her behaviour; cunning: Those who are cunning hide their anger, so the harm they can do takes one by surprise; sly: Malvina means «sly woman»

льстец flatterer: / don't believe a word you say, you are a real flatterer; sycophant: This sycophant has powerful friends in high places to whom he can turn for help; sweet talker: Sweet talker, sweet talker, tell me a story. Tell me I'm pretty, tell me you love me (song)

льстивый smooth-tongued: He is smooth-tongued like a snake charmer; smooth-spoken: My maternal grandmother was taken in very easily by the suave and smooth-spoken man who became her first husband; sycophantic: It cannot be healthy to be surrounded by sycophantic people who agree with everything you do or say; flattering: Adamantius (physiognomist) asserts that a small face designates the sly and flattering man

любвеобильный amorous: He was a very amorous man with a great fondness for women, whom he was always anxious to serve

любезный amiable: For the last three days of the tour we had a more amiable guide than in the beginning; (вежливый) polite: He was friendly, but rather too polite, sort of old-fashioned; (обязательный) obliging: He was a kind, affectionate husband and father and an obliging neighbor, always ready to help those in trouble; gracious: He was a brilliant thinker, a gracious man, and a gentle soul, ever concerned with the well-being of others

любимчик favourite: He is a favourite with his uncle

любознательный inquisitive: Children at this age are very inquisitive; curious: This is a good musium for curious kids of all ages. Exhibit themes focus on science and technology, history and culture

любопытный curious: Babies are curious about everything around them; (разг. сующий нос не в свои дела) nosy: My mum is very nosy, I caught her reading my diary yesterday

любопытствующий (подсматривающий) prying: Your information needs to be protected. Secure your system against hackers and prying individuals

любящий loving: A year ago I got engaged to my loving and supportive boyfriend of 2 years


максималист maximalist: Maximalists proclaimed the need for immediate revolution

малограмотный ill-educated: Although rough and ill-educated, Butcher was a man of courage and common sense; semi-literal: The letter was from a short, fair-skinned, semi-literal Fiat plant worker whom we met in Naples; half-educated: This leader was as dear to his educated compatriots as to the illiterate and half-educated masses

малодушный cowardly: She is too cowardly to confront her cheating husband; faint-hearted: Touring this mountain region is not for the faint-hearted; poor- spirited: He had never been one of those poor-spirited sneaks who would refuse to give a helping hand to a fellow-traveller in this puzzling world; weak- spirited: Beethoven's father, who was weak-spirited and drank a lot, noticed his talent from an early age and gave him piano and violin lessons

малообразованный half-educated: An uneducated man is harmless, a well- educated man is unbeatable, a half-educated man is merely dangerous

малообщительный unsociable: My mum thinks I'm unsociable and she wants to see me with more friends

малоопытный inexperienced: I am too inexperienced to compete

малоразвитый half-educated: They are half-educated vandals

малоразговорчивый taciturn: A brilliant navigator and a taciturn but determined leader, Ferdinand Magellan was born of a noble family in northern Portugal

малоречивый reticent: She is said lo be too reticent, too mannered, too cold

маменькин сынок mummy's boy: He is a mummy's boy, still living at home, tied to his mum's apron strings even though he's in his twenties; mother's darling: And as you recall from Genesis, Jacob was mother's darling and Esau was daddy's little man, and there was one unending conflict between the two of them

манипулирующий другими manipulative: He is very manipulative and could charm the skin off a snake

матерый hardened: You don't have to be a hardened criminal to get into trouble with the law!

мегера shrew: Why don't you divorce that shrew?; termagant: I loathed her as a termagant, as a wanton. I knew of her adulteries, every one

медлительный slow: She is so slow, it takes her hours to get dressed; sluggish: He was too sluggish and too dispassionate to make any impression on me

меланхоличный melancholy: In an interview he spoke about his reputation as a melancholy man, and protested that he thought he was rather funny, actually

мелкий small-minded: What if all those small-minded people really have small minds?; insignificant: He was a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office; shallow: Jennifer is shallow, she has the mental depth of a pancake; superficial: He's very superficial, I can't discuss serious matters with him

мелочный petty: It really made me mad to hear students complain about the food, I felt they were so petty; petty-minded: The school was functioning in a rented place and the petty-minded landlords never allowed the institution to run smoothly and were putting spokes frequently

мерзавец scum: You are the scum of the earth. That's not an opinion. That's a fact; rat: Phil always has girls after him even though he is a rat;

rascal: «The lazy rascal!» he shouted, jumping out of his chair and beginning to stamp the room, frowning terribly.

мерзкий filthy: You are a filthy pig!; loathsome: The worst and most loathsome person in society is the traitor; repellent: He is a truly repellent man — selfish and immoral

мерзкий тип stinker: He's such a little stinker, he'll do something he knows he's not supposed to do, all the while looking at us and grinning

меркантильный (корыстный) mercenary: He rammed his car into a telephone pole for no apparent reason. But it is difficult to believe that this mercenary man, who continued to push for profits even after he was wealthy and had destroyed his family, would kill himself:; (расчетливый) calculating: He was a clever, calculating man who joined the anti- Catholic Orange Lodge to maintain his political career but he was not personally prejudiced; (редко) mercantile: She was an Irish woman living in the country with her gypsy mercantile husband

методичный orderly: This book is an intricate and compelling tale of the way in which guilt and passion may quickly unravel the inner life of an orderly man; methodical: He was a methodical man, who knew the value of patience, and was willing to take one step ahead of the other

мечтатель dreamer: Sometimes my husband and I fight over what we want to do — I'm a realist, he's a dreamer

мечтательный dreamy: Harris, a dreamy, introspective man, was fond of decorative intricacy

мизантроп misanthrope: Wolke describes himself as a «Luddite and hopeless misanthrope»

милашка cutie: He is such a cutie

милосердный merciful: Despite the cruelties done to him and the strengths that he had gained, he remained throughout his days of hardship and beyond an exceptionally merciful man; charitable: Some critics said the

show was good in parts — those less charitable said the whole thing was a disaster

милый nice: The next day after my divorce I met a nice guy who was the exact opposite of my ex-husband; sweet: The teacher reassured me that my daughter was doing fine in school and was sweet and likable

мирный peaceful: The world loves a peaceful man, but gives way to a strenuous kicker; placid: He surprised us by a sudden outburst against his boss, usually he is such a placid man

миролюбивый peaceful: / knew him at the apex of his life when he was passing from a rebel into a peaceful man; peacemaker (n): He is a peacemaker, he wants to avoid conflicts at all costs

мистик mystic: Most of all, he was a mystic, who sang and talked to the angels

мнительный suspicious: He is too suspicious, he does not trust his business partners; mistrustful: Because of his mistrustful nature, he is a recluse

многословный verbose: He is so verbose that people get dozy during his speeches

могущественный powerful: The report focuses attention on the unjust relationship between the powerful and powerless

модный fashionable: George was a drinker and gambler but also a fashionable man of taste

мозговитый brainy: In fiction, brainy, dedicated and workaholic men often have wives who, feeling neglected or bored, leave them

молодец (только восклиц.) Good girl!; Good boy!; Well done!; That's Щ boy!; That's my girl!

молодцеватый dashing: Ah, the romantic hero... Don't we all need one? We all dream about being whisked away by some dashing hero and taken

to a place where romance and passion reign; (особ, о пожилых) sprightly. He's a sprightly old man of seventy five

молокосос cub: Oh, you cub! You are too young to judge me!

молчаливый silent: You are unusually silent today; taciturn: He has always been a reserved, taciturn person

монстр monster: His parents spoiled him, he turned into a real monster when he grew up

мот prodigal: When she realised he was a prodigal, it was too late, he disappeared and so did the money; spendthrift: He cannot be trusted with money, he is a real spendthrift

мошенник crook: She fell a victim to a bank fraud, some crook stole hundreds of dollars from her bank account; swindler: He was very successful as a financial swindler because he was able to persuade people to believe in him; fraudster: New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen cheques

мразь scum: They have been robbing old people. They 're all just complete and utter scum; sleaze: What a sleaze! How can you stand him ?

мракобес obscurantist: He is an old obscurantist and completely compromises the radical movement

мрачный grim: When he is not grim and depressing, he can only be an utter bore; gloomy: He was very gloomy all those days

мстительный revengeful: He is not revengeful, but rather tends to make allowances; vengeful: There were reports on Tuesday that a vengeful Irish woman infected up to 80 men after she caught the HIV virus that causes AIDS; vindictive: My mother was vindictive, she'd say things like «When you were born, you were perfect»

мудрец sage: The sages say that second thoughts are best

мудрый wise: Are you as wise as King Solomon?; sage: My sage old grandfather used to say «Never say never»

мужененавистник/ца man-hater: То be a feminist is not to be a man- hater but to bring females into the higher class working world

мужественный (смелый) courageous: Sinister and frightening pressure was put upon this courageous man and his family; (обладающий каче­ствами, ожидаемыми от мужчины) masculine: Look how masculine he is!; manly: He was less handsome than her son, but he looked so strong and manly; virile: She fell for him because he was young and virile; (мачо) macho: Young men may do stupid things sometimes because they make them feel more macho than ever

мужлан (грубый человек) mucker: You mucker! How dare you say such things!; (неотесанный парень) bumpkin: A country bumpkin drove into town to visit some distant relatives. Upon stopping at a gas station, he saw a business man speaking on a cellular phone. Curious as to what the man could be doing with the tiny box pressed against his ear, he enquired, «Whatcha doin' tawlkin' innat thang?»

музыкальный musical: She is musical to her finger-tips

мучитель tormentor: Dix started getting harassing phone calls from a man he nicknamed the Tormentor; torturer: Pete is a designer of horror games. The torturer lives in Pete and he's ready to be unleashed

мученик martyr: He died a martyr

мягкий soft: She is a soft, quiet person; gentle: She is a frightened little girl, please be gentle with her; (снисходительный) lenient: Diana has extremely lenient parents. She lets them know she will be out all night at the party, and that's OK with them

мягкосердечный tender-hearted: The tender-hearted have no enemies, because they do not quarrel with anybody; soft-hearted: It was a mistake to give him another chance, but I guess I am soft-hearted

мягкотелый spineless: You all are nothing but a bunch of wimpish spineless worms

мятежник rebel: He was a bit of a rebel when he was a teenager

мятежный rebellious: She is beginning to lose faith in her rebellious but weak-spirited boyfriend Paul

мятущийся (мятущаяся душа) restless soul: Audrey is a restless soul who is rarely satisfied with things the way they are


наблюдательный observant: They are extremely curious and observant, and seek new experiences constantly

набожный pious: On the year's shortest day, 60 years ago, in Gori, near Tiflis, a son was born to a poor, hard-working Georgian cobbler named Vissarion Djugashvili. The boy's pious mother christened him Joseph, after the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus

навязчивый intrusive: Paparazzi are very intrusive; obtrusive: He spent the rest of the flight cautioning me about dehydration in the desert and clothes to help me «fit in». When he found out I was with the media, he gave me a lecture about being obtrusive, ruining the spontaneity of the event for others, blah, blah, blah

наглец insolent (fellow): I think I've taught that insolent fellow a lesson!

наглый impertinent: I hope she didn't think me impertinent when I asked her age; insolent: At school he is insolent and disrespectful, at home he is obedient and polite; (разг.) brash: He is brash, quick tempered and prone to violence and depression in equal measure

надежный reliable: I like a man who is reliable and calls when he says; (заслуживающий доверия) trustworthy: Is he a trustworthy partner?

надменный haughty: Don't be so haughty, it is a sin for which God often brings men down; supercilious: The president smiled, suppressing his desire to pick up the water pitcher and smash it against the forehead of this supercilious twerp; arrogant: What did you say? Who exactly is this arrogant fool?

надоедливый (докучливый) pesky: One thing she is sure about: she wants to avoid the pesky representative from the Metropolitan Museum, who keeps trying to offer her what seems to be a silly job; bothersome: Penny thought Sid Adkins both rude and bothersome, but, to her dismay her niece, Patsy, had taken a liking to the man; (и раздражающий) annoying: Do people find you annoying? Do you talk about the same things all the time?; irksome: He is not a pleasant man. Irksome, even. Not at all nice; (вмешивающийся не в свои дела) meddlesome: We have very meddlesome neighbours, who always want to know what we 're doing

надутый sulky: After the quarrel he was terribly sulky for a while, but lignored that; (надменный, напыщенный) bloated: And now this bloated hypocrite has the nerve to attack me!

назойливый importunate: That Pizza Express was a rather detestable place with importunate staff, questionable quality but expensive food; intrusive: Avoid being intrusive — people are too busy today to spend much, if any, time with your self-serving information; pestering: I think I suffered enough from my pestering mom in my teens, I love her but I do not want her to stay with me

наивный naive: Her cousin was twenty-five, but she was exceptionally naive

напористый forceful: Limit the amount of time you remain with a forceful person. If the interaction is going nowhere, if their force is «out of control», excuse yourself and come back to them when you have gathered your thoughts and strength; pushy: A pushy salesperson tried to persuade us to buy a new car that we didn't really want; aggressive: The book teaches people in sales and marketing how to conduct high-level selling and marketing without being aggressive or manipulative

напряженный tense: She is a tense, nervous person, she always needs a drink to relax; uptight: I always get uptight about exams

напуганный frightened: The policewoman found a frightened child in the hut; scared: «What we have here is a scared, afraid, troubled young woman,» said the public defender

напыщенный pompous: The writer explained that he wrote the story to mock a local figure, Judge Sewall, whom he considered to be a pompous fool; bloated: Who is this guy? Why is he carrying on like some bloated, arrogant Hollywood star?

наркоман drug addict: His older sister is a drug addict; junky: He was in the JOHN so long that the flight attendant's thought he was a junky trying to get his next fix

нарушитель спокойствия troublemaker: I was worried that I would be regarded as a troublemaker if I complained about the safety standards in the factory

насмешливый sneering: Half the girls I met were sneering, thinking they had outdogged me right off

насмешник mocker: Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you (Proverbs 9:8); scoffer: Lucian was not only a sceptic, he was a scoffer and a downright unbeliever

настойчивый persistent: I did not want to go out with him, but he was so persistent and I was so weak; persevering: He is persevering and practical, works like a bulldozer — once started and then nothing can stop him

настороженный wary: Arthur was a wary man, seldom off guard. Before he gave the tea-hunters a direct answer, he had the circumspection to draw from them the object of their visit; watchful: This movie is quite simply the Coen brothers' masterpiece, and the actor is wonderful as slightly cynical, watchful and reticent barber Ed

находчивый ingenious: Johnny is so ingenious — he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials; resourceful: I'm looking for a resourceful and hardworking photographer

нахал saucebox: She is a sharp-tongued saucebox

нахальный impudent: «Get out, you young impudent fool!» roared the old man; cheeky: Imagine taking off a filthy sandal and whacking it across the cheek of a particularly cheeky man... there could be no better way to express your anger!

нахрапистый pushy: He can 7 solve problems without being pushy

начитанный well-read (in): He was exceedingly well-read and she learnt a great deal from him

не от мира сего unworldly: The approaching marriage of this woman of the world with such an unworldly man as Mr. Ellenwood was announced soon after Mrs. Dabney's return to her native city

неаккуратный untidy: She is a bit untidy, every morning she spends about 10 minutes looking for her car keys; careless: She is careless, she always breaks things

небережливый thriftless: No idle or thriftless man ever became great; improvident: They are improvident beyond example

неблагодарный ungrateful: There's nothing worse than ungrateful people

неблагожелательный malevolent: She knows that Chillingworth is a plotting, malevolent man, whose physical deformity reflects the deformity and evil content of his heart; ill-disposed: Most of the audience seemed ill-disposed towards the speaker

неблагополучный unhappy: Some people are unhappy within themselves, because their aspirations are too high and can never be satisfied; ill- adjusted: Many of us worry about being ill-adjusted losers

неблагоразумный unreasonable: That unreasonable girl always makes unreasonable demands; imprudent: Perhaps she has been a little imprudent and went too far this time; ill-advised: He has been occasionally ill- advised and intemperate in his remarks, but always unpredictably exciting

небрежный careless: I told him he was being sloppy and careless; negligent: He is negligent in his dress; slipshod: If you run your business in a slipshod manner, you '11 find your customers slipshod in their dealings with you

невежда ignoramus: You are an ignoramus, because you don't know the difference between your feeble subjective opinion and facts

невежественный ignorant: To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant (Amos Branson Alcott)

невежливый impolite: Drivers who are impolite or impatient really annoy me, and I get ticked off when drivers don 7 follow the rules

невезучий unlucky: / could never understand why Matt, who's not bad- looking, couldn't hold down a relationship with a woman for more than a month, I used to think he was just incredibly unlucky

неверный unfaithful: She had always known in her bones that he was unfaithful to her. She had shut her eyes. All she asked was that she should not know; untrue: I have never been untrue to you

невзыскательный undemanding: They loved his singing and like many others who knew him as a warm, unassuming, undemanding man, they loved him as a person too

невинный innocent: The policeman was not taken in by his looks, he had seen too many innocent, baby-faced, icy-hearted killers; pure: / wanted her to say she desired me, for she was the desire itself. But the girl was pure and her purity overcame me

невнимательный inattentive: He has been wholly inattentive to the needs of his children; careless: Careless drivers cause accidents; thoughtless: He offers us every opportunity to see him as an empty thoughtless man; inconsiderate: She is so inconsiderate, she acts as though her father and mother are here for her particular convenience

невоздержанный intemperate: Possessed of an attitude that can only be described as uncompromising, he was an intemperate man even by the standards of an intemperate age; unrestrained: My mother told me I had become unrestrained

невозмутимый impassive: He had the trick of looking impassive when he was hurt, and his face looked as impassive as a catcher's mitt; unperturbed. There are people who go unperturbed through change

невоспитанный ill-bred: They're a pair of inconsiderate, ill-bred youngsters, is all I can say!; low-bred: One time or other I shall have to come to an open quarrel with this low-bred fellow; ill-mannered: What's the matter with you, John? Are you ill? Or just ill-mannered?

