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Grammar aspect the participle



Participle I

closing – закрывающий, закрывая

being closed – закрываемый, закрывающийся, будучи закрыт(-ым) (= когда закрыли)

Perfect Participle

having closed – закрыв

having been closed – так как (после того как) был закрыт

Participle II

closed – закрытый, закрываемый, когда (так как) закрыт


Participle I expresses simultaneous action with the main verb.

  • While making the experiment, he broke some glassware.

  • The substance being investigated can be used in our further work.

Perfect participle expresses the action preceding the action expressed by the main verb:

  • Having investigated all the properties they could state that those gases were harmful.

  • Having been cooled to a very low temperature many substances acquire quite new properties.

Participle II has the meaning of the passive voice.

  • When asked about his work, he couldn’t say anything.

  • A piece of iron placed in the container with acid diminishes in mass.

NB! Pay attention to the translation of some special cases of Participle II.

  • The question involved is to be solved today.

Вопрос, о котором идет речь, должен быть решен сегодня.

Данный вопрос должен быть решен сегодня.

  • The discovery followed by many experiments resulted in new investigations in chemistry.

Открытие, за которым последовало много экспериментов, привело к новым исследованиям в области химии.

  • When (if) heated, water turns into steam.

При нагревании (когда воду нагревают) вода превращается в пар

Ex.1. Choose the correct form of the Participle.

1. Magnesium is not attacked by water despite favorable potential unless (having been amalgamated, amalgamated, having amalgamated). 2. Many ethers take up oxygen from the atmosphere (having formed, forming, having been formed) peroxy ethers. 3. When (heating, heated, having heated) concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with metals. 4. When (prepared, having prepared, preparing) a substance on a commercial scale the method chosen must utilize inexpensive and readily available materials. 5. (cooling, having cooled, cooled) the concentrated solution of naphthalene in hexane we obtained white precipitate of pure naphthalene. 6. Neutral water when (saturated, having saturated, having been saturated) with 02 is a fairly good (oxidizing, oxidized) agent. 7. Organo-metallic compounds are exceedingly reactive (having been, having being been, being) vigorously hydrolyzed by water. 8. (Being, having been, been) very brittle antimony can be easily pulverized.

Absolute participial construction

Study the following sentences:

Weather permitting, we shall go to the country.

Если погода позволит, мы поедем за город.

This being so urgent, we must reconsider our decision.

Так как это очень срочно, мы должны пересмотреть свое решение.

My mother was cooking dinner, my sister helping her.

Моя мама готовила обед, а сестра помогала ей.

We could not come to any conclusions, there being many objections to it.

Мы не могли прийти ни к какому заключению, так как (поскольку) этому имелось много возражений.

Things packed, we started off.

После того, как (когда) вещи были упакованы, мы поехали.

Note :

  1. The subject of the construction in the subordinate clause expressed by a noun or by a pronoun differs from the subject of the main clause.

  2. The Construction is always separated from the main clause by a comma.

  3. The Construction may be situated either at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of it.

  4. The Construction is translated into Russian with the help of conjunctions поскольку, так как, ввиду того что, когда, после того как (at the beginning of a sentence), причем, а, в то время как, но (at the end of a sentence).

Ex.2. Translate the following sentences, pay attention to the forms and functions of the Participles.

a) 1. Phosphorus dissolves in alcohol, ether, benzene and carbon disulphide, the best solvent being the latter. 2. The charge of the electron having been determined, it was easy to calculate its mass. 3. Arsenic and its compounds have been known from ancient times, the metal being found in free state as well as combined. 4. The liquid being heated to a very high temperature, the substance it contained dissolved entirely. 5. Chlorine is fairly soluble in water, the solution having the same color as the gas. 6. Water being poured upon lumps of burnt lime, large quantities of heat are evolved. 7. Every liquid has a definite vapour pressure, this pressure increasing with rising of temperature. 8. A liquid starts boiling at a certain temperature and under a given pressure, heat causing the liquid to vaporize.

b) 1. When freshly prepared this substance is colorless. 2. Having obtained the necessary compound we could finish our experiment. 3. The sodium atom has eleven electrons, the eleventh one occupying a position in the third shell. 4. Oxygen combines with most elements, the product formed being called an oxide. 5. Inert gases are among substances unaffected by oxygen. 6. The amount of heat liberated by very slow oxidation is the same as that liberated by rapid combustion. 7. The gas being colorless, we did not notice its formation. 8. When exposed to air at room temperature phosphorus begins to oxidize.

c) 1. Так как скорость света чрезвычайно велика, ее невозможно измерить простыми способами. 2. Никогда не трогайте фосфор незащищенными руками, так как тепла тела достаточно, чтоб он воспламенился. 3. Водород горит почти бесцветным пламенем, при этом образуется вода. 4. При температурах, близких к абсолютному нулю, все тела становятся хрупкими, а жидкости и газы становятся плотными. 5. Когда формула соединения известна, мы можем подсчитать его молекулярный вес. 6. Если добавить в воду немного соли, она становится хорошим проводником. 7. Поскольку водород – самый легкий из элементов, его плотность – наименьшая по сравнению со всеми существующими веществами. 8. Когда раствор не содержит в избытке ни кислоты, ни основного гидроксида, мы называем такой раствор нейтральным.

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