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словарь по внешности и характеру ионкина и павл...doc
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Тело и внешность body and appearance


анемичный anaemic: Her father, a mild-tempered, 'narrow-chested, anaemic little clerk, had done his full share toward giving the home an atmosphere of sweetness and tenderness

астеничный asthenic: Earnst is a tall, slender young man of twenty-four. His asthenic features, narrow shoulders, and thin nasal speech convey an impression of extreme physical frailness


бакенбарды whiskers: His appearance might be improved if he would let his whiskers grow disappointment, for I said to my mother that he would look much nicer if he wore whiskers

отрастить бакенбарды grow In October of I860, a little girl from Westfield, New York, in Chautauqua County, wrote a letter to President- Elect Abraham Lincoln urging him to grow his whiskers out

сбрить бакенбарды shave off one's I am very proud of my whiskers but my girl-friend urges me to shave them off

баки sideburns: Не had a shaggy mass of brown hair in a disheveled heap atop his head and wore sideburns that looked more like mutton chops

басистый deep-voiced: I used to work as an office coordinator, and one of my phone contacts was a person named Pat, who was deep voiced, friendly, and super nice

бедро hip: When I developed hips, I decided that I'd better diet for the rest of my life to stay thin

костлявые bony

крутые curvaceous

мальчишеские boyish

округлые round; rounded

полные full

узкие narrow

тяжёлые heavy

худые thin

широкие broad

вилять бёдрами wriggle one's My grandma tells me that «nice girls» never wriggle their hips

качать бедрами: sway -He gave himself a few beats to get into the music, head tipped, foot tapping, and began to sway his hips; swing Fox's favorite style of dance is Latin because dances such as rumba and cha cha are «very seductive and you can swing your hips and body»

раздаваться в бёдрах to grow wider in the hips / one's ~ grow wider: She was fighting to keep her shape, as her hips grew wider, and her breasts began their descent

беззубый toothless: The bike repairman was a toothless man in an undershirt, cigarette permanently attached to his lips

безобразный ugly. His secretary is ugly but incredibly efficient

белобрысый towheaded: She turned her head and spoke to the towheaded man standing next to the bed

белокожий while-skinned: Anthropologists in 1971 discovered a tribe of white-skinned Indians ut the depths of these jungles; fair-skinned: Are fair -skinned people at higher risk for skin cancer?

белокурый fair-haired: Sally was a fair-haired beauty; blond: Marilyn Monroe was a blond goddess of the 1950's

белотелый white-skinned: Big Al was forty six years old, six foot four, white-skinned and hazel-eyed; fair-skinned: Fair-skinned people tend to burn easily in the sun

белый (принадлежащий к белой расе) white: Was Jesus a white man or a black man?; (особенно в амер. англ., офиц.) Caucasian: Wanted persons: Elaine M. Ploch, Caucasian female, 5'03", 115, brown hair, brown eyes

бельмо wall-eye: He is an old man with a wall-eye

бледный pale: Who is this pale man? Why does he come to disturb me?

близорукий short-sighted : He is short-sighted but he does not wear glasses

блондин blond (n): Some blonds arrived in warships, and Creoles fought and hey surrendered, and the pink blonds killed and killed; blond (a): The two men I was truly, madly, deeply in love with were both blond

блондинка blonde (n): Before she became a blonde and started wearing tinted contact lenses, she got zero attention from men; blond (n): Occasionally some ladies, believing that «gentlemen prefer blonds,» become «decided blonds»

богатырское сложение powerful physique: I was impressed by his powerful physique

бок side: Did you know that in some parts of the world putting your hands on your sides is impolite?; hip: She's got excess fat in the hips

болезненный sickly: Will the child with Down syndrome be a sickly child?

большеглазый big-eyed: All his paintings are of big-eyed girls

большегрудый large-breasted: In American society breasts have a great deal of sexual symbolism. It is not at all unusual to see a large-breasted

woman used in advertisements to sell everything from beer to cars to cologne (notably, these are primarily male markets)

большеносый big-nosed: «Cyrano de Bergerac» is a romantic story about a big-nosed poet by the noted French author Edmond Rostand

большеротый large-mouthed: She is a large-mouthed, small-brained pop star

большой (о телосложении) big: He's big, but not fat

бородавка wart: To this day people believe that if a toad pees on you, you will get warts

босой / босоногий bare-footed: On his way to the village, the old man met with a bare-footed kid

борода beard: He had a beard which grew rather oddly on his face - there were two bare patches under the corners of his mouth

аккуратная neat; trim

большая large

всклокоченная disheveled

густая thick

длинная long

до пояса a waist length

жёсткая rough; stiff; wiry

жидкая sparse; thin

запушенная neglected

золотистая golden

квадратная tile

клином wedge-shaped

клочковатая ragged

козлиная a goatee; chintuft

колючая prickly

короткая short

косматая shaggy

крашеная dyed

курчавая curly

кустистая bushy

лопатой squared-off

мягкая soft

небольшая small

неопрятная messy; untidy

неухоженная unkempt

огненная fiery red

огромная huge

окладистая full; thick

округлая full; round

опрятная neat; trim

пушистая fluffy

пышная lush

растрёпанная disheveled

редкая sparse

русая light-brown; fair

рыжая red

светлая blond

седая grey

с проседью - with grey streaks

спутанная tangled

тёмная dark

тощая wispy; sparse

узкая narrow

холёная well-kept

чёрная black

шелковистая silky

широкая wide

эспаньолка pointed; a Vandyke

ярко-рыжая bright-red

зарастать бородой let one's ~ grow wild: After his wife's death the old man let his beard grow wild. It's dirty and tangled. When he eats, he gets crumbs caught in it

носить бороду wear a His religion required him to wear a beard

отпускать бороду grow a I've decided to grow a beard. Why not?

отращивать бороду grow a -: All men try to grow a beard at one time or another in their lives; let one's - grow: Since retiring, he has let his beard grow

подравнивать бороду trim one's -: A guy asked me if I was ever going to trim my beard or was I just going to let it grow to my crotch like a mountain man


подстригать бороду trim one's Male muslims must not trim the beard, but let all

facial hair grow as Allah designed it

сбривать бороду shave off one's Part of Jack's new image was to shave off that beard. His boss had promised Jack the transfer if he would shave it off

ухаживать за бородой groom one's And if you 're still unsure how to groom your beard well — do what I did

бородатый bearded: She likes bearded men

бородый -bearded: As he was walking alongside a river, a grey-bearded man on a white horse approached him

бритоголовый skin-head: One of my friends is a skin-head, but he is not a nazi

бровь eyebrow: She is a real beaty, with her curly black hair, arching eyebrows and full red lips

выщипанные plucked

густые thick

длинные long

дугой arched

короткие short

косматые shaggy

кустистые bushy

нависшие beetle

насупленные knitted

ниточкой thin

прямые straight

разросшиеся overgrown

редкие sparse

ровные even

светлые light

сдвинутые knitted

сросшиеся meeting

тёмные dark

тонкие thin

чёрные black

широкие wide

линия бровей shape of the An eyebrow's ideal shape greatly depends on the shape of the eye

форма бровей shape of the In the sixteenth century, physiognomists began looking at individual facial features — the shape of the face, eyes, eyebrows, nose, etc. — to provide a character assessment of the person

выщипывать брови pluck one's If I pluck my eyebrows, first my eyes start to water and then I start to sneeze

поднимать брови raise one's -: Martha turns to Jonathan, raises her eyebrows and gives him a pointed look

сдвигать брови knit one's Feigning sorrow, she would raise her hand to her heart and knit her eyebrows

хмурить брови frown: «I can't seem to frown the way I used to frown before,» she said

брюнет a dark-haired man: Two men sit before a skirted table, the dark- haired man on the right holds his chin in his hand

брюнетка brunette: My ideal girl is a witty, petite brunette; a dark-haired woman: A dark-haired woman in a short brown dress strides past, on the way to a table on the terrace


веко eyelid: With his black hair, drooping eyelids and rather long he reminded her of someone she had seen

верхнее the upper

воспалённое inflamed

красное red

набрякшее bloated

нависшее drooping; droopy

нижнее the lower

припухшее puffy

покрасневшее reddened

распухшее swollen

тёмное dark

тяжёлое heavy

вес weight: While attempting to come to a decision, she couldn't sleep and she lost a stone in weight

набирать вес gain ~

сбрасывать вес lose ~

терять вес shed / lose ~

весить weigh: When I met her she weighed 125 lbs. She's gained sixty pounds in two years and I no longer find her physically attractive

веснушчатый freckle-faced: She is a freckle-faced, snub-nosed girl nobody likes

веснушки freckles: Her face was sprinkled with bright freckles

внушительный imposing: Her classic features and her size made her at first meeting somewhat imposing

волдырь blister: Her neck, face and body were left injured from the electric shocks, and shehad blisters on her body and cuts on her face and neck

волосатый hairy: She's got a black moustache, and though she tried to bleach it, she was still sacked for being too hairy

волосы hair: My hair was brown and I dyed it blonde, now I want to go red белокурые blond; fair

блестящие glossy; shiny

безжизненные lifeless

волнистые wavy

выгоревшие sun-bleached

вьющиеся curly;

грубые coarse

густые thick

длинные long

до плеч shoulder-long

жёсткие coarse

жидкие scanty

жирные oily

золотистые golden

каштановые brown; chestnut

короткие short

кудрявые curly

курчавые kinky

липкие sticky

ломкие brittle

мягкие soft

непослушные unmanageable; unruly

пепельные ash-blond

прямые straight

пушистые fluffy

пышные luxuriant; fluffy

редкие thin

редеющие thinning

русые light-brown

рыжеватые tawny

рыжие red

с проседью greying; with grey streaks

сальные greasy

светло-русые fair

светло-рыжие light-red

светлые light; fair

седеющие greying

седые grey

секущиеся split

сухие dry

тёмно-русые brown

тёмно-рыжие dark-red

тёмные dark

тонкие fine

тусклые dull

чёрные black

чёрные, как смоль jet-black

шелковистые silky

выпадать fall out: Certain medical conditions and treatments can make your hair fall out; lose He is losing his hair rapidly

заплетать волосы braid one's When I braid my hair, it is merely an action to get it out of my way

красить волосы dye one's I dyed my hair red when I first started television work

лезть fall out: Will radiotherapy make my hair fall out?

предавать объем волосам add volume to one's I want to grow my hair and I'm looking for a product that can add volume and strength to my hair; add body to one's Body building or volumizing shampoos promise to add body to limp hair. They often contain proteins that bond to hair and «pump it up»

предавать оттенок волосам tint one's Within a month after you tint your hair it will grow approximately one-half inch

редеть thin: The hair that he had was growing very slowly and was rapidly thinning

стричь волосы get/have one's - cut: Long ago there was a king in Leinster called Labhraidh Loinseach who always wore his hair long. He only had it cut once a year on the first day of spring and that was a day everyone in the kingdom feared; get a haircut: You dirty Hippie, get a haircut and get a real job!

укладывать волосы do one's I do all my friends hair, as well as my own; set: If you wash and set your hair with care, the finished product should be as lovely and professional looking as a smart new coiffure by a famous hairstylist; style one's Just like the shoes and clothes you wear, the way you style your hair may say a lot

about your sense of fashion and personality

вылощенный polished: Little was known about him, except that he was a polished man of the world

высокий tall: She is a very tall woman and she gives me the impression she is always trying to diminish her height

выхоленный well-groomed: Sociological studies have also revealed that well-groomed persons are regarded as people with higher intelligence and achievements to their credit; well-kept: Why is a well-kept woman considered lazy and vain, while a well-kept man is considered professional?

выцветший faded: He held her hand, sitting in his wheel chair, his faded eyes searching her face while he prayed and told her he loved her; discoloured: If you had peered under the veil, you would have seen that Manuela's dark eyes were swollen and discoloured about the lids, as though they had known a sleepless, tearful night

вычурный bizarre: He looks very bizarre in this suit


галифе saddlebags: If you hate your saddlebags, why not consider

liposuction ?

глаз eye: Her eyes were large and starry

без всякого выражения expressionless; ~ devoid of any expression

бесцветные discoloured

блестящие shining; sparkling

близко посаженные narrow-set

близорукие nearsighted

блуждающие wandering

больные sore

большие big; large

ввалившиеся sunken

виноватые guilty

влюблённые loving

внимательные attentive

водянистые pale

волчьи rapacious; predatory

воспалённые inflamed; infected

выпученные goggle

выразительные expressive

выцветшие faded

глубоко посаженные deep-set

глупые stupid

гневные angry

зоркие sharp; keen

искусственные artificial

испуганные frightened

карие brown

колючие angry

косые crossed

красивые beautiful

круглые round

лукавые sly

лучистые radiant

любопытные curious; (любопытствующие) prying

любящие loving; affectionate

маленькие little

масляные lustful

миндалевидные almond-shaped

мутные lifeless; lackluster

навыкате bulging

накрашенные made-up

налившиеся кровью bloodshot

плохие poor; bad

плутоватые cunning

подбитый black

подслеповатые weak

покрасневшие reddened; red

полуприкрытые веками heavy-lidded

поросячьи piggy

радостные happy

раскосые slanting

с поволокой languorous

сердитые angry

серые grey

серьёзные serious

синие dark-blue; violet

слезящиеся tearful; runny; watery

строгие severe

счастливые happy

тёмно-серые dark-grey

томные tender; languid

тусклые dull

удлинённые elongated

узкие narrow

умные intelligent

усталые tired

хитрые cunning

хищные predatory

холодные cold

чёрные black

честные honest

широко расставленные wide-set

ясные clear; untroubled

мешки под глазами bags under one's Do bags under the eyes come from drinking too much alcohol or lack of sleep?