невосприимчивый unsusceptible: He says that after the treatment he is unsusceptible to colds

неврастеничный neurotic: He became neurotic after he lost his wife, job, home and, above all, hope in the same week

невыдержанный unrestrained: Bennett portrays his new Ebenezer as a liberated, talkative and unrestrained man who is full of giddy holiday joy

невыносимый intolerable: The man who is always proclaiming that he is right is intolerable, the man who admits he has been wrong is charming; unbearable: Hergi described himself as an unbearable child, especially when his parents took him visiting, and to keep him quiet they often gave him a pencil and paper to draw with

негибкий inflexible: He was characterized by his emploees as a «stern, inflexible man, very tenacious of his opinions»

негодник wickid (a): You wickid child!; naughty (a): You 're a very naughty girl, pulling the head off your sister's doll!; rogue: He's a likeable rogue

негодяй scoundrel: I wonder why she still puts up with that scoundrel?; villain: The defining characteristic of many villains is that they know that they are villains and are often proud of it; rogue: That rogue left his wife and ran off with his secretary

негостеприимный inhospitable: I'll have to cook them a meal or they'll think I'm inhospitable

неграмотный illiterate: A surprising percentage of the population in this country are illiterate

недалекий small-minded: It's easy for small-minded people to criticize others; narrow-minded: The military are often described as being narrow- minded and authoritarian

недальновидный short-sighted: I do not understand how you and the public can be so short-sighted when it comes to the break-up of a highly successful company

неделикатный indelicate: You call me indelicate just because I call things by their name

неделовой unbusinesslike: If he seems unbusinesslike, it's pardonable, he's relatively new to entrepreneurialism

недисциплинированный undisciplined: The undisciplined man is a slave to passion, luxury and sloth. He entertains dreams on a large scale but the reality of his existence is sordid

недоброжелательный spiteful: Do you really have to be so spiteful?; malevolent: He could be like a chameleon — one moment a little boy, another moment a dark, malevolent man; ill-disposed: Why are you so ill-disposed towards me?

недоброжелатель ill-wisher: Among the teachings of Baha 'u 'llah there is one requiring man, under all conditions and circumstances, to be forgiving, to love his enemy and to consider an ill-wisher as a well-wisher

недобросовестный unconscientious: Life is easy for those who are shameless and unconscientious; negligent: The negligent doctor failured to diagnose the illness

недоверчивый suspicious: Suspicious people often have trouble with closeness and warmth; mistrustful: You don't have friends because you are too mistrustful

недовольный dissatisfied: Dissatisfied employees are always first on the list of dispensable personnel; discontented: The girls are discontented with their present situation; hard to please: I struggle with the customers who complain about every little thing and whom I can't seem to satisfy Does anyone have any pointers on how to handle those hard-to-please customers?; unhappy: If you are unhappy in your job, what's keeping you there?

недогадливый slow-witted: She's very nice but I'm afraid rather slow- witted; slow: / feel so slow when I'm with Andrew — he's so much brighter than me

недооцененный under-appreciated: This young fashion designer is under­appreciated but I'm sure of his future success

недоразвитый mentally retarded: Mentally retarded people often receive poor or no health care

недоступный unapproachable: I don't waste my time on unapproachable women, life is too short after all

недотепа blunderer: A man may be very industrious, and yet not spend his time well. There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of life getting his living (Henry David Thoreau)

недотрога (о женщ.: недоступная) hard to get: Women always ask me «Do guys like it when women play hard to get?»; (обидчивый) touchy (a): He is a touchy little fellow no one likes to disturb

недружелюбный unfriendly: He gives the impression of being unfriendly, he hardly ever smiles or looks my way; hostile: He's a natural-born schmoozer, he deals easily even with hostile customers

недостойный unworthy: Who told you you were unworthy?

неестественный affected: He is a slightly pompous and affected fellow, but very obliging

неженка coddled (a): Christina is so coddled, she wouldn't last five minutes in the real world; (о мужч., негатив.) sissy (a): You are a sissy, who really must be dressed in girls' clothes!; milksop: In this story two bachelor cavemen, macho Ollie and milksop Stan, compete for the hand of a comely young cavegirl

нежный affectionate: Are you affectionate and friendly? Do you say, «I love you?» Of course you love your children, so why not say it?; gentle: She is as gentle as a dove; tender: If you talk to him about your fears, he '11 be more tender and considerate

независимый independent: Adams was a good-humored, sharp-tempered, fiercely independent man, he was devoid of aristocratic pretense and incapable of political artifice; (финансово) self-supporting: Is this student dependent upon his parents or self-supporting?

незадачливый luckless: I don't feel sorry for this luckless loser; ill-starred: The novel is the story of two ill-starred lovers; hapless: He is an angry, child-like, hapless man who stutters when under pressure

незаинтересованный disinterested: A hungry man is a disinterested man, especially in the political well-being of the nation

незаметный inconspicuous: The most basic way to remain inconspicuous is rather simple — be as a shadow

незаурядный outstanding: Harlow Shapley was an outstanding man of his time — astronomer, educator, author, orator, as well as man of affairs

неземной heavenly (creature): Pico della Mirandola in his «Oration on the Dignity of Man» says that we can withdraw from the body into «the inner chambers of the mind» and become «neither a creature of earth nor a heavenly creature, but some higher divinity, clothed with human flesh»

незлобливый gentle: He was a likeable, gentle man who, in his prime seemed indestructible; forgiving: How forgiving are you ? You'd like to think you 're the type that doesn't hold a grudge

незлопамятный forgiving: He is lucky to have such a devoted and a forgiving wife, who turns a blind eye to his affairs; placable: The spirit of the warrior is like that of a tamed beast. The natural inclination to be violent and destructive is tamed and the warrior is a placable, peace- loving man with a capacity to be violent

незначительный insignificant: When you 're in a room and they 're talking about you as if you were not there, doesn't that make you feel insignificant?

незрелый immature: My three-year-old son is not interested in playing with other children. Is he socially immature for pre-school?

неинтересный uninteresting: Perfect people are uninteresting; dull: The dauphin was a well-meaning person, but he was dull and unsociable

неискренний insincere: He !s insincere about his beliefs

неискушенный inexperienced: At the age of 52 Mark is in a relationship with a 16-year-old girl. An inexperienced girl lets me feel young and more appreciated, he says; unsophisticated: He seemed lost in thought. Being very young and very unsophisticated, I opened my mouth and said what some people only thought: «You're a very private and lonely man»

неиспорченный unspoilt: For a celebrity he was extraordinarily unspoilt and remained astonishingly unimpressed by himself; innocent: Children and animals have always been my passion, I guess, because they 're so innocent; pure: I feel great sorrow for the girl, for she seems so pure on the outside, but I also know the truth

неисправимый incorrigible: He is still an incorrigible romantic

неистовый vehement: He is a vehement critic of the government

неквалифицированный unskilled: It wasn't so long ago that he was unskilled, had no job, no home and no hope. Then something changed; unqualified: For several years I have had recurring dreams in which I fail examinations. My attempts to put the situation right are in vain. I wake up feeling like an unqualified failure

некоммуникабельный uncommunicative: Alcoholic families are tense, angry and uncommunicative. They do not resolve personal problems well

некомпетентный incompetent: She was dismissed because she was incompetent

некультурный uncivilized: They are low-class, uncivilized people; ill- bred: Walker was an uncouth, ill-bred man, with little or no education

неласковый unaffectionate: I've read many books about Dean Martin which portray him as a cold and unaffectionate man who did not connect with people

нелепый ridiculous: We're both ridiculous, but I'm doing it deliberately, and you can't help it; absurd: She does not realise how absurd she is, trying to look 10 years younger; ludicrous: You look absolutely ludicrous in those clothes!

нелицемерный unhypocritical: Everyday I strive to be a better person. For me, a goal is to be as unhypocritical as possible

неловкий awkward: He was awkward with the opposite sex

нелояльный disloyal: A disloyal soldier has no place in an organized and disciplined army

нелюбезный ungracious: He was usually ungracious with her; disobliging: «Аппе», said Mrs. Chute, «don't let your aunt suppose that you can be disobliging. What objection is there to your singing that song?»; unobliging: He was so unobliging as to fail to open the door for her

нелюбопытный incurious: The majority of mankind is lazy-minded, incurious, absorbed in vanities, and tepid in emotion, and is therefore incapable of either much doubt or much faith (T.S. Eliot)

нелюдимый reclusive: Little is know about the life of this reclusive, secretive man

немногословный laconic: He's the perfect adventurer-hero: laconic, wandering, magnetic to women, projecting an air of cynical detachment; a man of few words: Harry is a man of few words but he gets things done

немощный feeble: He is too feeble to work

немузыкальный unmusical: They were totally unmusical with no sense of rhythm

ненаблюдательный unobservant: An unobservant person never realizes that he is missing something

ненавистный hated: He is the most hated man in the office; hateful: It is unnatural for such a beautiful woman to be faithful to an old and hateful man

ненавязчивый unobtrusive: He was perfectly unobtrusive, you noticed him as little as you noticed furniture

ненадежный unreliable: He is utterly unreliable, he never keeps his word

ненасытный insatiable: Is it true that she was sexually insatiable in her youth?

ненаходчивый unresourceful: There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states of mind

ненормальный insane: If God wants to punish a man, He makes that man insane

необразованный uneducated: He was, by today's standards, an uneducated man. He only went to school through the eighth grade

необузданный wild: He is wild and never stays long at a job; unrestrained: The emperors ordered that whoever subscribed to the divinity of Christ should suffer the penalty of death. The executioner of this command was an unrestrained man, a savage beast, one who lusted for human blood

необходительный unamiable: He was not at all popular with the local people, being a haughty and very unamiable man; discourteous: Logan Callahan often comes across as a rude and discourteous man when dealing with almost anyone, but he seems often so inoffensive in his impolite manner that he is rarely caught on it

необъективный biased: He's the most biased man I know. He can't see anything objectively; judgmental: You are not at school any more, but some judgmental idiots still live to put you down

необыкновенный extraordinary: Stewart was an extraordinary man with an extraordinary impact on people

необычный unusual: Henry Fowler was an unusual man, it is true, with his eccentric dress, his passions for those endless swims, in water as cold as could be borne

необщительный self-contained: James is a gentle, self-contained man who hates confrontation and change; ungregarious: To his family, he is a frugal, ungregarious, conservative old man; unsociable: I am an intelligent, unsociable but adaptable person

необязательный unreliable: He is chronically unreliable, you can never count on him

неопытный inexperienced: I have to work with a weird, inexperienced newcomer and I'm not thrilled about it

неорганизованный disorganized: I am a generally disorganized person, late for appointments, late on bills, late, late, late for everything

неосведомленный uninformed: These days being totally uninformed about current issues is acceptable; ill-informed: They will sell it to the weak- minded, ill-informed people

неосмотрительный imprudent: Look what happened because he was so imprudent!; thoughtless: You can be so thoughtless sometimes!; indiscreet: An indiscreet man is more hurtful than an ill-natured one, for as the former will only attack his enemies, the other injures indifferently both friends and foes

неосторожный careless: I've been careless with other people's hearts. I shouldn't have been; imprudent: He is an example of an imprudent man whose irrationality led him to a tragic end; incautious: Vincent Hanna is a disorderly and incautious man. He has never learned to control his emotions or wall off his professional from his personal life

неотесанный uncouth: The Commodore was an uncouth man with a habit of chewing tobacco

неотзывчивый unresponsive: «Не is a cold, harsh, unresponsive man», she said bitterly; unsympathetic: My friends are very unsympathetic, when / ran up enormous debts, they refused to lend me money

неотразимый irresistable: He is young, good-looking and simply irresistable

неоценимый invaluable: The colonel was an invaluable man in a telegraph office

непобедимый invincible: You're scared to confess that you're far from the invincible babe you may seem; unconquerable: They spent a lot of time together and she conquered this seemingly unconquerable man. He fell in love with her

неповинующийся defiant: Some people are defiant because they think that by saying no they assert their individuality

неповоротливый clumsy: A large, clumsy man, he had giant appetites to sustain his bulk. He bought chocolates by the hundredweight and consumed great quantities of wine; hulking: I know one big, hulking man that likes nothing better than to end a meal with a fluffy, mile-high slice of coconut cream pie!

неповторимый unique: She has no fear of anything, I think that's what makes her unique

непогрешимый infallible: The man is a natural born preacher. Ever since he was a little kid, he's always talked with God. He's not an infallible man, however; impeccable: Christ was impeccable, because «God cannot be tempted with evil» (James 1:13)

неподатливый inflexible: Rather than yield, the archbishop went again into exile, until at last the king was obliged to submit to the feeble but inflexible old man; stubborn: She is stubborn, although she may pretend she is cooperating, but she '11 get things her way in the end; hard-mouthed: I don't think most people realize how hard-mouthed they are; unmanageable: Why are you so unmanageable? You are truly like a square peg in a round hole world

неподкупный incorruptible: In TV series «Most Wanted» he played a tough, incorruptible policeman who commanded an elite squad of special investigators

неподражаемый inimitable: Known throughout the world as the mythic inspiration and inimitable performer of Balanchine's greatest ballets, Farrell has been a tireless teacher of the art form since retiring from the stage in 1989

непоколебимый unshakeable: What an unshakeable man! Part of his secret is his incredible resilience. He is hard to discourage, and even harder to stop; steadfast: He remained steadfast in his support for the new system; resolute: It is the character of a brave and resolute man not to be ruffled by adversity and not to desert his post; firm: Don't be intimidated, be firm, but don't fight; unflinching: Art imitates life and you have to be unflinching to be faithful to the truth

непокоренный unsubdued: Who will not wish to remain unsubdued by others by becoming powerful and invincible?

непокорный indocile: You will make no progress if are indocile to your instructor, or if you believe that you already know enough; recalcitrant: There were only three punishments for a recalcitrant man in this rural area — he was put in the army, he was put in the rural police, or he was killed; unruly: I had an unruly class of adolescents on Thursday that I used to dread teaching

неполноценный inferior: They felt inferior to the others

непонятливый clueless: Everyone always makes fun of her because they think she's so clueless; slow-witted: Her husband was slow-witted but earnest and hard-working

непопулярный unpopular: He is unpopular though he's constantly trying to impress us

непорочный pure: Accattone, a wastrel in love with a pure girl, attempts to take on a job, but quits in one day

непорядочный dishonourable: The dishonourable mayor was found to have been embezzling city and party funds

непоседливый fidgety: The school officials become frustrated with the bright, fidgety students who in some cases constantly disrupt the learning of others; restless: Young children are often restless and excitable, especially if they are five or younger

непоследовательный inconsistent: I'm just annoyed with you because you are so inconsistent

непослушный naughty: At the moment he is behaving like a naughty child; disobedient: I am a disobedient person, I have never obeyed the customs of society; unruly: At the age of 37, she was divorced and responsible for two unruly children who had been profoundly damaged by the painful divorce and the absence of their father

непосредственный spontaneous: The Italians are generally so much more spontaneous, open and friendly than the British; ingenuous: She is a child of nature, so ingenuous and frank!

непостижимый incomprehensible: The enigmatic painter, the incomprehensible man, begins to pass from the plane of investigation based on flimsy sources to an indistinct sphere of fantasy, the domain of tellers of tales; inconceivable: Ein Sof means without end, or eternal. God as Ein-Sof is completely inconceivable, impersonal, and without attributes

непостоянный inconsistent: His wife accuses him of being inconsistent, but he says that if he is inconsistent, *everyone's inconsistent then, except God,» and that«sum total of inconsistencies is life»; fickle: She's so fickle — she's never been interested in the same man for more than a week!; flighty: / don't think that he was necessarily flighty, he wanted perfection, and he spared no expense to obtain it

непочтительный disrespectful: I'm about to get married to a wonderful man. The only problem I have is that my son, age 9, is disrespectful to my fiance and me

неправедный unrighteous: The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Matthew 5:17)

непрактичный impractical: He is an impractical dreamer; unpractical: I must be content to be called an unpractical person by that sort of a practi­cal man

непревзойденный unsurpassed: His extraordinary impact upon history, combined with his many accomplishments, make Winston Churchill the clear choice as Person of the Century. Long ago he was properly named Time's Man of the Half Century, and he remains unsurpassed

непредсказуемый unpredictable: He is explosive and unpredictable, stay away from him

непредубежденный unprejudiced: She is known for her skill as an unprejudiced observer; unbiased: Are the committee members qualified, trained and unbiased?

непредусмотрительный improvident: He never thinks of the future, he is much too improvident

непредвзятый impartial: You cannot be impartial in this situation, you are too personally involved in it

непреклонный (не идущий на компромисс) uncompromising: It is a collection of poems by an unknown, unpublished and uncompromising poet; (к просьбам) adamant: He is adamant in his refusal to change his mind; inexorable: «Death and the Maiden.» A young girl, meeting up with Death on the road, tries to persuade him to leave her a few more years, but he is inexorable; inflexible: Must you be so inflexible?

неприветливый unfriendly: The shopkeeper was a rather unfriendly man

непризнанный unacknowledged: Although some critics said he was a genius as a dramatic poet, seven years after his death, he remained largely unacknowledged; unrecognised: He has been writing for decades without making a success. Is he a talentless git or unrecognised genius?

