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34 / Э / Электроокулография

метод диагностики глаукомы, заключающийся в последовательном воздействии на глаз тонометров возрастающего веса

Электроокулография [электро- + лат. oculus "глаз" + греч. grapho "писать"] - метод исследования функции глазодвигательных мышц или функционального состояния наружных слоев сетчатки, заключающийся в графической регистрации изменений биопотенциалов глаза при его движениях

Электроофтальмия [electroophthalmia < электро- + греч. ophthalmos "глаз"], син. офтальмия электрическая - фотоофтальмия, вызванная излучением электри­ческих источников света (в т. ч. ультрафиолетового излучения)

Электроретинография [электро- + анат. retina "сетчатка" + греч. grapho "писать"] - метод изучения функционального состояния сетчатки, основанный на регистрации биопотенциалов, возникающих в ней при световом раздражении

Электротонограф [электро- + тонограф], син. тонограф электромехани­ческий - прибор для графической регистрации изменений внутриглазного давления

Электротонография [электро- + топография] - разновидность тонографии, при которой производится непрерывная регистрация изменений внутриглазного давления с помощью электротонографа

Эмбриотоксон [embryotoxon < греч. embryon "эмбрион, зародыш" + греч. toxon "лук, дуга"] - врожденное помутнение периферических отделов роговицы

Эмметропия [emmetropia < греч. emmetros "отмеренный, соразмерный" + греч. ops, opos "глаз"], син. рефракция глаза эмметропическая, соразмерная - рефракция глаза, при которой положение заднего главного фокуса оптической системы глаза совпадает с сетчаткой

Эндофтальмит [endophthalmitis < греч. endo, endon "внутри" + греч. ophthal­mos "глаз" + -itis] - гнойное воспаление внутренних оболочек глазного яблока

Энофтальм [enophthalmus < греч. en- "находящийся внутри, в пределах чего- либо" + греч. ophthalmos "глаз"] - более глубокое, чем в норме, расположение глазного яблока в глазнице

Энтоптический феномен [< греч. entos "внутри" + греч. opticos "относящийся к зрению"] - зрительное восприятие непрозрачных объектов, находящихся в оптических срезах глаза и на глазном дне

Энтропион [entropium < греч. entrepo "вращать внутрь, заворачивать"; греч. еп- "находящийся внутри, в пределах чего-либо" + греч. tropos "поворот, направление"] - заворот века

Энуклеация глаза [enucleatio oculi <лат. enucleo, enucleatum "извлекать ядро, вылущивать"], син. вылущивание {устар.) — хирургическая операция: удаление глазного яблока

Эпикантус [epicantus < греч. epi- "расположение над чем-либо" +лат. canthus, греч. kanthos "угол глазной щели"] - вертикальная кожная складка, прикрывающая медиальный угол глазной щели

Эписклерит [episcleritis < греч. epi- "расположение над чем-либо" + анат. sclera "склера" + -ит] - воспаление поверхностных слоев склеры

Эпитарзус [epitarsus < греч. epi- "расположение над чем-либо" + анат. tarsus palpebrae "хрящ века"] - аномалия развития: дупликатура конъюнктивы глазного яблока между ее переходной складкой и хрящом верхнего века

Эпифора [epiphora < греч. epi- "расположение над чем-либо" + греч. "натиск,

Эхоофтальмограф /Э / 35

наплыв, поток слез"], сии. слезотечение ретенционное - слезотечение, обусловленное нарушением слезоотведения

Эризифак [< греч. erysis "вытягивание, извлечение" + греч. phakos "чечевица, линза"] - инструмент для интракапсулярной экстракции катаракты

Эритропсия [erythropsia < греч. erythros "красный" + греч. opsis "зрение"] - нарушение зрительного восприятия, при котором все видимое представляется окрашенным в красноватый цвет

Эхоофтальмограф [< греч. echo "эхо, отголосок" + офталъмограф], син. офтальмологический ультразвуковой локатор, офталъмограф ультразвуковой — прибор для измерения линейных размеров глаза и обнаружения в нем новообразований или инородных тел методом ультразвуковой эхографии

36/А/ Aberration of the eye


Aberration of the eye [< lat. abeiratio "deflextion"] - distortion of the imaging on the retina due to imperfection of the eye optic system

Ablepharia [ablepharia < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence something + gr. blepharon "eye lid"] - development anomaly: absence of the eyelids and lid fissure

Accommodation of the eye [< lat. accommodatio "accommodation"] - physiological process of the eye refractive power changing during visual perception of the objects, which are situated at the various distance

Accommodometer [accommodation + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for accommodation examination

Accommodotrainer [accommodation + trainer] - instrument for the accommodation training

Achromatopsia [achromatopsia < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence of something + gr. chroma, chromatos "colour, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. achromasia, achromatopia, monochromasia, color blindness - absence of the color vision

Acoria [gr. akoria < a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence of something+gr. kore "pupil"] - pupil absence in aniridia

Adaptation of the eye [< lat. adaptatio "adaptation"] - eye ability to adapt to various levels of the illumination stimuli (light or colour), resulting in the changing of the light (color) sensitivity

Adaptometer [adaptation + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for the dark adaptaion examination

Adaptoelectrooculography [adaptation + electrooculographia] - electrooculog- raphy, made in the light and dark adaptation conditions

Amaurosis [amaurosis < gr. amaurosis "darkness, loss of the vision, blindness"] - complete blindness of the one or both eyes due to central nerve system damages with preservation of the light reaction of the pupil

Amblyopia [amblyopia < gr. amblys "dull, weak" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - decreasing of the vision due to functional disorders of the visual analizator

Amblyoscope [amblyo- + gr. skopeo "to see"] - apparatus for binocular vision training in orthoptic treatment of strabismus

Amblyotrainer [amblyo- + train] - apparatus for the development and training of stereoscopic visual orientation in amblyopia treatment

Ametropia [ametropia < gr. ametros "disregulate, disproportionate" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - eye refraction anomaly, in which discrepancy between refracting power of the eye optic system and axial eye length is present

Anaphoria [anaphoria < gr. ana- prefix, meaning movement upwards + gr. phoros "carrying"] - one of the heterophoria forms, in which tendency to consensual turning of the both eyes upwards is observed

Angiography (with fluorescein) [<gr. angeion "vessel" + gr. grapheo "to record, to write"] - method of the eye vessels examination with intravenous injection of the

Asthenopia / A / 37

fluorescein and simultaneous recording of the image by the serial photographing, cinema or video shooting

Aniseikonia \gr. aniseikonia < gr. anisos "unequal"+ gr. eikon "image"] - inequality of the image size of the one obj ect on the retina of the right and left eyes

Aniseikonometer [aniseikonia + gr. metreo "to measure"], syn. ophthalmeiko- nometer, eikonometer - instrument for the revealing of the aniseikonia and defining its degree

Anisocoria [anisocoria < gr. anisos "unequal" + gr. kore "pupil"] - inequality of the right and left pupils size

Anisometropia [<gr. anisos "unequal"+g?: metron "measure" +gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. heterometropia - right and left eye refractive power inequality

Anisophoria [anisophoria < gr. anisos "unequal"+ grphoros "carrying"] - form of heterophoria, in which changing of the deviation degree of the squinting eye from symmetrical position in the changing of the view direction is present

Aniridia [aniridia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. iris, iridis], syn. irideremia - absence of the whole iris or its greater part due to developmental anomaly or trauma

Ankyloblepharon [ankyloblepharon < gr.ankylos "curved, crooked"+ gr. blepharon "eyelid"] - partial or total adherence of the eyelid margins, resulting in lid fissure narrowing or its absence

Ankylosymblepharon [ankylosymblepharon < gr. ankylos "curved, crooked" + gr. sym "with, together" + gr. blepharon "eyelid"] - combination of the adherence of the lid conjunctiva and eye-globe conjunctiva (symblepharon) and adherence of the eyelid margins (ankyloblepharon)

Anomaloscope [anomaly+gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - instrument for the color vision testing and determination of its disorder types

Anomaloscopy [anomaly + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - color vision testing method, provided by the anomaloscope

Anophtalmia, anophthalmy [anophthalmus < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - absence of one or both eye globes

Anopia [anopia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - absence or defect of vision; is used as a terminoelement in the complex words, mainly meaning color vision disorders

Anopsia [anopsia < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence+gr. opsis "vision"] - absence or defect of vision; is used as a terminoelement in the complex words and word-combinations Applanometer [lat. ap-"neamess, proximity" + lat. planus "plane, flattened out" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - instrument for the intraocular pressure measurement by the determination of the flattening degree of the eye globe surface on pressing it Aphakia [aphakia < a-+gr. phacos "lentil"] - eye condition without lens Arcus (cornea) jnveniiis - firm corneal opacity of degenerative type, similar in shape to A.(c)seni!is, but developing in young age

Arcus (cornea) senilis (syn. gr. gerontoxon "senile arch") - firm corneal opacity of degenerative type, developing in eldery age

Artiphakia, syn. pseudophakia [artiphakia < lat. artefactum "artificial, man-made" + gr. phacos "lentil"] - eye condition with the presence of intraocular lens instead of extracted native lens

Asthenopia [asthenopia < gr. asthenes "weak" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - rapidly

38/ А/ Astigmatism

developing eye tiredness during visual exertion

Astigmatism of the eye [astigmatismus < a- +gr. stigma, stigmatos "point"] - refractive error, in which eye optic system refractive power is various in the different meridians

Astigmometer [astigmatism + gr. metreo "to measure"] - an instrument for the eye astigmatism examination

Atarsia [atarsia < a- + anat. tarsus palpebrae "lid tarsus, tarsal plate"] - congenital absence of the eye lid tarsus, rare occurring


Biomicroscope [bio- + microscope], syn. slit lamp - instrument for the eye biomicroscopy

Biomicroscopy of the eye [bio- + microscopy] - examination method of the eye optic media and tissues with a slit lamp (biomicroscope)