разрез глаз the shape of the eyes: Adolescents often choose media personalities as the standard for how they should look, so they are often disappointed by the type of their hair, shape of eyes, height, or body shape

вылезать / выскакивать (на лоб, из орбит) pop (out): My wife's eyes popped out when she saw the necklace I bought her for our 20th wedding anniversary

закатывать глаза roll one's When he told the joke again, the students began rolling their eyes

косить / скашивать глаза cross one's Have you ever wondered whether there's any truth in some of the stuff you've been told about your eyes, often from well-meaning grandparents or other relatives? For instance, you may have been warned that if you cross your eyes on purpose they can stay that way

напрягать глаза strain one's You can strain your eyes if you don't have enough light when you read, but it won't ruin your vision опускать глаза drop one's ~ : As I watched my son's eyes drop in disappointment with himself, I knew I could not continue to subject him to this criticism; lower one's Do you have any specific research information on how men tend to lower their eyes when speaking to women — which leads the women to believe men are looking at their chest? портить глаза ruin one's People say that sitting close to the TV can ruin your eyes. Wrong! It may make it harder for other people to see the TV screen, but it won't ruin your eyes; ruin one's vision: Staring unprotected at a solar eclipse is a great way to ruin your vision

смотреть невццящими глазами stare blankly: In her spare time, she likes to sit and stare blankly at white walls

щурить глаза squint one's At last he heard a happy shout and he squinted his eyes as he looked toward the sun. There was that silly little girl again

глазастый (зоркий) sharp-eyed: A sharp-eyed inspector of taxes worked out that something funny was going on after investigating parts of a bank's tax affairs at which the company would not have expected him to look

-глазый -eyed: Although villagers often accuse the red-eyed women of being witches, investigators and sociologists say this is often used as an excuse by family members to get rid of the women to seize their property or belongings

голова head: I have a really big head, that's why I never wear hats

белокурая blond

большая large; big

бритая shaved

обнажить голову

величественная majestic

всклокоченная disheveled

вытянутая elongated

золотистая golden

квадратная square

круглая round

крупная large

кудрявая curly hair

лысая bald

лысеющая balding

маленькая small

массивная large

плешивая bold

плоская flat

правильной формы well-shaped

приплюснутая flat

русая light-brown

рыжая red

светлая fair

стриженая close-cropped

трясущаяся trembling

чёрная black

шишковатая bumpy

яйцевидная egg-shaped

держать голову высоко hold one's ~ high: Hold your head high. Don't tilt it to one side

кивать головой nod one's He nodded his head but remained silent, waiting for Buck to finish

колотить головой bang one's Pow used to bang his head against the mailbox, a ritual he believed would ensure the safe delivery of a letter

наклонить голову lower one's Generally, in the land of the rising sun, when a formal introduction is made, it's respectful if you respond by lowering your head in a bow; bend one's He bent his head, removed his sunglasses and gently rubbed his eyes. He was wiping away tears of sadness

обнажить голову bare one's Right before their eyes, their pastor had bared his soul, then bared his head

опустить голову drop one's Не dropped his head in disappointment after making a mistake

повесить голову hang one's If I'm wrong, I'll hang my head in shame and never mention it again

поднимать голову lift one's As the sound grew nearer, he lifted his head to see what was approching; raise one's -: Jack raised his head, arched his back and thrust his chest out so as to let the brilliant sunlight fall directly onto it

покачать головой shake one's head: Then the rich man shook his head and said «No. No. I will take half the price»

склонять голову bow one's During these prayer times, 1 do not bow my head, close my eyes nor say «Amen» as do the rest in attendance. I do, however, remain quiet, eyes focused forward; bend one's -: «It is your violin, Mr. Stroetz. It is a gift,» said the white-clad nun. The old man bent his head over it

трясти головой toss one's He tossed his head with unspeakable self-disgust, pitched the lemon squash into his mouth, paid for It, and without any further remark strode to the door

хвататься за голову clutch one's -: As the Chairman slid slowly to the floor clutching his head, he was heard to murmur, «Hit me again, I can still hear him»

чесать голову scratch one's -: You are in a middle of your class and you scratch your head. Maybe you '11 get some brilliant idea! Scratch, scratch, scratch...Instead, you get a nice little louse in your little finger

-головый -headed : Little Oblio was perfect in every way except he was

born round-headed

голос voice: Her voice was rather low and slightly hoarse

бархатный velvety

визгливый shrill

вкрадчивый ingratiating

ворчливый querulous; grumbling

высокий high; high-pitched

глубокий deep

глухой muffled

гнусавый nasal; twang

гортанный guttural

громкий loud

громовой booming; thunderous

грубый coarse; gruff

грудной sonorous

гулкий resonant

девичий girlish

детский childish

дребезжащий raspy

дрожащий quivering; quaking; shaking; shaky; trembling

женский female

женственный feminine

задушевный gentle

заискивающий ingratiating

замогильный hollow; sepulchral

звонкий high; ringing

звучный loud; clear

зычный loud; resounding; stentorian

измученный exhausted

красивый beautiful

мальчишеский boyish

мелодичный melodious

металлический metallic

мужской male; masculine

мягкий soft; gentle

надтреснутый hoarse; raspy; cracked

нежный gentle; soft; sweet

неприятный unpleasant

низкий deep; low; low-pitched

ноющий wailing

оглушительный deafening

охрипший hoarse

певучий musical

писклявый squeaky

приглушённый subdued; muffled

приятный pleasant

прокуренный smoker's

пронзительный shrill

простуженный ~ hoarse and nasal because of a cold

резкий grating; harsh

решительный firm


робкий shy; meek

ровный steady

сварливый gmmpy

севший hoarse; strained

сильный strong; robust

сиплый croaking; raspy; husky

скрипучий creaky; strident; squeaky

скучный boring

слабый feeble

сочный mellow

спокойный calm

срывающийся faltering

тихий quiet; low

томный languid

тонкий thin; high-pitched

усталый tired

хриплый husky; gruff; raucous

чистый clear

юношеский youthful

ясный clear

вполголоса (разговаривать) under one's breath: I was sitting very close to her and I heard her speaking under her breath «David, tell me what I did to upset you»

дрогнуть break down: He said «I love you» as his voice broke down with tears дрожать shake: I was sweating, my hands were shaking, my heart was pounding so loudly in my ears that I had trouble hearing, and my voice was shaking; tremble: His voice trembled with emotion; quiver: Marie's voice quivered with anger as she spoke to Ed ломаться crack: When he was fourteen years old, his voice started to crack; break: When his voice broke at seventeen, he was kicked out of the choir

меняться change: When he was eight, he entered the Grace Church Choir School in New York City where he was a boy soprano soloist until his voice changed

напрягать голос strain one's -: Не spoke with the most noble disdain to everyone, carried his nose so high, strained his voice to such a pitch, assumed so imperious an air, and stalked with so much loftiness and pride, that everyone who had the honor of conversing with him was violently tempted to bastinade His Excellency; put strain on sb's Whispering puts even more strain on your voice than normal speech

повышать голос raise one's He was portrayed as a man wise and fair, who rarely raised his voice to make his point understood

понижать голос drop one's Bombina dropped her voice to a sugary whisper; lower one's Leaning towards us, he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper

потерять голос lose one's When he repeatedly lost his voice on stage, doctors were unable to help him

горб hump: «1 have healed many hunchbacks before, and I can heal you in no time,» replied the healer as he took the gold and signaled his patient to lay on the ground with his hump up

горбатый humpbacked: For centuries, the image of a humpbacked man carrying a flute has appeared carved on the canyon walls of the Southwest; hunchbacked: One night, a hunchbacked man was walking next to a fort when he heard a murmur on the other side of the wall

горбоносый hook-nosed: He was a hook-nosed man, and with that and his bright eyes and his ruffled head, bore a certain likeness to a roused bird of prey

горбун hunchback: A man went to see a healer about his back. The man would have been six feet tall, but being a hunchback, he now stood only about four feet above the ground

громадный ( и неповоротливый) hulking: He was a hulking man with a high voice who built a media empire that spanned the nation

грудастая busty: This one's name was Alma, a big, busty woman with anger etched onto her face; big-bosomed: Roselyn Sanchez plays a big bosomed woman who may or may not be a secret service agent


chest: Tall, well-proportioned, with broad chest and shoulders, he was magnificent; breast: Ali during my adolescent years I dreamed of having larger breasts and even did those silly bust building exercises that never worked; bosom: He is walking along a lonely beach. One young woman is lying on the sand taking the sun, her bosom bared

большая large breasts; large bosom

высокая high bosom

дряблая flabby breasts; flabby bosom

крепкая firm breasts; firm bosom

маленькая small bosom; small breasts

неразвитая under-developed; pre-pubescent breasts

обвисшая sagging breasts

острые pointy; conical breasts

плоская flat chest полная full bosom

роскошная magnificent bosom

упругая supple bosom; supple breasts

широкая broad chest

дрябнуть sag: I feel very ugly because my friends call me «big breast». The other problem is that my breasts sag

обвисать droop: Gravity, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight gain and loss all take their toll. Breasts sag. Droop. Flatten out. Sometimes they atrophy and shrink

расти develop breasts: I developed breasts at a very early age. I remember when I was in fifth grade, I had to start wearing a bra

становиться плоской flatten (out): Now she was twenty-eight and the years of hardwork had left their mark. People in the city might take her for forty. Her body had changed. Her breasts had sagged and flattened from constant breast feeding

увеличивать грудь enlarge breasts: I heard her say that she wanted to have plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts; have / get

breasts enlarged: She had her breasts enlarged at 18 because she wrongly thought it would lift her self-esteem; have/get a boob job (done): She is surrounded by glamour models and people keep telling her she would look better if she had a boob job

грузный heavy: When he was sleeping, people who passed by his door heard his snores, which were rather resonant since he was a heavy man; stout: She is stout and much taller than her husband; corpulent: John

Rowand was an energetic, short, corpulent man who had been a fur trader since the age of fourteen

губа lip: Actresses Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock are known for their full, pouty lips

бантиком bow-shaped mouth

бескровные bloodless

бесцветные colorless

бледные pale

верхняя the upper

влажные moist

воспалённые inflamed

гладкие smooth

горячие hot

дрожащие trembling

запёкшиеся parched; encrusted

заячья harelip

искусанные bitten

капризные capricious lips / mouth

красиво выгнутые beautifully curved

красиво очерченные beautifully shaped lips / mouth

кровоточащие bleeding

морщинистые wrinkled

мягкие soft

мясистые fleshy

накрашенные painted; made-up

нежные tender

ненакрашенные bare

нижняя the lower

обветренные wind-burned; chapped; sore

отвислая hanging lower lip

пересохшие parched

надутые pouting

ободранные raw

поджатые pursed

подкрашенные lightly made-up

полные full

посиневшие blue

потрескавшиеся cracked

презрительные scornful lips / mouth

припухшие puffy

пухлые full; a pout

распухшие swollen

сердечком heart-shaped mouth

синие blue

сморщенные wrinkled

сочные ripe

сухие dry

тёплые warm

толстые thick

тонкие thin

увядшие withered

холодные cold

чувственные sensual

шершавые rough

края гy6 the edges of the The first symptoms of a herpes simplex infection usually include burning, tingling or itching sensations around the edges of the lips

очертания губ, изгиб губ the shape of one's There are three types of humans found on Earth and the shape and appearance of lips determines the kind of group one belongs to

уголки губ the corners of the mouth: Every few months I get sores in the corners of my mouth

~ опущены droop: The lower corners of her mouth drooped, even when she was happy

- приподняты be turned up: The corners of her mouth were turned up and her eyes sparkled дрожать tremble: His lips were trembling and he couldn V bear to look into my eyes

запекаться be parched: His lips were parched and his breath was uninviting, to say the least. With no disrespect, such breath is exactly what flies like

закусить губу bite one's Conan bit his lip, a gesture Julie loved

красить губы paint one's -: She gave him a slight wink, slowly and deliberately opened her purse, took out her scarlet lipstick and deftly painted her lips; put on a lipstick: After they put their lipstick on they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints

кусать губы bite one's «Well, she's gone.» Richard bit his hp hard enough to draw blood