неприкаянный unsettled: Не is a deeply unsettled man split between his heavily carnal self and his spiritual desires; restless: His father was a restless man who kept moving from place to place

неприметный inconspicuous: Christie, 40, was a quiet, inconspicuous man. His hair was a reddish-ginger color and his eyes were pale blue. He had an enormous forehead

непримечательный unremarkable: She seemed to me expensively dressed, but otherwise a completely unremarkable young girl

непримиримый irreconcilable: These two were irreconcilable opposites; implacable: They are implacable enemies seething with resentment; unappeasable: The old mechanism is scrapped, the moods and emotions that went with it follow. Only the spirit of man carries on, unaltered and unappeasable

неприспособленный maladjusted; She is head of a residential school for disturbed and maladjusted children; unadapted: Man is a biologically unadopted being. He is unable to live in a purely natural environment; unpractical: Essentially an unpractical man, he was now bent on making and saving money for a practical purpose — keeping a wife

неприступный unapproachable: There is a prevalent idea that people who are distant and unapproachable in demeanor are immensely valuable when their intimacy is once obtained; haughty: He thinks that killing haughty people who thwart you is proper and justifiable

непритязательный unpretentious: In these parts, a diner is a generic name for a good unpretentious place serving good unpretentious American fOod to good unpretentious Americans; unassuming: I have known him since the early seventies and have always found him a quiet, unassuming man, not given to brag or bluster


неприхотливый unpretentious: She was unpretentious, especially about her appearance, and was always willing to poke fun at herself; modest: Pluthero comes across as a modest, unassuming man. He has a boyish grin and an infectious, mischievous laugh

неприязненный hostile: I saw her as a hostile person trying to tell me what to do

неприятный unpleasant: After a few minutes of talking, Helen felt that she was sharing a table with an unpleasant stranger; disagreeable: Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others; obnoxious: When I first met him, I thought he was obnoxious because of his wiseass sense of humour

непросвещенный unenlightened: What do you want to know, oh unenlightened one?; uneducated: The uneducated man is like a leaf blown from here to there, believing whatever he is told

непроходимый utter: He is an utter fool

непутевый good-for-nothing: If you have children who are monsters or a good-for-nothing husband, you are a prime candidate for a talk-show

нерадивый slack: The job is taking a long time because the workmen are so slack; negligent: You are negligent of your duties

неразборчивый indiscriminate: It's a perfect movie for undemanding, indiscriminate viewers who require no more bang for their bucks than the sight of a lot of pretty people running around in silly wigs, making fools of themselves and getting paid obscene amounts of money to do it; (в связях, знакомствах) promiscuous: She was — by the standards of the day — promiscuous; (в средствах) unscrupulous: Richard III is featured in biographies as the wicked uncle and unscrupulous tyrant

неразвитый backward: Long periods of his childhood were spent in this town and the shy, sensitive, seemingly backward boy (he didn't read until he was nine — and never really learned to spell) looked, listened and absorbed through his senses the beauty, the magic and the myths of Sligo; undeveloped: Stuart was described as a remarkable mixture of a green, boyish, undeveloped man, and a shrewd man of business and a strong leader

неразговорчивый taciturn: He has an unusually taciturn personality, he needs a job that requires very little talking: not talkative: When someone tells те I'm not very talkative, I just smile, but what I'm really thinking is, «I just don't like talking to unpleasant people»

неразумный unreasonable: My supervisor is truly unreasonable and impossible to please; unwise: He is unwise and unlucky; foolish: Foolish women — foolish choices

нерассудительный irrational: The voyage through the spiritual and political chaos into the twentieth century has produced a literature that speaks of an irrational man in an irrational world

нерасторопный sluggish: «Hi,Eliot. You're looking a bit sluggish today»

нерасчетливый uncalculating: «Frederica» is the story of the Marquis of Alverstoke, a confirmed bachelor, and Frederica Merriville, the bold but uncalculating woman who wins his heart; (непредусмотрительный) improvident: When Benjamin Bunny grew up, he married his Cousin Flopsy. They had a large family, and they were very improvident and cheerful; (расточительный) wasteful: Don't be so wasteful, or one day you'll be broke

нервный nervous: She gets nervous in his presence; jittery: I personally witnessed how jittery some men have become on the subject of feminism

нерешительный indecisive: He is chronically indecisive, when he has to make a decision, he drives his friends mad asking for advice; irresolute: They are irresolute and they are not keen on organizing, so they prefer to be led by other people, both in private and in working life; hesitant You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant — is anything wrong with it?

неряха slob: She is a bit untidy, not a slob, but she tends to leave thing about the place sometimes

неряшливый sloppy: He was a sloppy man. He was very, very sloppy. His kitchen sink was a place of organic activity that nobody wanted to look at; slovenly: Harriet was an untidy slovenly housewife but a decent cook

несамостоятельный dependent: Although extremely dependent and passive, he constantly demands that others take care of him and gratify his wishes

несгибаемый unbending: She is a tireless, convincing, unbending and witty campaigner for women's rights; adamant: He's absolutely adamant about not allowing smoking in his house

несговорчивый stubborn: Many two and three-year olds are stubborn. During this time, children respond negatively to many requests including pleasant ones

несдержанный short-tempered: Despite their kindness, they can be extremely short-tempered; unrestrained: He who is not self-restrained has no steadiness of mind, nor does the unrestrained man have perseverance in the pursuit of self-knowledge

несерьезный not serious: I can't marry you because you are not serious, you are like a boy

нескромный immodest: If a woman wears a skirt, that doesn't quite go past her knees is she immodest?

несмелый timid: Kevin was a rather timid man. Being timid had cost him his job

несмышленный slow-witted: They had to be calm, accepting, thick- skinned and slow-witted to survive the harshness and boredom of daily routine

несмышленыш silly little boy: Don't be angry with him, he's just a silly little boy

несносный unbearable: Can you imagine how proud of herself she '11 be if she gets this job — she '11 be unbearable!; intolerable: Suddenly she started to ignore me. Once she called me «an intolerable man». I realized that she did not love me any more

несовершенный imperfect: I'm not afraid of being an imperfect parent

несовместимый incompatible: I married him because he was funny and intelligent, but very soon I discovered that we were incompatible

несознательный irresponsible: Irresponsible people are masters of evasion; unconscientious: An unconscientious person is not too careful about standards of right and wrong where personal desires are concerned

несокрушимый indestructible: If there is an indestructible man in our political history, it is surely this prime minister, not once has he tumbled from public favour; invincible: You think you are invincible, do you? Then think again

несообразительный slow-witted: However, men are a bit slow-witted in some things and that rather makes up for the problems caused by their tendency to believe they are in charge

несостоявшийся underachieving: Marty is an underachieving writer in his late twenties. Marty is poor, has no car and is frustrated

несостоятельный of modest means: If I choose someone of modest means my parents will call him a gold digger

неспособный incapable: He is incapable of cheating

несправедливый unjust: He makes me feel that I am unjust to him; unfair: Do you think we live in an unfair society?

несравненный incomparable: The book provides information on the incomparable Russian cellist, Mstislav Rostropovich; matchless: One of our last true humanists, living through languages, books, and history, Borges condensed into unforgettable fictions the experience of intellect speaking to and about the world. This alone ensures his place as a matchless man of modern letters; peerless: Kim Jong-il is regularly hailed by the media as the «peerless leader» and «the great successor to the revolutionary cause»

несчастливый ill-fated: Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated queen of France, was one of the most misunderstood women in history; ill-starred: The novel is the story of two ill-starred lovers

несчастный unhappy: She says she is very unhappy, because she cannot live without that man; miserable: I love my job but I am miserable there because of a co-worker that consistently makes remarks to me in front of other workers; unfortunate: After that the unfortunate man committed suicide by cutting his throat

нетактичный tactless: Her son is a tactless young man

нетерпеливый impatient: Does your boss seem more distant and impatient with you than with other employees?

нетерпимый bigoted: She's so bigoted that she refuses to accept anyone who doesn't think like her; intolerant: I don't have close friends, maybe because I'm intolerant of others

неторопливый unhurried: Jim is a methodical and unhurried man. When he eats, he cuts his food into neat portions and chews it slowly

нетребовательный undemanding: Some easy babies may be so undemanding that their parents think their babies don't need them

нетрудоспособный disabled: There are over 8.5 million disabled people in the UK alone

неуважительный disrespectful: If your son is disrespectful to you, there must be consequences

неуверенный insecure: When we meet Sammy he's an ambitious, insecure man who has been forced to bury his best instincts because he just doesn't feel good enough; unsure: He was unsure of himself and had never had much of a chance to overcome his diffidence

неудавшийся underachieving: Andy has always had a poor self-image- He considers himself a sloppy, lazy, and underachieving man, despite the fact that he is a hard-working person

неугомонный restless: He's a restless type - he never stays in one country for long; Indefatigable: Indefatigable activist, Wallis coordinates holy war on poverty; fidgety: Do something about that fidgety child of yours!

неудачливый unsuccessful: Three ways to be unsuccessful: Don't plan your day. Don't learn anything new. Always complain; ineffectual: She lives with a painter, with whom she is fairly content although she admits that he is weak and ineffectual; unlucky: I met a young girl, but she fell for another. I'm just unlucky in love

неудачник failure: As an actress, she was a failure; loser: My psychotherapist says that I attract losers because I give off signals that say «I'll let you bore me»

неудовлетворенный dissatisfied: Logically an angry man is a dissatisfied man; discontented: «To the discontented man no chair is easy» (Benjamin Franklin)

неуживчивый quarrelsome: There once was a man who had quarrelsome children. Even on his dying day they bickered; peevish: This peevish girl drives me mad!

неуклюжий clumsy: He is a clumsy egoist, wanting to have everything at once

неукротимый indomitable: The spirit of this indomitable man is best captured by some advice he gave: «Never give in,» said the old lion, «Never, never, never, never!»

неукрощенный untamed: Gifts and kind words tame the untamed man

неуловимый evasive: Taxpayers can get really evasive; elusive: When you open this book, you will find an intriguing collection of essays from various writers designed to shed light on this elusive man's life

неумелый unskilful: He was a rather unskillful waiter and was very soon dismissed; inept: Dick was socially inept and uncomfortable in the presence of women

неумеренный immoderate: Watts described himselfhis autobiography as an 'immoderate lover of women'; intemperate: Those who eat and work intemperately and irrationally, talk and act irrationally. An intemperate man cannot be a patient man

неумный foolish: A foolish person gives too much and takes too little (Aristotle)

неумолимый relentless: He has been described as a relentless tyrant and a control freak; implacable: He was implacable in that hate; inexorable: He was inexorable, unbribable, unregenerate in his odd, twisted, dark, stoic and funny personal obsessions

неунывающий resilient: She is very persuasive and resilient, tell her 'no' and she '11 be back tomorrow and the next day until you say 'yes'

неуправляемый uncontrollable: Internationally, there has been an increasing tendency of uncontrollable and dangerous passengers; unmanageable: He is defiant and unmanageable — a tornado of a man sweeping through the otherwise tame world

неуравновешенный unbalanced: Some parents are unbalanced in their love and limits; (склонный к переменам настроения) moody: Heroin put me on edge, making me moody

неусидчивый shiftless: He called the young people shiftless, lazy and good-for-nothing; restless: An impulsive, restless man, Frank Herbert constantly sought out new opportunities, fresh adventures

неуслужливый disobliging: I didn't do so because I didn % want to be disobliging

неустрашимый fearless: You have to be pretty fearless these days to be self-employed. Competition Is fierce and not always fair; intrepid: He was an intrepid man, being on one occasion trapped and narrowly missing death with a companion during an eruption of Monte Somma, Vesuvius; dauntless: She's dauntless, but she's got a little girl's vulnerability; undaunted: Creative and innovative Individuals are always curious about the world they live in. They dare to be different and undaunted by failures

неуступчивый unyielding: When his parents refused to look at him and remained unyielding in silence, he turned and left the room; obstinate: My brother is very obstinate, he is not easily put off if he has made up his mind

неутомимый tireless: Не was a tireless man with a very strong conviction for freedom. He worked day and night; indefatigable: She is an indefatigable researcher

неуч ignoramus: I'm a complete ignoramus where computers are concerned

неучтивый discourteous: Why do we get so angry at times? So unkind? So discourteous?; impolite: She called me impolite and disrespectful just because I talked on my mobile for 10 minutes during the lunch; uncivil: He is a menance to many other people and he is uncivil

неуязвимый invulnerable: Kids always think they 're invulnerable

нехитрый artless: She's an artless woman, uncapable of misleading anyone; guileless: He is a guileless man who never tries to achieve what he wants by indirect and dishonest methods

нечестный dishonest: What are the signs you are dealing with a dishonest salesman ?

нечистоплотный unscrupulous: Being rich is no protection against unscrupulous advisers. When hiring the person who is going to handle your money, check the background of the adviser or the firm he or she works for

нечувствительный insensitive: He is insensitive towards the feelings of others

нечуткий inconsiderate: Don't you think he's rather inconsiderate?; insensitive: I apologize for being insensitive!

неэкономный uneconomical: She is so uneconomical, she spends too much money on clothes

низкий mean: What a petty, little, mean man he is/; vile: Because 1 feel vile I can t spur myself to do good; mean-spirited: Hetty earned a fortune trading stocks, bonds, and real estate. She was greedy, miserly, and mean- spirited; low: How low can you get, I wonder?; snidy: Gilbert is a nasty, snidy man, who always sneers at Perry; wormy: That wormy little sneak betrayed us to get to the top; scurvy: You scurvy scum! You make me sick!

низкопоклонник groveller: On the third day he met Ben, another young employee of the saloon, who worked as a serving boy. Though only a little older than Mikee, Ben was a skilled worker, as good a groveller as any on staff; toady: Being a toady to someone is simple, you just follow a person of greater social standing around and fawn on that person

никудышный человек wastrel: She loves her older brother, no matter that he's a crude, dissolute man, stupidly dependent on his mother and sister — a wastrel

никчемный useless: «I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that 2 are called a law firm, and that 3 or more become a Congress» (President John Adams); good-for-nothing: «Well,» said I, «all right; if I am good-for-nothing, I will go forth into the world and make my fortune»

ничтожество a nobody: You are a nobody and you will always be a nobody!; worthless man: He was a worthless man, a drug adict, a cruel, vicious, evil gangster; sad little man: You are a sad little man!

ничтожный worthless: He is just a worthless tramp; puny: «Man is puny in the face of destiny,» proclaimed Marcus Aurelius

нищий pauper: The prince and the pauper

новичок beginner: A man ceases to be a beginner in chess and becomes a master when he has learned that ...he is going to be a beginner all his life (Paraphrased from R. G. Collingwood); novice: I've never driven a car before — I'm a complete novice; (неопытный человек) greenhorn: I'm a bit of a greenhorn when it comes to skiing

нормальный normal: We tried to get him to behave like a normal kid, but everytime my back was turned he was at it again; (психически) sane: Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you (Carl Gustav Jung)

норовистый temperamental: Publicly the soul of affability, the private Godfrey was a volatile, temperamental man, forever reminding his minions «I made you all and I can break you at any time»

нудный boring: Не is the most boring person in the world! ,

нуждающийся needy: / think he didn't want to help me because I wasn 7 needy; (книж.) indigent: An old Chinese proverb says «Do not give fish to an indigent man, rather teach him how to fish»

нытик whimperer: Now you know me as well as I know myself — a fool, but consistent in his folly; and, as I will ask you to believe, neither a whimperer nor a coward; whiny (a): My three-year-old son is, in everyone else's opinion, very bright and good-natured. At home, he seems to be just the opposite — whiny and defiant


обаятельный charming: Very charming and persuasive, he has a way with people; engaging: Satchel Paige was a colorful and engaging man, but his personal qualities would certainly have been insufficient to promote his rise

обездоленный deprived: He was a man who sometimes looked at the world with a certain anxiety, sometimes critically, and often with a great deal of affection that drew him particularly close to the most deprived in society; destitute: Needy and destitute, we knock at your doors

обескураженный (растерянный) bewildered: He stood looking at her, a dazed and bewildered man; discouraged: If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward (Edison)

обеспеченный well-to-do: My eye fell casually on a well-dressed man opposite me, apparently a well-to-do businessman, with a beautiful briefcase on his knees and a large diamond ring on his hand

обжора glutton: Marco's such a glutton — he ate a whole packet of biscuits while he was watching the film

обидчивый touchy: You have to be careful what you say to him — he's rather touchy; pettish: You are behaving like a pettish small boy; resentful: The resentful man is a human with a capacity for affection so poorly developed that his understanding for the motives of others very nearly does not exist

обманщик cheater: Why do cheaters cheat?; cheat: He is a flattering cheat; fraud: He told people that he was a well-known musician, but he was a fraud really

обнищалый impoverished: He came back an impoverished man. It was his carelessness over money and his incapacity to tackle difficult problems that had led to that

обожатель admirer: Who is her secret admirer?

оболтус dunderhead: He is still a doofus and a dunderhead. A sly, cunning, crafty doofus and dunderhead, but a doofus and dunderhead nonetheless

обольститель seducer: He has been called the great lover and seducer of women, but Don Giovanni acts more like a misogynist in his behavior towards women

обольстительный seductive: Mac was the most seductive man she'd ever met-though he certainly wasn't the marrying kind

оборванец ragamuffin: I'm a ragamuffin and I'm not ashamed of it!

обормот lout: And what is that green-haired lout doing in front of you?

образований well-educated: He was a very well-educated man, he spoke 4 languages, wrote poetry, and knew a lot about religion

образцовый model: He is a model father

обременительный burden (n): I left home because I did not want to be a burden to my parents

обреченный doomed: She acted as though these were the last days the doomed man would ever enjoy on earth

обуза burden: Не по longer loves her, she is a hateful burden to him, he has a duty to her and the child

обходительный suave: In 1969 a 16-year-old American princess worth millions foolishly went on a midnight tour of London in the company of a suave man who called himself Sir Morgan and was never seen again; gracious: He is a gracious man whose many talents and abilities are apparent to all of us here; urbane: Foes and friends alike describe him as an urbane man, an interesting conversationalist with a broad range of intellectual interests and a genuine appreciation of the arts

общительный sociable: He was super-sociable and he knew I loved that in him; communicative: More about me — I am communicative and of an amorous disposition

обыкновенный ordinary: He is an ordinary clerk, but he is not an ordinary man, he is a man with imagination

объективный objective: If you have trouble being objective about your own habits, get input from people who have observed your behavior and can tell you how you come across; impartial: It will not be an easy case to decide. If any case needed an impartial and objective jury, it is this one

обязательный obliging: Mr. Foltz had always lived in this neighborhood and was regarded as a kind and obliging man

ограниченный (недалекий) narrow-minded: Machiavelli asserted that rulers must be cunning, deceitful, and self-serving, because the people they govern are covetous, narrow-minded, and selfish

огрубелый hardened: I will learn how to tell a story so beautiful and compelling that it will draw a tear of joy from even the most hardened and cynical man

одаренный gifted: One of the clear ways in which gifted children differ from other children is in the ease and speed with which they master academic skills

одержимый obsessed: Are you obsessed with your computer?

одинокий lonely: Не is a lonely, forgotten man, desperate to prove that he's alive; lone: He's a lone man in a world he can't understand; solitary: He is a sad solitary man who does not like visitors

одиночка loner: He was always a loner — no one knew him well

одиозный odious: I thought him rather an odious young man, but I did not mind that

ожесточенный embittered: After ten years at hard labor, he escapes from the merciless prison but the years have taken their toll and Val is now a hard and embittered man; acrimonious: Essentially, he is a very acrimonious man whose temper can be easily triggered

озлобленный bitter: He is a hapless alcoholic now, and his wife is a grossly overweight and bitter woman; embittered: In his declining years he was a disappointed and embittered man; resentful: He was not only rough and crude, he was indeed a very angry, resentful man who was prone to violence

озорник naughty (a) (boy, girl): I am a very naughty boy, but at the moment my behaviour is getting a little better; prankster: Born the son of a preacher in the hills of Kentucky, Rady grows into a shrewd but likeable prankster and hell-raiser with a gift for separating people from their money

озорной prankish: Adolescence used to be known as a time for mischief, where prankish hooligans could get away with throwing spitballs at teachers; mischievous: He was saucy and mischievous at school; naughty: I want to apologize for the silly trick I played on you, it was very naughty of me

олух oaf: I asked that big good-looking oaf what he thought he was doing but he wouldn't answer

омерзительный disgusting: He's completely disgusting, he seems to go out of his way to repel people; repulsive: I know that sometimes I'm repulsive, with my potty humour and dirty mind games; revolting: I have no interest in saying anything at all about this revolting man

опасливый cautious: For ту part I consider that it is better to be cautious than adventurous

опасный dangerous: She is a very dangerous young woman; menacing: The more Colin learns about Herbert Muskie, the more menacing the fat man with the wormlike scar on his face becomes

оптимист optimist: Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is the glass half- full or half-empty?