Biomicroophthalmoscopy [biomicroscopy + ophthalmoscopy] - biomicroscopy of the eye fundus

Blennorrhea [blennorrhoea < gr. blennos "mucous secretion, mucus" + gr. rrhoia " flow, stream"], .sy/j.blennorrhagia, blennorrheal conjunctivitis, ophthalmoblennorrea - acute purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva

Blepharitis [blepharitis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + -itis] - inflammation of the eye lid margins

Blepharitis-rosazea [blepharitis rosacea < lat. rosaceus "rosy, pink"], syn. rosazea- blepharitis - blepharitis with formation of small grayish-red knots on the lid skin

Blepharoconjunctivitis [blepharoconjunctivitis < blepharitis + conjunctivitis] - combination of blepharitis and conjunctivitis

Blepharoplasty [blepharoplastica < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. plastike "sculpture"] - surgical operation of lid restoration in congenital malformations, its tissue defects of different origin or in scar deformations

Blepharoplegia [blepharoplegia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. plege "blow"] - eyelid paralysis, caused by the combination of the paralysis of the upper lid levator muscle and palpebral part of the orbicularis muscle

Blepharoptosis [blepharoptosis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. ptosis "fall, lowering"] -see Ptosis

Blepharorrhaphy [blepharorrhaphia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. rhaphe "suture"], syn. tarsorraphy - surgical operation of temporary or constant, partial or total lid fissure closing

Blepharospasm [blepharospasmus < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. spasmos "spasm, cramp"], syn. eye closure reflex, eye lid closure reflex, spasmodic winking - spasm of the palpebral part of the eye orbicularis muscle

Blepharostate [gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. statos "standing, established"], syn. speculum - eye lid widening instrument

Blepharotome [blepharotome < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - instrument for the cutting of lateral lid commissure

Cataract/ С /39

Blepharotomy [blepharotomia < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. tome "discission, cutting"], syn. blepharostomy - surgical operation of cutting of the eye lid commissure, more commonly lateral one

Blepharophimosis [blepharophimosis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. phimosis "closing, narrowing of the opening"] - decreasing of the width (shortening) of the lid fissure, usually caused by the knitting of the lid margins at the eye lateral angle

Blepharochalasis [blepharochalasis < gr. blepharon "eye lid" + gr. chalasis "weakening"], syn. false ptosis - bilateral atrophy of the upper lids skin

Buphthalmos [buphthalmus <gr. bus "bull"+gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - extreme stage of hydrophthalmos


Campimeter [< lat. campus visionis "visual field" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - device for the visual field examination by the campimetry

Campimetry [< lat. campus visionis "visual field" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of the visual field examination on the plane

Canaliculitis [canaliculus < lat. canaliculus lacrimalis "lacrimal canaliculus" + - itis], syn. dacryocanaliculitis- inflammation of the lacrimal canaliculus

Canaliculorhinostomy [canaliculorhinostomia < lat. canaliculus lacrimalis "lacrimal canaliculus" + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose" + gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between lacrimal canaliculus and nasal cavity

Canthoplasty [canthoplastica < lat. canthus < gr. kanthos "angle of the lid fissura"+ gr. plastike "sculpture"] - surgical plastic operation: lengthening and widening of the lid fissura

Canthotomy [canthotomia < lat. canthus < gr. kanthos "angle of the lid fissura"+gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical operation: cutting of the eye-lid lateral commissure

Capsulectomy [capsulectomia < capsule (of the lens) + gr. ectome "cutting out"] -1) excision of the anterior layer of the lens capsule in the extracapsular cataract extraction; 2) cutting out the whole capsular bag

Capsulophacopunctura (laser) [< capsule (of the lens) + gr. phakos "lens" + lat. pungo, punctum "to prick, to thrust"] - disruption of the anterior part of the lens capsule with the laser

Capsulorrhexis [capsulorrhexis < capsule (of the lens) + gr. rrhexis "break, breaking up, destruction, rapture"] - a round opening in the anterior layer of the lens capsule, performed by insulin needle or special forceps; mainly used in phaco- and laseremulsification of the cataract

Capsulotomy [capsulotomia < capsule (of the lens) + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - cutting of the anterior layer of the lens capsule in the cataract extraction with the special microsurgical instruments (capsulotome, cyctotome or knife) or with the laser

Carunculitis [carunculitis < to.caruncula "a piece of meat", diminutive from lat. caro "meat"+-itis] - purulent inflammation of the lacrimal caruncle

Cataract [cataracta <gr. katarrhaktes "falling downwards, waterfall"] - eye disease, which has the main features as partial or total lens opacification

40 / С / Cataphoria

Cataphoria [kataphoria < gr. kata- prefix, meaning of "from above' to downwards movement" + gr. phoros "cairying"] — heterophoria type with tendency to simultaneous turn of the both eyes downwards

ChaIaz(s)ion [chalazion < gr. chalaza "small knot, callosity"], syn. eye sty, sty - small knot in the tarsal plate of the lid, caused by chronic proliferative inflammation of the tarsal glands (Meibomian glands)

Chalkosis [chalkosis < gr. chalkos "cooper"] - cooper particles deposition in the eye tissues

Chemosis [chemosis < gr. cheme "hiatus, hole"] - eye globe conjunctiva edema Chioropsia [chloropsia < gr. chloros "greenish-yellow, light green" + gr. opsis "vision"] - visual perception disorder, in which all visible images seem to be green

Choroid [anat. chorioidea < from gr. chorioedes "like skin, like coat"] - posterior part of the uveal tract

Chorioderemia [chorioderemia < choroid +gr. eremia "absence"], syn. progressing horoidal atrophy - hereditary eye disease, manifesting with the complex of the functional and ophthalmoscopic changes

Choroiditis [chorioiditis < choroid + -itis], syn. posterior uveitis - inflammation of the posterior part of the uveal tract

Choroidectomy [chorioidectomia < choroid + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision ofthe choroid part

Chorioretinitis [chorioretinitis < anat. chorio- + anat. retina + -itis], syn. retinochoroiditis - combined inflammation of the retina and choroid

Chorioretinopathy [chorioretinopathia < anat. chorio- + anat. retina + gr. pathos "suffering, disease"] - general name of some noninflammatory retinal and choroidal lesions

Chromatopsia [chromatopsia < gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. color vision, color perception - vision with ability to differ the colours ofthe observed objects

Chromophobia [chromophobia < gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. phobos "fear, dread"], syn. chromatophobia, chlolor-fear - obtrusive fear of some colour or coloured objects

Coloboma [coloboma < gr. koloboma "amputated, breaking off part"] - general name of some congenital (rare acquired) defects of the eye tissues: eye-lid margin, iris, lens, choroid, retina, optic nerve

Conjunctiva [tunica conjunctiva, PNA, JNA; conjunctiva, BNA < lat. conjunctivus "connective"], syn. connective coat of the eye-globe - external coat of the eye-globe, consisting of epithelial layer and connective base

Conjunctivitis [conjunctivitis < anat. conjunctiva + -itis] - inflammation of the conjunctiva

Conjunctivorhinostomy [conjunctivorhinostomia < anat. conjunctiva + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose" + gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between the conjuctival sac and nasal cavity

Conjunctivotomy [conjunctivotomia < anat. conjunctiva + gr. tome "cutting, discission"] - cutting of the conjunctiva with therapeutic aim

Convergence (in ophthalmology) [< lat. convergere "to converge, to draw together"] - convergence of the visual axes ofthe both eyes on the fixed object

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Convergencetrainer [<convergence + trainer] - ophthalmologic device for the revealing of the convergence disorders and convergence development (training)

Coordimetry ^coordination + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of the examination of the eye motility

Cryoextractor [<gr. kryos "cold, frost" + gr. extraho, extractum "to extract, to remove"], syn. cryoprobe - cryosurgical instrument for the intracapsular extraction of the cataract

Cryoextraction of the cataract [cryoextractio cataractae < gr. kryos "cold, frost" + extraction], syn. cryophakia - modification of the intracapsular extraction, based on the freezing of the special instrument tip to the lens anterior surface with the following removing of the lens

Cryopexia [cryopexia < gr. kryos "cold, frost" + gr. pexis "attachment, fastening"], syn. cryoretinopexia, cryothermy - surgical operation: conjunction of the retina and uveal tract by the action of the cold on the corresponding parts of the sclera

Cryptophthalmus [cryptophthalmus < gr. kiyptos "hidden, misterious, secret" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. cryoptophthalmia - congenital maldevelopment of the eye-globe, eye-lids and lid fissure

Cyanopsia [cyanopsia < gr. kyanos "dark blue" + gropsis "vision"] — visual perception disorder, in which all visible images seem to be bluish

Cyclectomy [cyclectomia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the ciliary body part

CycUtis [cyclitis < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + -itis] - inflammation of the ciliary body of the eye-globe

Cyclogoniotomy [cyclogoniotomia <gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" +gr. gonia "angle" + gr. tome "cutting, discission"] - surgical operation: discission of irido-corneal angle of the anterior chamber in the trabecular meshwork region

Cyclodialysis [cyclodialysis < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. dialysis "division, separation"] - surgical operation: detachment of ciliary body from the sclera

Cyclodiathermy [cyclodiathermia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + diathermia] - diathermocoagulation of the sclera in the ciliary body region

Cyclopia [cyclopia < gr. Kyklops - mythical single-eye giant], syn. cyclocephalia - developmental malformation: presence only one eye, located on the face middle line

Cyclophoria [cyclophoria < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - heterophoria with tendency to the eye globe turning around sagittal axis

Cyclotropia [cyclotropia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. tropos "turn, direction"] - tendency to the eye globe turning around sagittal axis in concomitant squint

Cycloplegia [cycloplegia < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. plege "blow"] - accommodative paralysis (plegia)

Cyclospasm [cyclospasmus < gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. spasmos "spasm, cramp"] - accomodative spasm