надувать губы pout: She pouted when he asked her to clean the house. She pouted whenever he asked her to cook

обветриваться get wind-burned: They do not care if it is a very cold winter or a very hot summer, they will go out and hunt, that is why their lips get wind-burned

облизывать губы lick one's He licked his lips in anticipation

обметать губы develop a cold sore: Just 2 days before my wedding I developed a cold sore

пересыхать be parched: I was tired, my lips were parched

поджимать губы purse one's -: Still gazing at his hands, he pursed his lips a little, but this time made no hissing sound

прижимать губы press one's Maul grasped the hand that had struck him and pressed his lips to its palm

прикусывать губу bite one's One guy who munched into a Peanut M&M that didn't have a peanut, sued the candymaker because he bit his lip

приоткрывать губы part one's -: The bald man's lips puckered a moment as he contemplated speech and/finally his lips parted and words come forth

причмокивать губами smack one's -: The second old man dipped a piece of bread into the soup and smacked his lips as he ate it

разбивать губу split one's When Richie was 16 months old, he almost died from a fall in which he split his lip; smash one's When he went to clamp the bead into place, it kept getting loose, I was afraid he was going to slip and smash my lip or something but he didn't thankfully

распухать be swollen: She was glowing, her hair was a big mess and her lips were swollen. She softly touched her lips and smiled again. She felt great

рассекать губу cut one's I remember the first time he hurt himself. He fell and cut his lip. I panicked when I saw the blood сжимать губы press one's Quill pressed his lips together синеть turn blue: William screamed, then held his breath until his lips turned blue

складывать губы pucker one's Xander puckered his lips into a smirk and sighed

трескаться be cracked: The names on the path em her feet, and by the time she arrived at her destination, the мas exhausted. Her hps were crocked, and her feet were Needing

чмокать губами smack one's Grandpa Wiliard smacked his lips and put his hands on the dashboard. He leaned forward to the windshield to see something

шелушиться peel: Living in Michigan where the wind blows and it's cold, my lips were always chapped and peeling

губастый thick-lipped: He was a massive, dark, thick-lipped, long-haired man with thick eyelids covering half of his big, blind eyes

-губый -lipped: *l"m a rich man, M. Point,» said Sir Joseph Hoggin Hercule Point's eyes rested critically on the fat body, the small pig eyes, the bulbous nose and the close-lipped mouth


дальнозоркий long-sighted: Many long-sighted people can do without glasses most of the time; fanighted: Far-sighted people generally have a smaller than normal eye

дальтоник (be) colour-blind: He was born totally colour-blind. He and his brother had inherited the genetic incapacity to produce the cells in the eye which respond to colour

длинноволосый long-haired: Once a long-haired hippy, he is now a reformed character

длинноногий long-legged: He has a long-legged secretary to keep people from bothering him

длиннорукий long-armed: Lincoln was a tall, sinewy, long-armed man, and as stout as Hercules

долговязый lanky: The two men conversed a few minutes, then the lanky man handed a small pouch to the man with the child; gangling: He was in his sixties, Jarrow guessed, a tall, gangling man with thick, metal-rimmed spectacles, who managed to combine a broad, straight -shouldered frame with * gaunt, hollow-cheeked face topped by a balding dome, looking as If It found Its way onto the wrong body

дородный portly: Aged fifty or so, he was a portly and ceremonious man; burly: A burly man with stubble and a plethora of gold chains wrapped around his neck, poked his head through the window


живот stomach: / to heard that doing abdominal exercises incorrectly can actually make your stomach look bigger instead of /latter, Is this true?; belly: He is a dirty old man with a big belly; abdomen: One of the most common complaints of people seeking aesthetic improvements in the abdomen Is that they have worked and worked to get rid of the prominence of the lower abdomen but despite their most diligent efforts, that roll of fat remains defiant

большой large stomach

впалый sunken stomach

гладкий smooth stomach

жирный fat stomach

круглый rounded abdomen

мускулистый muscular stomach

небольшой small stomach

огромный enormous / huge stomach

отвислый big pot belly; bulging stomach

плоский flat stomach

толстый large stomach

торчащий protrusive

упругий firm stomach

складки живота/жирные складки rolls (of fat): My tummy is just a pile of rolls and my arms and legs are fat

висеть to hang: I can look at him from the side and see how much his stomach hangs over his pants

избавиться от живота get rid of one's All I want to do is get rid of my stomach; lose one's -: / had been on a diet and I had lost about 30 lbs. I didn't lose my protrusive stomach though

отрастить живот put on weight in the After the wedding she let herself go, put on weight in the stomach and stopped shaving her legs

расти grow: She can think of nothing but food. Her stomach has grown larger, her dreams of eating - more extravagant

торчать slick out: Jackie hates the way her stomach sucks out and says she has tried everything to get rid of it - avoiding dairy products, going to naturopaths, gym work and stomach exercises

животик tummy: If you have a tummy, your straight skirt days are over because the tummy causes the skirt to hike up in front


загар tan/suntan: Dermatologists say that sun tan damages the skin, so this summer I 'm going to wear a sunscreen ail the time and get a very light tan. Sun protection products don't stop you tanning, you 'U just tan at a slower rate and you won ft burn

зад behind: His bulging stomach and huge, flabby behuid repulse me; rear: She's self-conscious about the size of her rear and never wears bikini

задеревенелый stiff: It was six in the morning, and usually when / wake up that early my eyes are grainy and heavy, and I'm stiff; numb: So I waited... and waited... my feet were numb, my legs were cold

залысины a receding hairline: Do you remember Chris - the man with the receding hairline?; bald patch: The guy has long red hair, but to his misfortune he has a bald patch on the top of his head

заморыш weakling: You're such a weakling. If it weren 7 for your brain you Щ have no muscles in your body at all

замухрышка shabby person: There was a shabby man and he had a gorgeous sweater. But every time he put it on he didn't look any better

заусеницы hangnails: Picking and biting your nails, exposure to detergents and chemicals or general nail neglect are all causes of hangnails

замызганный filthy-looking: The chairs were still occupied with filthy- looking men, who smoked and spat and talked

заскорузлый hardened Не stroked her cheeks and smoothed her hair with hu labour-hardened fingers; callous: In an instant, his face brought back all the horror of that day, and she shivered involuntarily remembering those callous hands and merciless eyes

зоркий sharp-sighted: You have to be extremely sharp-sighted if you don V want io miss out on seeing things

зрение (eye) sight: She has trouble getting around because of poor eyesight; vision: / heard that you have to have perfect vision to become a commercial pilot

острое keen sight плохое poor sight

зуб tooth (мн. ч. teeth): He is goodlooking, with pearly white teeth, prominent cheekbones and slightly Asian-looking eyes аккуратные regular; neat; straight безупречные perfect

больные unhealthy

большие large

верхние the upper

вставные dentures (n)

выступающие вперёд jutting out

гнилые rotten

длинные long

задние back teeth

здоровые healthy

золотой a gold cap

искусственные false

клыки eyeteeth

коренные molars

крепкие strong

кривые crooked

крупные large

лошадиные horsey

мелкие small

металлический a metal cap

молочные deciduous; baby; milk

мудрости wisdom

неровные uneven

нижние the lower

острые sharp

отличные excellent

передние the front teeth

плохие bad редкие widely-spaced

резцы incisors

ровные even

сломанный broken

со щербиной chipped; - with a gap

торчащие sticking out; buckteeth

хорошие good

частые close-set; crowded

шатающийся loose

ковырять в зубах pick one's -: After a good meal. French or otherwise, men throughout the world, like to pick their teeth

скрежетать зубами gnash one's -: You Ve received a rejection letter! Ok, cry and gnash your teeth for a little bit, then stop and pat yourself on the back; grit one's -: When he becomes very angry, but tries to hold it in, he grits his teeth

скрипеть зубами grind one's -: While I sleep. J grind and clench my teeth. I wake up in the moming and my front teeth feel sore and kind of loose and my jaw hurts

стискивать зубы clench one's -: Do you grind or clench your teeth at night?

зубная пластинка braces: / would like my teeth straighter, but don't want to wear braces for two years


изможденный haggard: No matter what I do or how much sleep / get, I always look haggard and have shadows and dark circles under my eyes

измученный womout: In the last two years 1 lost my mother, I am in the middle of a divorce, and I changed jobs. All of this seemed to show on my face, I am looking so worn out and old

изнуренный exhausted As the rwo men were talking, the exhausted man stretched himself out full-length, pulling up another chair to rest his feet and legs

изувеченный maimed Waters recoiled with distaste when the maimed man coughed up blood into his fact and started to scream, clutching at his chest and legs

изящный graceful She и as graceful as a swan

изъян blemish Why doesn't she get nd of that ugly birthmark? It's so easy to get treatment for almost any type of skin blemish these days; flaw: I cannot find any flaw in her

икра calf: He was called Ptano Legs for his bulging calf muscles

выпуклые rounded; bulging

голые bare

дряблые dabby

крепкие strong

круглые rounded

мускулистые muscular

слабые weak

толстые thick; heavy

упругие firm худые thin

импозантный impressive: He was a physically impressive man who combined hard common sense with sentimentality and a robust sense of humor

инвалид handicapped person: Susan, a most severely handicapped young woman with barely intelligible speech spent most of her childhood confined to a wheelchair; invalid: He was an invalid with the spirit of a robust adventurer

истощенный cachectic: The physical examination showed the patient was a cachectic man who appeared older than his stated age; emaciated: Two emaciated children lie in bed, lonely and desperate

истрепанный wornout: Everything looks old and wornout — the furniture, the elevator, even the liftboy; shabby: His shabby appearance spoke of a lifelong addiction to marijuana and satanic music

исхудалый gaunt: A gaunt man with raven-dark hair glanced warily back the way he had come


кадык adam's apple: It revolts me to see his adam's apple move in his thin neck

калека crippled person: This was not the first time the crippled man sat there. His friends brought him to the temple every single day so he could ask people for money; cripple: Can you imagine me, a cripple, pushing a vacuum cleaner around the house?

кисть hand: Captain Jake is a greedy fellow. He has hairy hands and a greasy

белая white

большая large

волосатая hairy

голая bare

жилистая sinewy

загорелая tanned

изящная elegant; gentle

костлявая bony

маленькая small

небольшая small

нежная delicate

обезьянья ape-like

опухшая swollen

пухлая fleshy

распухшая swollen

сильная strong

слабая weak

смуглая olive; dark

тонкая fine-boned; gentle

тыльная сторона the back of the ~

узкая narrow

хрупкая fragile

худая bony

широкая broad

ключица collarbone: The vampire saw a flash of pale skin and sharp, prominent collarbone as the boy turned, their eyes connecting even across the masses; clavicle: Then I got my x-rays taken. When they were done, the doctor came back in and said that I had the worst clavicle fracture she had ever seen

острые sharp

выступающие jutting

торчащие sticking out

кожа skin: She's really pretty, isn't she? Her skin looks so baby smooth

белая white

белоснежная ~ as white as snow

гладкая smooth

грубая coarse

гусиная goose skin/flesh

дряблая flabby жёлтая sallow

жирная oily

загорелая tanned

здоровая healthy

зудящаяся itchy

морщинистая wrinkled

нежная soft; delicate

нечистая blemished

обветренная chapped

обожженная burnt

обожженная на солнце sunburnt

плохая bad

пористая ~ with large pores

потрескавшаяся broken

прыщавая spotty

раздражимая irritable

светлая fair

сияющая glowing

смуглая olive

сухая dry

тёмная dark

толстая thick

тонкая thin; fine

упругая supple

чёрная black

чистая clear

чувствительная sensitive

шершавая rough

шелушащаяся flaky; scabbed

складки кожи folds of I have recently lost large amounts of weight and have excess skin folds

гореть burn: His skin burned and his heart pumped adrenaline to his brain

жечь burn: The poison burned his skin, causing him great pain

зудеть itch: His eyes bum and his skin itches from the heat of the sun

висеть sag: I am developing fine lines and wrinkles and my skin sags. I may refer to my skin as the texture of crepe paper

облезать peel (off): Two hours later, his skin was peeling off, with an intense burning sensation

покрываться (пятнами) be/get covered with a rash: His arms were mostly covered with a rash that turned crusty white

сжигать кожу get sunburned: Chris, Bryan and I fell asleep in the sun and got sunburned to hell; burn one's She spread this mixture on the inside of a cloak and gave it to Hercules. When the hero put on the cloak, it burnt his skin, even after he removed it

следить/ухаживать за кожей take care of one's I take care of my skin but I am also at peace with myself

трескаться crack: His skin dried and cracked like clay чесаться to itch: So the little boy walks on. He doesn't notice that little flakes of skin are faling off, but his skin itches more and is turning bright red

шелушиться peel: People had a lot of burns on their body and their skin was peeling