опустошенный devastated: She was devastated when her husband died; empty: She spent 3 months in a psychiatric hospital and came back feeling empty and depressed

опытный experienced: She is a very experienced teacher; (в какой- либо области) proficient in: Tony graduated from Boise State University with degrees in Computer Science. He is proficient in DOS, Windows, Linux, and UNIX environments

организованный orderly: She is so orderly, never impulsive in behavior, always thinks things through logically; well-oganized: She writes book after book. She is so productive because she is well-organized; organized: / am not an organized person, indeed, I am a bit of a mess, and I'm beginning, finally, not to care

оригинал eccentric: When I asked him why he bought this ridiculous pair of enormous stiletto shoes covered in pink feathers, his reply was quite simple: «I'm just an eccentric who buys eccentric things»

ортодокс orthodox person: Most people are exceedingly imitative, and nothing is so gratifying to the average orthodox man as to be like his God

ортодоксальный orthodox: Orthodox scholars and critics tell us flatly that Shakespeare was a Stratford man of humble beginnings. But the accumulated evidence proves that this notion is the most successful fraud

осведомленный well-informed: Never be in a hurry to invest. Be absolutely cool and calm and well-informed; conversant with: He was compassionate, mild, and was conversant with the principles of religion

осмотрительный wary: Don't be afraid, be wary!; circumspect: Politically, it might have been smarter to keep his mouth shut, but Murphy is not a circumspect man; discreet: Lucy loved him best of all her brothers, because he was a wise and discreet man

основательный solid: He's a good, solid man. He's a reliable, steady person. I trust him

особенный special: Her parents used to tell her how special she was, so she hates to be treated like everyone else

остолоп gawk: This gawk never gets things right; dunderhead: Your behaviour simply reinforces my argument that you are a complete dunderhead

осторожный careful: Oh, please, be careful!; cautious: She is very cautious and always makes sure her doors are locked; wary: One may be wary, and yet bold and active

острослов witty person (a): Nine very witty men got together to watch clips and to discuss another very witty man; wisecracker: Before he played the annoying wisecracker alongside Jackie Chan in the smash hit*Rush Hour,» Chris Tucker played the annoying wisecracker alongside Ice Cube in * Friday •

остроумный witty: « You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty» (Sacha Guitry)

остряк wit: Better a witty fool than a foolish wit (Shakespeare)

отбросы low life: He started mixing up with drug-dealers, pimps and other low life

отважный bold: be bold enough to show your soft side; daring: Are ft* daring enough to be differentf; intrepid: John D. Mac Donald's fammo fictional hero Travis McGee is a fearless adventurer, an intrepid investigator and a rescuer of ladies In distress; gallant: A courageous man is ready ft* battle, a brave man courts it, a gallant man dashes into the midst of the conflict

ответственный responsible: Many people are responsible some of the time but give in to impulses at other times

отвратительный filthy: He is filthy, he is treacherous, and all he thinks about is the enormous fortune his parents left behind; morbid: She was a fun to talk to, morbid like me, and a promising artist and journalist at the same time; abominable: I feel that this land has been torn into bits, only because such abominable persons were raised to power; disgusting: How disgusting men are! You simply cannot trust them for a minute!; revolting: Some people may find him revolting, repugnant or a bunch of other R words; hateful: That horrible, hateful man abused all sorts of people in countless ways. He stole from them, openly mocked them and was foul-mouthed; detestable: Marc is a detestable man who did detestable things

отзывчивый sympathetic: My doctor is never sympathetic when / become upset; responsive: People like to share their problems with her because she is so responsive and willing to help

откровенный frank: I was brought up to be frank and speak my mind; open: I wish you'd be more open with me, and tell me what you "re feeling; blunt: I'll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible; outspoken: He was an outspoken man who preached religiously radical, but nevertheless compelling ideas

отродье brat: They never call him by his real name, they always refer to him as brat, selfish child, rotten child, snotty boy

открытый open: He is quite open about his weaknesses; frank: Frank, loyal and disinterested - is that the opinion you have of yourself?

отпетый outright: We know Trinian for who he really is — an outright rogue '

отсталый retarded: The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded; backward: She has married a backward man who can barely support himself, let alone her

отступник apostate: There is quite possibly no greater threat to the believer than the existence of the apostate; recreant: His teachings were betrayed by generations of recreant and faithless disciples

отталкивающий repulsive: What a repulsive old man!; revolting: You can be so revolting sometimes!; repellent: The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children for their insurance-money, and the most repellent man of my acquaintance is a philanthropist who has spent nearly a quarter of a million upon the London poor (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

отходчивый placable: As a friend he was warm and sincere, and as an enemy he was placable and forgiving

отчаявшийся desperate: Unconsciously, you could be signalling non- verbally that you are desperate and hunting for a man; despondent: A despondent man who is about to throw himself off a bridge is saved by an old friend who invites him home

отчаянный daring: «Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary» (Sir Cecil Beaton); reckless: She was charmingly reckless and crazy

отшельник hermit: I've learned to live without others, am I destined to become a hermit; recluse: When I was a small child, polite people said of me that I was shy. I never was, I was merely unsociable. When I was grown up, they called me reserved. I was, but only because I was unsociable. Now that I am old, they speak of me as a recluse. And I am a recluse — because I am still unsociable

отщепенец outcast: The 1980s were her dark days — a political outcast rejected by the people who had once worshipped her; renegade: A band of renegades had captured the prince and were holding him to ransom

отъявленный outright: The vast majority of doctors are beyond reproach but every now and then we hit upon one who is an outright rogue

охальник mischief-maker: He is a born mischief-maker!

охальный mischievious: She was strong-willed and mischievious, and never bothered to study

очаровательный charming: What great charming people we are!

очерствелый hardened: An angry and hardened man, he steals silverware from a bishop who gives him food and a place to sleep; callous: The authors depict the crooner as a «monstrously callous» man driven by his desire for fame and fortune

очковтиратель humbug: Seldom has anyone fallen from hero to humbug faster than Dr. Bruno Bettelheim

очумелый off one's head: He was off his head on Ecstasy. He was found lying barely conscious in a gutter outside a cinema

ошалелый frantic: The cartoons include a cigar smoking boss, a big-eyed man at a computer, and a frantic man whose only hope of survival is the coffee machine


падкий having a weakness for: Since none of us are perfect, I'd guess that most of you have a particular weakness for one or two temptations; (на лесть) a sucker for flattery: Christopher was a real sucker for flattery. His mother and father trembled with apprehension about his future

паинька goody (n): Why do people think it's bad to be a so called goodie?

пакостник wretch: She's always causing trouble, she's such a wretch!

пакостный mean: I discovered he could be really mean, some days he wouldn 7 talk to me, some days he would be very offensive; foul: All he ever says about people is: «What a foul man so and so is! What a foul woman is so and so!»

паникер alarmist: She is such an alarmist, always makes mountains out of molehills

паразит sponger: My wife is very frustrated about our son, who became a sponger and a drug addict; parasite: He has a reputation as a bore, a sponger, a parasite and, generally, someone you would do well to avoid

параноик paranoid: What happens when a paranoid meets a paranoid? паршивец lousy (creature): You lousy rat!

паршивый lousy: He was a lousy basketball player; rotten: He is such a rotten old swine!

паскудный foul: Your mind is wild with everything you have heard of this foul man

пассивный passive: I was very passive with my boyfriend — we always did what he wanted to do

педант pedant: «А pedant is a man who likes his statements to be true» (Bertrand Russell); prig: «А prig is a fellow who is always making you a present of his opinions» (George Eliot)

педантичный pedantic: I don't want to be pedantic, but the colour of gold is gold; meticulous: A precise meticulous man, Tom would follow written instructions to the letter; punctilious: The nearest Roman Catholic church was upwards of twenty miles away. Ivor, who was punctilious in his devotions, came down early to breakfast and had his car at the door, ready to start, by a quarter to ten

пентюх clodhopper: My arms and legs were growing out of control that summer. I felt like a clodhopper and from that time forward, I have had no sense of style

перевертыш double-dealer: Brigitte is a treacherous double-dealer, but beneath that cold exterior smolders a burning desire for Sarge; turncoat: It is a popular belief that constancy of views and opinions does a person credit. If you fail to do this in politics, you are called a «turncoat»

перспективный promising: He is a promising young scientist

пессимист pessimist: A pessimist always sees problems and never solutions

печально известный notorious: She is notorious for forgetting her boss's instructions, I'm afraid she's going to lose her job again

печальный sad: Feeling sad every once in a while is natural. Maybe you miss somebody. Maybe somebody you really like rejected you, and you don't feel so great about yourself; wistful: Toward the end of his life, Wright composed pages of haiku, poems in which Rowley finds «a sensuous, tender, nostalgic, wistful man»

пигалица puny person: «What do you want» barked the witch. Claire said boldly; « You must return the water!» Helga laughed, « What spirit for a puny little girl. Why should I listen to such a mouse?»

плакса cry-baby: She's a cry-baby, and when she doesn 7 get her way, she whines to the head-supervisor; sniveller: She's always thinking of others, but she becomes lethal when you call her a sniveller; wet (n): I am such a wet, / hate myself

плаксивый whiny: I don't want to play the role of a therapist to some whiny man whose needs are not met at home because «my wife doesn't understand me»

пламенный ardent: Jesus sensed immediately that this child was his most ardent believer, and yet the child did nothing but smile in Jesus' presence

плебей plebeian: «Who are you?» The Devil asked him. «I am a plebeian by birth and all ragged folk are my brothers. How terrible the world is, how wretched the people are!»

плодовитый prolific: A prolific writer, every morning he wrote 100 lines of verse or 20 pages of prose; fruitful: Spiritual life can make us more productive and fruitful

плохой bad: Tom did a very bad thing, but he is hot a bad person; wicked: Newt Gingrich is the most evil, wicked man on the face of this earth

плут cheat: You are a liar, you are a cheat!

плутоватый roguish: Christina's mother was a lovable type of woman, and she did much to reform this roguish man who had been raised in an orphanage

победитель wuuicr The winner lakes и all

поверхностный shallow: They were almost lovers once, but she ww off and married the hopeless Jay, a bad lawyer and an appallingly shallow man; superficial: He is an estate agent, he's a bit superficial, but he и still more interesting than you

повеса rake: Never trust a rake; scapegrace. A mature widow was deceived by a young scapegrace recently

поганец rascal: You little rascal!

подавленный depressed: The worst thing you can say to a depressed person is 'Your problems aren7 that big'

податливый pliant: Don 7 underestimate the power that advertising has to influence a pliant public; pliable: One must learn to be pliable, complaisant: Very few young men find abiding pleasure in the society of a young woman who is entirely docile and complaisant

подвижный agile: / am glad Daddy is so agile for his age, but what is he doing on the roof?

подлец scoundrel: You scoundrel, one day you '11 be behind bars!; cad: You filthy low-down cad!

подлиза wheedler: You get everything you want out of people. 1 don't know how you do it, but you are a born wheedler; apple-polisher: She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss and making eyes at him; people-pleaser: Though spineless people-pleasers try hard, no one totally avoids criticism

подлый vile: She is a vile woman who schemes to destroy her sister's marriage; mean: I can't find anything good in the world - people are basically selfish, angry, mean; mean-spirited: He is mean-spirited and a bigot; base: A base man cannot be noble, nor can a family achieve nobility from a base father; scurvy: Why does such a clever and unscrupulous woman stay with such a scurvy man ?

подобострастный obsequious Не gets disgustingly obsequious tn the presence of celebrities; slimy: He it о nasty, slimy man that is always scheming ways to get more money, servile: I knew his grandfather. He was an unassuming man. a servile man, who ploughed our paddy-fields. In the village he was known as Bombo Caetan, bombo meaning stupid, and the poor fellow never did mind about it; sycophantic; Bud is a sycophantic holt weasel

подозрительный (вызывает подозрение) dubious: Who is this dubious character?; (вызывает подозрение, подозревает других) suspicious: Her suspicious husband hired a private detective who followed her for a month

подонок scum: Anyone who could do something like that is scum

подхалим lickspittle: Now do you need proof that he is a lickspittle?; bootlicker More than a coward and bootlicker, he is a trader. To buy and sell is a principle on which he functions; sycophant: The man whom you have just called a sycophant Is my uncle Peter; groveller The bloke's a compulsive groveller.' The way he bows and scrapes to his boss you expect him to develop a hunchback any second!; ring-kisser That ring- kisser stays late at the office just to make a good impression

покладистый appeasable: Do you think being appeasable is a virtue?; easy to deal with: He is easy to deal with when J need to change something

покорный submissive: Her mother is very submissive, sort of a caretaker to her powerful, intimidating husband; humble: She was so hardworking and so humble, and yet had so little; obedient: Her husband plays the role of an obedient man-servant in public

покровительственный protective: / want to marry a strong and protective nan who will offer me stability and security in every way

полезный useful: I am not bossing you, I am just trying to be useful

полный + негатив, слово (напр., идиот) complete: This manual was written by a complete idiot; utter: You utter creep!

полоумный half-witted: The world is being run right now by a bunch of half-witted twits who only have money driven interests in mind

помешанный potty: A Cincinnati police officer was accused in a lawsuit of being a 'potty Nazi'; (на чем-то) freak: I'm fed up with all these health freaks telling me how to improve my lifestyle

помпезный pompous: Stop acting like a pompous, superior being!

понимающий understanding: My supervisor is very understanding, when I have a personal problem I can always take a day or two off

понятливый bright: He was nice enough but he didn't seem very bright

попрошайка beggar: I hate beggars

популярный popular: At all the schools I have been to, the «popular» kids are the ones who are maturer and richer and dress nicer and have four wheelers and $500 dollar shoes

пораженец defeatist: Don't be such a defeatist, do not give up so quickly!

порочный evil: We have reason to believe that Bert is evil and you should keep your children away from him; wicked: The wicked man borrows and does not return, but the righteous takes pity and gives; depraved: The dominant belief in Western culture is Judeo-Christian: man is basically depraved. God, separate from man, is good. Man can never be good, but. man can be «washed» of his sins, so while still being depraved, he won't be punished for his depravity. Man has no hope of being anything other than depraved

порывистый impetuous: She's too impetuous, it will get her into trouble one of these days

порядочный decent: He is a decent young man, I respect him; honest: The notion of an honest politician is a contradiction in terms; respectable: There's no one more respectable than my wife, I can assure you!

последовательный consistent: I want you to become more consistent and play at a higher level more regularly

послушный obedient: What marvellous, obedient girls you have!; docile: She has been a docile child, deeply attached to home and mother

~ долгу dutiful: In traditional India, a dutiful son takes care of his parents in their old age

посредственный mediocre: They chose to promote mediocrity over genius because the mediocre man was convenient for them. A mediocre man would work within parameters set by them, but genius could never be subordinated

постоянный constant: He was the oldest and the most constant of her admirers

постылый hated: When a man does not make his wife feel loved, she feels hated

потаскуха slapper: She's an awful slapper who throws herself at any passing man and then moans when she feels she's «not being taken seriously as a woman»

потрясающий amazing: And who is this amazing girl?

похотливый lustful: Cleopatra, though portrayed by many as a lustful whore, was an intelligent queen plagued by rumors spread by Octavian; lascivious: The lascivious and devious young man slyly torments the merchant's virtuous wife by playing on his resemblance to a man from her youth

почтенный honourable: I never once found anything that was duplicitous or mean in him. He was an extremely honourable man, I tell you, among men who were not so honourable; respectable: At the end of Volume I Chapter 8, we learn his profession would preclude him from being a true gentleman, but he was concidered respectable enough to be able to socialize with the first class of men in the district — thus he could be regarded a half gentleman; reputable: Many reputable scientists do not accept the theory of global warming

почтиггельный respectful: / was brought up to be respectful to elderly people

пошлый commonplace: Не is a very commonplace, rather vulgar young man. It's not surprising if all the fuss you've made of him has turned his head; vulgar: What a vulgar buffoon!

правдивый truthful: I think that most politicians are in actuality nice truthful people but just don't know how to show it

праведный righteous: Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and righteous man

правильный (строго придерживающийся моральных принципов) upright: My parents are very upright and traditional in their outlook

прагматик pragmatist: She is romantic, but being American she is also a pragmatist

праздный idle: He's a stupid, idle, good-for-nothing boy!; indolent: He was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play cards

практичный practical: Lord Beaconsfield, in one of his novels, has defined a practical man as a man who practises the errors of his forefathers

превосходный excellent: You've got an excellent husband!

