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10. Fill in the gaps with the verbs given in brackets.

1. Although Economics ... a vast subject and precise definitions ... usually very complex, it ... not a difficult matter to give a simple answer to the basic question (to be).

2. Economics ... itself to the study of the material aspects of life (to limit).

3. We must examine how people have solved or ... to solve this problem (to try).

4. It ... little attention from those of us fortunate enough to live in these areas (to attract).

5. A large percentage of human race still ... in small self-sufficient communities (to live).

11. Response on the following:

1. What do most introductory books on Economics begin by?

2. What does Economics study?

3. What does it limit itself to?

4. What categories of people can survive without outside assistance?

5. Why do they have a very low standard of living?

6. Why aren't the inhabitants of big cities economically independent?

12. Make up questions to the following sentences.

1. Precise definitions are usually very complex.

2. Economics limits itself to the study of the material life.

3. The Indian peasants have an extremely tow standard of living.

4. A large percentage of the human race still lives in very small peasant communities.

5. These people experience great poverty.

6. The inhabitants of big cities depend on the efforts of specialized workers.

13. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Основной проблемой экономики является проблема выживания.

  2. Экономисты исследуют вопрос того, как люди решают проблему выживания.

  3. В развитых странах проблема выживания кажется отдаленной, в то время как в некоторых других странах голодная смерть – это реальная перспектива для огромного количества людей.

  4. В экономически развитых странах также существует вопрос выживания, однако он не привлекает внимания тех, кому посчастливилось жить в таких странах.

  5. Имея низкий уровень жизни, бедные крестьянские сообщества могут поддерживать жизнь без посторонней помощи.

  6. Индивиды, живущие в бедных странах, имеют определенный уровень экономический независимости.

  7. Жители больших мегаполисов, имея высокий уровень жизни, испытывают крайнюю экономическую зависимость, потому что они абсолютно не способны обеспечить себя напрямую средствами выживания.

14. Write an abstract of the text.

There are some clichés you can use when writing an abstract:

– to present a refined analysis …;

– to give data on …;

– to provide information on …;

– to study a problem ….

Remember that an abstract should contain the following basic elements:

– the subject matter of the text;

– the basic aspects of the text under analysis;

– addressee or / and evaluation of the text.


15. Work in pairs. Discuss the underlying problem of Economics. Fill in the box.

The problem

The description




16. In groups define why a high standard of living is impossible without a cooperation of large numbers of people and present your ideas to the class. Use «opening the discussion» vocabulary to discuss problems. So these phrases will help you:

– Well, in my view there's one main ….

– I think it depends on ….

– It's difficult to say because I don't … but ….

– I think there are a number of ….