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И. Бадеева. The USA.doc
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Political Parties

In the present-day USA two major parties – the Democrats and the Republicans – dominate the political life of the country.

The Democratic party is the oldest political party of the USA. It traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party founded in 1792. However, the modern Democratic party truly arose in the 1830-s. It is currently the largest political party in the country.

The Republican party is often referred to as the Grand Old Party or the GOP. It was founded in 1854 and was originally anti-slavery party. The Republicans first came to power in 1860 and presided over the American Civil War and Reconstruction. Nowadays it is the second largest party in the USA.

There is little ideological difference between the Democrats and the Republicans though it is broadly possible to say that the Democratic party is supported by employees while the Republican party is often considered to be the party of employers. The Democrats unlike the Republicans tend to favor more Government intervention into business and industry and introduction of a greater number of welfare programs. Both parties have liberal and conservative wings and in Congress the liberal and conservative wings of the two parties often side with each other against the other wing. American politics is the politics of pragmatism and the two parties will always alter their platforms to try and catch the mood of the nation.


Ex. 1. Which of the statements are not true? Correct the false ones.

1. American presidents are elected every two years and one person can serve three presidential terms running.

2. The White House is home to both the Senate and the House of Representatives as well as various committees.

3. Apart from drafting and implementing laws Congress also has the power to impeach federal officials including the president.

4. Under no condition can Congress override a presidential veto.

5. The members of the Supreme Court are elected by American people every four years.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the three branches of government in the USA?

2. How do you understand the system of checks and balances?

3. What powers does the Constitution give to the President?

4. What are the requirements for becoming a president of the country?

5. How are the major departments called in the President's administration?

6. What are the functions of the Vice President?

7. Who is second in line, after the Vice President, in succession to the presidency?

8. What is the main body of the federal legislature?

9. How many houses are there in Congress? How are they called?

10. How many members does the House of Representatives consist of? How are they apportioned?

11. How often are Representatives elected?

12. Who presides in the House of Representatives?

13. How many members are there in the Senate? How many come from each state? Who is the chairperson of the Senate?

14. How are the elections to the Senate staggered?

15. What is the main body of the federal judiciary? What are its functions? Who does it consist of?

16. What are the systems of state and local government?

17. What are the major political parties in the USA? How can you describe them?

Ex. 3. Render the following text into English:

В основу государственного устройства США положен принцип разделения властей. Полномочия органов государственного управления любого уровня (федерального уровня, уровня штата или местного уровня) определяются системой "сдержек и противовесов", которая исключает возможность злоупотребления властью со стороны любого из трех компонентов государственной структуры.

Исполнительная власть на федеральном уровне представлена президентом США, вице-президентом и администрацией президента.

На уровне штатов исполнительную власть осуществляют губернаторы, а на местном – мэры.

Законодательная власть в государстве принадлежит Конгрессу, который состоит из двух частей: Палаты Представителей и Сената. В состав Сената входят 100 сенаторов (по два от каждого штата), а Палата Представителей состоит из 435 конгрессменов (количество конгрессменов от каждого штата пропорционально его населению). На уровне штатов эту власть представляют законодательные собрания, а местными законодательными органами являются городские и окружные советы.

Судебная власть представлена четырьмя уровнями, наивысшим из которых является Верховный суд. Девять членов Верховного Суда назначаются президентом и утверждаются Конгрессом на пожизненные должности. Верховный суд имеет право пересмотреть законодательство в судебном порядке и признать его противоречащим Конституции.