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Пособие Древесина ее свойства и применение.doc
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Exercise 1. Match the English words in A with their Russian equivalents in B.

A. B.

1. manufacture 1. применять

2. construction 2. доступный

3. apply 3. прочность


4. property 4. строительство

5. quality 5. рейки

6. strength 6. обрезки

7. available 7. отходы

8. edgings 8. доступный

9. trimmings 9. производить

10. residues 10. качество

Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents in the text to the following Russian.

ветка (отрасль); искусственный; волокно; цель; исследования; значительный; количество; данные; условие; рост; связь; источник; сосна; ель; опилки; сырье; древесностружечные плиты; древесноволокнистые плиты; использование.

Exercise 3.Choose the word from the text which has the similar meaning.

to produce; building; aim; to use; durability; amount; fir; to convert; wastes; broadly; use (n.); variety.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

1. Pulp is _______ used for making _______. 2. Woodworking _______ provide an excellent type of fuel. 3. ________ is a wood panel manufactured from small pieces of wood such as flakes, slabs, cuttings. 4. As timber is produced by nature _______ properties are highly variable. 5. Particle boards are very popular with _______ industry. 6. Different ________ of timber can be used to satisfy different uses and ________. 7. Wood is a natural resource that is widely ________ throughout the world. 8. Timber and wood products are generally safe in use and cause very little effect on the _______. 9. The _______ of timber are mainly determined by its structural composition.


Exercise 1. Compare the sentences.

  1. He asks – He is asked.

He asked – He was asked.

He will ask – He will be asked.


  1. He told them an interesting story.

He was told an interesting story.

  1. They will show a new film tomorrow.

They will be shown a new film tomorrow.

  1. The engineer sent for the documents.

The engineer was sent for when the delegation arrived.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct verb form: active or passive.

1. Wood (forms; is formed) during spring and summer seasons. 2. Wood (composes; is composed) of carbon compounds. 3. Primitive people (used; were used) wood for tools and weapons. 4. As the tree grows sapwood (turns; is turned) into heartwood. 5. Some kinds of wood (attack; are attacked) by insects, especially beetles causing great damage. 6. Decay also (reduces; is reduced) the density of the wood. 7. Exterior woodwork (can protect; can be protected) against weathering by coating with paint. 8. The paint film on exterior woodwork (must renew; must be renewed) regularly. 9. The use of timber (depends; is depended) on its physical properties in the first place. 10. Decay (brings; is brought) about by the action of fungi and bacteria. 11. The sharp toothed metal saw (used; was used) in Britain before the coming of the Romans. 12. In Northern Europe logs (convert; are converted) into boards by frame saws.

Exercise 3. Choose the right voice (active, passive) and put the verb in the correct tense.

1. The traditional cottages in Russia (to build; to be built) of solid logs. 2. Many timber merchants of the past (to deal; to be dealt) in softwoods imported from the Baltic. 3. Particle boards (to produce; to be produced) from particles of wood such as chips or sawdust under pressure. 4. We (to use; to be used) walnut for decorative purposes. 5. Wood (to use; to be used) for the production of paper more than a century ago. 6. Great attention (to pay; to be paid) to conditions of the growth of the trees. 7. The first researchers (to pay; to be paid) great attention to the conditions of the growth of the tree. 8. The trunk of any tree (to cover; to be covered) by the bark. 9. The outer covering of the tree (to call; to be called) the bark.

Exercise 4. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Лесопильный завод реконструировали два года назад. 2. Процесс удаления влажности называют сушкой. 3. Древесину сушат в специальных Каме-


рах до требуемой влажности. 4. На скорость сушки пиломатериалов влияет способ штабелевки досок. 5. Древесину необходимо обрабатывать антисептиками. 6. На бирже (log yard) бревна должны быть окорены, рассортированы и отправлены в цех на распиловку. 7. На лес ссылались как на лучший

строительный материал греки и римляне.