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большой big: You are a big boy now

больше ...лет over: He must be over 60 now; more than: Elsie Clayton could not be more than 25

в ... лет at: I left home at 16

взрослеть grow up: I don't want to grow up!; grow older: It's become clearer as I've grown older that I'm on my own

взрослый adult: I want to be treated like an adult; grown up: | have a grown up son

возраст age: Their ages are 5,7 and 8

биологический biological -

брачный marriageable nubile ~

грудной infancy -

детородный child-bearing procreation -

дошкольный preschool ~

золотой golden -

зрелый mature -

истинный real -

максимальный maximum -; maximal -

минимальный minimum minimal -

младенческий infancy - * молодой young –

нежный tender -

неопределенный uncertain ~ ~

отроческий adolescence; boyhood

переходный formative years; awkward ~

пенсионный retirement ~

подростковый teen years; teens ~

of her youth at that time. It was a very young girl, just grown from adolescence

юноша teenage boy: It's a novel about a teenage boy who runs away to hitchhike around Australia; adolescent boy: Adolescent boys get very touchy about their appearance; adolescent: Every day an adolescent looks in the mirror and sees someone new

юношеский adolescent (a): Despite his rather geeky adolescent looks, he manages to win the heart of a stunning model old elderly ~ ~

почтенный venerable - ~

предельный maximum - ~

преклонный old advanced ~ ~

призывной call-up ~ ~

пубертатный puberty ~

ранний early -

совершеннолетний full legal ~ of majority ~

согласия ~ of consent

солидный advanced -

соответствующий appropriate ~

средний middle (среднестатистический) average ~ ~

школьный school ~

фактический actual -

юношеский adolescent adolescence

юный young -

в возрасте at age: You are at an age when you are expected to be sensible; at the age of: She knew at the age of 5 that she'd be a singer; (всегда после

определяемого слова) aged: a boy aged 7, students aged 18 through 23, girls aged between 2 and 19, young Australians aged up to 30 years; (с мест, «моем», «твоем» и т.п.) местоимение + age: I always wanted a bike like that when I was your age; (со словом teens- в под­ростковом возрасте) in one's teens: When he was in his teens, he had run-ins with his mother, just as most kids do

возраста of an age: This job is suitable for people of a middle age; (с мест, «моего», «твоего» и т.п.) местоимение + age: / have a son your age

всех возрастов of all ages: Every day, people of all ages experience problems that significantly affect their ability to manage their daily lives

до возраста before age: Before age ten, the child is mostly dependent upon his concrete sensory experiences for learning; before the age of: The World Health Organisation says that more than 1,000 children in Asia die before the age of five; until age: California law does not require parents to enroll their children in school until age six; until the age of: Turkmenistan's President, Saparmurat Niyazov, has issued a decree officially extending adolescence until the age of 25 and postponing old age until 85

к возрасту by age: By age thirty, Jodie Foster had already been a two- time Oscar winner; by the age of: By the age often I knew she loved me, she just had her own way of showing it

после возраста past the age of: A lot of Americans, especially senior women, will decide to work past the age of retirement during the next 20 years

ранее возраста before age: One in five US teens have sex before age 15

с возраста since the age of: Since the age of 12, I have had bad acne; from the age of: He grew up in Lakeville from the age of four months until he graduated from high schoolс возрастом with age: Like wine, he is getting better with age

того же возраста the same age: We 're both about the same age and have twin boys about the same age

- что и the same age as: He is about the same age as Lyra and has lost his father too

выйти из возраста be past the age: Although I'm past the age of worrying much about sex and, yes, that does simplify life a whole lot, I'm amazed at the firestorm this topic regularly ignites; pass the age of: There comes a point in every woman !$ life when she realizes that she has passed the age of fads

миновать возраст pass the age of: There has got to be something seriously wrong if 3 out of 10 people who have passed the age of high school can' find The Pacific Ocean on the map; pass age: There will be remarkable changes in him, as he passes age I

перешагнуть возраст pass the age of: Presbyopia is a medical term ft aging eyes. Once a person passed the age of 45 years, the ability to

accommodate, that is, see both at near (for reading) and far (for driving and everything else), begins to diminish

превышать возраст exceed the age: A student may be admitted into a degree program of study offered by the school if the student exceeds the age of compulsory school attendance

возрастная группа age group: Over 850,000 people in the 18—21 age group are currently engaged in higher education in UK and the Government is committed to raising this figure even higher

возрастная граница age limit: There is a 70-year age limit for the judges of the European Court of Human Rights вводить ~ impose an age limit изменять ~ modify the age limit превышать ~ exceed the age limit снижать ~ cut the age limit устанавливать ~ impose an age limit of

возрастные ограничения age restrictions: Some shows have age restrictions as low as 8 years old and as high as 21 years; age limits: AARP, the advocacy group for people 50 and older, favors better tests rather than age limits for drivers

дата рождения date of birth: What is your date of birth?