-кожий -skinned: She was called the Ivory-skinned woman


колено knee: Her fleshy hips taper into gracefully curved legs, with softly rounded knees and ample calves, ending in small, undulatory feet with bulbous toes; (верхняя часть ноги от колен и выше, когда говорят о том, что кто-то / что-то сидит, лежит и т. п. на чьих-то коленях) lap: Не put a rather large hat on his lap and he was making different noises

в синяках bruised

гладкие smooth

голые bare

костлявые bony

круглые rounded

ободранное scraped

опухшее swollen

острые pointy

поврежденное damaged

полные soft; round

разбитое scraped and bruised

распухшее swollen

расцарапанное scratched

худые skinny

вывихнуть колено dislocate one's That night the boy rolled about in his sleep and dislocated his knee; wrench one's When he fell under the weight of his wounded comrade, he wrenched his knee but quickly rose to his feet and, despite excruciating pain, resolutely limped the remaining distance to the helicopter with his heavy load

преклонять колено bend one's The young man bent his knee as if to a heavenly being, and touched her white fingers with his lips

сгибать колени bend one's He bent his knees and slapped them with his hands to the beat that was in his head

копна волос shock of hair: What a scandal Adam's birth to the young, unmarried Jennifer caused. Although she never publicly named the father, the child's shock of red hair implicated Paddy Redmond who left the village soon afterwards; a head of hair: He has a thick head of hair; mane: When I was your age I used to have a mane to my waist

коренастый stocky: Napoleon has been belittled by generations of British writers as a short, stocky man, ruthlessly cruel and egotistical; stumpy:

The Earl it в shorter- than -average, stumpy old man, with a florid face , balding pate, and loud voice; dumpy: Suddenly, a short, dampy man holding an umbrella and a seek marked «loot» descended from a nearby helicopter

коротконогий short-legged: / know his mother well, and they were all appalled when he married that woman. Stocky, short-legged dung she и

коротышка shrimp: Who's the little shrimp over by the door?, tquatty person: The princess gave the frog a big kiss. As she kissed him. there was a big POOF!, and a flash of light and a cloud of smoke! When the smoke cleared away, standing right in front of her, where there had once been a homely, squatty little frog she now saw a ... well, a homely, squatty little man

коса plait: She was a thin girls with her hair in two Utile plaits

косматый shaggy: One day, Dorothy was outside of her old farmhouse, and a big, shaggy man came by

кособокий lopsided: After the accident she has double vision and lost one third of her intestines. Ten inches of muscles were lorn horizontally from her pelvic bone leaving her with a lopsided body; crooked: He saw an old man, tooth broken, body crooked, trembling

косоглазие squint: My friend with a 4 month old baby is convinced that the child has a squint and I can see some evidence of this if / put my face dose to the baby's face

косоглазый cross-eyed: After 30 years, he still draws portraits of girls he had crushes on in high school, including a «cross-eyed farm girl who wore homemade clothes to school»; squint-eyed: My boss was definitely a squint- eyed rogue

косой squinting: Ras knocked on the door, and after a moment it was unlocked by a squinting man with long hair

костлявый bony: Mr. Mayberry is described as a tall, bony man, of great physical strength and endurance

кошей (кожа да кости) «crag What do you see in that scrag? красавчик hunk: What a hunk!

красивый beautiful: She is more beautiful than Aphrodite; (особ, о муж­чинах) handsome: He is so handsome, women fall for him like a row of ninepins

краснеть blush: You make me blush

красноносый red-nosed: The owner, Vern, was a red-nosed man who had once been a student of philosophy

краснощекий red-cheeked: He Is always red-cheeked after his morning runs In the park

красота beauty: Her beauty is her main asset but it cannot last forever

крепкий strong: She is a strong woman and she works out every day to keep her body in shape

крепкого сложения strongly-built: He was slim yet strongly'built, an ex- mountie who had a gift for writing; sturdilybuilt: A sturdilybuilt short- legged man wearing a top hat, with black moustache is standing in the middle of the ring

кривой на левый / правый глаз blind in one's left / right eye: Chad was born blind in his left eye and with a dark, slanting birthmark that resembled a surgical scar on the right side of his neck

кривоногий crooked-legged: Their ancestors were short, crooked-legged mongoloids

круглолицый round-faced: He was a middle-aged man, round-faced, jocular, and good-natured, and we soon became good friends; chubby: A chubby, tall, red-nosed man dressed like Santa appeared out of nowhere

кудри curies: It was such a lovely baby — lovely rosy cheeks and such curls!

кудрявый curly: She is a very curly girl and beefiest baby is curly, too; (мелкие пышные кудри) frizzy: I'm growing out my hair right no», not sure how long my large! is... but a major problem I "m having is keeping my hair from getting dry and frizzy

курносый snub-nosed: Eleven-year-old Emily, a pen, snub -nosed girl with brown hair and glasses, wants to be а TV star; pug-nosed. Jimmy was an ugly guy, short, pug-nosed, a shock of short brown hair in a permanent slale of dishevellmenl


ладонь palm: He has narrow palms which, according to my palmist, shows a lack of imagination, of courage and even temper

большая laige

влажная damp

гладкая smooth

горячая hot

грубая rough

жёсткая tough

маленькая small

мягкая soft

нежная tender

потная sweaty

твёрдая hard

тёплая warm

узкая narrow

холодная cold

шершавая rough

широкая broad

левша left-handed person: In ages past, society was not sympathetic to left-handed persons. Young students who preferred using their left hand to write were punished for doing so; lefty: Twice as many males as females are lefties

лицо face: His face was red with excitemenl

багровое purple

без выражения expressionless; straight

безобразное ugly

бесс грастное impassive; poker

бледное pale

большое large

весёлое merry

веснушчатое freckled

выбритое clean-shaven

выразительное expressive

гладкое smooth

глупое stupid

грубое coarse

грустное sad

длинное long

дряблое sagging; flaccid

живое lively

жирное fat

заплаканное tear-stained

застывшее set; immobile

измученное exhausted; worn-out

интересное interesting

испуганное frightened

квадратное square

конопатое freckled

красивое beautiful; handsome

круглое round

круглое, как луна moon-like

крупное large

курносое r with a turned-up nose

лоснящееся shiny; oily

лошадиное horse; horsey

маленькое small

мертвенное deathly pale; ghastly

миловидное nice-looking

милое pretty; sweet

морщинистое wrinkled

мясистое fleshy

накрашенное made-up

напряжённое tense;

небритое unshaven

невыразительное unexpressive

неподвижное immobile

неприятное unpleasant

несимпатичное unpleasant; unattractive

несчастное unhappy

обветренное weather-beaten; chapped

обрюзгшее flabby

одутловатое puffy

одухотворённое spiritual

окаменевшее hardened; rigid

опухшее swollen; puffy

острое sharp

осунувшееся pinched; drawn

отёкшее swollen

открытое open; frank

отрешённое aloof

отталкивающее repulsive

перекошенное от злости ~ distorted by anger

плоское flat

поблекшее faded; withered

подвижное mobile

постаревшее old; aged

постное pious; glum

прелестное charming

привлекательное attractive

приятное pleasant

продолговатое oblong

противное revolting; disgusting

равнодушное apathetic

радостное happy

распухшее swollen; puffy

румяное ruddy

рябое pitted; pock-marked

сердитое angry

симпатичное nice; pretty

скуластое broad; ~ with prominent cheekbones

счастливое happy

топорное crude

увядшее withered

удивлённое surprised

удлинённое elongated

узкое narrow

усталое tired

утомлённое weary; tired

хорошее nice

широкое wide; broad

широкоскулое broad

цвет лица complexion: A poor complexion or dry skin is evidence that you 're not eating right

здоровый healthy complexion

землистый sallow complexion

нездоровый unhealthy complexion; poor complexion

свежий fresh complexion

красить лицо make up one's Her face was heavily made up — under the rouge she wore a greasy base — and she had an air of suppressed sadness

показывать лицо show one's He did not dare show his face

лоб forehead: The Neanderthal skull was heavier than ours, but with a brain case as large or larger than the modern human average. It had a strong brow, a sloping forehead, with a protruding face; brow: He wrinked his already wrinkled brow and asked, «Are you sure?»

большой large

выпуклый protuberant

высокий high

гладкий smooth

крутой steep

морщинистый wrinkled forehead; furrowed brow

небольшой small

невысокий low

низкий low

покатый sloping

потный sweaty

прямой straight

узкий narrow

широкий broad

морщить лоб frown one's Не frowned his forehead in helplessness. Perhaps his father would help him, he thought

-лобый have + adj + forehead: He has a narrow forehead

лодыжка ankle: The trouser leg drew up, revealing a slender ankle and the beginnings of a shapely calf

изящная elegant; graceful

стройная slender

сухая bony

тонкая slim

точёная exquisite

узкая narrow

ломать лодыжку break one's He broke his ankle when he fell into the sink

подвернуть лодыжку turn one's -: Ryan turned his ankle a couple of days ago and we weren't sure he could play; twist one's —: Last year, he twisted his ankle on the job

растянуть лодыжку sprain one's Unfortunately for him, on the morning of the

match during fielding drills he accidentally stood on a cricket ball and sprained his right ankle

локон lock: Lean, muscular and very tall, Butters wears leather armor and is bald except for a foot long blond lock platted from the crown of his scalp

локоть elbow: A young bicyclist hit by a car last Friday suffered only a scraped elbow

ободранный scraped

острый sharp

лопоухий lop-eared: Those two lop-eared boys of hers sat down and curled right up tight to the edge of her skirts

лупоглазый boggle-eyed: Eddie Cantor will always be remembered as the irrepressible, naughty boggle-eyed clown and saucy singer; pop-eyed: At age 27, pale, pop-eyed, and soft-bodied, Buck behaves childishly, almost as if he's willfully immature, bug-eyed: The comical bug-eyed black man or woman was the standard stereotype for blacks in silent films лысеть lose one's hair: Both Tim and Pat started to lose hair at the same time and in the same pattern; go bald: You could go bald by the time you are 20 if you keep dying your hair so much

лысеющий balding: Peering through the glass door, Nancy saw a tall, blond young man shaking his finger at a shorter, stocky, balding man

лысый bald: The Mayor himself is a plain bald man; bald-headed: Richard S. Ewe It, a lisping, pop-eyed, beaked-nosed, bald-headed man happened to be Liz's cousin and love interest

ляжка thigh: J've hated my thighs since school, when they began looking bigger that the rest of me

дряблые flabby

жирные fat

мускулистые muscular

огромные enormous

толстые thick; heavy

худые thin


маленький (малорослый) short: He was short and slim, and I told him he looked like a tadpole

мертвенный deathly: He was looking deathly white; ghastly: Everyone used to comment on her paleness, especially with her blond hair she used to look ghastly sometimes

миловидный pretty: She is as pretty as a picture

модный fashionable: The fashionable man in the early 1910s was seen wearing a one or three button cutaway frock coat or the double breasted sack which is a straight lined jacket; stylish: Probably the most stylish man ever to tread this Earth, James Bond and the men who portray

the character had this confident, no-nonsense air about them — and with good reason

мозолистый callous: His son was so happy that he just sat there feeling his callous fingers, eyes bright with gratitude

мозоль (наполненная жидкостью) a blister: Once you have a blister, don't burst it as it may introduce infection; (загрубевшая кожа) callous: He had a craggy, weather-beaten face under thinning gray hair and large hands with heavy callouses from his boyhood days on a farm; (на ноге, особенно на пальцах) corn: Never try to dig out a corn yourself, because the center is often deep-rooted

моложавый young-looking: I remember my amazement that such a young- looking woman had given birth to eighteen children and survived the hardships she described; young for one's age: He looks very young for his age, he is 58 and looks like he is about 40; youthful: When you exercise, you relax. When you relax, you look younger and more youthful

морда mug: Today's Hollywood Reporter says the ubiquitous John Travolta will next insert his mug into «Domestic Disturbance», a film about a guy who grows suspicious of his son's new stepdad

мордастый with a big fat face: He's such a funny-looking boy with that big fat face, and his little blue eyes, and his ears sticking out like flaps

морщина wrinkle: He thrusts his chin out so that the wrinkles on his neck should not show; line: The passage of time can be read in the lines of his face. The stress, strain, traveling and pressure have turned Martin's once youthful face into a wizened one

морщинистый wrinkled: She is tall and spare, with wrinkled face, bright eyes, a kindly expression, and she wears her iron grey hair wound in a knob in the manner of a past generation; lined: With his long white hair, flowing robes, and lined face, to Bob he looked at least 100 years old; puckered: Those poor, old, wrinkled and puckered hands knew what work was, there was no such thing as «woman's* work

мохнатый hairy: Who is that hairy bloke with a tatoo on his chest?

