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  1. Compose 10 sentences with the words and word-combinations from the vocabulary of the chapter.

  1. Give the literary translation of the following extracts:

They stared at each other, and each noticed that the other had changed. To Mary Poppins the Match-man seemed to have bought himself an entirely new suit of clothes, for he was now wearing a bright green-and-red striped coat and white flannel trousers and best of all, a new straw hat. He looked unusually clean, as though he had been polished.

He nodded to the Match-man, who cocked his head on one side and closed one eye at the Waiter, which was his way of bidding him farewell. Then Mary Poppins stepped through the white doorway and the Match-man followed her. And as they went, the feather dropped from her hat and her silk cloak from her shoulders and the diamonds from her shoes. The bright clothes of the Match-man faded, and his straw hat turned into his old ragged cap again. Mary Poppins turned and looked at him, and she knew at once what had happened.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Он открыл рот от удивления, когда увидел, как сильно изменилась Кейт.

  2. От неожиданности они просто стояли и глазели друг на друга.

  3. В такой сложной ситуации единственное, что они могли сделать, это слегка кивнуть друг другу.

  4. Если ты хочешь поймать кузнечика, ты должен обладать хорошей и быстрой реакцией.

  5. Если вы хотите приобрести недорогое платье, то вот это – из искусственного шёлка – просто идеальный вариант для вас.

  6. Я была крайне удивлена, когда узнала, что Эндрю уехал в Америку и женился там на женщине с тремя детьми.

  7. Мама, казалось, осталась очень довольной тем подарком, который преподнесли ей дети.

  8. Если ты хочешь найти выход из этой ситуации, ты должен прежде всего сохранить ясную голову и холодное сердце.

  9. Я приложу максимум усилий, чтобы успеть на вечеринку, посвящённую годовщине свадьбы Уайтов.

  10. – Если вы не дождётесь меня, закажите лёгкое угощение. Я задержусь не более, чем на полчаса.

  11. Я не могу общаться с теми людьми, которые на окружающих смотрят так презрительно, как будто они лучше всех.

  1. Agree or disagree with the following sentences and give the full answer:

  1. “The best people give every second Tuesday, and one till six”.

  2. Mary Poppins was very vain and liked to look awful.

  3. Robertson Ay waved to Mary Poppins from the Nursery window.

  4. The Match-Man had two professions. He not only sold matches, but sold books and magazines as well.

  5. “Mary!” he cried and he did it as if Mary Poppins was a very important person in his life.

  6. Bert was the name of Mary Poppins` uncle.

  7. Mary Poppins thought of the beef-steaks they always had on her Day Out.

  8. He looked unusually clean, as though he had been polished.

  9. “Oh, my god!” said the Match-Man. And that was his particular phrase.

  10. “You are to pay 20 dollars”, said the Waiter, before they had time to ask for a bill.

  11. “Moddom, good-bye”, said the Waiter, bowing so low that his head knocked against his knees.

  12. Mary Poppins turned and looked at him, and couldn’t understand at all what had happened.

  13. When she came back from her Day Out, Mr. and Mrs. Banks came running to meet her.

  14. “I saw Cinderella and Captain Jack Sparrow in Fairyland”, said Mary Poppins.

  15. And with another sniff she went upstairs to read a book.