преданный committed: A truly committed man will make the time to see his beloved, and a woman should set in his way at least enough survivable obstacles so as to reaffirm the depth of his commitment; devoted: Unfortunately she also believes that she is not a worthy person unless she has a devoted man at her side; true: A true friend is always there for you. If you are worried, your friend is there to cheer you up. A true friend will always be there,on your side and your friend will help you

предатель trator: You've betrayed us, you traitor!; back-stabber: But the most dangerous back-stabber is the one that remains hidden, striking out when no one is looking

предвзятый biased: The law gives little weight to the testimony of a biased witness

предприимчивый enterprising: The business was started by a couple of enterprising young women

предрасположенный к prone to: He is especially prone to mood swings; given to: He was a penny-pinching miser given to hypochondria; apt: She is intolerant of her man's idiosyncrasies, and she's more apt to nag and whine

предсказуемый predictable: His patiens became for him a grubby grey contingent of predictable people

предубежденный prejudiced: Are women prejudiced against women?; biased: That judge is racially biased

предупредительный obliging: He is the most obliging and polite man I have ever dated; attentive: I really liked him, but he wasn't attentive enough to me; courteous: Our courteous, professional sales staff is waiting to meet your business needs

предусмотрительный provident: Man is so constituted that he must be either provident or improvident

представительный distinguished: When men get gray hair, they look distinguished. When women get gray hair, they look old; imposing: He was a tall imposing figure on stage

презренный contemptible: Great art may be produced by contemptible human beings, and therefore art does not inspire virtue in us. It does not necessarily follow that if the work delights, the workman must be praised (Plutarch); despicable: He is a despicable loser

презрительный scornful: Since you have been so scomfull, I'll tell you the truth — he '11 never marry you; contemptuous: Professor Miller of mechanical engineering was contemptuous of people who did not care about his beloved steam engines

прелюбодей adulterer: Muslims often ask, since Christians regard polygamy as adultery, whether they regard Prophet Ibrahim as an adulterer

пренебрежительный (ни с кем и ни с чем не считающийся) dis­missive: I admit I was being patronizing and dismissive, I'm sorry; (выражаюший пренебрежение и презрение) disdainful: Bruce и at one moment disdainful and at the other moment really envious of what Charles has done

пресловутый notorious: Noted animal lover and even more notorious man lover Brigitte Bardot, 62, has written a tell-all memoir that would practically be a best seller if every one of the ex-amours named in it bought a copy

претенциозный pretentious: In the novel, a pompous, pretentious man is forced into terrifying circumstances in which he must choose to get belter or eventually revert back to his old ways

преуспевающий prosperous: They are a very prosperous family; successful: His father was a successful doctor

привередливый squeamish: You acted like an over-squeamish man who never goes out for fear of being soiled by contact with the earth but you were not at all squeamish about using money or dirty tricks to win; fastidious: Bobby was such a fastidious eater that he would eat a sandwich only if his mother first cut off every scrap of crust; particular: He's very particular about the washing-up

приветливый affable: I'm affable. But is affable a good thing?; friendly: My mother is humorous, good-natured, friendly and hard to become angry

привязчивый clingy: My boyfriend is very clingy. He tells me constantly that his life revolves around me

пригодный fit: He is fit for nothing

придира faultfinder: A faultfinder is a person with a bad memory who never remembers the good, or a person with a good memory who always remembers the bad; bully: She's got a bully for a boss; nag/nagger: The stereotypical nagger, the nagger of comic routines, is a wife — usually a housewife, even more usually a mother, tied down with domestic responsibilities; nitpicker: No, I'm not just a professional nitpicker who can't stand tiny flaws, I just want you to do this job properly

придирчивый carping: Мот wasn7 just a carping nag — she was also a marketing maestro; nagging: Wapner is basically that nagging old man you always see down at the park complaining about birds and water fountains, sadly / think that s all he does now; cantankerous: Don't argue with him, hell oppose you on every point, he's incredibly cantankerous; captious: Perhaps captious critics will say that he had faults. Well, who has not? But if the old man had a proportion of those failings which alas are our common inheritance he also possessed qualities which too few possess

придурковатый daft: What is the daft man doing?; imbecile: That absolutely imbecile salesgirl said she'd never heard of such perfume; doltish: He was dressed In a smart conservative suit. For all that he looked like a doltish banker, his poker face and sleepy eyes hid a mind as insightful as any in the known worlds; blockish: He is a prickly, blockish fellow with no social skills — an edgy wonk

придурок moron: Even my own father called me a moron; jerk: Is there really any explanation for why love is blind? Do we have any hope for learning how to avoid marrying a jerk ?

прижимистый tight-fisted: They often argue about money, he calls her an irresponsible spendthrift, she calls him a tight-fisted meanie; stingy: I don't know how to deal with my stingy boss; penny-pinching: Son of a snake-oil salesman and bigamist, he rose from being a penny-pinching bookkeeper to become the richest man in the world

признательный grateful: Unthankful, you were, grateful you '11 be; thankful: Be thankful that you don 7 already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

прилежный diligent: She is professional, diligent and thorough. I highly recommend her; industrious: People who are not industrious dump the workload on those around them

прилипчивый clingy: The problem is that I am extremely, intensely affectionate. In fact most people would probably find me clingy and annoying

приличный decent: He is a very decent sort of boy, he won't let her get into any mischief; proper: We were all surprised when he fell in love with a conservative and rather proper girl; respectable: Mr Vholes is a very respectable man. He does not have a large business, but he is a very respectable man

примерный model: She really is a model student. She studies for three hours every night and hands in all her homework on time; examplary: She became one of the most requested US TV actresses, despite she is also an examplary mother of two children

принципиальный of principle: She's a woman of principle

прирожденный born: Many years ago, I was a guest at a great City dinner. A famous orator, a born actor, ranging with ease through every part, from refined comedy to tragic unction, was called upon to reply to a toast; natural born: A drunken man may get sober, but a natural-born fool will never have any sense

приспешник henchman: How does one go about becoming a henchman? Perhaps there is an exam where you would have questions about loyalty and how much you hate cute bunnies

приспособленец time-server: If you are a person whose behavior is adjusted to the pattern of the times, you are a time-server then; time-serving (a): He is a mean, time-serving little man, grovelling odiously before the wealthy people

пристрастный biased: Doctors are often biased against unconventional therapies; partial: Man is always partial and is quite right to be. Even impartiality is partial (Georg C. Lichtenberg)

притворщик pretender: Oh yes, I'm the great pretender, Pretending I'm doing well, My need is such, I pretend too much, I'm lonely but no one can tell (song)

приторный sugary sweet: Unlike so many sugary sweet TV presenters, Anne has the courage to be what she really is — difficult, cutting and rude; saccharine: Some think that he is a comic genius. Others think he is saccharine and irritating with a truly appalling beard

прихвостень toady: Stop being a toady to him; hanger-on: He is the worst hanger-on I've ever seen. Everything his friends do, he has to do. i.e. he listens to Prodigy because his friends do, he wears Lee Pipes because his friends do, he started wearing boxers when his friends did

прихлебатель sponger: He was a sponger, cadging meals where he could and panhandling contributions for his self-proclaimed «Joe Gould Fund»

приятный pleasant: Bosses prefer pleasant employees, those who listen more and complain less; agreeable: Mr Elliot is an exceedingly agreeable man, and in many respects I think highly of him,» said Anne; likable: Mr. Parker Pyne found Basil Chester a most likeable young man; nice: I was brought up to be a *nice» girl, that meant always helping others and never saying no

пробивной go-getting: He's a go-getting high-powered business manager; go-getter (n): Susan, a public relations consultant, was the ultimate go- getter — shuttling her kids around town, managing a household, and tackling home fix-it projects all while satisfying her clients

провидец visionary: She was a social reformer and a great visionary

провинциал provincial: When he began his studies, the adulation of Stalin, «the greatest genius of all times and peoples,» was at its height, and the earnest young provincial was not immune to it

провокатор provoker: She is a provoker, she scolds, ridicules, and belittles. She nags. She screams insults at him loud enough for everyone to hear; instigator: He's so bad, so goofy, such an instigator, a bragger, show off... but heck, he's mine

проворный (физически) agile: My grandmother isn't as agile as she used to be; nimble: Nelson, it must be said, was a remarkably nimble man with his wooden leg and his affliction did not appear to impede him when on such an assignment; prompt: I cannot complain, he is a very prompt assistant

продажный corrupt: This is a story of how the filmmaker lost his family, a multi-million dollar chain of video stores, and almost his life fighting a group of religious fanatics and a corrupt city prosecutor; venal: The reporter is revealed for what he really was, a greedy, venal man, whose soothing words had done much to calm the fears of an outside world that might otherwise have tried to step in to stop the slaughter

прожигатель жизни fast liver: He was supposed to be sensual and a fast liver. He said he would never marry

прожорливый voracious: Teenagers are often voracious eaters; gluttonous: I'm an intermittently gluttonous man, when it comes to life. I want everything, always, all the time, complete life lessons, to saturation

прозорливый sagacious: He was the most sensible man of his day, the most sagacious man in the country. Everyone knew that if one needed advice in a difficult and complex case, it would not be futile to go to him; perspicacious: That guy always knows what's going on, he's quite perspicacious

проказливый impish: She looks like an impish teenager!; puckish: There are a lot of puckish kids in the class; mischievous: They can be so mischievous sometimes; prankish: The prankish kids left a turkey neck sticking out of Dad's pants. Mom fainted when she saw the cat gnawing on it

проклятый accursed: Now I'm finding out what you really are like, you accursed old man — up to today, I've been fooled by you!

проницательный perceptive: He was an intelligent, perceptive man with great natural ability to judge people — good or bad; astute: He joined Russia's radical movement in 1894 and aligned himself with the Social Democratic Party in 1898. He was astute enough to choose the Bolsheviks rather than the Mensheviks when the Party split in 1903; shrewd: He is a shrewd politician who knows how to win votes; perspicacious: His boss praised Carl as «a tireless, persistent and perspicacious worker»

пронырливый tricky : He was a more effective lawyer than men far cleverer, because he was tricky and resilient

пропащий hopeless: It is only through faith in Jesus that hopeless man can be saved

пропойца drunkard: Не is a habitual drunkard

пророк prophet: In a distant, timeless place, a mysterious prophet walks the sands

просвещенный enlightened: His grandfather was an enlightened man who sent his daughters to college at a time when women were deprived of education altogether; educated: All families should have the social and material resources to raise their children to be healthy, educated, and productive members of their communities

простак simpleton: Simpletons consistently misinterpret what happens to them, what they do, or what is brought about by others. For themselves their thoughts seem logical and true

простодушный simple: Machiavelli advised rulers to make free use of deception in their quest for power. «Men are so simple that the deceiver will always find those ready to be deceived»; simple-minded: He can be so simple-minded in some ways that he overlooks the obvious facts; artless: Flora, who had been spoiled and artless long ago, was determined to be spoiled and artless now; unsophisticated: Unsophisticated consumers are easy prey to unscrupulous retailers

простосердечный simple-hearted: Rahim Khan was a simple-hearted man with his own ambitions in life which were nibbed in bud by society and parents; artless: The natives are plain, artless, simple people, few rich or genteel, the most moderately poor

простой (обычный) common: I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do; simple: She is a simple and natural person; ordinary: I'm an ordinary man, nothing special, nothing grand

простофиля dupe: 1 don't want to be a dupe for anybody

противный nasty: I am a complicated person, sometimes I'm nice, sometimes I'm nasty; horrid: Oh, yuk! What a horrid little man!; repugnant: The client was so repugnant to the lawyer that he was unable to represent him in court; disgusting: He's disgusting, I can't stand him; repulsive: Do people find you repulsive? Do you never comb your hair or brush your teeth ?; repellent: He is sometimes absurd, and even repellent, and I am disgusted by her exaggerated devotion to him

противоречивый contradictory: A combative and often contradictory man, Brando refused to play by the rules of the Hollywood game, openly expressing his loathing for the film industry and for the very nature of celebrity, yet often exploiting his fame to bring attention to political causes and later accepting any role offered him as long as the price was right

профессионал professional: They are professionals, they don't let feeling interfere with their work

профессиональный professional: She is a professional pilot

прохвост scoundrel: He's an absolute scoundrel, he took my grandmother's diamond ring to get it valued and we haven't seen him since; crook: That crook stole a steamroller and later, when he was caught, said he was «tired of walking»

прохиндей rogue: He's a smooth-talking rogue who never had a thought in his whole life

проходимец rogue: Following his abandonment of Tisbea, Don Juan returns to Seville, where he encounters his «oldest friend», the Marquis de la Mota, an admirer of Don Juan and his escapades, who fancies himself a bit of a rogue also; rascal : There was a young rascal named James, who liked to play terrible games

процветающий prosperous: He's changed, he has grown fat, prosperous and influential

прощелыга knave: For every hundred men, there is one wise man, nine knaves and 90 fools

прыткий quick: She was good at her job - quick, competent and thorough

прямодушный frank: Do you seriously think that being frank and always saying what's on your mind is always good for you?; straightforward: At least Roz is straightforward and you know what she's thinking; simple- minded: 1 am simple-minded, so I must keep this very simple. All I want is simple «yes» and «по» answers to simple questions

прямой straightforward: He's an honest, straightforward man who loves his country; candid: What you see is what you get with that candid girl; (высказывающийся прямо и открыто, не заботясь о мнении дру­гих) outspoken: An outspoken man with strong political convictions, he made a controversial speech at Harvard (jy

прямолинейный straightforward: /'m the most straightforward person you '11 ever meet. You can't hurt my feelings. So be honest. I want to know, why won't you go out with me?; outspoken: She can be quite outspoken and some people find it rather off-putting

псих nuts: Are you nuts?, crank: «The attack is the work of extremists, though it would seem to suggest that we are dealing with a lone crank», the officer said

психованный cranky: He is cranky today , д ,ъ

психопат psychopath: While some psychopaths undoubtedly correspond to the popular view of the brutal killer, criminal, or rapist, many, if not most, do not; psycho: I do not want to see that psycho girlfriend of yours again

пугливый fearful: She is so fearful that she panics because of loud noises

пунктуальный punctual: She is always punctual for work but always late with her friends

пуританин puritan: I'm such a puritan

пустобрех chatterbox: A pair of chatterboxes, that's what you are!; windbag: Kerry is bragging about Ireland again. What a windbag!

пустоголовый air-headed: You know those air-headed, fluff-brained women? The ones who can't bear to be without a man?; air-brained: «Oh, I'm sorry Amber, he's gone out for lunch with Miss Swayne today,» his secretary let it slip. I was furious. He absolutely knows how I feel about that air-brained blonde; empty-headed: You are a narcassistic, empty- headed pretty boy; rattle-brained: Married too young, at age 16, her immature rattle-brained husband wound up in the penitentiary a year later; fluff-brained: This girl was different, not at all like some of the fluff-brained women he had dated in the past. She had an inner beauty. He found himself strongly attracted to her

пустое место a nobody: Most people at the party were nobodies trying to be noticed by the press

пустозвон wind-bag: Goodbye, you pompous wind-bag; jabberer: You should know by now he is a jabberer, don't listen to him; rattlehead: How can you trust that rattlehead?

пустой empty: Though she seems to have the best of everything, she is truly empty; shallow: He is a shallow demagogue; vacuous: Charlie's Angels TV series (aired 1976-1981) was a piece of rather uninspired male fantasy fluff about three female agents who were sexy, but quite vacuous and helpless in tough spots

пустомеля twaddler: That sounds like a load of pretentious twaddle, but this is not surprising from a prentious twaddler such as yourself; babbler: Through out the ages men have been called babblers and I think they earned it

пустослов wind-bag: He is nothing but a wind-bag

пустышка shallow person: She is a deeply shallow girl; vacuous person: When they see her, everyone sort of assumes she's going to be just another vacuous blonde

пылкий passionate: To hold your attention, a man must be as smart and passionate as you are

пытливый curious: I think it is very difficult, especially as first time parents, to know that your bright, curious child is significantly different from his age-peers; inquisitive: Our mission is to develop caring, inquisitive, competent individuals responsive to a changing, complex world, said the teacher

пьяница drunk: There is a difference between the filthy drunk sleeping in the gutter and those of us sharply dressed drinkers of fine cocktails. Sure, some of those gutter drunks probably were like us at one time, but they let themselves go and let the booze control them; drinker: He is a heavy drinker


раб slave: I am your Master. And you are my slave

раболепный subservient: His neighbor told Nasrudin «if only you would learn how to be subservient and flatter the emperor, like I do, you would not have to live on chickpeas and bread.» Nasrudin replied «and if only you would learn how to live on chickpeas and bread, like I do, you would not have to flatter and be subservient to the emperor.»

работоспособный hard-working: He was hard-working and honest, one of the finest men we had

работящий industrious: He was an industrious man, taking over a large block of land andfarming it extensively; hard-working: Our staff is dedicated and hard-working

равнодушный indifferent: He must be entirely indifferent to me, he does not even notice me; unconcerned: Survey finds a large percentage of Americans unconcerned about the plight of the poor; (не проявляющий энтузиазма) half-hearted: Do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am — a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves for pleasure and adventure

радушный affable: As a host, he is very affable; cordial: My parents don't like my boyfriend, but they know I love him, so they 'are always cordial when they see him; hospitable: They say the Americans are awfully hospitable and I'll get a lot of free meals

разбалованный spoiled: She was badly spoiled and always told her parents lies about her twin sister

разбитной pert: A small, pert man whose hair appears to have a 240 volt current running through it, Lee Perry, legend and veteran of the Jamaican music scene, works like no other producer or engineer I've seen

разболтанный disorderly: I was surrounded in the supermarket by slug­like children, all disorderly and noisy. I really can't understand why families like that don't simply stay at home

разборчивый fastidious; He had three sons who were each very fastidious about three specific things. The eldest was fastidious about food, the second about women and the third about beds; choosy: Being choosy pays off; picky: My 2 1/2-year-old daughter is a very picky eater. She never liked baby food, or anything that looked like baby food

развалина wreck: My controlling friend in college put me down continually, and from a well-balanced young girl I was transformed into a nervous wreck

развратник lecher: Stop staring at me you dirty old lecher!; profligate (n /a): What about your brother? What about the profligate Ernest?

