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The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan da...doc
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Article 229. Managing Common Business of the Participants of an Agreement

Managing of common business of the participants of an agreement on joint activities shall be carried out on the basis of their common consensus. Upon agreement between themselves, they may entrust the management of their joint activities and managing of common business to one of the participants, who in that case shall act on the basis of a power of attorney issued to him by the other participants of the agreement.

Article 230. Common Property of the Participants

In Agreement

as amended by (12) Law of No. 211 of 2nd March 1998 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part), and to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Concerning the Implementation of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part)".

1. In order to attain their objectives, the participants in agreement on joint activities shall make contributions in money or in other property or by way of labour contribution.

2. The monetary or any other property contributions of the participants in agreement and also the assets which are created or acquired as a result of their joint activity shall be their joint shared property.

4. The property of the participants of an agreement shall be subject to the provisions of this Code on common shared property, unless it is otherwise stipulated by the provisions of this Chapter, other legislative acts or an agreement on joint operation.

Article 231. Common Expenditures and Losses of the Participants of the Agreement

as amended by (12) Law of No. 211 of 2nd March 1998 of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part), and to the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Concerning the Implementation of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (General Part)".

The procedure for covering general costs associated with joint activity and losses which are incurred as a result of it shall be defined by the agreement of the participants. When the agreement does not provide for such a procedure, the general costs and losses shall be covered at the expense of the common property of the participants in agreement, and the missing amounts shall be distributed between them in proportion to their shares in that property.

Article 232. The Conveyance of the Right and Refusal to Participate in Joint Activities

1. The conveyance of the right to participate in joint activities may be carried out only with the consent of the participants of an agreement on joint activities (ordinary partnership agreement).

2. A participant of the agreement on joint activities (ordinary partnership agreement) shall have the right at his discretion to refuse participation in joint activities.

3. Losses which are inflicted by the refusal of any one of them from the participation in joint activities shall be claimed in full volume, unless the agreement on joint activities (ordinary partnership agreement) stipulates otherwise.

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