мощный powerful: Philip is thin with powerful legs and arms. He wears tiny, studious, gold-rimmed glasses; vigorous: I try to portray the body that has been polished and honed by hard work and clean living, is healthy and vigorous

мужеподобный masculine: Amazon is a legendary woman warrior, a masculine woman; manlike: Most of Michelangelo's females seem to be extremely muscular and manlike, to the point that it is sometimes difficult to tell if a clothed image is male or female; mannish: I knew her as that thing, «an auntie», in this particular case a tall and mannish woman who came up to Scotland from London carrying presents

мягкотелый flabby: Being a flabby man, he wore a corselet, the tightest he could cram himself into; soft body: He wasn't my type, too fair and he didn't work out, his body as soft as his lips

мясистый fleshy: The small bright eyes, buried deeply in his fleshy face, twinkled with intelligence and an unabated curiosity of life; meaty: He leaned back in his own chair and watched as the Englishman dabbed with his napkin at his meaty face; beefy: I couldn't figure out if she didn't know she was fat, or didn't care.. If the latter, I must say I admire her courage and self image. She was wearing a tight tube top... Her bare middle showing with all its purple stretch marks and a pair of short shorts, showing off equally beefy legs


нагой nude: The most beautiful subject to photograph, for me, is a person. And the nude human body is the most basic and beautiful form of the subject

накладка toupee: At first Jim wasn't going to wear the toupee, but as he finds out that everyone thinks he's in his mid-40's, he begins to wear it

нарядный smart: You are looking smart today!

насупленный sulky: He walked about the house with a very sulky face, would take no notice of books or games, and seemed determined to be miserable; frowning: His eyes droop and it makes him look frowning

нахмуренный frowning: Suddenly a young man with curly black hair falling over a frowning forehead pushed his way between us

невзрачный plain: She is a plain-looking kid, but they are all plain at that age

неказистый plain: He only wants a woman young enough to bear his children, so any plain-looking spinster will do; homely: Bennett is a homely man in a tweed jacket, polyester slacks, a haystack haircut and horn-rimmed glasses; not much to look at: / know that I'm not much to look at

некрасивый bad-looking: She is not really bad-looking, she does not make the most of herself; unattractive: As I remember him, he was an old, uninteresting, and rather unattractive man, or so I thought

немощный feeble: Hans is a short feeble man with skin «like a peanut» and wears extremely thick eyeglasses; sickly: Plagued by asthma and rickets as a child, he was determined to strengthen his frail and sickly body

неопрятный sloppy: This tall, scruffy, sloppy man with poor posture and hygiene and a severe allergy to long pants is definitely a college kid who refused to grow up; untidy: I had known this man for a long time, he was one of the most repulsive, deteriorated, untidy people in the ward

непримечательный insignificant-looking: He was a curious contrast to his insignificant-looking little son

непропорциональный disproportionate: I gave up bodybuilding after a year. It was because I couldn't stand the sight of my disproportionate body

неряшливый scruffy: I can say I'm rather scruffy looking. People are always telling me, «Adam, cut your hair, shave off your beard, the women will be flocking to you»

нескладный ungainly: By adolescence she was an ungainly girl with a bad case of acne; clumsy: Gregory is a typical teenager shy around girls, clumsy to the point of embarrasment, growing faster than his mind or his clothes are happy with, and above all desperate to fall in love

нечесанный dishevelled: Baba Yaga was a Slavonic goddess described as a tail, gaunt hag with dishevelled hair; unkempt: About five foot four, bald on top with scraggly hair in the sides and back, he has an unkempt beard and yellow teeth

низкорослый undersized: No one can call such an undersized man handsome; shortish: A shortish, bulky man, he was surprisingly agile behind the stumps, though his excitement sometimes led to mistakes arising from over-eagerness

нога leg: She has good legs, long and slender; (стопа) foot: 75% of foot problems are caused by ill-fitting shoes

большие large feet

голые bare legs / feet

длинные long legs

жилистые sinewy legs / feet

загорелые tanned legs

искусственная artificial leg

кавалерийские bow legs

как спички legs like matchsticks

короткие short legs

костлявые bony legs

кривые crooked legs

маленькие small feet

мускулистые muscular legs

опухшие swollen leg / feet

отёкшие swollen leg / feet

прямые straight legs

распухшие swollen legs / feet

сильные strong legs

слабые weak legs

стройные well-shaped legs; shapely legs; slender legs

толстые thick legs; heavy legs

тонкие thin legs

узкие narrow feet

худые skinny legs

широкие wide feet

волочить ноги drag one's feet: He was a huge man with wide, sloping shoulders, and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little

вытягивать ногу spread one's leg: The demon spread his hem leg across the stream and dared the king to cross over it to the other side; stretch one's leg: He stretched his leg out to be more comfortable

опускать ногу lower one's leg: Now, the Friar lowered his leg to the ground and stood up straight

пинать ногой kick one's leg: He kicked his leg and then slapped his hands in disgust

поднимать ногу lift one's leg: He asked one student to get up and lift one of his legs. The student lifted his right leg; raise leg: He raised his right leg, and set it down, and then his left leg, and repeated these movements for a few minutes

постукивать ногой tap one's foot: He took classical piano lessons briefly from a teacher who tried to discourage his interest in jazz and complained that he was tapping his feet to the music

распрямлять ноги straighten one's legs: He straightened out his legs and rolled over to one side

сгибать ногу bend one's leg: As the old man bent his legs to sit down, his jacket opened up to reveal a wrinkled white shirt and threadbare olive colored necktie

скрещивать ноги cross one's legs: He sat on the sofa, turning to lean against the armrest as he crossed his legs

топать ногой stamp one's foot: «You must give me back my caps!», he shouted and stamped both his feet

шаркать ногами shuffle one's feet: Dust rose as he snorted again and shuffled his feet slightly, taking a backward step

-ногий -legged: She gave birth to a three-legged boy

ноготь (finger) nail: I'm going to let my fingernails grow long and paint them deep red; (на ноге) toe-nail: Mr Evans had really bad habits and at that moment he was biting his filthy toe-nails off with his teeth. He heard the doorbell ring, which made him jump and rip the toe-nail off

вросший ingrowing toe-nail

крашенный polished; painted; manicured

обкусанный bitten

сломанный broken

делать маникюр manicure one's -: She manicured her nails, wore perfume, and was known for her trademark scarves, artfully tied and color-coordinated with her outfits; have/get one's 1 manicured: Her nails were immaculate, they were always flawless. They were long, too, almost 2 inches. She got them manicured regularly; have/get one's ~ done: / have to make an appointment for tomorrow to get my nails done

кусать ногти bite one's He used to smoke, but recently quit and now he bites his nails

красить ногти paint one's My first memories of nailpolish is when 1 would watch my mother paint her nails. She had long perfectly manicured nails and she would paint each nail very carefully; polish one's My teenage niece has been wearing the nails of one hand polished blue, the other purple

ломать ногти break one's The other day he broke one of his toe nails. This is the second nail he broke this year

подравнивать ногти trim How do I trim my baby's nails without cutting his fingers?

подрезать ногти pare one's Pare your finger-nails on Monday before breakfast and you will receive a present (superstition)

подпиливать ногти file one's «Darling, I'll always love you», she said calmly, filing her nails

стричь ногти cut -: She was trying to cut his nails, missed and cut his fingers

ноздря nostril: His nose resembled a tiny potato, with enlarged pores like potato eyes, the yawning, hairy nostrils might have been clots of loam

большие large

волосатые hairy

вывернутые up-turned

изогнутые curved

маленькие small

тонко вырезанные finely shaped

вздрагивать quiver: As Dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him. He heaved a deep breath, and his nostrils quivered with pleasure

раздуваться flare: That whole business makes my head hurt, my stomach churn and my nostrils flare unattractively with repressed rage

трепетать quiver: I know why my mouth waters and what makes my nostrils quiver

нос nose: She hates having her photo taken because of her large nose

безобразный ugly

большой big

веснушчатый freckled

вздёрнутый tumed-up; snub; pointy

горбатый humpy

длинный long

заострённый pointed; pointy

забитый stuffy

заложенный stuffy

изящный exquisite

короткий short

костистый bony

кривой crooked

крупный large

курносый turned-up; snub-nosed

лиловый purplish

маленький little

мокрый runny; wet

мясистый fleshy

картошкой large bulbous

крючком hooked

обгоревший (на солнце) sunburned

облезший peeling

обмороженный frost-bitten

орлиный aquiline

острый sharp; needle

перебитый broken

плоский flat

приплюснутый pug

прямой straight

пуговкой button

разбитый bleeding

расквашенный bleeding

распухший swollen

римский Roman

сизый bluish

синий purple

сопливый runny; snotty

толстый thick; fat

тонкий thin

точёный exquisite

угреватый - covered with blackheads

уродливый ugly

хищный beaklike

широкий wide

кончик носа tip of one's He has a white spot about the size of a quarter on the tip of his nose

вытирать нос wipe one's He wiped his nose upon a sleeve, turned and walked away

ковырять в носу pick one's My wife turned to wave at them and as she did she noticed that the gentleman in the backseat was picking his nose

кровь идет / течет из носа bleed: If your nose is bleeding, pinch your nostrils firmly together just below the nasal bones for 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops

сморкаться blow one's He pulled a hankie from his pocket and blew his nose with a mighty blast

сопеть breathe heavily through one's He wrinkles his nose, puts on his fierce face and starts breathing heavily through his nose течь из носа run: I do not feel very well today. I have a cold and my nose is running

шмыгать носом sniff: The vet wiped the anal thermometer across the brown sleeve of his old tweed jacket, plucked the antique stethoscope from his ears and sniffed loudly

фыркать носом snort: He snorted and said, «А girl playing the drums?»; sniff: «It was wonderful doing business with you,» he sniffed coldly

носатый big-nosed: I was the skinniest, big-nosed, glasses-wearing geek in my class

-носый -nosed: In the paintings, potato-nosed guys in big hats march through deserts and canyons like an army


обветренный weather-beaten: The skipper had a harsh voice, a weather- beaten face, and a stocky build; chapped: Dry, chapped skin is more prone to sun damage

обвислый flabby: My pants keep getting tighter and tighter as my flabby belly grows softer and softer; sagging: Man us 'face is worn with the wrinkles that devebp over time, the large bags beneath his eyes and sagging cheeks are signs of his age

обгорелый sun-burnt: Every day my dad would wear a wetsuit so that he didn't get sun burnt as his skin is sensitive to the sun; burnt: Have you ever observed a woman who is a «sun worshipper* ? Her skin has become wrinkled, blemished, burnt and dried

обезображенный disfigured: In this chilling study of suspicion and despair, a horribly disfigured man experiences a sense of personal isolation after a physician gives him the face of another

облезлый shabby: From the far side of the room we recognize a shabby white man with a week's growth of stubble and a furtive manner

облысение hair loss: In women, permanent hair loss is the result of a disease

обнаженный nude: This dark and talented beauty has used her nude body as an instrument in all types of films; naked: Franko В is an internationally acclaimed artist who works with his naked, bleeding body, challenging the audience to confront their ideas of beauty

ободранный in rags: One day she saw a man in rags who she asked to sit for a painting; ragged: «Rats! Rats!» the Rat Catcher cried, coming up the empty village street, one-eyed and ragged, his cat tucked under his arm

обрюзглый fat and flabby: Mr. Solomon Pell was a fat flabby pale man, in a suit which looked green one minute and brown the next

обтрепанный shabby / shabby-looking: A man was walking in the city, when he was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking tramp who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner

обычный ordinarylooking: Conrad, a very ordinarylooking man, down- to-earth, and a no-nonsense businessman is renowned for his expertise

огрубелый callous; It appeared to be the hand of a man. Long fingers of a woodworker. Callous palms of a carpenter; coarse: The man is a contradiction — he has the coarse hands of a manual worker and the vocabulary of an intellectual

одетый безупречно immaculately dressed: As a young man, he was handsome and immaculately dressed, but when older dressed simply with no tie and shirt open at the neck

- безвкусно tastelessly dressed: When / saw her, she was richly, but tastelessly dressed, her fingers being literally covered with rings

одноглазый one-eyed: In the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is king

одноногий one-legged: A one-legged man lived as a hermit near the Bear Island River. He lived alone with a gathering of wild birds, squirrels, chipmunks and deer to keep him company

однорукий one-armed: Dr. Kimble was just returning home when he witnessed Fred Johnson, a fiendish-looking one-armed man, running from the vicinity of his house; one-handed: Francis captures perfectly the fears, insecurities and the vulnerability of a one-handed man in a two-handed world. In a society that worships the beautiful, the deformed are the true outsiders

одноухий one-eared: Stephen's horse was led along by a loony, curly- haired, one-eared man

одутловатый puffy: He always disliked red-headed males, with their white eyelashes and puffy faces

опрятный neat: She failed to make her son a neat boy; tidy: This is a tidy man who hates dust, disorder and never leaves any behind him

опухший swollen: My face is a little bit swollen, and my nose has never looked that huge!