девичество girlhood: Her thoughts ran away to her girlhood with its passionate longing for adventure

девочка-подросток adolescent girl: The tobacco industry has developed potent lures for adolescent girls. The industry uses women s magazines to sell cigarettes with ads linking smoking to fashion, beauty, and slimness; a teenage girl: Research has linked a sharp increase in smoking initiation by teenage girls in the late 1960's and early 1970's to soaring sales of widely advertised cigarettes for women

день рождения birthday: He forgot my birthday again

на ~ on a birthday: I felt very miserable on my birthday; at a birthday: He has found fault with almost every gift he 4 ever been given at a birthday

отмечать ~ mark one's birthday: My grandmother was given 80 roses to mark her 80th birthday; celebrate one's birthday: Wecelebrate the birthday of Robert Burns every January 25,h; have a birthday party: Is your child having a birthday party? I can recommend a company that can help with your party planning

детство childhood: Her parents divorced when she was young and she spent her childhood traveling back and forth between two homes

до ... лет (перед числ. или словом age) under: This competition is for the under 5; under the age of: This health insurance is for children under the age of 19 in families with limited incomes; until: I did not have any serious problems until I was 15 or 16

дожить до live to: She lived to 90

глубокой старости live to a ripe old age ~ зрелого возраста live to a ripe age ~ старости live to an old age

достичь reach: I'll retire when I reach the age of 70

возраста reach age; reach the age of; reach one's + порядк. числ. (напр. fifth) birthday

~ зрелости reach maturity / manhood / womanhood

за ... over: I can't believe she is over 60 now, she does not look her age; past: Even though she was past 50, she had multiple prestigious job offers

зрелость maturity: The qualities we need for our maturity are independence and responsibility; manhood/womanhood: It's important for any teenage boy or girl who care about their future to reach manhood or womanhood without a spot or stain on their good name зрелость половая puberty: Puberty begins usually between ages 11*15 for boys and somewhat earlier for girls (ages 9—13)

зрелый mature: The mature individual has to learn when to conform and when not to conform, when to speak out and when to remain silent

исполниться ...лет to turn: Some actresses think that when they turn 25, they won't have careers because they won V look as good; be (years old): How old are you going to be next year?; pass one's birthday: A male non- citizen who first enters the U.S. as a permanent resident after he has already passed his 26th birthday is not required to register because he is over the age limit лет years old: I'm 29 years old this month!; years of age: The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age (US Constitution)

столько же лет, как и the same age as: He is 45! The same age as my Dad!

лета age: In this family children are asked to talk as adults about adult matters from a very early age

в летах / годах elderly (person) на старости лет in one's old age с детских лет from childhood с ранних лет from an early age

-летие -birthday (вместе с числ): I was given this ring for my 18th birthday

-летка year-old: Even a 6-year-old could do this! -летний year-old: I've got a three-year-old son

маленький little: What a nice little girl!

малолетний underage: The film is set in the outskirts of Milan, where Samantha, a young, underage mother, leaves her home with her baby - правонарушитель / преступник juvenile offender: There was a 3% increase between 1997 and 1999 in the number of juvenile offenders in custody; juvenile delinquent: He was a juvenile delinquent who had many run-ins with the law

малолетка minor (n): At 14 she murdered her lover and was the first minor to receive a death sentence малыш baby: They've got a lovely baby

мальчик-подросток a teenage boy: Teenage boys do stupid things because they 're around the wrong people

меньше ... лет under: Her 3 children are all under 6

младенец infant: Before your infant begins crawling or pulling up on tables and chairs, childproof your home

младенчество infancy: The center provides special education, therapy and medical services to children from infancy to age twelve

младше younger: Caroline is a year younger than I am; under: Lobster Press publishes for ages 9 and under

младше на be years smb's junior: His wife is 20 years his junior; be junior to smb by years: He was junior to me by 2 years

молодой young: You are young, you are supposed to make mistakes

молодость youth: Jacob is a groomed leader despite his youth

в молодости in one's youth: Everyone believes in his youth that the world really began with him, and that all merely exists for his sake (Johann von Goethe)

молодые the young: Pay attention to the young and make them as good as possible

моложавый youthful: He looks no different than before, a youthful man of 54 with an easy humour and an appreciation for people

мужать reach manhood: Our son is so childish, I do not thirik he will ever reach manhood

несовершеннолетний (be) under age: He served prison time for federal fraud charges and a state conviction in 1995for sexual misconduct involving an underage girl; minor (n/a): An employment certificate or permit is required for minors under 18 before they may begin work нет...лет under: According to the laws in this community it is illegal to view adult material if you are under 18

новорожденный newborn baby: Do you have photos of your newborn son?; newborn (n): How often should my newborn be sleeping?