развратный profligate: She was a profligate woman on the one side — she was alcoholic and she liked cheap men

развращенный depraved: Mankind is depraved, sinful and justly condemned; corrupt: They know how corrupt the man is, since they are likewise corrupt themselves. But they don't realize the power of their corruption; corrupted: In the past I've been fascinated with Alfte Kohn's ideas about the better side of human nature. In the same way I favored Aquinas's perspective that man was wounded by the fall, but not totally corrupted

развязный brash: At this time, my grandmother had married a big, brash man named Jay prone to reckless and daring behavior, unafraid of anything

разгильдяй slovenly (a): Keeping a society free, vital, and strong is no job for the half-educated and the slovenly; slacker: In the film a teenage slacker has 24 hours to reform if he's to inherit the fortune of his late dad. This means a steady job, a nice girlfriend, and no wild parties

разговорчивый talkative: What they find to say to one another, 1 wonder, I've never found either of them very talkative; loquacious: Alcohol can act as a truth serum — it gets you all warm and overly loquacious

раздражительный irritable: Depression can make a person irritable and short-tempered; petulant: Any school teacher who is chronically petulant is in the wrong business; short-tempered: / feel frustrated, short-tempered and very easily stressed; (разг.) edgy: Lawmakers grow edgy as crisis drags on

разиня gawker: / often see him there. This gawker wanders aimlessly through crowds, does not buy anything; scatter-brain: He likes to give the impression of being a bit of a scatter-brain, but he's actually extremely efficient and well-organized

размазня ditherer: She has a reputation for being a ditherer who can never make up her mind; sap: She calls you a sap behind your back

разнузданный licentious: Saint Augustine was an undisciplined and licentious man in his youth, but his mother prayed for him while he was growing up

разумный reasonable: When it comes down to business, he becomes very reasonable; wise: As I've grown older, I'm a little wiser and still a little scared

разухабистый rollicking: He's a barker, a loose and rollicking man, willing to sell us anything if it can make his feet to dance

ранимый vulnerable: Despite his success and his wealth, there is really a vulnerable man inside

раскованный uninhibited: The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex; relaxed: Griffey is more relaxed now. He has accepted that he '11 forever remain a focus of attention

раскрепощенный uninhibited: To be truly uninhibited is a rare grace

распорядительный efficient: Не is the most efficient manager I've ever known

распутник lecher: Honey, this man is a lecher, stay away from him!; rake: «The Rake's Progress» is a series of engravings done by William Hogarth in 1735 which shows a young man's decline into a disreputable and dissolute way of life; libertine: The libertines believe that humans have the inclinations and desires that they do because nature has instilled humans with these desires, and thus they are natural desires

распутный lecherous: He is just about the most notoriously unfaithful, unlucky and lecherous idiot to have ever been born

распутница wanton: Dark-haired and delicately built, she was a sweetly wanton career girl, living alone in a Manhattan walk-up. She was undeniably beautiful. Indisputably rich. Incredibly wanton

распутный dissolute: Rasputin was a man of two faces — he had this holy man persona but was also enormously dissolute; lewd: He's not crude, but occasionally lewd and proudly rude

распущенный (развратный) dissolute: His son was a very dissolute man, very much a wine, woman, and song man; (разбалованный) spoiled: A new survey put out by a bunch of statistics masters working for CNN and Time Magazine say kids are more spoiled and get their way more often than kids did 10 years ago. That's what parents think anyway

рассеянный absent-minded: You are absent-minded, you never notice what is happening near you because you are thinking of other things; scatter-brained: The Aquarius is often seen as a kind of mad scientist — aloof, scatter-brained and non-conformist. He is merely preoccupied. There is always some new thought, discovery, idea, plan or person to pursue, study, assess and put to good use in the world; scatterbrain (n): Did I send for you ? I don 7 remember, what a scatterbrain I am!

рассудительный sober-minded: A sober-minded woman is a woman who thinks before she speaks and reasons before she acts; sober: Donoghue.'s father was a sober man, a minder of his own business; reasonable: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persistsin trying to adapt the world to himself; rational: My husband is a normally rational man. He thinks logically and clearly, I appreciate this quality in him

рассудочный prudent: A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps; rational: I don't understand how anyone as rational as she is can behave like an untrusting child

расторопный prompt: The reader will have begun to perceive that this Methodist minister was a prompt man, a prompt man with active hands and a good headpiece

расточительный improvident: Elizabeth's husband had been a reckless, improvident man, who left many debts behind him when he died; extravagant: She is too extravagant to be practical; wasteful: He is very wasteful with money; prodigal: There have been rumours that he has been prodigal with company funds

растяпа blunderer: In the film the plot revolves around an inept blunderer who succeeds due to the circumstances; bungler: You are our worst liar, our biggest bungler

расхлябанный undisciplined: He claims to have been a different man then. Arrogant, undisciplined, with far too much ego and far too little wisdom; (разг.) slack: I don't need any slack workers here

расчетливый calculating: Kin is far from the heartless, calculating woman that people perceive her to be; prudent: Millionaires are stable, prudent and hard-working

рациональный rational: Juliette, Justine's sister, is her antithesis. She is rational, scheming, predatory, vicious, and always in control

рвань riff-raff: My mother used to warn me not to associate with riff-raff; rabble: People who supported the guerillas were rabble, the state opposition said today

рвач self-seeker: It appeared that Fox was merely a self-seeker and no longer a man of principle

реалист realist: I'm a realist — I knew there was no way / could win; realistic (a): / am totally in love with a pop star, but I am realistic and know that my fixation is hopeless in terms of a real relationship

ревнивец jealous man: He was the most jealous man anyone could have

ревнивый jealous: He is insanely jealous and has an extraordinary violent temper

ревностный keen: The new editor of the newspaper is very young and keen; ardent: I've never met such an ardent pacifist as Terry; zealous: He has remained a zealous supporter of the government's policies; fervent: I have admitted before that I am not a fervent fan of flight simulation programs, even the military type that let me blast things from the air

резвый playful: We were playful like puppies; frisky: You really are frisky and fun-loving; vivacious: He was dull. His beautiful and vivacious young wife went her own way, bent on pleasure, and shocked the French court by disregarding its strict etiquette

резкий curt: The boss was rather curt with him; (тот, кто огрызается) snappy: My dad gets snappy about stupid things, like where his slippers are; snappish: She's a nice woman, but watch out! She can be rather snappish at times; blunt: A big, blunt man, Staffenson didn't shrink from confrontations; abrupt: The man is abrupt, decisive, and obviously accustomed to the exercise of authority

религиозный religious: He's deeply religious and goes to church twice a week

респектабельный respectable: She is a respectable young woman from a good family

ретивый zealous: They have been extremely zealous in their attempts to get smoking banned in their office

речистый voluble: A straight and voluble talker, he approached each subject with unfailing enthusiasm

решительный determined: James was very determined (and still is) and it was always extremely difficult to deflect him from anything he wanted to explore; decisive: Women want a decisive man that can get things done, but with a tender heart; resolved: 1 have a friend who needs to break a bad habit, but he is not resolved; resolute: A resolute man, Ladd did not tolerate opposition

робкий shy: His mother rarely calls me because she is shy; timid: She was a timid girl whose mother was a Jehovah's Witness

роковая женщина femme fatale: Femme Fatale — she shone in storm's edge of other's lives, walking on rainbows painted with other's colors

романтичный romantic: Michele is romantic, she's always buying me cards, or she 'II draw a heart on a little piece of paper and hide it in my shirt pocket

ротозей gaper: The first thing we saw was a gaper lady screaming down the mountain, paralyzed with fear

рохля dawdler: Don't be such a dawdler, Georgina, just get on with it!

рьяный overzealous: Sometimes she gets a little overzealous in doing her duty and it annoys me; fervent: A fervent Catholic, he was certain that he could rise from the grave


самовлюбленный self-obsessed: After a few months, I began to notice certain things about him — he was self-obsessed, his preferred conversation style was «Enough about me, let's talk more about you»; egotistic/al: Conway is a selfish and egotistical man that is more interested in his own welfare than the original goal he set out to accomplish; conceited: I don't like talking about myself, when I do I feel conceited

самодовольный complacent: In our comfort we became lazy, in our laziness we became complacent, and in our complacency we've now become apathetic; self-complacent: The common idea that success spoils people by making them vain, egotistic, and self-complacent is erroneous; on the contrary it makes them, for the most part, humble, tolerant, and kind. Failure makes people bitter and cruel (W. Somerset Maugham); self- satisfied: He looks very self-satisfied in this picture

самодостаточный self-sufficient: People who are self-sufficient tend to be better decision-makers

самодур petty tyrant: He was an egotistical petty tyrant. He had no tolerance for those who failed to share his view of the world

самозванец impostor: Spencer Olham, an unsuspecting scientist with a loving family and beautiful wife, must clear his name after he is unexpectedly accused of being an imposor and an alien spy; pretender: I'm warning you, avoid this pretender!

самокритичный self-critical: Self-critical people set very high standards and berate themselves for failing to meet them

самолюбивый proud: He might be poor but he's also proud, and he won't be pushed around by anyone

самонадеянный presumptious: How could I be so presumptious and assume that she wanted me ?

самоотверженный selfless: In life, as in war, dad was a remarkably selfless man, he was modest, humble and distinguished; self-denying: If you are truly self-denying, you are ordinarily ruled by God, and His Word and Spirit, and not by the carnal self

самопоглощенный self-absorbed: Beverly is so self-absorbed in her own dreams that there isn't much place for anyone else to share the stage with her

самоучка self-taught: He was a self-taught astronomer. He spent many nights studying the stars in order to make his almanac as accurate as possible; self-educated: He was a self-educated man, but if you heard him speak you thought he had attended the finest university in the world

саркастический sarcastic: He is very cynical and sarcastic

самостоятельный independent: Women are earning more, they are more independent now; self-supporting: Long after I have been self-supporting, my father still works as though my life depended on it

самоуверенный self-confident: At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren't surprised at his later success; self-assured: Kate was tall and totally self-assured, she was the only woman playing football at a local club

самонадеянный self-conceited: Those who are wise in their own estimation merely, are self-conceited

сброд rabble: Her speech stirred the emotions of the rabble

сварливый grumpy: I hadn't had enough sleep and I was grumpy all day; (тот, кто «пилит») nagging: Farmer Jake had a nagging wife who made his life miserable. The only real peace that he got was when he was out in the field plowing; peevish: Don't be peevish — that never did anybody any good yet; cantankerous: Poynter was a reserved, cantankerous man who was unable to change with the times

сведущий versed in: Scott Mclemore is a composer focused on jazz, but well-versed in many styles

свирепый ferocious: Chen Sing is a ferocious monk from Shaolin; fierce: What a fierce creature!

свободолюбивый freedom-loving: He's a freedom-loving man, so you'd better curb your possessive tendencies

своевольный willful / wilful: He also loved his father, but in his own way, and he considered him a petty, vain and wilful man; self-willed: Bredius was a self-willed man who regularly came into conflict with his close colleagues or other co-workers; headstrong: She is smart and headstrong, she brings so many great ideas to the project

своекорыстный self-interested: All people are self-interested. It is the nature of man; self-seeking: The army felt that the politicians of the day were just self-seeking opportunists

своенравный wilful: Once upon a time there was a child who was wilful' and would not do what her mother wished; (капризный) crotchety: Gamett Walker is an elderly, crotchety man who clings to old ideas; wayward: She has stood faithfully by her wayward man during his stay in jail

своеобразный original: She's a highly original young designer; (со стран­ностями) peculiar: His new girlfriend is a bit peculiar, isn't she?

сволочь scum: You scum, how could you do that?

святой saint: He gives gifts. He loves children. He is a saint

сговорчивый tractable: One can become a leader only if one is supported by an ideology which makes other people tractable and accommodating

сдержанный restrained: She was restrained, despite the anger that welled up inside her; reserved: The English have a reputation for being reserved; (в речи, неболтливый) discreet: Unfortunately he's not very discreet, he's told a few people about your affair; (контролирующий чувства) composed: He is very cool and composed

себялюбивый selfish: She is a deeply selfish person, although she denies it; self-absorbed: Nobody (except his wife) wanted to spend even two minutes alone with this pretentious and self-absorbed man

сексуальный sexy: She's not a classic beauty, but she is sexy

семьянин family man: Despite a few problems I have remained a good family man, and a loving father of three beautiful daughters

сентиментальный sentimental: Hemingway, who was a sentimental man, hardly ever threw anything away

сердечный cordial: Even though she was very cordial, she rejected all my offers; warm-hearted: Adrian looks tough and rude, but actually he is a very warm-hearted man

сердитый angry: I understand that Albe is an angry kid and yes, he has plenty to be angry about; ill-tempered: George seems to be an ill-tempered man who becomes frustrated with Lennie's casual forgetfulness and threatens to leave Lennie

сердобольный tender-hearted: Jeremiah was a tender-hearted man who was known as the «weeping prophet»; compassionate: He was a very compassionate man. That set him apart from many others

сердцеед ladykiller: You think you 're such a lady killer but you are nothing special

серьезный serious: I want to marry a serious man, but you are a big kid; earnest: He's really just a young, earnest man who's trying to lead a valuable life

серый mundane: My Great Aunt Alma was, by all appearances, fairly mundane

сильный strong: She was a strong character who spoke her mind, I consider myself a strong and intelligent person

силач strong man: What a strong man he is!

сиротливый lonely: Sometimes people feel lonely because they believe they are different from others or they believe people are indifferent to them

скандалист squabbler: He is a grumpy inarticulate squabbler who silently nurses his resentments until he blows his top in a berserk rage; brawler: Joseph Smith was a liar, sex fiend, brawler, boaster and a thief

скандальный quarrelsome: There was once a tailor, who was a quarrelsome fellow, and his wife, who was good, industrious, and pious, never could please him. Whatever she did, he was not satisfied, but grumbled and scolded, and knocked her about; rowdy: There were two men sitting in the corner. One of them was solemn and obstinate, the other — rowdy and mischievous

сквалыга miser: He had a reputation in the village for being a wealthy miser who would never pay for anything if he could possibly avoid it; skinflint: He hates spending money, he's a real skinflint

склонный inclined to: I'm often inclined to think that matt орегаащ systems were built tender the influence of beer, prone (to toraadMlf tr adjcctive+prone): Your personality could determine how likely yon an it be involved In an accident, toy rttearehen Certain personality feeteets may make one person more accident-prone than another

склонный к насилию violent. Eugenia Monllo. a long-time acquaintance of Mendozp, recalled that he мм a violent man with •the face of at assassin•

склочник back-biter: Jerry, you are a wicked, wicked back-biter. How could yon ever toy such cruel things about your friend?

склочный back-biting He's a pohncal animal of the most vicuna and back-biting son, the kind of guy who will do or say anything to achieve power; quarrelsome: A quarrelsome man has no good neighbors

скованный constrained: We often feel constrained by traditional stereotypes of what a man is. We feel we have to act in certain ways; ill-at-ease: Since his visit to the cottage, he had felt impatient and ill-at-ease, for the first time in his life, with everybody who came near him

скопидом hoarder: My aunt's a terrible hoarder — she never throws anything away

скотина brute: I tried to fight back and give the brute a thwack, but it was no good; beast: You really are a beast, / shouldn Y have trusted you!

скромник inudrM mui: На и such a modest топ! »

скромный modest A modest man, he doesn't dwell unduly on past achievement». hit eye is to the future and the challenges that still await, unpretentious: Despite his long-running success, he was a pleasant, gentle, unpirirnhaui man, known by many hundreds of musicians for his warmth end humour; unassuming: He was an unassuming man — an inventor, e technologist, on orgameer, an executive with vision, a patriotic citizen, end a philanthropist

скрупулезный метрики» Few people in the office are quite as scrupulous es the Is, which makes her grumble about being «the only one who does anything round here•

скрытый tecrrtive They are secretive, they never confide in anyone else iheir plant and plots, (книж) redeem: She is very reticent about her past

скряга тшег A miter sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buned in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily; skinflint: There once lived a landlord who loved money es he loved his own life. He was always on the lookout for some new way of making money and was very mean to his peasant tenants. They all called him *Skinflint»; Scrooge Don У be such a scrooge, buy me a beer!

скудоумный feeble-minded: Usually, children whose Intelligence Quotient (IQ) it below 70 are regarded at feeble-minded

скупердяй penny pincher Ox was definitely a penny pincher. If he found a pock of cigarettes that one of the boys left laying around, he would pinch a cigarette or two out of the pack and add it to his so that he rarely had to purchase another pack; miser: The notorious miser owned vast farmlands, dairy herds, and granaries. Upon learning that his wife had given fifty dollars to the local church, however, he was overcome with rage; skinflint: My sister calls him the stupid deaf old skinflint and the walking hospital

скупец niggard: The sluggard works twice, the niggard pays twice; miser: He is the bourgeois miser who suspects that his children intend to rob him

скупой mean: A mean person may win the National Lottery but will never learn the joys of generosity; miserly: There was once a very old, miserly man named Jack. He was even more miserly and selfish than Scrooge. No one in the town liked him at all; stingy: My boss gets very stingy when times come to pay bonuses

скучный boring: What does she find in him, I wonder? The man's a rat, a bully, breathtakingly boring; dull: AU work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; tedious: His wife is not very intellectual, but she is never tedious, always fresh and easy-going

слабак weakling: She has a reputation on the committee for being a weakling when decisions have to be made; (разг.) wimp: If he refuses to go hiking, they 'II see him as a wimp; ditherer: We need a leader, not a ditherer!

слабовольный weak-willed: He is loo weak-willed to stop drinking

слабоумный imbecile: Has anyone ever told you that you are a giggling imbecile?; weak-minded: He is a weak-minded man who cannot cope with life; weak-headed: He is weak-headed and foolish, always does silly things; feeble-minded: Carey Bell, her mother, and her child, were all feeble-minded, and after months of observation it was determined that she should undergo sterilization

слабохарактерный weak-willed: My diets are never successful — I'm just too weak-willed

слабый weak: He is as weak as a baby; wishy-washy: He was a weak wishy-washy man who had hardly any mind of his own

сладкоречивый smooth-spoken: He was always a villain, smooth-spoken and plausible, but a dangerous, subtle villain all the same; (с мягким голосом, говорящий приятные слова) soft-spoken: In person, Cornell is soft-spoken and somewhat shy, but he's also fiercely ambitious

сладострастный voluptious: Since this time we have not seen the reappearance of a voluptious ideal, such as Marilyn Monroe

сластолюбивый voluptious: She was, well, lei's say, voluptious and it shocked him a bit

слащавый sugary: Among the whirlwind of well researched historical and inspired creative writing which bunt forth from our country at that time, was a book by Ronald MacDonald Douglas. Never a sugary man and totally contemptuous of *arty-farty» types of people and styles, he presented the world with his • The Scottish Book of Lore and Folklore», in June 1935

слезливый tearful: She's always a bit tearful when it's time to say good- by; lachrymose (книж.): She was very apprehensive and lachrymose on the first day, on the second and third days she was very fretful, and was better only on the fifth day

слизняк worm: I'd like him better if he wasn't such a worm

словоохотливый talkative: Dr. Dowdy was not an excessively talkative man, but behind his quiet demeanor was a man of brilliance and substance; loquacious: A happy, loquacious man, always well satisfied with himself and his work, Van Allen was destined to play a major role in space science; garrulous: It's a romantic story about Victor, a garrulous, unemployed actor desperate to win back the love of his ex-lover Sylvia

слюнтяй crybaby: Don 7 let that crybaby in here again

слюнявый slobbery: You have to drink responsibly. Too much and you become a slobbery drunk!

смекалистый resourceful: Being resourceful is a huge asset

смелый brave: What a brave little girl!; daring: She is not daring enough to ask the boss for a pay-rise; bold: Be bold! Experiment! Go for it!