Cylindrosciascopy [cylindrosciaskopia < gr. cylinder "cylindrical" +gr. skia "shade, shadow" + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - astigmatic eye refraction examination method, in which sciascopy is combined with using of the spherical and cylindrical lenses

42 / D / Dacryoadenitis


Dacryoadenitis [dacryoadenitis < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. aden "gland" + -itis] - inflammation of the lacrimal gland

Dacryops [dacryops < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. ops, opos "eye"] - retention cyst, developing in the lacrimal gland or in its excretory duct

Dacryostenosis [dacryostenosis < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. stenosis "narrowing"] - narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct

Dacryocyst(o)-[dacryocyst(o)- < gr. dacryon "tear" + gr. kystis "bludder, sac"] - component of the complex words, meaning "related to lacrimal sac"

Dacryocystitis [dacryocystitis < dacryocyst- + -itis] - inflammation of the lacrimal


Dacryocystography [dacryocystographia < dacryocysto- + gr. grapho "to write, to image"] - radiography of the lacrimal ways after their dye contrasting

Dacryocystorhinostomy [dacryocysorhinostomia < dacryocysto- + gr. rhis, rhinos "nose"+gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between lacrimal sac and nasal cavity for the restoration of the lacrimal passage into nasal cavity

Dacryocystoethmoidstomy [dacryocystoethmoidstomia < dacryocysto- + anat. os ethmoidale + gr. stoma "opening"] - dacryocystorhinostomy modification with partial extraction of the ethmoidal labyrinth, which resists anastomosis making

Dacryocystectomy [dacryocystectomia < dacryocyst- + gr. ectome "cutting out"], syn. extirpation of the lacrimal sac - surgical operation: extraction of the lacrimal sac

Daltonism [daltonismus < from name J. Dalton (1766-1844), English physicist and chemist] - color vision disorder, characterized by inability to differ red and green colours

Descemetocele [descemetocele < anat. Descemet's membrane + gr. kele "lump, swelling, tumour"], syn. keratocele - prominence of the corneal posterior basement membrane, which is present in total damage of all rest corneal layers

Descemetopexy [descemetopexia < anat. obs. membrana Descemeti (Descemet's coat, new posterior basement membrane) + gr. pexis "fixing, fastening"] - surgical operation of restoration of corneal posterior basement membrane in its lesions

Deuteranomaly [deuteranomalia < gr. deuteros "second" + anomaly] - form of the color vision disorder, when an ability of the green colour perception is weakened

Deuteranopsia [deuteranopsia < gr. deuteros "second" + gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. achloropsia (obs.) - form of the color vision disorder, when an ability of the green colour perception is absent

Dextrocyclophoria [dextrocyclophoria < lat. dexter "right" + cyclophoria] - type of heterophoria, in which tendency to simultaneous turning of both eyes around sagittal axis to the right is present

Dextrophoria [dextrophoria < lat. dexter "right" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - type of heterophoria, in which tendency to simultaneous turning of both eyes to the right side is present

Diaphanogonioscopy [diaphanogonioscopia < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gonioscopia] - visual examination method of irido-corneal angle of anterior chamber; the method consists of diaphanoscopy and gonioscopy

Diaphanoscope [diaphanoscopus < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gr.

Ectropion / E / 43

skopeo "to see, to examine"] - instrument for diaphanoscopy

Diaphanoscopy [diaphanoscopia < gr. diaphanes "transparent, translucent" + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"], syn. eye transillumination - eye examination method, which is provided by the eye transillumination with narrow bundle of the light

Dichromasia [dichromasia < gr. di- "bi-, twice" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain"] - hereditary color vision disorder, in which the function of one from the three color-sensitive photoreceptors is absent

Dioptrics [dioptrica < gr. dioptrikos "connected with optical instruments and measurments"] - totality of the optic abilities of the eye refracting media

Diopter [dioptria (gr.)] ~ unit of the refractive power measurment of the optic system; one diopter is the power of the convergent lens to focus parallel rays at its focal point lm bechind the lens

Dioptrimeter [dioptri- + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"], syn. lensmeter - instrument for the measurement of the main optical characteristics of the glasses lenses

Diplopia [diplopia < gr. diploos "double" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. double vision - vision disorder, in which observed obj ect is as a double one

Diploptics [diploptica < diplo- +gr. optikos "connected with vision"] - concomitant strabismus therapy system, which is directed to the restoration of the autoregulating mechanism of bifixation, which is a base of the normal binocular vision

Diploscope [diplo- + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - instrument for the binocular vision examination and treatment of stabismus

Distichiasis [distichiasis < gr. di- "bi-, twice" + gr. stichos "row, line" + gr. -iasis "pathological process, disease"], syn. doubled eyelashes - development anomaly :presence of the second eyelashes row at the posterior margin of the eyelid

Divergence of the eyes [divergentia < lat. divergere " to discover of divergence"] - divergence of the right and left eyes visual axes

Drift [< dutch drijven "swim"] - in ophthalmology: relatively slow eye movement like "sliding down" from setting direction

Dychromatopsia [dychromatopsia < gr. dys- prefix, meaning "deviation from normal condition" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - hereditary color vision disorder

Dyscoria [dyscoria < gr. dys- prefix, meaning "deviation from normal condition" + gr. kore "pupil"] - pupil shape disorder


Echoophthalmegrapfa [< gr. echo "echo" + ophthalmograph], syn. opthalmological ultrasound locator, ultrasound ophthalmograph - a device for the eye linear sizes measurement and discovering of the intraocular tumors or foreign bodies by the ultrasound echography method

Ectopia of pupil [ectopia pupillae <gr. ektopios "remoted far from the place"], syn. korectopia - pupil deflextion from its normal place in the center of the iris; E.p. may be a result of development anomaly, eye trauma and surgical operation

Ectropion [ectropion < gr. ektrepo "to turn out, to unscrew"] - in ophthalmology:

44/Б / Elastotonometry

lower eyelid falling away from the eye globe

Elastotonometry [elastotonometria < gr. elastos "glutinous, viscous, viscid" + tonometry] - method of the glaucoma diagnosis, which consists in consequent influence on the eye globe by the tonometers of increasing weight

Electrooculography [< electro- + lat. oculus "eye"+ gr. grapho "to write"] - method of the examination of 1) the extraocular muscles function or 2) the functional condition of external retinal layers; the method consists in graphical registration of eye biopotentials during its movements

Electroophthalmia [electroophthalmia < electro- + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. electrical ophthalmia - photoophthalmia, caused by the radiation of the electrical sources of the light (including ultraviolet radiation)

Electroretinography [electroretinography < electro- + anat. retina + gr. grapho "to write"] - method of examination of the retina functional condition, based on the biopotential registration, arising in the retina during light irritation

Electrotonograph [electrotonograph < electro- +gr. tonos "tension"+gr. grapho "to write, to image"], syn. tonograph - an electromechanical instrument for the graphical registration of the intraocular pressure changes

Electrotonography [electrotonographia < electro- + gr. tonos "tension" +gr. grapho "to write, to image"] - type of tonography, in which a persistent registration of the intraocular pressure changes is provided by the electrotonograph

Embryotoxon [embryotoxon < gr. embryon "embryo, fetus" + gr. toxon "arch, bow"] - congenital opacification of the corneal peripheral parts

Emmetropia [emmetropia <gr. emmetros "proportional"+gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. emmetropic refraction of the eye - eye refraction, in which a position of the posterior main focal point of the optical system coincides with the retina

Endophthalmitis [endophthalmitis < gr. endo, endon "in, inside" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"] - purulent inflammation of the internal coats of the eye globe

Enophthalmus [enophthalmus < gr. en- "being inside, in the defined limits"], syn. enophthalmos - deeper than normal position of the eye globe in the orbit

Entoptic phenomenon [<gr. entos "inside"+gr. optikos "connected with vision"] - visual perception opaque objects, situated in the eye optic media and on the eye fundus

Entropion [entropion < gr. en- "being inside, in the defined limits" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"] - eyelid turning in

Enucleation [enucleatio oculi < lat. enucleo, enucleatum "removing of the nucleus"] - surgical operation: removing of the eye globe

Epicanthus [epicanthus < gr. epi- "situation above something" + lat. canthus, gr. kanthos "angle"] - vertical skin fold of the lid, covering medial angle of the lid fissure (inner canthus)

Epikeratophakia [epikeratophakia < gr. epi- "situation above something" + keratophakia] - refractive surgical operation, in which a lens from the donor cornea is sutured to the central surface of the recipient cornea

Epiphora [epiphora < gr. epi- "situation above something" +gr. phora "flow, influx, charge"], syn. retention tearing - tearing, caused by the decreasing of tear outflow

Episcleritis [episcleritis <gr. epi-"situation above something"+gr. anat. sclera]-an inflammation of the superficial layers of the sclera

Epitarsus [epitarsus < gr. epi- "situation above something" + gr. anat. tarsus

Extraction of the cataract / E / 45

palpebrae "lid tarsus"] - development anomaly: duplication of the eye globe conjunctiva between its transitional (forniceal) fold and the upper eyelid tarsus

Erysiphake [< gr. erysis "stretching out, extracting" + gr. phacos "lentil"] - instrument for the intracapsular extraction of the cataract

Erythropsia [erythropsia < gr. erythros "red" + gr. opsis "vision"] - visual perception disorder, when the patient sees all images dyed in the reddish colour

Esophoria [esophoria <gr. eiso, eso "inside"phoros "carrying"] -heterophoria, which is characterized by the tendency of the inside deviation of the eye

Esotropia [esotropia <gr. eiso, eso "inside" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"], syn. convergent strabismus (squint) - a squint with the inside deviation of the eye

Eversion of the lacrimal punctum [eversio puncti lacrimalis < lat. eversio "unscrewing, overturning"] - eversion of the lower lacrimal point