около about: I was about 15 when I left home; in one's + числ. во мн. ч. (in my twenties и т. п.): In ту early twenties I began my self-education, discovering and learning through several of my own experiences (часто используется для примерного обозначения возраста, напр., от 20 до 25 — in (my, his и т. п.) early twenties, около 25 — in (my, his и т. п.) middle twenties, от 25 до 30 — in (my, his и т.п.) late twenties) отроческий adolescent: I'm sure I've outgrown my adolescent insecurities, I've learnt to accept myself

отрочество adolescence: If parents invest some time and energy into the child's early years, it can prevent small problems of childhood from becoming larger problems of adolescence; boyhood: His boyhood was, in most respects, pleasant and normal

подросток teenager: Did you hear much about the responsibilities of an adult life when you were a teenager; teen (n): After school he hangs out with other teens in the street; adolescent: Adolescents face complex spiritual conflicts and parents ought to be understanding

подростковый teen: I can answer any question about teen problems, just ask;

teenage: Zelda was a teenage femme fatale; adolescent: What are you studying? —I'm majoring in adolescent psychiatry

пожилой elderly: The elderly gentleman sitting over there is a famous doctor; senior citizen: How much does a senior citizen haircut cost?»

постаревший aged: She does not care for her aged husband any more

постареть age: She has aged prematurely; grow old: He's grown old and bald престарелый aged: He lives in a home for the aged

разница в возрасте age difference: There's a big age difference between me and the woman I fancy

расти grow up: She grew up in a very dull Canadian town; grow: Look, how you've grown!

расцвет prime: She is in her prime now в расцвете in one's prime достичь расцвета to reach one's ~ миновать расцвет to pass one's ~

ребенок child: I am not a child any more!

~ начинающий ходить toddler: The young toddler's steps are awkward

родиться be born: Where were you bom ?

совершеннолетие age of majority: The age of majority is a term used by lawyers to describe the time in life after which a person is legally no longer considered a child; legal age: Legal age is the age at which an individual is legally permitted to enter into contracts without adult consent; full age: Once the beneficiary has attained full age, or, if there are several beneficiaries, once they have all attained that age, the trustee can convey the land to them under Section 6 of the Act

достигать - reach / attain the age of majority; come of age

совершеннолетний (be / come) of age: When you are of age, you can make any changes you like; of full age: Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family состарившийся aged: I found him greatly aged

средних лет middle-aged: He is a respectable middle-aged man

становиться старше to grow older: As I grew older I became more confident in my own abilities; get older: Life gets more complex as you get older

старение ageing / aging: Your eyes show ageing first

стареть age: He's ageing fast; grow old: She grew fat as she grew oldюношеский

стареющий ageing: She was an ordinary ageing woman

старик old man: He was barely 40 but he looked like an old man

старость old age: The Fund helps its members in times of sickness, unemployment and old age

в старости in (one's) old age: It's a portrait of Bach in old age

старше over age: Beginning in 1985, the number of Americans over age 65 surpassed the number of teenagers; over the age of: 1 person in 12 over the age of 60 is visually impaired

старше на older: A couple of years older than May, Frankie is much more self-confident; be years smb's senior: Despite his parents disapproval, he married a woman who was 15 years his senior; be senior to smb by years: She is senior to me by 1 year

старше в ... раз частотное слово + age: When I was 24 years old I dated a man almost twice my age

старуха old woman: You will not recognize her, she is a fat old woman of more than sixty now

старый old: He is a pompous old ass

юнец stripling: He was too young to drive a car, so I took it upon myself to tell the stripling a thing or two; a youth: A youth with his first cigar makes himself sick, a youth with his first girl makes everybody sick (Mary Wilson Little)

юность adolescence: How common is depression in childhood and adolescence?; youth: In my opinion, that haircut is a symbol of her youth at that time. It was a very young girl, just grown from adolescence

юноша teenage boy: It's a novel about a teenage boy who runs away to hitchhike around Australia; adolescent boy: Adolescent boys get very touchy about their appearance; adolescent: Every day an adolescent looks in the mirror and sees someone new

юношеский adolescent (a): Despite his rather geeky adolescent looks, he manages to win the heart of a stunning model