осанистый portly: Very soon a large portly man appeared from a back room and asked me what I required

осиплый husky: They just loved the way she would growl at then in о really deep husky voice; hoarse: In the last room down the hall I heard a hoarse voice and an old guitar

остроглазый sharp-eyed: This necklace was spotted in a pawnbroker's by a sharp-eyed policeman, and retrieved; keen-eyed: He's a fit, striking looking man, keen-eyed, sharp witted. deceptively subtle; sharp-sighted: So sharp is the sight с/ the lynx that the people of ancient times believed It could see even through a stone wall. That is why sharp-sighted people are still referred to as 'lynx-eyed'

остроносый sham-nosed: She lived with a prim, sharp-nosed old aunt

осунувшийся haggard: The sweat was running down his haggard face, and his eyes were staring wildly

отечный bloated: I can 7 see why it would interest anyone to see my bloated face or know my history or read whatever nonsense I have to say

откормленный well-fed: Everyone in this village is well-fed and content

отощалый emaciated: Then Marshall spotted a tall, emaciated man. What is wrong with that man, she asked

оттопыренный protruding: He has very large protruding ears and his friends are beginning to tease him; sticking out: You can imagine how big the daddy's ears were! I've only ever seen bigger and more sticking-out ears on one person

охриплый hoarse: She is a teacher and often suffers from a hoarse voice

оцепенелый torpid: He lay on the ground, torpid and fatigued, having labored in the toiling cotton fields in the blazing sun; (от холода и т. п.) benumbed: Suddenly a flood of hot tears burst from her eyes, color came back to her cheeks, a healthy glow spread over her benumbed limbs


палец (руки) finger Не had strong mobile fingers of a musician or a surgeon, (ноги) toe: He never wears sandals for the simple reason that he is embarassed to show his hairy toes

безымянный the ring finger

большой the thumb

быстрые nimble

волосатые hairy

длинные long

дрожащие trembling

жирные fat

как сосиски - like sausages; stumpy

короткие short

костлявые bony

красивые beautiful

кривые crooked

ловкие dexterous

мизинец the little finger

неверные uncertain

негнущиеся stiff

неловкие clumsy

нервные nervous

обмороженные frostbitten

одеревеневшие stiff

подвижные agile

прямые straight

растопыренные splayed

ровные even

скрюченные crooked; gnarled

слабые weak

средний the middle finger

толстые thick

тонкие slender; thin; delicate

трясущиеся shaking

узловатые knotted

указательный the index finger

худые thin

цепкие prehensile

кончики пальцев finger ti ps: My skin was extremely dried out. My finger tips were wrinkled and sensitive, and I had trouble opening bottles

грозить пальцем shake one's - (at): Sir Allan's face grew bright as

his scarf and he shook his finger at Conan

ковырять пальцем poke one's ~ (in): He should not have poked his

finger or any other object into the bullet wound

показывать пальцем point (at): Why is he pointing at me and


тыкать пальцем poke one's -: The off-duty pilot repeatedly poked his finger in her face as they argued

парик wig: Men in the 17th century wore wigs and frock-coats

паршивый scabby: «It's the Gringo's fault», Gustavo says, «that I am what I am now, what I've become these last years — a lice-bitten, scabby old man»; mangy: Somewhere within the depths of Brian's paternal instinct, he wanted to hug his mangy son for a very long time. Nonetheless, he held back from any close contact

перекошенный twisted: Ollie's twisted face was thought to be caused by an injury; distorted: His face was distorted from swelling

переносица bridge of the nose: The bridge of the nose was pierced, the septum of the nose, and all along the lips were also pierced

перхоть dandruff: Nobody ever died of dandruff, but that's a small consolation if you spy those awful white flakes sprinkled on your jacket

плечо shoulder: The man was still sitting in the waiting room, his shoulders were rigid, his crooked fingers interlaced

квадратные square

костлявые bony

маленькие small

острые bony

открытые bare

покатые sloping

полные full

прямые straight

сильные strong

слабые weak

узкие narrow

худые thin

широкие broad

пожимать плечами shrug one's The man only shook his head and shrugged his shoulders and opened his mouth and gaped as if he realty could not believe his own eyes

расправлять плечи square one's He squared his shoulders, and held himself upright, proud to be a member of such a distinguished force!

распрямлять плечи straighten one's He straightened, squared his shoulders, and peered down at her through narrowed eyes

плешивый bald: Rachel gravitated towards Matt Pinfield — she was hypnotized by his shiny bald head

плешивость baldness: Actually, /'m not too fussed about my baldness, but what I miss most is having my hair cut and combed

плоскостопие flat feet: People with flat feet usually can run fast and are less likely to become injured

плюгавый shrimpy: He was a shrimpy little man with a Napoleonic complex; runty: Henden came at him out of the crowd, a runty guy with a bad haircut

подбородок chin: In the morning light he notices her double chin and wrinkled neck, and feels trapped

большой large

гладкий smooth

двойной double

квадратный square

круглый round

маленький small

массивный large; heavy

острый pointed

раздвоенный cleft

тяжёлый heavy

держать подбородок высоко поднятым to keep one's - up: Rather embarrassed by this strange predicament, Pete kept his chin up and swallowed his pride

подвижный lively: He was very ugly-looking when you first examined him, but he had a very lively face with a lot of expression; mobile: His ears are large and mobile

подозрительный suspicious-looking: She said there were some suspicious- looking people in the next room

подошва sole: She had scales on the soles that appeared to be from bums

голые bare

грубые rough

мозолистые calloused

нежные soft

потрескавшиеся dry; cracked

подъём instep: I have doubts about the sandals you sent. Steven's feet are wide with a high instep. He says these elastic ones are too tight on his feet

высокий high

грациозный graceful

низкий low

полногрудая full-bosomed: It struck both Mr. and Mrs. Samsa, that in recent months, despite all the troubles that had drained the colour from her cheeks, she had blossomed into a beautiful, full-bosomed girl; buxom: A generation ago buxom actresses were popular

полный stout: I saw him talking to a stout middle-aged woman plastered with diamonds; corpulent: He is a what many would call corpulent man; plump: She is as plump as a partridge

поры pores: Now that you know her, and love her, does it matter that she has large pores or graying hair?

потасканный seedy: Scott is a seedy man thought to be seeking any money he can to finance his films. He shows an unnatural obsession with sharks and mountains of mashed potatoes; scruffy: The occupant of the cell was a small, scruffy man who was serving time for a minor weapons offence as well as being a prime suspect in two murders

потливый sweaty: I refuse to sit through another movie that has a bomb, a fight scene, a gun, or a hairy, sweaty man

потный sweaty: A nervous, sweaty man with glasses arouses suspicion, enough for the officer to inspect the trunk; damp with perspiration: Sweat rolled down his eyebrows. His throat and neck were damp with perspiration. He was wearing a T-shirt also damp with perspiration

потрепанный shabby: She stared at the strange shabby old man who constantly clenched and unclenched his fists and mumbled to himself; seedy: «They think I'm a seedy old man in the basement of a building grinding out pornography,» he said

походка gait: Moving across the room with a bouncy gait and smiling face, Confer tells the class that she's sad. No one believes her

правша right-handed person: A right-handed, blue-eyed man marries a right-handed, brown-eyed woman. They have two children, one left- handed and brown-eyed and the other right-handed and blue-eyed

представительный imposing: He approached the receptionist desk. The receptionist was a large imposing woman who looked like a wrestler; impressive: General Claude Legrand, a tall, impressive-looking man with a stentorian voice, had been a soldier for more than 30 years; dignified: He has a good voice, dignified appearance and a strong personality

привлекательный attractive: She was remarkably attractive for 58; good- looking: She is a good-looking woman, and she is very pleasant to be with

приземистый squat: The young man is holding one arm, which is bandaged. He's talking to a squat man in dirty clothing; stocky: She tries to focus on the woman standing before her, a short, stocky woman

прилизанный sleek: Sherry has naturally curly hair and is on a mission to achieve smooth, frizz-free curls or a sleek, straight surface

прическа hairdo: The only thing worse than her life is her hairdo, and the only thing worse than her hairdo is her wardrobe

пробор parting: From 1850 onward, more and more people could afford to go to a hairdresser. In the beginning of this period, most people had French hairstyles, the typical sign of which was a middle parting

косой side parting

прямой parting in the middle; central parting

делать пробор part one's hair in the middle / on the side: He parts

his hair in the middle, and I part mine on the side

носить волосы на прямой пробор wear one's hair parted in the middle: She wears her hair long, parted in the middle, swept back,

and fastened into a bun at the back of the head

носить волосы на косой пробор wear one's hair parted on the

side: She usually wears her hair parted on the side and free floating

over her shoulders

пропорциональный proportionate: The body looks proportionate when the shoulders and bust are similar in size to the hips

проседь streak of grey hair: A middle-aged man with a streak of grey hair walked onto the stage

простоволосый bare-headed: If a woman was seen bare-headed in Corinth, she was immediately identified as a prostitute

прыщ spot: He has more spots than brain cells; pimple: Almost everyone gets pimples occasionally, and they always seem to come at the worst possible time

прыщавый spotty: Your face is so damn spotty!

прядь strand: Brown hair has many different tones, from golden strands to dark brown

пугало scarecrow: Jack was the poorest lad in all the kingdom. He was also the scruffiest. He looked like a scarecrow; fright: She did look a fright.

Her beautiful red hair was all tangled up and matted, swirling around her bruised head like a giant, unraveling red turban

пузатый big-bellied: At 54, Reynolds, a short, bald, big-bellied man, is full of such grand ideas, which he will promulgate, unsolicited, at a moment's notice; pot-bellied: He walked up a couple of rows and spoke to an older, pot-bellied man who had a long gray beard; paunchy: A paunchy, cigarette- smoking man emerges from one of the Jeeps and asks them what they "re doing in a restricted military zone

пузо belly: His belly is soft and warm; paunch: He was in the middle forties, with a small paunch and pale hair

пухленький chubby: I look back at pictures of myself at 13 and / see a chubby girl with curly hair and braces, always decked out in fuzzy pink sweaters; plump: In the distance — about seventy-five feet ahead — a plump woman gave instructions on how to fill out the forms

пухлый pudgy: She was a shortish pudgy woman who looked like she had all the weight of the world resting on her two shoulders; plump: Montello has asked Jimmy to take his wife, Mimi, a sexy, plump woman who's addicted to food, for a night of fun while he's away on business

пучеглазый goggle-eyed: Maruzzo stopped his work and eyed him. The little man was goggle-eyed with glasses, narrow chested, and shivering in the refrigeration of the wholesale meat market, freezing in his cheap wartime suit; bug-eyed: The investigator was a bug-eyed man in his late thirties with small feet and a round body

пышногрудая bosomy: And then her ex- husband came through the door, with not one but two lovely women — one bosomy and tall and the other bosomy and short

пышный (о фигуре) curvaceous: She is petite and curvaceous, smiles easily and has glowing skin

пятка heel: In an instant he was tottering on his hands, his dirty heels kicking high in the air


располагающая внешность pleasing appearance: Television announcers need a neat, pleasing appearance and a pleasant and well-controlled voice; prepossessing appearance: Mr.Crerar was a man of prepossessing appearance and possessed many social accomplishments

разделанный dishevelled: He was a cheerful boy with scruffy school uniform, a holey schoolbag, dishevelled hair and ink blotches on trousers, shirt and blazer; tousled: I have straightened my tousled head of hair, I have combed out 'my untied locks, I have let them fall down the back of my neck

ресница lash: Her eyes are her best feature. They 're wide, sympathetic and fringed by thick lashes; eyelash: She had long black eyelashes like a doll's

верхние the upper

густые thick

длинные long

загнутые curly

короткие short

накрашенные painted

нижние the lower

прямые straight

пушистые fluffy

редкие sparse

выпадать fall out: I was allergic to the mascara I was using, so my lashes fell out!