Evisceration of the eye [evisceratio oculi < lat. eviscero "to extract of the interiors"], syn. exenteration of the eye - surgical operation: the extraction of the all internal contents of the eye globe with keeping of the sclera

Excavation of the optic disc [excavatio disci nervi optici < lat. excavatio "hollow"], syn. physiological cup - a depression in the optic disc, observed by the ophthalmoscopy

Excyclophoria [exscyclophoria < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + cyclophoria] - heterophoria with tendency to the eye globe turning outside and around sagittal axis

Excyclotropia [exscyclotropia < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + cyclotropia] - concomitant squint with tendency to the eye globe turning ou tside and around sagittal axis

Exenteration of the orbit [exenteratio orbitae] - surgical operation: an extraction of the orbital contents

Exfoliation pseudocapsiilar [< lat. exfoliatio pseudocapsularis < lat. ex "from, out, out of' + lat. follium "leaf'], syn. pseudoexfoliation - flake-like deposits formation on the anterior capsule of the lens and other structures of the anterior segment of the eye

Exophoria [exophoria < gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - heterophoria with the tendency to the outside deviation of the eye

Exophthalmos [exophthalmus < gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. exophthalmus, eye bulging-a forward displacement of the eye globe from the orbit

Exophthalmometer [exophthalmos + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"] - instrument for the measurement of corneal prominence (in mm) from the external orbital margin

Exophthalmometry [exophthalmometria < exophthalmos + gr. metreo "to measure, to determine"] - an eye globe displacement degree measurement to examine the exophthalmos dynamics

Exotropia [exotropia <gr. exo "out of, outside" + gr. tropos "turn(ing), direction"], syn. divergent strasismus (squint) - a squint with the outside deviation of the eye

Extraction of the cataract [extractio cataractae < lat. extrahere "to extract, to stretch out"] - surgical operation: removal of the crystalline lens in cataract (intracapsular removal in the capsule in toto, including the capsule; extracapsular removal from the capsular bag, the posterior capsule remains intact)

46 / F / Fusiometer


Fusiometer [< lat. fusio "smelting, alloying" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. gauge of CFF - electronical device for the effecting on the eye with light signals of the setting frequency to determine CFF (critical fusion frequency)

Fusion fields (syn. Panum fields) - symmetrical zones of the retina of both eyes, simultaneous exitement of which evokes a fusion effect

Fusion [fusio < lat. fusio "smelting, alloying"] - in ophthalmology: physiological process of the fusion of the two monocular images on the retina of the right and left eyes in the single visual image

Fundus-camera [lat. anat. fundus oculi "eye fundus" + camera] - a device for the photographing and fluorescein angiography of the eye fundus


Gerontoxon [< gr. geron "old man"+gr. toxon "arch, blow"] - see Arcus (corneae) senilis

Glaucoma [glaucoma < gr. glaukoma < glaukos "blue-green"] - eye disease, in which high intraocular pressure develops trophic disorders in the retina and optic nerve, resulting in the decreasing of the visual functions

Goniobiomicroscopy [gr. gonia "angle" + biomicroscopy], syn. microgonioscopy - examination method of the irido-comeal angle (angle of anterior chamber) by combination of the goniocsope and slit lamp

Goniopunctura [goniopunctura < gonio- + lat. pungo, punctum "to prick, to thrust"] - surgical operation: perforation of the external eye coats in the irido-comeal region to improve the aqueos outflow; is used in congenital and juvenile glaucoma

Gonioscope [gonio- + gr. skopeo "to see, to observe"] - optical device for the examination of the irido-corneal angle of the eye (angle of the anterior chamber)

Gonioscopy [gonioscopia < gonio- + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] - method of the examination of the irido-corneal angle of the eye (angle of the anterior chamber) by the gonioscope

Goniosynechiae [goniosynechiae < gonio- + gr. synechia "coupling, junction"] - adhesion in the irido-corneal angle of the eye between the root of the iris and cornea

Goniotome [gonio- + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical knife for the operations in the irido-corneal angle (angle of the anterior chamber)

Goniotomy [gonio- + gr. tome "discission, cutting"] - surgical operation: discission of the adhesions in the irido-corneal angle (angle of the anterior chamber) to improve the aqueous outflow through the canal of Schlemm; is used in the congenital glaucoma

Gonoblennorrhoea [gonoblennorrhoea < gr. gonos "family" + blennorrhoea] -blennorrhoea, which is caused by the gonococci

Hypertelorismus/Н / 47


Haematocornea [haematocornea < gr. haima, haimatos "blood" + lat.anat. cornea]

  • blood imbibition of the cornea, observed in the total hyphema

Hemeralopia [hemeralopia < gr. hemera "day"+gr.alaos "blind" + ops, opos "eye"]

  • sharp aggravation of the vision in the condition of the decreased luminosity, which is caused by disorder of the retina rods function'

Hemianopsia [hemianopsia < gr. hemi- "half, one-sided, unilateral" + < gr. an- prefix, meaning absence + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. hemianopia, hemiablepsia, half vision

  • visual field defect, which is localized in the one half of the visual field of each eye

Hemichromatopsia [hemichromatopsia < hemi- "half, one-sided, unilateral" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. hemiachromatopsia

  • relative hemianopsia, in wich visual field defect can be detected only according color vision

Hemophthalmus [haemophthalmus < gr. haima, haimatos "blood" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. h(ae)mophthalmos, hemophthalmia - a hemorrhage into the eye globe cavity (into the vitreous body)

Heterochromia of the iris [heterochromia < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. chroma, chromatos "colour, stain"], syn. heteroophthalmus - different colour of the iris of the left and right eyes or diverse colour of the different parts of the iris of the one eye

Heterophoria [heterophoria < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. phoros "carrying"], syn. hidden squint - deviation of the eye globes from correct (symmetrical) position with preservation of the conditions for the binocular vision, which in the evident squint is absent in comparison with H.

Heterotropia [heterotropia < gr. heteros "different, another, other" + gr. trope "direction, turn"], syn. squint, strabismus - deviation of the visual axis of one eye from the joint fixation point

Hippus [hippus <gr. hippos "horse", an association with the horse gallop] - fit-like rhythmical narrowing and dilatation of the both pupils with duration of few seconds, which does not depend on the external influences. H. is a symptom of some diseases of CNS

Hordeolum [hordeolum < lat. hordeolum (from lat. hordeum) "small grain of the barley"] syn. sty, stye - acute purulent inflammation of the Zeiss exocrine or Moll apocrine glands at the lid margin

Hyal- [hyalo- <gr. hyalos "glass"] - composite part (component) of the complex words, meaning vitreous body (corpus vitreum)

Hydrophthalmus [hydrophthalmus < gr. hydor "water, liquid" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. hydrophthalmos, hydrophthalmia, eye hydrops - stretching and bulging of the eye globe, which develops in congenital glaucoma

Hypermetropia [hypermetropia <gr. hyper-metros "excessive" + ops, opos "eye"], syn. hyperopia, farsightedness, long-sight, long-sightedness - eye refraction error, in which the main focal point of the optical system is behind the retina

Hyperphoria [hyperphoria < gr. hyper "above, over" + (hetero-) + phoria] - heterophoria type, in which tendency to the upward deviation of the eye is present

Hypertelorismus [hypertelorismus < gr. hyper "above, over" + gr. tele "far (off)" + gr. horismos "demarcation, separation"] - abnormal large distance between some paired

'Some authors have opposite opinion about the meaning of this term (see Nictalopia).

48/Н/ Hypertension

organs, more often between eyes

Hypertension of the eye [hypertensio oculi < gr. hyper "above, over" + lat. tensio "strain, tension"], syn. ophthalmohypertension - transient rising of the intraocular pressure, when differential diagnosis with glaucoma is necessary

Hypertropia [hypertropia < gr. hyper "above, over" + gr. trope "direction, turn"] - vertical squint, in which squinting eye deviates upwards

Hyphema [hyphaema <gv:hypo- "down, under" + gr.haima "blood"] - hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye globe

Hypophoria [hypophoria < gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" + (hetero-+ phoria] - heterophoria type, in which tendency to the downward deviation of the eye is present

Hypopyon [hypopyon <gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" +gr. pyon "pus"] - an accumulation of the pus in the eye anterior chamber

Hyposhagma [< gr. hyposphagma], syn. haemophthalmus externus - hemorrhage under the eye globe conjuctiva

Hypotropia [hypotropia < gr. hypo- "below, downstairs, downwards, under" + gr. trope "direction, turn"] - vertical squint, in which squinting eye deviates downwards

Horopter [horopter < gr. horos "border, boundary" + gr. opter "an observer"] - a totality of the space points, which images are projected (fall upon) to the corresponding retinal points in the condition of the exact binocular fixation


Incyclophoria [incyclophoria < lat. in- "action, which is directed inside" + cyclophoria] - heterophoria type with the tendency to turn the eye inside of sagittal axis

Incyclotropia [incyclotropia < lat. in- "action, which is directed inside" + cyclotropia] - deflextion from the vertical meridian of cornea in concomitant squint

Iridectomy [iridectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the iris portion

Iridencleisis [iridencleisis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow, bright colored circle" + gr. enkleio "to enclose, to lock (up)"] — surgical operation in glaucoma: subconjunctival pinching of the iris in the scleral wound to form the way for the passage of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival space

Iridocapsulotomy [iridocapsulotomia < irido- + anat. capsula lentis "lens capsule" +gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: cutting of the iris and adhered to it posterior surface lens capsule to form artificial cleft-like pupil in iris occlusion after complicated extraction of the cataract

Iridocapsulectomy [iridocapsulectomia < irido-+ anat. capsula lentis "lens capcule" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the iris portion together with remnants of the lens capsule to form artificial pupil in iris occlusion of the pupil after complicated extraction of the cataract

Iridocele [iridocele < irido- + gr. kele "bulging, prominence"] - bulging of the iris portion via corneal defect (more frequently in the perforation of the corneal ulcer)

