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The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan da...doc
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Article 27. Restriction of Citizens Capacity

1. A citizen who consequential to the abuse of alcoholic drinks or narcotic substances puts his family into a difficult financial position my be restricted by the court with regard to his deed capacity in accordance with the procedure established by the Civil Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Tutorship shall be established over him. He shall have the right to independently enter into small day-to-day transactions. He may commit any other transactions, receive wages, pensions and any other income, and he may dispose of them [but] only with the consent of the tutor.

2. Where a citizen severs the abuse of alcoholic drinks or narcotic substances, the court shall abolish restrictions of his capacity. On the basis of the court decision the tutorship established over the citizen shall be abolished.

Article 28. The Recognition of a Citizen as Missing

1. Pursuant to the application of interested persons a citizen may be recognised by the court as missing, if within one year in the place of his domicile there is no information on his whereabouts.

2. When it is impossible to establish the date of receipt of the last information concerning the missing person, the beginning of the absence shall be deemed to be the first date of the month following the one in which the last information was received on the absentee, and if it is impossible to establish that month, - it shall be the first of January of the following year.

Article 29. The Protection of Property of a Missing Person

1. On the basis of a court decision, guardianship shall be established with regard to the property of a person who is recognised as missing. Subsistence shall be paid from that property to the persons whom the missing person was to support, and his debts shall be repaid with regard to taxes and any other liabilities.

2. Pursuant to the application of the interested persons, the guardianship and tutorship authority may appoint an administrator to guard and manage the property until the one year expires after the date when last information concerning the location of the missing person was received.

Article 30. The Abolition of a Decision to Recognise a Person As Missing

In the case of his arrival or the establishment of the locations of a person who is recognised as missing, the court shall abolish its decision to recognise him as missing and to establish guardianship over his property.

Article 31. The Announcement of a Citizen as Deceased

1. Pursuant to the application of interested persons, a citizen may be announced by the court as deceased, if there is no information about him in the place of his domicile for three years; and, if he disappeared under circumstances which threatened death or which give grounds to assume his demise in an accident, for six months.

2. A military serviceman, or any other person who is missing in connection with military actions, may be announced deceased not earlier than upon the expiry of two years from the date of the termination of the military operations.

3. The date of the demise of a person who is announced as deceased shall be deemed to be the day that the decree of the court, which announced him as deceased, enters into legal force. In the cases of announcing persons as deceased, a person who is missing under circumstances which threaten death or which invoke the assumption of his demise in an accident, the court may recognise the date of the assumed demise of this person as the date of his death.

4. When the decision of a court announcing a person as deceased enters into legal force, his death shall be entered into the books for the registration of civil status acts. The consequences of such an entry shall be the same as of an entry of actual death.

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