завивать ресницы to curt one's -: / usually curt lashes before applying mascara

красить ресницы to put mascara on: Many women don7 put mascara on their lower lashes because they want to avoid the spider-web look

рожа mug: Hopefully I don't have to see his ugly mug again

строить рожи to make face (at): We got bored on the train, so we made faces at people and my brother made subtle farting noises with his lips; to pull face (at): «Honestly, you're worse than he is,» Sue said quickly. Jeff pulled a face behind her back

рост height: He was of medium height with dark hair and thick eyebrows

рот mouth' She was pretty In в way. wide set eyes, large mouth, tawny skin, and hair that spilled onto her shoulders like melted honey аккуратный small: nicely shaped

бесформенный unshapely

большой large

ввалившийся sunken

красиво очерченный beautifully shaped

красивый beautiful

маленький little

небольшой small

нежный soft; tender

очаровательный charming

провалившийся sunken

пухлый full

чувственный sensual

широкий wide

закрывать рот close one's He opened his mouth, closed It, then opened it again; shut one's Every time he shut his mouth, his chin and bottom lip would discolor

набивать рот cram one's - (with food): The rich man stuffed his mouth with food and then looked Into the face of the starving man and was totally unmoved; stuff one's The Infamous Incident occurred when Paul stuffed so much chicken sandwich Into his mouth that the muscles of his jaw locked and he couldn't dose his mouth, let alone chew

полоскать рот rinse one's -: He rinsed his mouth, spat In the sink and continued to brush looking at his swollen eyes in the mirror

-ротый -mouthed: A knowledgeable friend, familiar with the predilections of the Saudi Arabian sheiks, once told me that the princes of the Arabian peninsula prefer small-mouthed American and European women

рука arm: They wore sheep-skin cloaks, their arms were bare; hand: He noticed the hand of one of the two sisters, a long claw-like hand

безжизненная limp hand

большая large arm / hand

в гипсе arm / hand in a cast

влажная wet hand

волосатая hairy arm / hand

высохшая withered arm

вялая limp; listless hand

гибкая lithe arm

гладкая smooth hand

голая bare hand

грубая rough hand

длинная long arm

железная iron hand

жилистая sinewy arm

загорелая tanned arm / hand

изящная elegant hand

короткая short arm

костлявая bony hand

красивая beautiful arm / hand

крепкая strong arm / hand

маленькая little arm / hand

мускулистая muscular arm

мягкая gentle hand; soft hand

на перевязи arm in a sling

небольшая small hand

негибкая stiff arm

нежная delicate hand

обветренная weather-beaten hand; chapped hand

отёкшая puffy arm / hand

пухлая pudgy arms / hand

распухшая swollen arm / hand

сильная strong arm / hand

слабая weak arm / hand

сломанная broken

сухая dry hand

толстая fat arm / hand

тонкая slender arm/hand; thin arm / hand

узкая narrow hand

ухоженная well-tended hand

худая skinny arm

широкая broad hand

брать за руку take hand / by the hand: The Prince took her by the hand and led her into the palace

вытягивать руку stretch one's arm: Finally he stretched out his arms and lay down on the blanket

держаться sa руки hold hands: We smiled, kissed, held hands and walked through the carnival like teenagers, ami It fell to good fust to hold her hand


намывать руки wring one's hands: She started to wring her hands nervously

махать рукой wave one's hand: The excited crowds waved hands, shouted and clapped hands; wave one's arm: He jumped up and down and waved his arms and yelled

опускать руку lower one's arm: The preacher ceased talking and slowly lowered his arms, which he had been flinging about during the course of the sermon; lower one's hand: Slowly, he lowered his hands, and / hissed under my breath as I looked at his eyes, swollen and an evil red in color

поднимать руку raise one's hand: He raised his handcuffed hands, pointed his cigarette at me and said, «I'm going to write you a letter from prison»; raise one's arm: He raised his arms in despair every time / mentioned the guy's name

пожимать руку (при приветствии) shake hand: Everybody shook his hand and waved good-bye as he got on the elevator

размахивать руками swing one's arms: Larson was kicking and swinging his arms wildly but when he opened his eyes he stopped

сгибать руку bend one's arm: They were at the crates and Fayette bent his arm, bringing the gun up and ready

сжимать руку clasp one's hand: He clasped his hands emotionally. «Oh, I'm so frightened!»

складывать руки fold one's arms: He felt his heart sink as he knew he would surely die. But for some reason he didn't feel the need to panic, he just folded his arms and crossed his legs

скрещивать руки cross one's arms: The soldier crossed his arms, his biceps bulged

стискивать руку clasp one's hand: As he fell to his knees and clasped his hands, he began to pray in front of everyone

хватать (за) руку grab hand: He suddenly grabbed my hands and said, «See, this is what I wanted to do»; grasp hand: The young man stepped over to Brian and grasped his hand, «I'm Eric Summers, pleased to meet you»

хлопать clap hands: Two children clapped hands faster and faster until one could not keep it up any longer

-рукий -armed: A gangling, loose-jointed, long-armed boy, a star athlete, George, has grown up to become an earnest, quiet-voiced man who dresses in rumpled suits

роскошный gorgeous: She is not a very good actress but she is really gorgeous

румянец blush: She wears a light purple dress and bow. The tints of lavender and lilac bring out the blush in her cheeks and the brightness in her blue eyes; flush: Recently, when 1 have sexual relations, I get a bright red flush on both cheeks

русый light-brown: I love your green eyes and light-brown hair

рыжий red-haired: At that moment the red-haired woman came up to the aristocracy with both freckled hands in her thick hair, scratching her head with her nails; red-head (n): He dislikes redheads with their white eyelashes and freckles

рябой (от оспы) pitted: Back in England, in 1715, Sloane treated one of the great beauties and literary wits, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, who was suffering from smallpox. She ended up with no eyelashes and a pitted face; pock-marked: The suspect is described as a male Hispanic, 40 to 50 years old, with short dark hair, a pock-marked face, and wearing a long-sleeved white shirt


светловолосый fair-haired: At a table on the opposite side of the hall sat a fair-haired young man

сгорбленный bent: Bent with age, the woman is wearing a long, belted chiton, which has puffed sleeves and which falls in heavy folds; hunched: He always sits hunched over his desk, sorting through a stack of bills and punching numbers into his calculator; crooked: The studio released' The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' on video. The first episode is 'The Crooked Manwhich stars Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, and David Burke as Dr. Watson

седина grey hair: She seems to expect me to look as / did at thirty, slim and untouched by lines or grey hair

седой (о волосах) grey: One day I observed a grey hair in my head, I plucked it right out; (о человеке) grey-haired: I'd rather die than go out with some short, grey-haired, 50-year-old executive with a manicure

секущиеся концы (волос) split ends: I had to have my hair cut to get rid of split ends

сильный strong: He is stronger than Hercules

симпатичный handsome: He is tall, dark and handsome; good-looking: He is very good-looking, but I do not fancy him; pretty: She is as pretty as a picture

синяк bruise: Small bruises will usually heal in 7 to 10 days, but a large bruise can take 2 or 3 weeks; (под глазом) black eye: A black eye can be worn as a badge of courage or an emblem of foolishness. But no matter how you got it, they are ugly, painful, and could cause eye damage

сиплый husky: Inga has a very deep, husky voice that sounds very androgynous; hoarse: I have developed a hoarse voice after having the flu. I have been hoarse for about four weeks

сказочный fabulous: How fabulous you really looked in that dress!

скоба (на зубы) braces: It's becoming more common (even trendy) to see adults wearing braces; dental plate: She had a dental plate on her teeth

скрюченный crooked: There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, and they all lived together in a crooked little house

скула cheekbone: For centuries, high cheekbones have been an essential ingredient of classic beauty

высокие high

выступающие prominent

квадратные square

широкие broad

скуластый with high / prominent cheekbones: Witnesses described the suspect as 5'3"or 5'4", dark-skinned, with short wavy hair and prominent cheekbones

слепой blind: He is as blind as a mole

слух ear: Of course, music comes from the soul, it is not a mere juggling with sounds, but many times players from a lower spirituality platform look better just because they have «a good ear», and a common misconception is that this cannot be improved; hearing: If you often ask people to repeat themselves or speak up, you may have a potential hearing problem that relatives, friends or co-workers have probably already noticed

музыкальный musical ear: Developing your musical ear will make you a better musician

нет слуха tone-deaf ear: Even those not interested in music should realize that a «tone-deaf» ear will somehow affect their personality as a whole; tone-deaf: The author of this program has plenty of experience and 1 can assure you that the attentive ear can be improved to the highest levels, even for someone considered tone-deaf

плохой bad hearing

тонкий keen ear

слюни slobber: Slobber pours down his shirt front, washing and starching it

смазливый (о мужч. и о жен.) dishy: Hector gets attacked by cannibals, meets a d,shy blond whose daddy is rich, quickly abandons his ideals and heads back to Mungo City to live on her ranch

сморщенный withered woman with a winkled face, framed by a crinkly mass of white hair

смуглый swarthy: His complexion is more swarthy than his brother's

смуглокожий olive-skinned: An olive-skinned, fit-looking woman of around twenty-eight burst out of the vehicle, her huge brown eyes burning with rage

сногсшибательный stunning: I am amazed at how much time, effort and expense some people will go to in order to look absolutely stunning for the Christmas party

сопли snot: Wherever he goes his boogies drip out. His snot hangs from his nose which he never ever blows

сопливый snotty: Please keep away these boring snotty kids

спортинный athletic-looking: In his prime, Arnold Palmer was fairly athletic-looking but always had a cigarette dangling from his lips; sporty: Jennifer's first husband Roger Travers-Macy adopted Adam, who grew into a sporty, good looking young man

старомодный old-fashioned: Old-fashioned people, they never know why the world is changing. It moves so fast and leaves them in another time

старый old: Do I really look that old?

статный stately: He was a tall and stately man, an imposing figure who imparted great dignity and prestige to the organization he headed

стильный stylish: I have a slender feminine figure with smooth shapely legs and adore dressing elegantly hoping to create the illusion of a sophisticated stylish lady

стопа foot: Most of us have one foot that is larger than the other, so fit your shoe to your larger foot

странный odd-looking: King О 'Neill went further into the town, to see a woman, with shoulder length red

hair, wearing odd clothing. Behind her stood a rather odd looking woman

страшный ugly: She is as ugly as a scarecrow

стриженный short-haired: «You 're here with that short-haired girl, aren 7 you?» he asked, turning in his seat so that he half-faced her

стрижка haircut: What you need is a short haircut

стройный slim: Scientists say we 'II soon be able to eat anything we want and still stay slim; slender: The performer was a young girl, pale and slender, and weighing probably not over 100 pounds; svelt: I have met many attractive, alluring, and even sexy women who are not thin and svelt, but who know how to carry themselves

субтильный frail: / am not strong, by some lam considered a frail woman; slender: A slender young woman with her hair tied back and reading glasses on her perfectly made up face, sits on a short kitchen stool

сутулый stooping: He is a tall, slightly stooping man

сухопарый scrawny: He was scrawny and he wore glasses

сухощавый lean: The man watched Lynn run the track. Her lean, athletic body glistened in the light of the setting sun; meagre: He stops, his eyes widen, suddenly he begins to weep again, this time a violent storm of tears which makes his meagre body shake uncontrollably


талия waist: A good example of the wasp waist is French actress Polaire who was very popular around 1914 and who achieved a 14" waist

изящная slender

осииая wasp

тонкая small, slim

телеса bulk: Hardy wasn't paying attention when Pico came in. Suddenly there he was at the side of the pool, his huge bulk straining his wetsuit to its limit

тело body: Icons of beauty are conning the American woman into a costly, dangerous end futile pursuit — the perfect body

телосложение build: His athletic build and his command of the language made him an imposing figure; frame: Harold is a doltish, insignificant- looking man with a slender frame and irresolute cowardly appearance

тембр timbre: I have always thought that Ralph Fiennes' voice has stood worlds above the rest. The timbre of his voice has that power to resonate through the chambers of the inner workings of the soul and mind of those that are privileged enough to hear him

мягкий mellow

резкий harsh

темноволосый dark-haired: I was sort of pushing my way down the escalator, ducking past people, muttering, «Excuse me, excuse me.» Near the bottom of the escalator, I half-stumbled into a short, dark-haired woman

темнокожий dark-skinned: A dark-skinned woman smiles broadly at the camera. She has dark hair drawn back and wears a tiara

толстогубый thick-lipped: He was a massive, dark, thick-lipped, long­haired man with thick eyelids covering half of his big, blind eyes

толстеть grow/get fat: He's got fast metabolism, he eats a lot but does not get fat; put on weight: While pregnant with her twins, she put on seventy pounds. 7 was eating for three', she says

толстый fat: He became as fat as a pig; stout: Lady Hoggin was a stout woman with dyed henna red hair; corpulent: Once upon a time there was a corpulent corpuscle named Lester Cholesterol. He lived in an even more corpulent human

толстяк fatman: See the fat man over there ?