Iridochoroiditis [iridochorioiditis < irido- + anat. chorioidea "choroid" + -itis] -

Isocoria /I /49

combined inflammation of the iris and choroid of the eye

Iridochromoscopy [irido- + gr. chroma "colour, stain" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - iris byomicroscopy (slit lamp examination) in the specific colour light

Iridocoloboma [iridocoloboma< irido- + gr. coloboma "dificient part"] - congenital or rare acquired defect (coloboma) of the iris

Iridocyclectomy [iridocyclectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr.kyklos "cycle, circle" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the portions of the iris and ciliary body, which are damaged with the malignant tumor

Iridocyclitis [iridocyclitis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + -itis], syn. anterior uveitis - an inflammation of the iris and ciliary body

Iridocyclochoroiditis [iridocyclochorioiditis < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + anat. chorioidea + -itis]-,see Uveitis

Iridocycloretraction [iridocycloretractio < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + lat. retractio "deffering, delaying"] - surgical operation in glaucoma: introducing of two strips of the sclera between the iris root and trabecular meshwork region; is directed to improve the aqueous outflow

Iridocyclosclerectomia [iridocyclosclerectomia < gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. kyklos "cycle, circle" + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: an excision of the portions of the iris, ciliary body and sclera, which are damaged with the malignant tumor

Iridodialysis [iridodialysis < irido- + gr. dialysis "division, separating"] - partial estrangement of the iris from the ciliary body, which evokes in the eye trauma

Iridodonesis [iridodonesis < irido- + gr. donesis "fluctuation, tremble"] - iris trembling in sharp eye movements, observed in aphakia, subluxation or luxation of the lens Iridoplegia [iridoplegia < irido- + gr. plege "blow"], syn. iridoparalysis - paralysis of the iris sphincter as a constant maximal dilatation

Iridoschisis [iridoschisis <gr. iris, iridos "rainbow" + gr. schisis "splintering, splitting"] - pathological splitting of the iris tissue

Iridosclerectomy [iridosclerectomia < irido- + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the iris portion and sclera; is used in glaucoma to form of the way of the aqueous humor outflow from the anterior chamber under conjunctiva

Iridosclerotomy [iridosclerotomia < irido- + anat. sclera + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation of the simultaneous dissection of the sclera and iris near its root; is used in glaucoma

Iridoscopy [irido- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - iris byomicroscopy (slit lamp examination)

Iridotomy [iridotomia < irido- + gr. tome "cut, section"] — surgical operation: discission of the iris; is used to form the artificial pupil and for the approach to the lens in the cataract extraction

Iris bombe [anat. iris + fr. bombe "bulging, prominent"], syn. "bombed" iris - iris anterior bulging, developing in the presence of the adherence between the lens and pupillary margin of the iris and in seclusio pupillae (exclusion of the pupil)

Iritis [iritis < anat. iris + -itis] - an inflammation of the iris; as a rule is associated with the inflammation of the ciliary body (iridocyclitis)

Isocoria [isocoria < gr. isos "equal" + gr. kore "pupil"] - an equality of the pupils

50 / I / Isometropia

diameters of the right and left eyes

Isometropia [isometropia < gr. isos "equal" + gr. metron "measure" + gi: ops, opos "eye"] - an absence of the differences in the refraction of the right and left eyes

Isoptera [isoptera <gr. isos "equal" +gr. opter "an observer, a looking man"] - a line, connecting all the points on the visual field scheme, corresponding to the retinal zones with the equal light sensibility


Keratectomy [keratectomia < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - refractive surgical operation, used for the refractive power changing of the cornea as result of decreasing of its thickness

Keratitis [keratitis < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + -itis] - an inflammation of the cornea

Keratocele [keratocele < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. kele "lump, swelling, tumour"] -seeBescemetocele

Keratoconjunctivitis [keratoconjunctivitis < kerato- + anat. conjunctiva + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva

Keratoconus [keratoconus < kerato- + gr. konos "cone"], syn. conical cornea - pathological change of the cornea, in which its surface has conical form with the top, directed forward

Keratoectasia [keratoectasia < kerato- + gr. ektasis "widening"] - bulging of the thinning parts of the cornea

Keratoglobus [keratoglobus < gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + lat. globus "ball"] - pathological change of the cornea, in which its anterior surface has a ball­like prominence

Keratoiritis [keratoiritis < kerato- + anat. iris + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea and iris

Keratomalacia [keratomalacia < kerato- + gr. malakia "softness"], syn. melting of the cornae - disruption of the cornea with formation of the spacious ulcers, observing in vitamin A deficiency, usually in babies in the dystrophy course

Keratometer [kerato- + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. astigmoophthalmometer - a device for the measurement of the curvature radius of the anterior surface of the cornea in different meridians

Keratomileusis [keratomileusis < kerato- + gr. smileusis "carving"] - refractive keratoplasty type in myopia, consisting in decreasing of the refractive power of the cornea by the using of the special-made autograft

Keratophakia [keratophakia < kerato- + gr. phakos "lentil, lens"] - refractive keratoplasty type, in which a graft has lens-shaped form

Keratopathy [keratopathia < kerato- + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of some corneal lesions (more commonly of dystrophic type) with loss of the corneal transparency

Keratoplasty [keratoplastica < kerato- + plasty], syn. transplantation of the cornea - plastic operation, consisting in the replacement of the pathologically changed cornea or its

Lensectomy / L / 51

part by the graft

Keratoprosthesis [< kerato- + prosthesis], syn. penetrating keratoprosthesis - method of the increasing of the visual acuity in leukomas by the implantation of the keratoprosthesis

Keratoscleritls [keratoscleritis < kerato- + anat. sclera + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea and sclera

Keratosclerouveitis [keratosclerouveitis < kerato- + anat. sclera + anat. obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye-globe" + -itis] - a combined inflammation of the cornea, sclera and uveal tract of the eye-globe

Keratoseope [kerato- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - a device for the examination of the shape and curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea

Keratoscopy [kerato- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - a method of the examination of the shape and curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea

Keratotomy [keratotomia < kerato- + gr. tome "cutting, discission"] - 1) discission of the cornea; 2) refractive surgical operation, directed to change cornea curvature

Keratotoras [keratotorus < kerato- + lat. torus "bolster, prominence"] - rare occurring congenital toric shape of the cornea

Keratouveitis [keratouveitis < kerato- + anat.obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye- globe" + -itis] - a associated inflammation of the cornea and uveal tract of the eye-globe

Korectopia [korectopia < gr. kore "pupil" + gr. ektopios "remoted from his place"], syn. ectopia of the pupil - displecement of the pupil from normal position in the center of the iris

Korepraxia [korepraxia < gr. kore "pupil" + gr. praxis "act, action, deed"] - surgical operation: making the pupil opening (in particular, by the laser)

Koretraction [koretractia < gr. kore "pupil" + lat. tractio "draught, traction"] - surgical operation: displacement of the pupil (in particular, with the laser)


Lagophthalmus [lagophthalmus < gr. lagoos "hare" + g^ophthalmos "eye"], syn. hare's eye, lagophthalmia - incomplete closing of the eye lids, accompanied by the dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva

Lacodacryocystorhinostomy [lacodacryocystorhinostomia < anat. lacus lacrimalis "lacrimal lake"+gr. dakryon "tear"+gr. kystis "bludder, sac" +gr. rhis, rliinos "nose" +gr. stoma "opening"] - surgical operation: making anastomosis between the lacrimal lake, lacrimal sac and nasal cavity, performed in the occlusion of the lacrimal ways

Laerim(o)-[to. lacrima "tear"] - word, meaning "refered to tears, lacrimal" Lacrimation [lat. lacrimatio "tearing"] - hypersecretory tearing Laevophoria [laevophoria < lat. laevus "left" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - heterophoria type with tendency to the simultaneous deviation of both eyes

Laevocyclophoria [laevocyclophoria < lat. laevus "left" + cyclophoria] - heterophoria type with tendency to the simultaneous turn of both eyes around of the sagittal axis to the left side

Lensectomy [lensectomia < lat. lens, lentis "lens, lentil", anat. "lens" + gr. ectome

52 / L / Lenticonus

"cutting out"] - 1) removing of the lens by the special approaches (via pars plana of the ciliary body or from the vitreous body; 2) refractive surgical operation, in which transparent lens is removed from the eye globe; is used for the correction of the high myopia

Lenticonus [lenticonus<lenti- + gr. konos "cone"]-developmental anomaly: cone- shape prominence of the anterior or posterior surfaces of the lens

Lentiglobus [lentiglobus < lat. lentis "lens, lentil", anat. "lens" + lat. globus "ball"] - developmental anomaly: ball-shape prominence of the anterior or posterior surfaces of the lens

Leptoscleria [leptoscleria < gr. leptos "thin, weak" + anat. sclera], syn. blue sclera's symptom - grayish-blue colour of the scleras: a symptom of some diseases, characterized by sclera thinning

Leukocoria [leukokoria<gK leukos "white"+gr. kore "pupil"]-white colour of the pupil, more often occurs in mature cataract

Leukoma [leukoma < gr. leukoma "something white, wall-eye"] - opacification of the cornea, caused by its scar-like changing

Limbitis [limbitis < anat. limbus (cornea) + -itis] - an inflammation of the limbus, more often of trachomatic origin

Limbus [limbus cornea < lat. limbus "border, edge"] - a part of the cornea, directly adjoining to the sclera

Limbosclerectomy [limbosclerectomia < anat. limbus (cornea) + anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation in glaucoma: excision of the part of the limbus and sclera


Macropsia [macropsia<g^ makros "big, long" + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. megalopia, megalopsia-vision disorder, in which objects seems to be bigger, than they are in reality

Maculitis [maculitis < anat. macula lutea retinae "yellow spot of the retina" + -itis] - an inflammation of the retina and choroid of the eye-globe in the yellow spot region

Maculopathy [maculopathia < maculo- + gr. phatos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the yellow spot lesions of noninflammatory origin

