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3. Which part of the selection process now has most influence on who gets a job?

A interview

В aptitude test

С personality questionnaire

D evaluation at assessment centre

4. What is the main aim of interviews these days?

A To check that you have the necessary skills for the job.

В То discover whether your past experience is relevant for the job.

С То determine whether you really want the job.

D To establish that your values match those of the company.

5. What is special about a structured interview? A It includes psychological tests.

В All candidates are asked the same questions.

С Questions vary to match individual candidates.

D It asks candidates what they would do in specific situations.

6. Why are interviews in some ways more relaxed now than they used to be?

A Candidates talk more when they are relaxed.

В Offices have simpler furniture these days.

С Work hierarchies have no importance now.

D The interview is seen as a meeting of equals.

7. How successful are modern interviews in helping employers to choose the right candidate?

A very successful

В quite successful

С not very successful

D of no use at all

8. This article was probably published in

A a magazine for employers.

В a psychology journal.

С a general interest newspaper.

D a magazine for students.


Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer

NAME: John Evans

DEGREE: French with (1)___________________


NOTE: (2)_________________ months spent in Bruges, Belgium.


JOB: Translator for restoration projects.

ORGANISATION: (3)___________________

DUTIES: Liasing between building owners and (4)________________

DURATION OF JOB: (5)____________________months.


JOB: Translator, and translation (6)______________________


DUTIES: Translation, coordinating translations in other (7)____________

DURATION OF JOB: (8)___________________months.

Choose the correct letter (А, В or С)

9. John hopes to train as a teacher because

A he hated working in the bank.

В he wants to return from Paris.

С he's always wanted to.

10. John says living in France improved his

A French.

В cultural awareness.

С French and cultural awareness. Academic vocabulary in use

  1. Match words from two columns to make collocations. Use them to complete the sentences.













  1. Most people nowadays supplement their …(1)… with a private one.

  2. Workers under 18 used to earn very little, but now all workers are entitled to the …(2)… of £3.70 per hour.

  3. In some countries, you don’t qualify for …(3)… if you own your house.

  4. The post comes with an attractive …(4)… , as well as a company car.

  5. Attracted by the promises of …(5)…, large companies are moving their factories to other countries.

  6. You’ll join a team working on the design of our new toys and you’ll report to the …(6)… twice a week.

  1. Dropping out of the fast lane

    The advertising industry is suffering …(1)… a brain drain, because an increasing number of senior executives find the strains of the job incompatible …(2)… family life, a survey shows. Stress counselors say more mature staff are voting …(3)… their feet. Rather than pursue a place …(4)… the board, many choose less lucrative jobs, as varied as furniture-making and alternative medicine, which enable them to spend more time …(5)… their children.

    Experts …(6)… the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising say there are concerns …(7)… a lack of experience …(8)… senior positions. There was a danger that unless companies made greater efforts to retain experienced staff, they might lose touch …(9)… the ‘grey market’ as the population grew older.

    Hamish Pringle, the Institute’s Director General, says: “It bothers me that, …(10)… definition, this means the industry has very few people with any significant business experience. There are people advising clients …(11)… multi-million-pound decisions who are really very wet …(12)… the ears. You’ve got to ask yourself whether that is really good …(13)… the business.

    He says increasing numbers of men and women tired out by the dual demands …(14)… desk work and essential socializing in the London-dominated industry, are leaving at the age of 40 to achieve a healthier balance …(15)… work and home life.

    Fill in each gap with the correct preposition.

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