смельчак daredevil: She's a bit of a daredevil on ice — I've never seen anyone skate so fast

сметливый sharp-witted: She plays a woman who is supposedly very good in the world of advertising — which absolutely means she is sharpwitted and sharp-tongued; keen-witted: Mentally, he is keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but apt to become fixed in his opinions because he prefers to follow accepted and reliable patterns of experience

смешной (обычно тот, с кем весело) funny: Не pretends he's just funny and cool, but he's actually really sweet and romantic; (тот, над кем смеются) ridiculous: Не tries to make you look ridiculous because he wants to increase his own sense of importance

смехотворный ridiculous: He is a ridiculous man, people laugh at him

смиренный meek: She married a meek man with no money so that she cquld control his every move; submissive: He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his every wish; humble: Frank strikes me as a very humble person

смутьян trouble-maker I wouldn't want to be his friend because he's a trouble-maker and he would get me in trouble; rabble-rouser: « That will not happen to us again,» say the majority of those who fell prey to the rabble-rousers. These people have learned their lesson

смышленный bright: They are not very bright for their age; smart: Ho* smart are you? Do you learn from your own mistakes or from others' mistakes?

снисходительный lenient: He is too lenient with his teenage son; indulgent He had been a strict father but was indulgent to his grandchildren; (отно­сящийся к людям свысока или покровительственно) patronizing: Right. I 'т patronizing to a lot of people, and I'm sorry for that; (позволяющий делать то, что обычно не одобряется) permissive: Permissive parents place few demands or controls on their children. Children of these parents are very spoiled and immature

сноб snob: She was a snob and, like most snobs, did not hide it

сноровистый dexterous: It was an extremely difficult task, which required physical strength and the coordination of hundreds of men. some highh skilled and quite dexterous

со связями well-connected: You are well-connected That means wu have maximum flexibility to do business with us in the ways that best suit your needs

соблазнитель seducer: I was deeply embarrassed by the seducer and his loose thoughts; seductive man: He is an elegant, seductive man who loves life and strong experiences; tempter/tempteress: The tempter takes on the appearance of a serpent. He is enticing Eve to commit a sinful act

соблазнительный seductive: Mac was the most seductive man she ever met, though he certainly wasn't the marrying kind

собственнический possessive: He's very possessive towards his wife

совершенный perfect: Pygmalion was a sculptor who created a statue of a perfect woman

совершенный + негатив, слово (напр., неудачник) complete (failure) Не has proved to be a complete failure

совестливый conscientious: The staff, with few exceptions, a hard-working and conscientious; scrupulous: A scrupulous politician would not he about his income

совместимый compatible: When two people are truly compatible, marriage like springtime flowers, should spontaneously blossom

совратитель seducer: The seducer kept a diary which helped to expose him

современный modern: The new modern woman does not warn IB Ы forced to make a choice between their careers and marriage and children

сознательный conscientious: The conscientious person is dedicated to mirk, works very hard, and is capable of intense, single mmded effort

сомневающийся doubtful: A man was meant to be doubt/id about tawrf bet undoubting about the truth; (неуверенный) insecure: She accused her father of spoiling her, ignoring her emotional needs and turning her into an insecure girl

сомнительный (вызывающий подозрение) dubious: He is a dubious character

сонливый sleepy: The sleepy man beside me seems indifferent to my sadness and my pain

сообразительный sharp-witted: I wish I were paid for being sharp-witted, keen-witted: According to Judge Lyle, Al Capone was «keen-witted, forceful and crafty», but in all probability, he was a straw man for a powerful trust

сопереживающий empathetic: People are automatically drawn to those who are sincere, listen and can honestly be more empathetic towards their situation or towards people in general

сопливый snotty-nosed: I was just a snotty-nosed kid when I got my first job; snotty: Rosie is a snotty little redhead who gives her parents a hard time

сопляк snotnose: You are frightened like some kind of a snotnose; snot- nosed (a): Once again we see that Philip is a spoiled little snotnosed kid whose only power comes from hiding behind daddy's money

сорванец hoiden: What are you complaining about, you hoiden ?

сорвиголова tearaway: My teenage son is a tearaway who has been in trouble with the police on several occasions; daredevil: He was teased a lot as a kid, they called him «daredevil», which he hated; (о девочке) tomboy: Cynthia is the biggest tomboy in the world

состоятельный wealthy: She has a wealthy father who likes to put her down; well-off: She is extremely well off, having been married to three very rich men; well-to-do: Her acquaintances were all well-to-do retired people; prosperous: He is prosperous enough to retire at 39

сострадающий compassionate: He was not only my very dear friend and mentor, but one of the most compassionate, caring and loving men I have ever had the privilege of knowing; empathic: She's empathic and supportive, but her husband does not seem to appreciate that

сочувствующий sympathetic: A sympathetic relative called her one day and told her that her husband had been having an affair for four years; compassionate: He was a very compassionate man. That set him apart from many others

спаситель savior: The savior is coming

спесивец arrogant person: There's nothing more repellent than an arrogant man who needs to prove he's right. He perceives others as inferior beings who deserve to be demeaned

«спесивый arrogant: You often hear that he is arrogant, which is true, but you rarely hear how shy he is; conceited: I'm not conceited, I'm just better than you; haughty: Never be haughty to the humble, never be humble to the haughty (Jefferson Davis)

сплетник scandalmonger: « You 're not a journalist but a scandalmonger,» she said; gossiper: Don't tell her anything, she's a gossiper; gossipmonger: Perhaps I should stop being a pointy eared little gossipmonger; rumormonger: Steuben was a bit of a rumormonger, though thankfully, he tended to only pass rumors on, and not to originate them; talebearer: If the situation doesn't involve you personally, don't be a talebearer or a gossiper; tattletale: Nobody likes a tattletale

спокойный calm: I am always calm in a crisis; tranquil: How can there be happiness for anyone who is not tranquil?

спорщик controversialist: He was both intellectually and morally of the stuff of which controversialists are made

способный capable: They seem capable and bright; able: Being smart and able is necessary, but being perceived as smart and able is also necessary

справедливый fair: I am firm but fair; just: If all men were just, they would never exploit one another fm пущу—

средний average: Steve has proven that he is more than an average man, many times in in any ways

старательный diligent: He is a gentle diligent man who has worked from the bottom to the top in a banking institution; painstaking: He was described by his colleagues as a painstaking journalist

старомодный old-fashioned: They call me an old-fashioned modernist

степенный staid: «Up at the Villa» is a story about an expatriate, incomeless English widow in 1938 Italy who must choose between a staid, rich man or a wild, untrustworthy adventurer

стерва bitch: I'll kill that bitch!

стеснительный shy: As many as one in five of us are shy. But why?; bashful: The flush in his cheeks is from being bashful; coy: Being coy will accomplish nothing. Especially if you are in a relationship

стойкий steadfast: The Steadfast Tin Soldier

страдалец sufferer: American philosopher Whitehead said that God was the 'fellow-sufferer who understands'; martyr: When she has to do the washing, she makes such a martyr of herself

странный strange: What a strange woman!; weird: So what if we are weird?; odd: He is an odd sort of person, not at all like most other men I know

страстный (эмоционально) passionate: The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe; (в поведении, манерах) sultry: She's the sultry blonde in that new chocolate commercial

страшный horrible: Stone is a dangerous and horrible man. He should not be free to roam the streets; terrible: He was a terrible man with a violent temper, a giant figure, tall and stout

стремительный swift: He had underestimated his enemy. He proved swift and strong

строгий strict: My grandparents are strict, narrow-minded and think they 're right about everything

строптивец obstinate person: «An obstinate man does not hold opinions— they hold him.» (Samuel Butler)

строптивый obstinate: He knows that our demands are justified, but he is too obstinate to agree to them; difficult: Don't be so difficult, Richard!; obdurate: As a boy I saw him as an obdurate old man unable to accept progress. Now that I am an obdurate old man, things look different

стукач grass: Don't tell John about this, he's a grass and I don't want to get into trouble

субъективный subjective: One may say that evil does not exist for subjective man at all, that there exist only different conceptions of good (Gurdjieff)

стяжатель money grubber: I found that volunteer work was not for me. I'm not a money grubber, but if I'm working I want to get paid; money grubbing: I saw a few cool things in the UK, including the Dali exhibition. Frankly, I have lost all my adoration for him since I had a good look at the work up close. He was a money grubbing man with limited vision

стыдливый bashful: I have kept one secret in the course of my life. I am a bashful man. Nobody would suppose it, but I am naturally a bashful man; coy: When her mother asked questions about her private life, she felt coy and irritated

суеверный superstitious: I'm not superstitious, but when my right hand itches, I get money for sure

суетливый (чрезмерно хлопочущий по пустякам) fussy: Oh по, he's getting fussy again!; (делающий суетливые, нервные движения) fidgety: Не was a slouching, fidgety man in his late forties, his pale face pocked and seamed

сука bitch: Silly old bitch!

сукин сын son of a bitch: Some son of a bitch hacked into my account

сумасброд madcap: The lovely and stylish Bennett plays madcap heiress Wendy Van Кlettering, on the eve of her marriage to a man she does not love

сумасбродный extravagant: Frivolous and extravagant, Marie Antoinette, queen of France and wife of Louis XVI, became the symbol of the people's hatred for the old regime during the French Revolution; whimsical: He was such a wonderfully artistic, whimsical man who never lost touch with the child within him

сумасшедший mad: He must be either foolish or quite mad!; crazy: They think I am crazy to waste my time with a penniless student; lunatic: He was a lunatic who sincerely believed himself to be God; deranged: Two years ago, Chicago police shot and killed a deranged man who was menacing an officer with a fork

суровый severe: Laura's teacher is so severe that she's afraid of him; (аскетичный) austere: The puritans were austere and strict, they did not encourage the smallest luxuries or ornaments; stern: He was so tall now and often so stern, and yet inside this dignified angel there was surely the same awkward adorable small boy

счастливчик lucky man: Lindsay Anderson's film 'O Lucky Man!'(1973) tells the story of Michael Travis, played by Malcolm McDowell, a young coffee salesman, and of his epic adventures

счастливый happy: My mum and dad were not happy together, so they split when I was two; (везучий) lucky: Who is going to be the lucky winner?


таинственный mysterious: I'm suspicious of a man who remains mysterious and evasive a few weeks into the relationship. You shouldn't have to dig for information; enigmatic: Crank is an enigmatic man who says little and communicates less. People who come into contact with him often do not know what to make out of him

тактичный tactful: It is useful to be tactful, it is harmful to be insulting, damaging our partner's sense of self-worth

талантливый talented: She's very clever and talanted, but she likes control

твердолобый hard-headed: I really don't know where I would be without him. But, he's the most hard-headed, stubborn person I know, but I love him for that; thick-sculled: At some point or another I think just about all of us have wanted to smash a plate on some thick-skulled relative's head; thick-headed: Am I missing something, or am I just hopelessly thick­headed?

твердый firm: Don't let them persuade you to stay on, be firm!; (непоко­лебимый) resolute: Discouragement never enters the brave heart of a resolute man; (решительный) resolved: Are you resolved to meet your goals this year?

творческий creative: The job was totally unsuitable for a creative person like me; imaginative: Gifted students are more imaginative and emotional, a new study shows

темпераментный excitable: I'm just an excitable boy; temperamental: Maral is a much-loved, skillful, temperamental and versatile teacher and performer who has an unique strong dance style

тенденциозный biased: What makes you think the analysts are biased in their research?; prejudiced: He is a prejudiced and irresponsible journalist

теплый warm: People adore her because she is so warm and outgoing

терпеливый patient: He is so patient with his old aunt

терпимый tolerant: She is very tolerant and takes things as they come; (c широкими взглядами) broadminded: It's surprising how broadminded she is for her age

тиран tyrant: Josef Stalin — tyrant of Soviet Russia

тихий (спокойный, нешумный) quiet: Не was quiet and did not like to talk, unless the subject was politics; (часто о человеке, ведущем себя необычно тихо) subdued: Appearing for a hearing at the Magistrate's Court in Suva this week, he looked older, slimmer and subdued

толковый intelligent: My father was an intelligent man, but he was never given the opportunity to develop, he had to drop out of school to earn a living

толстокожий thick-skinned: There are some fellows, though, who are thick-skinned and not so quick to take offense

тонкий subtle: Individuals of the Inventive type have a tendency to behave in such a way as to attract attention. They can be subtle show-offs, but show-offs nonetheless

торопливый hasty: A hasty man drinks tea with a fork (Chinese proverb)

трезвый practical: We need someone practical who can cope with crises; hard-nosed: As an executive, he is hard-nosed and adaptable, focusing his company on profitable niches in the industry; hard-headed: He was a Puritan at heart, and in his daily life a hard-working, hard-headed man of affairs, deeply immersed in intensely practical matters

тоскливый dreary: I don't want to see that bunch of dreary people constantly complaining about everything that happens to them; dull: He is very dull, you '11 soon get sick of him

точный accurate: I am very accurate in analysis, strict in study, candid with clients and honest with adversaries; exact: «Reading makes a full man; speaking makes a ready man; writing makes an exact man.» (Sir Francis Bacon); precise: Adams, 53, is a precise, meticulous man who shares his family home with three dogs and two cats; punctual: I am extremely punctual. I am always exactly on time for everything

тошнотворный nauseating: He is a nauseating man but a good businessman

транжира spendthrift: / am now older and wiser and I know how hard I have worked to recover from debt. You could call me a converted spendthrift; squanderer: He is not only incapable of accumulating capital. He is a persistent and helpless squanderer; prodigal: You spend large amounts without thinking of the future, stop being such a prodigal!

требовательный demanding: Baby boys may be more demanding than girls; exacting: Some would say he is meticulous, others that he is pedantic, and most would say he is an exacting man who is used to having his own way; fastidious: He is extremely fastidious in dress and manner

тревожный anxious: Some anxious children are afraid to meet or talk to new people. Children with this difficulty may have few friends outside the family; worry wart (n): / confess that I am a bit of a worrywart. I waste so much energy on fretting over things that never even come to pass; (полный предчувствий о том, что может случиться) apprehensive: My mother was very apprehensive for the safety of the trip

трезвенник abstainer: Abstainer is a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure; teetotaller: Colleagues described Yabi as a teetotaller who was hardworking and «with no disciplinary problems»

трудновоспитуемый difficult: ~ child, ~ boy, - girl и т. п.: To be able to manage a difficult child adequately, you must be aware of your child's temperament

трудоголик workaholic: He is a workaholic, but his wife never rebukes him, though he always puts his work first

трудолюбивый hardworking: Being responsible, polite, smart and hardworking is the golden rule of management; industrious: He is the most industrious, prolific and beneficent author; assiduous: I am an assiduous worker who strives for perfection through hard work

трус coward: You are a coward, soldier, brace up!; (разг.) chicken: Chicken! I knew you'd back out

трусливый cowardly: You are a cowardly thief!; faint-hearted: We are all «faint-hearted» when it's time to see a dentist; chicken-hearted: Aslaksen is a chicken-hearted chap, a coward, there is nothing of the man in him

трутень drone: Не was a man without a vocation. When other men went every morning to work, this man would be found lolling on a worn-out carpet reading a book. No wonder his wife called him a drone

тряпка milksop: They are a very peculiar couple — a wilful and sharp- tongued wife and her milksop husband, who derive sadistic pleasure from mutual verbal assault; pantywaist: Lauren looked up at him angrily. «You — you — pantywaist!» she fumed; molly-coddle: How, I wondered, could a well-built man with all the strength of youth be so quickly reduced to the state of a gibbering molly-coddle by this slender woman ?

тугодум slow-witted (a): You 're saying that having big muscles makes you slow, inflexible and clumsy. And probably slow-witted as well

тунеядец sponger: «You're nothing but a lazy, no-good sponger. Go and find yourself a good master you can work for», they used to tell me

тупица dullard: David was always a quiet, orderly boy and for a long time was thought by the people of Winesburg to be something of a dullard; dimwit: Are you a dimwit? Everything you do is wrong; dolt: He was a careless dolt who could never tell the difference between right and wrong; dunce: The teachers were very,very strict in the past. If the students didn't know their lessons they would be called a dunce. They would have to sit on a dunce stool and wear a coneshaped hat called a dunce cap; numskull: I have to fire a long-time employee, I'm fed up with that numskull of a person', bonehead: I admit it, I'm just a big kid at heart, but I'm not a bonehead; dunderhead: Why didn 7 this dunderhead just resign?

тупоголовый thick-headed: He is at times horribly thick-headed, and sometimes lost in his own life

тупой dumb: Let's face it, there are a lot of dumb people in this world; thick: She is too thick to get his joke; daft: He is not as daft as you think; dense: 1 guess I must be dense

тупоумный dull-witted: He had the feeling he just wasn't getting through to the younger man. Or maybe the younger man was just extremely dull- witted; obtuse: Are you being deliberately obtuse?

тщедушный feeble: Не was feeble from old age; frail: When I entered the room I saw a tall, frail man propped up with pillows near the foot of his immaculately clean bed; puny: Die, puny mortal!