Madarosis [madarosis < gr. madarosis "coming out of the hairs, especially on the eye-lids"] - an absence of the lashes, caused by destruction of the hair shafts

Megalocornea [megalocornea < gr. megas (megalu) "big, large" + anat. cornea], syn. macrocornea, giant cornea - developmental anomaly: increasing of the cornea size

Megalopapilla [megalopapilla < gr. megas (megalu) "big, large" + anat. obs. papilla nervi optici "optic disc"] - developmental anomaly: increasing of the optic disc size

Meibomitis [meibomitis < meibomian glands + -itis], syn. blepharadenitis - acute purulent inflammation of the eye-lid tarsal plate gland

Metamorphopsia [metamorphopsia < gr. meta- prefix, meaning "following after something, location between something, interval in the space or in the time, passage from one place or condition into another"+gr. morphe "form, shape" + gr. opsis "vision"], syn. dysmorphia - disorder of the visual perception, characterized by the distortion of the shape

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and sizes of the visible objects

Microblepharon [microbiepharon < gr. mikros "small" + gr. blepharon "eye-lid"] - developmental anomaly: small vertical size of the eye-lids

Microcornea [microcornea < micro- + anat. cornea] - developmental anomaly: small diameter of the cornea, observed in microphthalmos, rarely independently

Microcycloscopy [< micro- + gr. kyklos "circle"+gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - method of examination of the ciliary body region with a gonioscope and a slit lamp

Microphakia [microphakia < micro- + gr. phakos "lens, lentil"] - developmental anomaly: small size of the lens

Microphthalmos [microphthalmus < micro- + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. microphthalmos, ophthalmomicria—developmental anomaly: small size of the eye-globe Micropsia [micropsia < micro- + gr. opsis "vision"] - vision disorder, in which sizes of the seen objects seem to be smaller, than they are in reality

Microzonuloscopy [micro- + zonuloscopy] - method of examination of the ciliary zonule of the eye-globe (orbiculus ciliaris, zonula Zinni) with the help of slit lamp and gonioscope

Miosis [miosis < gr. meiosis "decreasing"] - narrowing (constriction) of the pupil Monochromasia [monochromasia < gr. monos "one" + gr. chroma, chromatos "color, stain"], syn. achromasia, achromatopsia, colour blindness-see Achromatopsia

Muscletrainer [< muscle + trainer] - a device for the training of the extraocular muscles to increase the eye motility

Mydriasis [mydriasis; perhaps < gr. amydros "dark, vague"] - a dilatation of the


Myopia [myopia < gr. myops "screwing up one's eyes", myo "to close" + gr. ops, opos "eye"], syn. nearsight, nearsightedness, shortsightedness - eye refraction error, in which the main focal point of the optical system is located between the retina and lens


Nephelopsia [nephelopsia < gr. nephele "cloud, fog, mist" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - blurred vision

Nictalopia [nyctalopia < gr. nyx, nyktos "darkness, night" + gr. alaos "blind" + gr. ops "eye"] - improving of the vision in the lower luminosity; e.g. it was marked in nuclear cataract1

Niphablepsia [niphablepsia < gr. niphas "snow" + a- Greek prefix, meaning negation or absence something + gr. blepsis "vision"] - snow blindness, caused by the sun shining on the snow

Nystagmus [nystagmus < gr. nystagmos "drowsiness", nystazo "doze, drowse"] - involuntary rhythmical movements of the eye-globes

Nystagmography [< nystagmus + gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - method of the nystagmus examination, based on the graphical registration of the eye movements

Nystagmoscopy [< nystagmus + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] — method of the nystagmus revealing, based on the observation of the eye-globes movements by the optic devices

'Some authors have opposite opinion about the meaning of this term (see Hemeralopia).

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Oculometry [lat. oculus "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - common name of the methods for the measurement of the eye-globe and its separate structures

Oculomyodynamometry [lat. oculus "eye" + gr. mys, myos "muscle" + dynamometiy] - a dynamometry of the eye-globe external (recti) muscles

Oculepressure [lat. oculus "eye" + lat. pressio "pressure"] - dosed mechanical squeezing of the eye-globe

Oraleechegraphy [lat. oculus "eye" + echography] - eye-globe echograpy (ultrasonography)

Ophthalmochromoscopy [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. chroma "colour, stain" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"], syn. spectral ophthalmoscopy- ophthalmoscopy, performed in the coloured light

Ophthalmia [ophthalmia < gr. "eye disease"] - general name of the some inflammatory lesions of the eye

Ophthalmocoagulation [ophthalmocoagulatio < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + coagulation] - a coagulation of the eye tissues by the influence of the high or low temperature or by the cauterizing substances

Ophthalmodynamography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + dynamography] - a method of the eye hemodynamics investigation, based on the ophthalmic artery pressure measurment by the recording of the arterial eye pulse in the condition of the increasing external pressure to the eye-globe

Ophthalmodynamometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + dynamometry], syn. tonoscopy - a method of the eye hemodynamics investigation, based on the ophthalmoscopic observation of the appearing and disappearing of the central retinal artery pulsation in the condition of the increasing external pressure to the eye-globe

Ophthalmohelminthism [ophthalmohelminthosis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + helminthosis] - helminthism, in which helminth has invaded the eye tissues

Ophthalmoherpes [ophthalmoherpes < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. herpes "creeping, spreading skin disease"] - herpetic lesion of the eye tissues and of the eye adnexa

Ophthalmology [ophthalmologia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. logos "doctrine, science"] - a region of the clinical medicine, studying etiology, pathogenesis and clinical course of the visual disorders and eye diseases, and developing methods of their diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis

Ophthalmometer [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - an optic instrument for the measurment of curvature radius of the corneal anterior surface and its refractive power, and for the determination of the type and direction of the main sections (meridians) of the corneal astigmatism

Ophthalmometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. metreo "to measure"] - a measurment of the curvature radius of the corneal anterior surface and its refractive power in different meridians

Ophthalmomicrosurgery [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. micro "small" + gr. cheir "hand"+gr. ergon "operation"] - microsurgery of the eye

Ophthalmomyasis [ophthalmomyasis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. myia "fly" + -

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iasis] -a myasis, in which agent of the disease has invaded the eye tissues

Ophthalmomycosis [ophthalmomycosis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. mykes, myketos "mushroom"+-osis] - a mycosis, characterized by the eye lesion

Ophthalmooncology [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + oncology] - a part of the ophthalmology and oncology, studying tumors of the eye-globe, orbit and optic nerve

Ophthalmopathy, endocrine [ophthalmopathia endocrinica<gr: ophthalmos "eye" + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the eye pathological processes of noninflammatory type, caused by the disorders of the endocrine system (e.g., in diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis)

Ophthalmoplegia [ophthalmoplegia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. plege "blow, defeat"] - paralysis of the eye extraocular muscles

Ophthalmoplethysmography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + plethysmography], syn. ophthalmosphygmography - a method of investigation of the eye blood-filling changes during the heart cycle

Ophthalmorheography [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. rrhoia "flow, stream" + gr. grapho "to write"], syn. rheography of the eye, rheoophthalmography - a rheographic method of the uveal tract hemodynamics examination, in particular, the ciliary body

Ophthalmoscope [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - an instrument for the visual examination of the eye media transparency and for the examination of the eye fundus

Ophthalmoscopy [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - a method of the investigation of the retina, uveal tract and optic nerve condition, based on the examination of the eye fundus

Ophthalmosurgery [ophthalmochirurgia < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. cheir "hand" +gr. ergon "operation"] - a part of ophthalmology, developing surgical methods of the eye diseases treatment

Ophthalmotofflometry [gr. ophthalmos "eye" + tonometry] - eye tonometry

Ophthalmotonus [ophthalmotonus < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + lat. tonus < gr. tones "strain, tension"] - intraocular pressure (IOP)

Ophthalmotropismus adenohypophysialis [ophtalmotropismus adenohypo- physialis < gr. ophthalmos "eye" + gr. tropos "direction, turn"], syn. exophthalmos malignant - progressing exophthalmos, caused by the dysfunction of the hypothalamic- hypophysial-thyroid system

Optics, physiological - a part of the physiology and optics, studying the laws of the light perception by the human visual organ and visual analizator

Optometer [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the quick approximate determination of the eye refraction and position of the near and far points of the focused vision (range of the accommodation)

Optometry [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a part of the ophthalmology, developing methods of the eye refraction anomaly determination and correction by the optic means

Optotypes [gr. optikos "connected with the vision", gr. optos "visible" + type] - one- type symbols (letters, geometrical figures and oth.) of various size, used for visual acuity measurement

Orbit [< lat. anat. orbita < lat. orbis "circumference, circle"] - orbital cavity

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Orbitography [< lat. anat. orbita + gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - a radiography of the orbit after dye introduction into the episcleral space by the punction

Orbititomy [orbitotomia < lat. anat. orbita + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the orbital tissues with opening of the retrobulbar space

Orbitotopometry [orbitotopopmetria < lat. anat. orbita + gr. topos "place" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a method of examination of the eye-globe displacing deep into the orbital cavity in dosed pressure on the eye-globe anterior surface

Orthophoria [orthophoria < gr. orthos "straight, straight standing, vertical, correct" + gr. phoros "carrying"] - normal state of the motor apparatus of the eyes

Orthoptics \gr. orthos "straight, straight standing, vertical, correct" + gr. optikos "connected with the vision"] - a totality of the conservative methods of the binocular vision restoration in squint

Oscillopsia [oscillopsia < lat. oscillo, oscillatum "rock, oscillate, swing" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - illusion of the spasmodic movements of the external objects during the head movements

Oxyopia [oxyopia < gr. oxys "acute" +gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"] - increased visual acuity due to hyperesthesia of the retina