томный languid: I'm spending time in front of the mirror trying to give my face a languid look

тонкий thin: He was a long, thin baby at birth, with unusually long, thin arms and legs

тонконогий thin-legged: He is short and thin-legged, but muscular and strong

тощий skinny: Are you eating well? You look skinny; scraggy: Harraway, the secretary, was a lean, bitter man with a long, scraggy neck and nervous, jerky limbs, a man of incorruptible fidelity

туловище torso: The wasp waist corset is made of two merged cones and has a high, sharply defined waistline. It gives a tapered look to the torso while rounding the hips

тучный obese: Obese boys and girls are likely to suffer from low self- esteem by their early teens, and may be more likely than their normal weight peers to smoke and drink, according to a report; overweight: Since excess weight in childhood is likely to be carried over into adulthood, overweight children will be more predisposed to obesity-related chronic illness


убеленный сединами hoary with age: In ecclesiastical tradition Zechariah is young, but Michelangelo painted him as a man hoary with age, with a long beard and an ample green cloak, perhaps indicative of the unfathomable depth of his prophecies

увечный crippled: A woman dismisses the love of a crippled man for that of a more handsome man

угорь acne: Acne is a common skin problem of people in their teens and twenties

черный blackhead: My chin and nose used to be covered with blackheads and pimples

угреватый spotty: One victim described an offender as having a long, spotty face

узкогрудый narrow-chested: He was tall, narrow-chested, stooping, wifA high shoulders, and dressed in black

узколобый having a narrow forehead: Не was described as a large, good-

looking, muscular man who stood over 6 feet tall, had a narrow forehead

and drooping eyelids

улыбка smile: He has such a sweet, good-natured smile

блаженная blissful

высокомерная supercilious

деланная artificial

дерзкая daring

до ушей ~ from ear to ear

дьявольская devilish

загадочная enigmatic

заразительная infectious

застенчивая bashful

застывшая fixed

злобная spiteful

злорадная malicious

издевательская mocking

интригующая intriguing

кислая sour

лукавая sly

лучезарная radiant; sunny

натянутая strained; forced

обезоруживающая disarming

обманчивая beguiling

презрительная contemptuous

приветливая friendly

притворная insincere

радостная cheerful

сияющая radiant

солнечная sunny

счастливая happy

фальшивая false

широкая broad

вызывать улыбку evoke His sense of humour and way with words always evoke a smile from those around him

подавлять улыбку repress one's Angelita couldn ,7 repress her smile, her devilish, undaunted smile

прятать улыбку hide one's Catching him getting in a quick glimpse of her, she smiled at him, bringing a piece of her long black hair in front of her shoulder to hide her smile from him

упитанный (полный) plump: Her kids are unpleasantly plump; fleshy: Marilyn Monroe, famous in her day as a fleshy, well-rounded woman, was medically underweight during most of her career

урод monstrosity: What a monstrosity, what a gargantuan monstrosity.'; freak: By dyeing her hair she transformed herself into an unnatural freak

уродливый ugly: She is unbelievably ugly; deformed: She gave birth to a deformed baby

усатый moustached: «Did I hear you say something?» asked the moustached cop as he rose to his feet

усы moustache: Mark Twain had a moustache most of his life, a kind of scraggly, unkempt, yet distinctive layer of hair underneath his nose

аккуратные neat

висящие drooping

густые thick

длинные long sparse; scraggly

завитые curled

жалкие pathetic

жёсткие stiff, wiry

короткие short

мягкие soft

неухоженные unkempt

обвислые drooping

подстриженные trim; neat

прокуренные nicotine-stained

пушистые fluffy

пышные full; thick

редкие sparse

роскошные luxuriant

холёные well-groomed

шелковистые silky

гладить пальцами усы finger one's The Porter pulled out a bottle of Tres Cepas from inside his greatcoat. Fernando shook his head and fingered his thin black moustache. The rest of us drank завивать усы curl one's He curls his moustache up at the ends, like Hercule Poirot

крутить усы twist one's The Emperor listened to me patiently, and twisted his moustache. *Your plan would cost a trifle» he said

носить усы wear He wore a moustache and pointed beard, but no whiskers

отпускать усы grow How long did it take you to grow that moustache?

подстригать усы trim one's I've had my moustache for three years and I trim it myself

растить усы grow I tried to grow a moustache over the weekend, but the erratic hair pattern on my upper lip could hardly be so called

ухмылка a smirk: I doubt I ever exchanged more than a few words with him, but I remember the smirk - to me it bespoke a kind of complacency, a smug confidence that he belonged at Yale because of his family and prep school background

ухо ear Ear surgery can be performed at an early age to prevent unnecessary psychological trauma for children with protruding ears

аккуратные small; neat; delicate

безобразные ugly

большие big

волосатые hairy

изящные elegant

красивые pretty; beautiful

маленькие small

некрасивые unattractive

обвислые floppy

оттопыренные protruding

очаровательные lovely

прелестные charming

уродливые misshapen; deformed

хрящеватые fleshless

навострять уши perk up one's Right there behind me / heard a soft sound. I perked up my ears and I turned my head round; prick up: When she heard them mention her boyfriend she pricked up her ears

прокалывать уши pierce/have one's ~ pierced: Elizabeth had her ears pierced so that she could wear some hoop earrings; / am never going to pierce my ears as long as I live

шевелить ушами wiggle one's I remember Grandpa Garrett with smiles and laughter, he could wiggle his ears and / would just laugh when he did it

-ухий -eared: She looked like any other child. What really separated Mary from her classmates was that she could see ghosts — red-eared ghosts

ухоженный well-groomed: It so happens that I work in a newspaper office which is not exactly the ideal place to look for the well-groomed male

ушастый big-eared: Douglas Cheeseman is a big-eared man who avoids his own reflection, and has bored his wife into leaving him


фигура figure: She's kept her figure

стройная svelte

хорошо сложенная shapely


хилый infirm: While a physically infirm man is officially the president, there is someone else who actually runs the company from behind the scenes; weakly: I was then a younger son, and, my birth having occurred somewhat prematurely, a weakly child; sickly: In his life, he was least happy in his later years, as an ageing, sickly man dependent on the help of others; feeble: Farewell, you pitiful and feeble man

хлипкий frail: He was a frail little man who looked older than his age

холеный well-groomed: It is important that your hands look healthy and well-groomed

хромой lame: A moment later the flap opened and a skeleton clothed in a tanned robe stood there looking down at the lame warrior

хрупкий fragile: This fragile man was a hero and / never even knew it; frail: The small, dark, frail girl was sitting on a makeshift bed made of rebar iron rods and the same tarp material. There was no mattress

худенький slim: «Oh, Anne, how pretty you are,» she added suddenly, looking up at the tall, slim girl with the soft rose-flush of walking on her face

худой thin: She was accompanied by a tall, thin man; skinny: That skinny thing happens to be my sister Violet

худеть lose weight: I want to loose weight, but don't have the time; grow thin: There is a method of becoming slim which does not involve restricting oneself to tiny portions of food, this method allows you to eat and grow thin; slim down: To slim down you need consistency and dedication

худосочный cachectic: I looked up to see a tall, cachectic man shuffling into the nearly empty room

худощавый lean: A body that is lean and in-shape is much more attractive than a body that is fat and out-of-shape!


цыпки red spots: Red spots on the skin may be due to several causes


чахлый sickly: He saw a monk who was weak and sickly

челюсть jaw: / also had what is called an 'open bitemy front teeth didn I touch. So I had jaw surgery. They lengthened the lower Jaw and raised the back of the upper jaw, so my teeth finally met properly

верхняя the upper

квадратная square

нижняя the lower

двигать челюстью move one's His jaw was broken and he could not move it

вывихнуть челюсть dislocate one's He woke up in the middle of the night, yawned too wide and dislocated his jaw

сжимать челюсть set one's / opened my eyes and saw him set his jaw with a grim determination to get the bead in the ring

черноволосый black-haired: One of my friends was a brunette woman and the other was a very attractive black-haired man

чернокожий black: He is a black man called Sekoto; black-skinned: The early Egyptians in the Bible days and earlier were Africans of various colors. About 1/3 were black-skinned

черноусый black-moustached: The head librarian was a very formidable black-moustached large chested woman in her 60s

чумазый dirty-faced: They found a dirty-faced kid in a garbage can


шатен brown-haired: I am a brown-haired kid who likes reptiles

шелковистый silky: I want to look my best and feel great, I want healthy, shinyand silky hair

шелудивый mangy: You hit the mangy looking leper

шелушащийся peeling: My year old baby has dry peeling skin as does her mother, but both seem happy and healthy and eat well; scabby: The skinny girl with scabby knees jumped off the front bar of the blue bicycle

шепелявый lisping: If a lisping person soys, 'thickening,' you have no way of knowing whether they mean 'thickening' or 'sickening'

шершавый rough: / think about Beau's hands — rough, calloused, a worker's hands, identical to Dad's

шея neck: He had the flat jaw and sinewy neck which are frequent in the American type

бычья bull's

гладкая smooth

длинная long

жилистая sinewy

жирная fat

короткая short

кривая crooked

лебединая swan-like

морщинистая wrinkled

мощная powerful

мускулистая muscular

нежная soft

неподвижная stiff

полная full

птичья bird-like

толстая plump

тонкая thin; slender

худая gaunt

вытягивать шею crane one's When he saw her, his eyes widened in amazement, and he craned his neck forward to get a better look

шикарный glamorous: When was the last time you looked glamorous?; dashing: This dashing liar and robber is loved by all who meet him and hated by all who know him; posh: Many think of tennis as a nice game for posh people

широкогрудый broad-chested: He stood there in the flame light, broad- chested, beautifully muscled, lean of hip, the perfect picture of a fighting man ширококостный big-boned: Everyone says I'm big boned. If / exercise every day and eat right can I change my bone size ? I don't want to be big boned all of my life

широкоплечий broad-shouldered: He introduced us to Ali, a broad- shouldered youngtman with a round face who would be our driver


щеголеватый dandyish: M. Jabot, a dandyish bourgeois, tries to enter society; and after a series of misadventures mames the woman who lives next door; foppish: 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' is about the double life of an English nobleman. While pretending to be a foppish wastrel, he and a group of eleven other Englishmen periodically dash over to France to rescue victims of the Reign of Terror following the French revolution from the guillotine

щеголь dandy: He looks like a dandy; coxcomb: He's a good-natured coxcomb, and has very entertaining follies

щербатый (о лице) pock-marked: His pock-marked face was a vestige of an acne-filled teenhood and his enormous waist size was attributed to overeating and lack of exercise; (о зубах) gap-toothed: Are you gap-toothed? I am! Did you know that gap-toothed folk have strong hormonal drive?

щербина (на лице) pock-mark: My mother had looked in my rice bowl and told me I would marry a bad man. 'Aii, Lena,' she said after that dinner so many years ago, 'your future husband have one pock mark for every rice you not finish'; (на зубах) gap: I have a gap between my two front teeth

щетина bristle: The skin of humanoids is covered with great horny warts and bristle. While their hands are very manlike, their feet have four great splayed toes ending in sharp claws

щетинистый bristly: The cabin in which I found myself was small and rather untidy. A youngish man with flaxen hair and a bristly straw-coloured moustache was sitting and holding my wrist

щека cheek: She had sunken cheeks and olive skin, dried by the sun

бархатные velvety

бледные pale

впалые hollow

ввалившиеся sunken

выбритые shaven

гладко выбритые clean-shaven

горячие hot

дрожащие trembling

дряблые sagging; flaccid

жирные fat

заросшие bristly; ~ in need of a shave

колючие bristly; prickly

красные red

морщинистые lined; wrinkled

мясистые fleshy

небритые unshaven

нежные soft

обветренные chapped; weathered

обмороженные frost-bitten

одутловатые puffy

отвислые sagging

побледневшие pale; ~ turned pale

полные full; chubby

пухлые plump

пушок на ~ downy ~

пылающие burning

распухшие swollen

румянец на ~ a flush/color in one's ~

свежие fresh; healthy

толстые fat

упругие firm

холодные cold

худые thin

чисто выбритые clean-shaven

щетинистые bristly; - in need of a shave

надувать щеки puff Simmons looked at his chest, then puffed his cheeks involuntarily

щекастый chubby: As for me, I was a chubby kid when I was in junior high school. Kids were teasing me and that caused my low self


элегантный elegant: Who do you think is the most elegant woman in this office?; smart: She always looks smart

эффектный striking: Both men and women commented on his striking appearance. He had fair skin and hair, light blue eyes and stood just under six feet tall; flamboyant: When the pious bishops saw this flamboyant woman parading past, dressed in clothes that left little of her famous beauty to the imagination, and trailing a retinue of admirers, they averted their eyes


юношеский youthful: Youthful good looks depend to a large extent on the condition of our skin


ямочки (на щеках, подбородке) dimples: Her dimples are her best feature

язык tongue: There are few risks in getting a tongue piercing. It is possible to get vein or nerve damage, but this is rare when dealing with a professional piercer

большой big

влажный wet

воспалённый inflamed

длинный long

короткий short

маленький small

нежный soft

обложенный furred; coated

острый sharp

распухший swollen сухой dry

шершавый rough

кончик языка tip of the I have sore red tiny dots that start at the tip of my tongue and extend about an inch back from the tip. 1 wonder what may be causing this?

корень языка root of the Budda put forth his broad and long tongue, and then he smiled happily. From the root of his tongue he sent forth innumerable rays of light

налёт на языке fur: The doctor looked at my tongue and its color, and also the tongue fur and its colour, and he did not like it

спинка языка back of the I have inflamed tastebuds on the back of my tongue and some white stuff covering the rest. Has anyone ever had this?

ворочать языком move one's Water began pouring out of my eyes, which were suddenly bulging out of my head, and I could barely move my tongue

высовывать язык stick out one's ~ (at): Jeffrey drove up to the women and blinked at them. He then stuck his tongue out and wagged it at the pair

гореть burn: Now that my tongue is burning, and my stomach feels like a fire-pit, I need chocolate to cool it all down

распухать be swollen: His throat was parched and beefy red, and his tongue was swollen

щипать burn: My vision became very abnormal, my tongue started burning so badly it felt like cayenne pepper was all over it, I was extremely dizzy