тщеславный vain: He is as vain as a peacock

тяжелый difficult: Like death and taxes, difficult people are unavoidable

тяжеловес (важный человек) heavyweight: Cannes, France — From full frontal nudity to fighting with dead pigeons, filmmakers will stop at nothing to get their movies noticed at Cannes. While the media focus on the stars treading the festival's red carpet, directors and actors are frantically trying behind the scenes to sell their wares to an array of industry heavyweights who annually descend on the Riviera resort


убедительный persuasive: No one could be more persuasive than Julia when she liked; convincing: She can be convincing when she wants to

убежденный committed: I have chosen to be an enthusiastic and commited supporter of a monarchy; convinced: I am a convinced universalist. I believe that in the end all men will be gathered into the love of God

ублюдок bastard: He is a heartless bastard, don't waste your time on him

убогий wretched: He looks so pathetic and wretched, like a sort of lost Harlequin

уважаемый respected: He is a highly respected film reviewer; estimable: With the exception of some hymns, the works of this poet are now nearly forgotten, but he was a most amiable and estimable man — simple and sympathetic

увалень laggard: He was a restaurant owner, playwright, passionate lover and friend. He was also a man of great personal charm and an exuberant self-promoter, though it is equally true that he was a laggard; clodhopper: I met Mary at a school dance. I was a clodhopper, but she was a good dancer, so she taught me how to do the great slow dances

уверенный confident: 1 tried to be confident and cool, but it did not work out

увертливый (скользкий) slippery: He is indeed a slippery man. A simple, straightforward «yes» or «по» are not in his vocabulary; (уклончивый) evasive: He was a thin, evasive man with spiky hair, and though he pretended not to be surprised when I said Garcia had been arrested, I could tell this was news to him

увлекающийся carried away: Never ask him to give a speech, he gets carried away and talks for hours; (влюбчивый) of an amorous disposition: He was of an amorous disposition, but declared that, for the last ten years, he had wholly and decidedly renounced women

увлеченный enthusiastic: A forceful, enthusiastic man, he never ran from responsibility or adversity

угловатый awkward: He grew up introverted, awkward and bookish

угнетенный (эмоционально) depressed: People who are depressed, even when they do see the problems, may feel too discouraged and hopeless to want to do anything about it

угодливый obsequious: She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority

уголовник criminal: Criminals have little interest in society's rules and have learned to use the criminal justice system to their advantage

угрюмый (мрачный, подавленный) gloomy: He was very gloomy all those days because he couldn't see a gleam of hope; sullen: The waiter who was serving coffee was very sullen; morose: Coolidge was a taciturn, morose New Englander of no apparent talents; (склонный выражать свое неудовольствие словами, действиями) surly: Не is always surly and critical with me

удачливый lucky: At some point, doesn't each and every person feel lucky just to be alive; successful: She is very successful in her career

удивительный astonishing: I continually discover more about this astonishing man; amazing: This first story is about an amazing man, a man who doctors said would undergo a life with ill health and constant medical intervention

удовлетворенный content: Is it really possible for the average person to be truly content in any and all situations?; contented: It is right to be contented with what we have, but never with what we are (James Mackintosh); fulfilled: My place is here; I am fulfilled. I'm loved and praised, my heart is set. By giving, all my needs are met; satisfied: Here comes another satisfied customer, what is he's holding behind his back?; happy: Are you happy with your choice ?

удрученный depressed: He is so depressed that he can barely get out of bed to go to the bathroom

ужасный horrible: She is a truly horrible and stupid woman; horrid: He is a horrid writer; awful: Once I've made up my mind that he was awful, I did not even bother listening to him; terrible: I cannot cope with that terrible child!;

уживчивый accomodating: He's not demanding, he's accomodating; easy­going: He's very easy-going and has a good sense of humor

узколобый narrow-minded: Most people consider me a crazy narrow- minded right wing extremist. I disagree. I am very open to discussion

уклончивый evasive: During the trial he was found to be an evasive and untruthful witness, whose testimony was highly influenced by self- interest

умалишенный mad: He is as mad as a hatter; lunatic: He is a lunatic who says he is a poached egg

умеренный moderate: I am a moderate anarchist

умник (ирон.) know-it-all: My father is an annoying know-it-all, he's always correcting my mother and talking down to her; wiseacre: A wiseacre once asked the teacher «How can I live forever?»; smartarse: You are a smartarse, aren't you!

умный clever: He probably thinks that people do not understand him because he is just too clever for the rest of the world; intelligent: She blames herself for not being intelligent enough to keep her man

умственно отсталый mentally retarded: He was 13 when the school officials classified him as mentally retarded, with an I. Q. of 70, according to school records. He did not know the difference between a lake and an ocean, or in which city or state he lived; imbecile (n): I'm a stupid imbecile, la da da da da, Sitting in my windowsill, la da da da da

умудренный опытом sophisticated: This man was an engineer, an educated and sophisticated man. He lived with the Indians and then he became an artist

униженный humiliated: Towards the end of his life, ill, broke and humiliated, he said «I'm awfully tired of being Scott Fitzgerald»

унылый cheerless: If we are around cheerless people for any time at all we feel our own liveliness being sucked away; dismal: In the beginning of the book Martin is a dismal man that has a horrible outlook on life. He is a divorcee that has just found out that his oldest daughter is pregnant and has left school

упорный persistent: I don't know how anyone could have been so persistent. I told him to leave me alone, but he wouldn't; persevering: She was persevering enough to win a promotional battle and become the managing director of the company; indomitable: The indomitable Mrs Furlong said she would continue to fight for justice

упрямец pighead: People who know him well describe him as a pighead

упрямый stubborn: If I want something, I'll get it — 1 can be quite stubborn; obstinate: You are as obstinate as a mule; (упрямо придерживающийся своего мнения) opinionated: Не was a very opinionated man and those opinions could have gotten him into a lot of trouble; (разг.) dogged: She is ambitious and dogged, I'm sure she will rise to the top of her profession

уравновешенный steady: He is as steady as a rock; balanced: My wife has made me a more balanced person; good-tempered: She is a working woman, at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good-looking and good-tempered; even-tempered: He is the only even- tempered man in our company and often prevents fights

урод monster: That goggle-eyed monster wants women to like him!; freak of nature: He is a freak of nature! Ban him from public sight!

усердный zealous: Zealousness is a great quality. If a person accustoms himself to the quality of zealousness when he is young, then he will be zealous even when he is old; painstaking: He was described by his teachers as a painstaking student; assiduous: The scientist has been most assiduous in locating and examining every source of genuine information about her subject

усидчивый assidious: Only the assidious will find the clues to that riddle; patient: You are very patient and an inspiration to all of us

услужливый accommodating: And Stephen is a very accommodating man. If you ask for something he tries to get it for you; complaisant: Irma was guilty of no crime except that of being too young, too pretty, and perhaps too complaisant to a man almost four times her age; obliging: What was it that caused the man to be so obliging in the first place ?

успешный successful: He became successful before I did

уступчивый compliant: If she refused to be compliant over the matter of Charles's great love, then she must be sidelined; pliable: You see, we were always pliable. Always pliable. But not anymore; pliant: I don't think it's a good thing for children to be too pliant

утомительный tiresome: This man is so tiresome. Maybe if we learn to just ignore him, he '11 go away someday

утомленный weary: Here alone, you are a weary man, tired by the daily strain, at the limits of your strength

утонченный refined: Hitchcock was a very refined man with gourmet tastes, and he loved food and wine, and he liked the best of everything; subtle: In 1591 Bacon became acquainted with the earl of Essex to whom he offered the friendly advice of an older, wiser, and more subtle man

участливый sympathetic: She only partly understood what worried him, but was very sympathetic and supportive; compassionate: We all want our children to develop compassion, we want to relate to compassionate people and we want to be seen as compassionate people

учтивый civil: The colonel was very civil, but reserved; (вниматель­ный) considerate: He is the sweetest, nicest and most considerate man I have ever met. The only problem is he's married; courteous: Tae Kwon Do students are humble and courteous. They do not criticise other styles of martial art or other instructors

уязвимый vulnerable: How vulnerable are you to stress?


фальшивый (неискренний) insincere: He is a two-faced, insincere man with no core values, who changes his mind too often

фамильярный unceremonious: Edgeworth was a blunt, unceremonious man, and Simpson could not have said he liked him very much; familiar: Students should not be familiar toward an instructor

фанатичный bigoted: He is openly, shamelessly xenophobic and bigoted

фантазер dreamer: I have been and always will be a dreamer, I feel there is a dreamer in all of us; imaginative (a): When he reads, he pictures himself as one of the characters, he is so imaginative!

фетишист fetishist: I am a slip fetishist, not a cross dresser

фигляр zany: Bob is an insulting zany; poser: You look like a real poser!; buffoon: That buffoon is making a public spectacle of himself again

флегматик phlegmatic (person): The phlegmatic person is not easily excited. If a job has to be done, he wants to do it the easy way. His goal in life is to have peace

флегматичный phlegmatic: I am, at present, too phlegmatic to do anything

формалист formalist: As far a formalist from wisdom sits, In judging eyes, as libertines from wits (Young)


халатный careless: She is very careless with her work, the only thing she takes seriously is men; negligent: The parents of a runaway teenage son said that a police officer was negligent in his handling of their missing person's report

халтурщик botcher: The most common problem is when a job has been started, walls knocked down, doors removed, and then the botcher realises that they have no idea how to tackle the re-building work

хам boor: You are vulgar! You 're a boor! A monster!

ханжа prude (n): He is such a prude, even when he sees people kissing on TV, he averts his eyes

ханжеский prudish: I don't consider myself prudish but I do think that sex scenes in most film are not necessary

харизматический charismatic: Charismatic visionaries lead people ahead — and sometimes astray

хвастливый boastful: Do you know someone who is boastful, or brags too much? A person who annoys others by constantly reminding everyone how great he or she is, how good his or her ideas are, and how much smarter or better he or she is than everyone else?; vainglorious: She is such an extraordinary vainglorious girl who wants to be praised and appreciated

хвастун boaster: Не is a boaster by habit; braggard: The Braggart — the only thing worse than somebody lying about what he or she does not have, is the person who brags about what he or she does have

хваткий tenacious: She says that in the beginning, people didn't take her goals seriously, but «once I set a goal, I am tenacious»

хитрец sly person: He is a sly old man; cunning person: He is a cunning fellow who is good at flattery

хитроумный cunning: In his book he says that «those are feared most, not who are quick-tempered, but who are gentle and cunning»; artful: He was artful, cruel, and obdurate. He was just the man for such a place, and it was just the place for such a man

хитрый (умело обманывающий) cunning: He is a cold and cunning man willing to stop at nothing to make his plans a reality; sly: She entrusted him with much of the power and decision-making, but he was a sly man who abused his position

хищный rapacious: There are a large class of men who are so rapacious that they desire to appropriate to their own uses the persons and properties of other men; predatory: Sociopaths are predatory, exploitative people prone toward criminality

хладнокровный cool: Her new boss is a cool, no-nonsense type, who hates interruptions; (умеющий себя контролировать) self-possessed: When you 're nineteen and gorgeous and self-possessed and stylish, you can wear anything and adopt any attitude that catches your fancy; composed: My brother is very composed and cool

хлебосольный hospitable: A friendly, hospitable man in his 60s, he also likes his privacy, which we are respecting by not mentioning his name here

хлюпик milksop: You could have stood up for your rights, you know, you milksop

хмурый (мрачный) gloomy: Don't be so gloomy, it's nothing serious; (не склонный к общению) sullen: My boyfriend is funny when we are alone, but with my family he's quiet and sullen

хозяйственный domestically inclined: She's not really domestically inclined; (бережливый) thrifty: Cornelius, being a thrifty man, planted peach and apple orchards on the property, which was originally about 160 acres; practical: He has always believed himself to be a practical man

холодный cold: She is as cold as a frog; (отчужденный) aloof: He is aloof, I have a feeling that he does not accept me but coolly judges me

хороший good: She is faced with a difficult dilemma-either to be a good girl and lead the kind of life Daddy wants or to rebel

хохотунья giggly girl: I am surrounded by cute, giggly high school girls who play golf

храбрец man of courage: A man of insight and courage, Giordano Bruno, philosopher and scientist, was burnt at the stake 400 years ago

храбрый brave: They were brave men, but not brave enough to climb to the top of the mountain; courageous: Some appear to be courageous through ignorance, but as soon as they discover that the case is different from what they expected, they run away

хулиган hooligan: We call ourselves the Hooligans, and devote ourselves to drunken debauchery to the point of personality changes and probable comas

хрупкий (нежный) fragile: Her mother was a fragile woman who smelled of violets; (слабый) frail: They needed protection, they were altogether too frail, too spiritual for this world


целеустремленный single-minded: David is single-minded, he wants only one thing. And he is consistent — he wants this thing all the days of his life; (упорно работающий для достижения цели) perservering: Не is a highly motivated, perservering and dedicated real estate agent, his personal motto is «Customer's Satisfaction First»; (твердый в своих стрем­лениях) resolute: How resolute are you?; motivated: One way to stay motivated is to constantly remind yourself that a worth-while pay-off lies ahead

целомудренный chaste: Can you remain chaste in an immoral world? цельный of integrity: He is a man of integrity

церемонный ceremonious: Aged fifty or so, he was a portly and ceremonious man

цепкий tenacious: His friends and family call him tenacious

цивилизованный civilised: When we sat down to talk, we were quite civilised but we ended up saying very spiteful things

циник cynic: You are a cynic, aren V you? — A cynic is what an idealist says of a realist

циничный cynical: He is a reporter and his job made him very cinical


чадолюбивый philoprogenitive: Even women who were not specially philoprogenitive or domestic, would probably prefer to experience maternity at their own choice

чванливый swaggering: He was a swaggering sort of man, ambitious, too, and not given to submit his will to others; self-conceited: Never compare yourself to anyone, because you might become self-conceited or vainglorious

человеколюбивый philanthropic: Thomas Edison was a very generous and philanthropic man

человеконенавистник people hater: She is a people hater and gets very traumatized when I take her anywhere, so I don't

человечный humane: The Master said: «Only a humane man is capable of loving men, and capable of loathing men»

чернь rabble: Life is a well of delight, but where the rabble also drink, there all fountains are poisoned

черствый callous: His shy charm masks a callous and predatory male; hard-hearted: Even Jesus' blessed apostles were at times hard-hearted as Mark says in Mark 16:14

честный honest: Study says that generally women are more honest than men

честолюбивый ambitious: I think he's successful, because he's ruthlessly ambitious

чистоплотный tidy: My mother told me to be tidy from an early age, it used to drive me mad at the time; clean: He is so fantastically clean­shaven, and so clean, even his fingernails are clean

чокнутый barmy: He is going barmy; loony: Are You Loony? Just how nutty are you ? Do you always pick 'dare' when playing 'Truth or Dare'?; potty: She's slightly potty and eccentric, but that makes her very interesting

чопорный prim: She's much too prim and proper to go into a pub; formal: Ernest Hartwell was a formal man guided by a strict sense of right and wrong, and he was a man who took a keen interest in the personal development of the students

чревоугодник glutton: You are such a glutton, you '11 never be able to lose weight

чувственный sensual: This is a movie about a volatile, sensual man, a writer born into poverty who lived through persecution and died in penury

чувствительный sensitive: She knew where he was most sensitive and how she could most cruelly wound him; susceptible to: Snobism is almost always a defence to help you feel you are not susceptible to the pain and insecurity we all suffer

чудак weirdo: Is your sister still married to that weirdo?

чудаковатый weird: Weiner described his friend as «fiery, bombastic, inspiring and weird»; wacky: He was a wacky man who collected fruit cakes

чудовище monster: My enemies call me a power-crazed monster

чумовой crazy: Walking to school one morning, Charlie sees a «crazy man» dressed in a wild costume pushing a baby carriage full of junk

чурбан blockhead: What a blockhead!

чуткий sensitive: He seemed to have a combination of the right qualities - bright, witty, good-looking and sensitive; tactful: The best way to be tactful is to put yourself in other people's shoes; (заботливый) caring: He's the most caring person I've known but my friends say he's after my money; (разделяющий переживания других) empathetic: She was an empathetic human being


шаловливый playful: I am often described as direct and a little serious, but I have a playful side when I am comfortable and challenged by an equally playful person; frolicsome: I used to look into my mother's mirror when I was a child. I remember that I was so frolicsome playing alone in front of the mirror

шалопай good-for-nothing: But who knows? This good-for-nothing might just prove to be good for something; scapegrace: His scapegrace younger brother Hall died under mysterious circumstances

шалун / шалунья naughty boy / girl: Leave me alone, you naughty boy!

шальной harum-scarum: They had a quarrel with Sir Thomas Newcome's son, a harum-scarum lad

шантрапа riff-raff: Riff-raff have feelings, too, you know

шарлатан quack: Avoid a Quack. A lot of attention has been placed recently on hacks, quacks and conmen on the Internet especially regarding health matters; charlatan: This psycotherapist is some sort of a charlatan, I know that he never took a medical degree

шельма rascal: He is such a rascal!

шпана riff-raff: They are a bunch of riff-raff

шулер sharper: That sharper was exposed yesterday, he won't get away with it this time

шумный loud: We were loud and demonstrative in my family; noisy: He tended to be active and noisy, risk-taking and sometimes insensitive in his personal relationships; boisterous: She was a boisterous, fat old woman, who loved food more than anything else in the world

шут clown: He is a silly clown; buffoon: At last the buffoon is gone!

шутник wag: David's such a wag, but I wish he'd find some new jokes; joker: He was different to the other boys, he was dressed unusually and he was a joker

шушера riff-raff: You won't see any riff-raff here


щедрый generous: He is not very generous, I noticed that he undertipped the waiter in the restaurant

щепетильный scrupulous: He is very scrupulous about his moral duties


эгоистичный selfish: I wanted to go shopping and he wanted me to stay in to help him cook dinner. I went out and said he was being selfish

эгоцентричный egocentric: When we first met he seemed egocentric, because he was going on and on about some book he had written

экономный thrifty: He was thrifty, he could not bear to throw his money about; economical: I was surprised to know that this prudent, economical man was also generous

эксгибиционист exhibitionist: The exhibitionist in us all will come out if you let it

эксцентричный eccentric: That lady from the manor-house is a bit eccentric but very well-connected

эмоциональный emotional: He is too emotional, life with him is a bit exasperating

энергичный energetic: She's such an energetic old lady!; vigorous: Our workforce is young, vigorous. The average age of construction workers employed by our company is 35.8 years; enthusiastic: Would you have a place on your committee for an enthusiastic, loyal, highly regarded lady?


юркий brisk: In Chester town there lived a brisk young widow, for beauty and fine clothes none could excel her

юродивый (идиот) mooncalf: Colley's an idiot, he knows nothing of the world, a pathetic mooncalf, but he has the heart of a poet; (безумец с даром прорицания) holy fool: In «Boris Godunov» Musorgsky gave the Holy Fool a key role. The wandering, homeless holy fool accuses the Tsar of having murdered the young prince Dmitry and speaks prophetic truths to men of power; God's fool: When the inner voice of God speaks clearly, obedience may be counted as madness in the eyes of the world. But if you are willing to be God's fool, then you will see His power (Matt. 11:25)


ябеда tattler: If he tells the teacher what he has just seen, will he be classified as a despised «tattler» by his fellow students?; snitch: The snitch went and told the teacher

ядовитый venomous: What did that venomous reptile tell you?; waspish: What a waspish creature you are, Harold!

язвительный sarcastic: He is a witty, sarcastic little person. I like him!; (разг., сокр. от sarcastic) sarcy: There's no need to be sarcy!; biting: One old actress was quite biting in her references to me; caustic: The manager who had engaged him was caustic in his comments

языкастый sharp-tongued: Jessie grew up sharp-minded and sharp- tongued

яркий flamboyant: Elton John is a ballad-oriented singer/songwriter and a flamboyant rock and roll star. He elevated the role of piano in a medium theretofore dominated by guitars