Palpebral [palpebralis < lat. palpebra "eye-lid"] -refering to the eye-lid Pannus [pannus corneae < lat. pannus "apiece of cloth, rag, shred"], syn. superficial diffuse vascular keratitis - diffuse opacification of the superficial corneal layers, caused by spreading of the conjunctival inflammatory process, which is characterized by the subepithelial cellular infiltration and accompanied by growing inward of blood vessels

Panophthalmitis [panophthalmitis < gr. pan, pantos "all" +gr. ophthalmos "eye" + - itis] - an acute purulent inflammation of the all eye tissues

Papillitis [papillitis < lat. papilla "nipple" + -itis] - an inflammation of the optic disc Paratrachoma [paratrachoma < gr. para- "near" + trachoma], syn. inclusion conjunctivitis - an acute trachoma-like follicular conjunctivitis, caused by Chlamydia trachomatis

Perimeter [< gr. perimetron "circumference, limit"] - in ophthalmology: a device for the determination of visual field limits (borders) and its defects (loss)

Perimetry [< gr. perimetron "circumference, limit"] - visual field investigation method by means of the perimeter

Peritomy [peritomia <gr. peri- "situation around (of), on the outside"+gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the eye globe conjnctiva around the limbus of the cornea

Penectomy [perecitomia < gr. peri- "situation around (of), on the outside" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the stripe from the eye globe conjnctiva around the limbus of the cornea; is used in pannus

Phacocele [phacocele < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + gr.kele "lump, swelling, tumour"] - falling out the lens in the cornea integrity disorders (perforation of the corneal ulcer, penetrating injury)

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Phacoemulsification [gr. phakos "lens, lentil"+emulsification] - cataract extraction method, consisting in the crushing of the lens substance by the ultrasound with the following aspiration

Phacodonesis [phacodonesis < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + gr. "fluctuation, tremble"] - lens trembling in the eye movements

Phacomalacia [phacomalacia < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + gr. malakia "softness"] - lens disruption, caused by the disorder of its capsule integrity and developing dystrophic process

Phacoprosthesis [gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + prosthesis], syn. implantation of the intraocular lens - an implantation of the artificial lens into the eye-globe in aphakia

Phacosclerosis [phacosclerosis < gr. phakos "lens, lentil" + sclerosis] - hardening of the central part of the lens (compression of the lens substance)

Phorometer [(hetero)phoria + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the determination of the type and degree of heterophoria

Phlyctena [phlyctaena < gr. phlyktaena "blister, vesicle"], syn. phlyctenule - in ophthalmology: an infiltration, located in the superficial layers of the cornea (more often in the limbus region) or conjunctiva of the eye-globe

Photokeratometry [gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. keras, keratos "horn, substance of the horn" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a method of the determination of the corneal anterior surface topography by means of keratogrammas

Photokeratoscope [gr. phos, photos "light" + keratoscope] - an instrument for the corneal photography to reveal corneal form deviations and to estimate approximately the corneal astigmatism

Photocoagulation [gr. phos, photos "light" + coagulation], syn. lightcoagulation - an artificial coagulation of the pathologically changed tissues by the influence of the strong flow of the light radiation, e.g. the xenon lamp or laser; mainly is used in the ophthalmology

Photonystagmography [gr. phos, photos "light" + nystagmography] - nystagmus examination method: registration on the photokimograph of the oscillations of the light ray, reflected by the mirror, placed on the eye-globe

Photoophthalmia [photoophthalmia < gr. phos, photos "light" + ophthalmia] - a lesion of the conjunctiva and eye-lid skin by the ultraviolet, strong visible or infrared radiation

Photoopthalmotonometry [gr. phos, photos "light" + opthalmotonometry] - a method of the eye optic media refractive power determination, based on the photoshooting of the optic sections

Photoopthalmotonometer [gr. phos, photos "light" + opthalmotonometer], syn. electrotonometer - an instrument for the intraocular pressure measurement by the photoelectric method

Photopsia [photopsia < gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. opsis "vision"] - an appearance of the flashing sparks, spots, zigzag lines and other light phenomena in the visual field

Photostress [gr. phos, photos "light" + stress], syn. light blow - an effect of the influence on the eye of the intensive light irritation, characterized by the temporary more or less significant decreasing of the visual functions

Photophobia [photophobia < gr. phos, photos "light" + gr. phobos "dreads, fear"] - increased eye sensibility to the light irritation

58 / Р / Pingueculum (pinguecula)

Pingueculum (pinguecula) [pinguecula, pinguicula < diminutive from lat. piugue, pinguis "fat"] - a part of the eye-globe conjunctiva of yellowish colour, represents hyaline degeneration of the tissue

Pleoptics [< gr. pleion, pleon "big, large" + gr. optikos "refering to the vision"] - a part of the ophthalmology, developing the methods of the amblyopia treatment

Pleoptophore [<gr. pleion, pleon "big, large" + gr. optikos "refering to the vision"+ gr. phoros "carrying"] - an optic instrument for the amblyopia treatment

Poliopia [polyopia < gr. polys "many" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. poliopsia - a disorder of the visual perception, in which single fixed object seems to be numerous

Poliophthalmoscope [<gr. polys "many" + ophthalmoscope] — an educational ophthalmoscope, providing the simultaneous observation of the eye fundus by a few persons

Polychromatic plates, syn. pseudoisochromatic tables - tests for the color vision examinations

Polycoria [polykoria < gr. polys "many" + gr. kore "pupil"] - a developmental anomaly: presence in the iris of two or more pupil openings

Precipitate [< lat. praecipito, praecipitatum "fall down impetuously"] - in ophthalmology: a limited accumulation of the fibrin, leucocytes, other cells and pigmented epithelium particles on the posterior surface of the cornea

Preglaucoma [< lat. prae "before" + glaucoma] - a premorbid condition of the eye, which can transform into the initial stage of the primary glaucoma

Presbyopia [presbyopia < gr. presbys "old, oldest, old man" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. old-age sight - a loss of the accommodation with age

Pretrachoma [praetrachoma < lat. prae "before" + trachoma] — an early stage of the trachoma development

Proptosis [proptosis <gr. proptosis "fall forwards"] - a pathological displacement of the organ or its part forwards; this term referes to the eye-globe

Protanomaly [protanomalia < gr. protos "first, primary", proton "at first" + anomaly], syn. red weakness - form of the anomalous trichromatopsia, characterized mainly by the weakness of the red colour perception

Protanopia [protanopia < gr. protos "first, primary", proton "at first" + gr. negative prefix an-+gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. red-blindness - dichromatopsia (dichromazy) form, in which perception of the red colour is absent

Proxymetry [proxymetria < lat. proximalis "situated nearer to centre+gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - method of determination of the nearest point of the clear vision by the special device proximeter

Pseudoglaucoma [pseudoglaucoma < gr. pseudos "lie" + glaucoma], syn. false glaucoma - a pathological condition of the eye, characterized by glaucoma-like changes of the ophthalmoscopic picture and normal level of the intraocular pressure

Pseudomyopia [pseudomyopia < gr. pseudos "lie" + myopia] - false myopia, caused by the accommodation spasm

Pseudoneuritis, optic [pseudoneuritis optica < gr. pseudos "lie" + neuritis], syn. false optic neuritis - an optic nerve anomaly, which ophthalmoscopic picture reminds of its inflammation

Pseudophakia-see Artiphakia

Pseudopterygium [pseudopterygium. < gr. pseudos "lie"+ pterygium] - false

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pterygium, developing after ulcerations, burnings and corneal lesions; unlike with true pterygium has no tendency to grow

Pseudoptosis [pseudoptosis < gr. pseudos "lie" + gr. ptosis "fall"], syn. false ptosis - drooping of the upper lid, reminding of ptosis, caused by the thickening or hanging down of the upper lid skin

Pterygium [pterygium < gr. pterygion "something, similar with the wing"] - a triangular slowly growing eye-globe conjunctiva fold, adhered with corneal surface

Ptosis [ptosis < gr. ptosis "fall"], syn. blepharoptosis - drooping of the upper lid, caused by the disorder of the levator muscle

Pupillography [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - method of the pupil reactions examination, based on the registration of the pupil size changes with photo or cinema shooting

Pupillometer [< 1 at. pupilla "pupil" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - an instrument for the pupil diameter measurement

Pupillometry [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a measurement of the pupil size

Pupiilotonia [< lat. pupilla "pupil" + gr. tonos "strain, tension"], syn. neurotonic pupil reaction - pupil reaction, characterized by the pupil slowing-down narrowing in lighting and its slowing-down dilatation after stopping of lighting of the eyes


Recession [recessio < lat. recessus "removal, retreat, stepping back"] - surgical operation: correction of the squint, which consists in replacement to the back of the scleral attachment siteofoneofthe extraocular muscles

Reclination of the cataract [reclinatio cataractae < lat. reclinatio "inclination to the backwards, leaching back"] - surgical operation: displacement of the opaque lens into the vitreous body (aside from the visual axis) to improve the vision in the cataract

Refraction of the eye, clinical [refractio oculi < lat. refractus "refracted"] — characteristics of the refractive power of the eye optic system, which is determined according position of the posterior main focal point in the relationship of the retinal position

Refraction of the eye, physical [refractio oculi physicalis] - refractive power of the eye optic system, calculated in diopters

Refractometer (eye) - an optical instrument for the objective determination of the eye refraction

Refractometry of the eye - an objective determination of the eye refraction by means of the optical instruments refractometers

Retina [retina < lat. rete "network"], syn. optomeninx - an inner coat of the eye-globe

Retinitis [retinitis < anat. retina+ -itis] - an inflammation of the retina Retinoblastoma [retinoblastoma < anat. retina + blastoma], syn. glioma of the retina - malignant neuroepidermal tumor of the retina

Retinopathy [retinopathia < anat. retina + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of the some retinal lesions of non-inflammatory type

/R/ Retinophote

Retinophote [< anat. retina + photography] - a device for the eye fundus photography

Retinoschisis [retinoschisis < anat. retina + gr. schisis "splitting"] - dividing of the retina into layers in its cystoid degeneration

