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The joint venture Decree of 1987 provided for setting up joint ventures in the territory of the former USSR. Joint ventures that are operating in Russia now are self-supporting and self-financing organizations and have limited liability. They offer foreign investors direct access to the Russian market; attract foreign capital, modern equipment, advanced technology and management expertise.

Joint ventures can be set up in any branch of Russian economy: agriculture, industry, trade, construction, service sector, etc. By setting up joint ventures we expand exports and reduce imports. They help Russia satisfy the growing needs for industrial and consumer goods, raw materials and foodstuffs.


decree декрет, постановление; former бывший; self-supporting самоокупаемый; self-financing самофинансируемый; access доступ; advanced передовой; to satisfy the growing needs удовлетворять растущие потребности; foodstuffs продукты питания

5. Прочитайте и переведите диалог в паре. Опишите современное положение совместных предприятий в России:

Steven: Do the joint ventures still enjoy the special status that was granted to them several years ago?

Denis: The answer is negative. Let's look at the history of the matter. Several years ago a unique legal entity, a joint venture, was created to encourage and control foreign investment in the centrally planned Soviet economy.

Steven: I know that great changes have taken place in your country's economy since. Have the joint ventures been affected?

Denis: They have, as they have been deprived of the right to export items produced by them without paying customs duties. Some other advantages have also disappeared over the last two years.

Steven: What exactly do you mean?

Denis: A two-year tax holiday and exemption from the obligatory sale of hard currency earnings for roubles should be mentioned first of all.

Steven: So joint ventures are now legally identical to Russian companies, aren't they?

Denis: Generally speaking they are. The only difference is that joint ventures have a foreign shareholder.

Steven: Have foreign companies been discouraged by the new regulations?

Denis: I wouldn't say so. Foreign partners, especially multinationals, often prefer to keep a larger share of control over their investments.

Steven: That's fair, isn't it?


legal environment правовая атмосфера; to grant a status предоставлять статус; to encourage поощрять; deprive of the right лишить права; tax holiday освобождение от уплаты налогов; hard currency earnings поступления в твердой валюте



scientific – научный

knowledge – опыт

apply – применять

provide – обеспечивать

require – требовать

application – применение

ability – способность

represent – представлять

correspond – соответствует

top manager – высший менеджер

middle manager – менеджер среднего звена

first-line manager – менеджер низшего звена

chief executive officer – главный исполнительный директор

determine – определять

Board – совет директоров

division manager – руководитель подразделения

department head – начальник отдела

plant manager – директор завода

operations manager – директор производства

office manager – офис-менеджер

supervisor – инспектор, начальник

foreman – мастер, бригадир

project manager – руководитель проекта

salary – заработная плата (ежемесячная)

wage – заработная плата (почасовая)

solve – решать

operating employee – работник-исполнитель