Riders [< germ. Reiter "horseman, rider"] - in ophthalmology: partially opacified bundles of the lens fibers, placed at the equator of the perinuclear region in the zonular cataract


Sclera [sklera < gr. skleros "dens, hard"], syn. scleral coat, sclerotic coat, sclerotica, white of the eye - a nontransparent part of the eye-globe fibrous coat

Sclerectasia [sclerectasia < anat. sclera + gr. ektasis "stretching, widening"], syn. sclerectasis - stretching and thinning of the sclera as a result of the inflammatory or dystrophic process

Sclerectomy [sclerectomia < anat. sclera + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the portion of the sclera

Scleritis [scleritis < anat. sclera + -itis] - an inflammation of the sclera Scleromalacia perforans [scleromalacia perforans < anat. sclera + gr. malakia "softness"] - a necrosis of the sclera with following its perforation

Scleroplasty [scleroplastica < anat. sclera + plasty] - common name of the surgical operations on the sclera for the replacement of its defects or changing of the eye-globe form (e.g., in myopia treatment)

Sclerotenonitis [sclerotenonitis < anat. sclera + anat. obs. capsula Tenoni "vagina of the eye-globe" + -itis] - a posterior scleritis

Sclerotomy [sclerotomia < anat. sclera+ gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: section of the sclera

Sclerouveitis [sclerouveitis < anat. sclera + anat. obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye" +- itis] - a combined inflammation of the sclera and uveal tract of the eye-globe

Scotoma [scotoma < gr. skotos "blindness, darkness"] - a visual field defect, not merging with its peripheral borders

Scotometer [scotoma + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a device for the determination and examination of scotomas in the central part of the visual field

Scotometry [scotometria < scotoma + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - determination of scotoma form and size

Siderosis of the eye [< gr. sideros "iron"] - deposition of the iron junctions in the eye tissues

Sinusotomy [sinusotomia < anat. sinus "shirt" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation for the glaucoma treatment, consisting in dissection of the external wall of Schlemm's canal (venous sinus of the sclera)

Sinusotrabeculotomy [sinusotrabeculotomia < sinusotomia + trabeculotomia] - surgical operation in the glaucoma treatment, consisting in combination of the sinusotomy and trabeculotomy

Skiascope [< gr. skia "shadow" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to observe"] - an

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instrument for the eye refraction measurement by the skiascopic method

Skiascopy [< gr. skia "shadow" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to observe"], syn. diopterscopy, pupilloscopy, shadow test - a method of the measurement of the eye clinical refraction

Sphaerophakia [sphaerophakia < gr. sphaira "ball" +gr. phakos "lens, lentil"] - a hereditary family development anomaly: sphere-shape lens

Staphyloma [staphyloma < gr. staphyle "grapes, grapes bunch" + -oma] - a bulging of the eye-globe surface, caused by the scar or dystrophic changings of the scleral or corneal parts

Staphylotomy [staphylotomia < staphyloma + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the staphyloma with the purpose for its liquidation

Stereoscope [< gr. stereos "volumetric" + gr. skopeo "to examine, to see"] - a binocular optic instrument for providing of the stereoscopic perception of the image in the stereopair observation

Strabismus [< gr. strabismos "squint"], syn. cockeye, heterotopia, squint — deviation of the visual axis one of the eyes from the joint point of fixation

Strabometer [strabismus + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - a device for the determination of the visual axes position in squint

Strabometry [strabismus + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - common name of the squint angle measurement methods

Symblepharon [symblepharon < gr. sym "together, with"+gr. blepharon "eye-lid"] - a scar adherence of the eye-lid (tarsal) conjunctiva with the eye-globe (bulbar) conjunctiva

Synechiae [synechiae < gr. sinecheia "continuity, connectedness"] — in ophthalmology: cohesions between adjacent surfaces inside the eye globe, which is formed after trauma or after inflammatory process

Synechotomy [syncchotomia < gr. sinecheia "continuity, connectedness" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of iridal adhesions

Symoptophore [< gr. synoptikos "one's observing all together" +gr. phoros "carrying"], syn. troposcope - an instrument for the diagnostic and therapy of the motor and sensory disorders in the squint and heterophoria


Tarsitis [tarsitis < anat. tarsus palpebrae "eye-lid tarsal plate" + -itis] - an inflammation of the tarsal plate

Tarsomarginoplasty [tarsomarginoplastica < anat. tarsus + lat. margo, marginis "border, edge" + plasty] - common name of the plastic operations, performed to restorate of the tarsal plate and eye-lid margin

Tarsoplasty [tarsoplastica < anat. tarsus + plasty] - common name of the plastic operations on the tarsal plate

Tarsorraphy [tarsorraphia < anat. tarsus + gr. rhaphe "suture"] - see Blepharorraphy

Tarsotomy [tarsotomia < anat. tarsus + gr. tome "cut, section"] - dissection of the

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tarsal plate

Tatouage [<fr. tatouage "tattoo"] - tattoo of the cornea

Tenonitis [tenonitis < anat. obs. capsula Tenoni "vagina of the eye-globe" + -itis], syn. capsulitis - an inflammation of the eye-globe vagina (Tenon's capsule)

Tension of the eye [tensio oculi < lat. "strain, tension" < lat. tendere "draw, stretch"] - intraocular pressure (IOP)

Tonography [gr. tonos "strain, tension" +gr. grapho "to image, to write"] - a method of the eye hydrodynamics examination

Tonometry (of eye) [gr. tonos "strain, tension" + gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"], syn. ophthalmotonometry - common name of the intraocular pressure measurment methods

Tonoscopy [gr. tonos "strain, tension" + gr. scopeo "to observe, to see"] - ophthalmodynamometry

Tortuositas vasorum retinae [< lat. tortuositas vasorum retinae "tortuosity of the retinal vessels"] - development anomaly: excessive tortuosity of the central retinal vessels

Trabeculectomy [trabeculektomia < anat. trabecula, LNH < lat. diminutive from "trabs" beam, girder + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: excision of the eye trabecular meshwork portion; is used in glaucoma treatment

Trabeculotomy [trabeculotomia < anat. trabecula + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the eye trabecular meshwork; is used in glaucoma treatment

Trachoma [trachoma < gr. trachys "rough, uneven"], syn. granular lids, granular ophthalmia, Egyptian ophthalmia - eye infectious disease, caused by Chlamydia

Trichiasis [trichiasis < gr. thrix, trichos "hair" + gr. iasis "pathological process, condition, diasease"] - an incorrect position (misdirection) of the lashes, in which they are directed to the cornea side

Trichremazy [trichromasia < gr. tri "three" + gr. chroma "colour, stain"], syn. trichromatopsia - an ability to percept three main colours; is estimated as a normal color vision

Trichromazy anomalous [trichromasia anpmalis] - color vision disorder, which is characterized of weakening perception of the some colours

Tritanomaly [tritanomalia < gr. tritos "third" + anomaly] - color vision disorder, in which a perception of the violet colour is weakened

Tritanopia [tritanopia <gr. tritos "third" + negative prefix "an-" + gr. ops, opos "eye, vision"], syn. blue-yellow blindness - dichromatopsia type, in which a perception of the violet colour is mainly absent

Tylosis [tylosis < gr. tylosis "callosity"] - droop of the considerably thickened eye-lid margin; is observed in blepharitis


Uveal tract [anat. obs. uvea "uveal tract of the eye" < lat. uva "grapes, grapes bunch"] -uveal tract of the eye-globe

Uveitis [uve- + itis], syn. iridocyclochoroiditis - an inflammation of the uveal tract

Zonuloscopy /Z /63

Uveopathy [uveopathia < uveo- + gr. pathos "disease, suffering"] - common name of some eye diseases with uveal tract lesion of the noninflammatory type


Visoinetry [< lat. visus "vision"+gr. metreo "to determine, to measure"] - testing of the visual acuity

Visual [lat. visualis "optic, visual"] -perceived orproducedby means of vision Visus [lat. visus "vision"] - visual acuity (syn. vision, sight)

Visuscope [lat. visus "vision" + gr. skopeo "to observe, to see"] - a portable device for the examination of the eye fundus and eye anterior segment, diaphanoscope refractometry, calibrometry of the eye fundus vessels

Vitreophagy [vitreophagia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. phagein "to eat (up), to devour, to take up, to absorb"] - partial removing of the vitreous body with special instrument-vitreophage

Vitrectomy [vitrectomia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. ectome "cutting out"] - surgical operation: total or partial removing of the vitreous body with its following replacement with special substitutions

Vitreotomy [vitreotomia < lat. anat. corpus vitreus "vitreous body" + gr. tome "cut, section"] - surgical operation: dissection of the connective-tissue membranes in the vitreous body


Xanthopsia [xanthopsia < gr. xanthos "yellow"+gr. opsis "vision"] - disorder of the vision, when the patient sees all the obj ects as stained in the yellow colour

Xenokeratoplasty [xenokeratoplastica < gr. xenos "alien, strange" + keratoplasty], syn. heterokeratoplasty - keratoplasty with using of the animal cornea

Xerophthalmia [xerophthalmia < gr. xeros "dry" + gr. ophthalmos "eye"], syn. ophthalmoxerosis, xerosis - a dryness of the conjnctiva and cornea surfaces


Zonulolysis [zonulolysis < lat. anat. zonula ciliaris + gr. lysis "decomposition, decay, dissolvation"], syn. Barraker' method - distorbtion of eye zonule fibers (zonula Zinni, Zinn's ligament) by the introduction in the posterior chamber of the proteolytic enzymes (applied in the intracapsular cataract extraction)

Zonuloscopy [zonuliscopia < zonulo- + gr. skopeo "to see, to examine"] - examination of the zonula Zinni of the eye (Zinn's ligament, suspensory ligament) with the slit lamp

Петраевский Алексей Владимирович

Гндоян Ирина Асатуровна