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  • породжувати гюзитивну вщповщну реакщю.

    1. Для досятнення ще! мети розроблеш pi3Hi моде л I рекламного впливу на об'ект реклами.

    2. В об'екта реклами необхщно послщовно сформулювати таю реакцп:

»увагу (Attention) - привернута увагу до рекламного звернення та предмету реклами; » защкавлешсть (Interest) - пробудити inrepec до шформацн у повщомленш;

  • бажання (Desire) - пробудити бажання слщувати порад|" реклами;

  • дно (Action) - спонукати до дп в inrepeeax рекламодавця.

  1. Недостон1рною е реклама, в якш е повщомлення, що не вщповщають /lificHOCTi щодо таких характеристик товару, як:

  • його природа;

  • cnoci6 та дата виготовлення;

  • призначення товару;

  • знаюв вщповщносп державним стандартам;

  • Micue походження.

  1. Недостов1рна реклама не допускаеться.

  2. OcHobHi правила рекламно!' д1яльностг

  • реклама повинна викликати зац1кавлен!сть; » реклама повинна бути правдивою;

  • реклама мусить бути коректною стосовно 1нших ф|рм;

  • реклама мае бути тактовною та непримусовою.

Text В

Advertising, Marketing and Marketing Function Marketing is a business activity which is little understood by the general public and yet it is an essential part of most organizations intent on expanding within democratic countries that have a highly sophisticated economy. In such countries a majority of the very high senior positions in industry are now taken up by candidates who have worked in an area of marketing such as selling, promotions, marketing research and distribution. This is an indication of the importance organizations place on having an efficient team of marketing men and women, who are not only knowledgeable in marketing, but who are also creative, original and highly motivated - personal attributes that are essential to being a successful marketer.

A company does not have to be large and have a full marketing department to have a marketing approach.

The structure of a marketing department and the responsibilities of the marketing director or manager will differ from company to company according to what the managing director and board of directors consider the aim of the organization should be.

We can briefly describe the function of each section to obtain an overview of its work.

Marketing Research

This section carries out any research required to improve the prospects of the company selling its product or serv ice. This will include research on current and potential customers and research on retailers, wholesalers, distributors and even shareholders and the Press.


The sales section is concerned with the organizing of personal selling both at home and overseas by the sales staff of the sales force, and that may include any office work related to the sales effort.


Promotions are responsible for advertising and public relations. The newcomer to marketing may not realize how complex this work can be, at it may include trade fairs and exhibitions, sponsorships, press conferences and merchandising.


The selection of channels of distribution to use for supplying the product to the final customer would still be controlled by the marketing department. This will involve determining if the company should supply goods direct to customers, via mail order organizations, through the traditional wholesalers and retailers or by some other method.

The marketing director/ manager is responsible for directing and coordinating the work of the marketing sections and is in turn responsible to the chief executive of the company.

The marketing department sections would be responsible for most or all of the following functions-

Selling Labelling Advertising

Transportation Production scheduling Packaqing

Branding Selection, methods Public relations

and channels of distribution Pricing Financing of sales and


Marketing Research Marketing planning Product (item, good) or service design and development After sales service.

Ex. 1. Read Text В and answer the following questions:

  1. What kind of activity is marketing?

  2. In what economies may marketing exist and expand?

  3. Who does marketing approach?

  4. Should the responsibilities of marketing departments be the same in all organizations?

  5. What is the marketing research department required to do?

  6. What question is the sales section concerned with?

  7. Why is the work the promotions department veiy important and complex?

  8. What are the main responsibilities of the distribution section?

  9. Whom does the managing director report to?

  10. Try to name most functions of a manager.

Ex. 2. Make your own plan to the text. Ex. 3. Retell the text according to your plan.


Text A

Public Relations and Effective Media

There will always be areas of friction and disagreement between public relations people and journalists, but that doesn't mean that there can't be a solid working relationship based on mutual respect for each other's work, including journalists.

A good working relationship with the media is vital for a public relations, is the building of relationship between the organization and its various publics.

Dealing with the Media

Many guidelines for dealing effectively with the media have been compiled. Most of them are well tested and proven, but you must always remember that there are no ironclad rules. Media people are also individuals to whom a particular approach may or may not be applicable. Here's a list of general guidelines.

    1. Know your media. Be familiar with the publications and broadcast outlets that are regularly used. Know their deadlines, news format, audiences, and needs. Do your homework on other publications and broadcast shows before sending a pitch letter or news material.

    2. Limit your mailings. Multiple news releases are inefficient and costly, and they alienate media gatekeepers. Send releases only to publications and broadcast outlets that would have an interest in the information.

    3. Localize. Countless surveys show that the most effective materials have a local angle. Take the time to develop that angle before sending materials to specific publications.

    4. Send newsworthy information. Don't bother sending materials that are not newsworthy. Avoid excessive hype and promotion.

    5. Practice good writing. News materials should be well written and concise. Avoid technical jargon in materials sent to nontechnical publications.

6. Avoid gimmicks. Don't send T-shirts, teddy bears, balloon bouquets, or other frivolous items to get the attention of media gatekeepers.

7 Be environmentally correct. Avoid giant press kits and reams of background materials. Save trees.

  1. Be available. You are the spokesperson for an organization. It is your responsibility to be accessible at all times, even in the middle of the night. Key reporters should have your office and home telephone numbers.

  2. Get back to reporters. Make it a priority to respect your promises and call reporters back in a timely manner. They have deadlines to meet.

  3. Answer your own phone. Use voice mail system as a tool of service, not as a screening device. Reporters (like other people) hate getting bogged down in the electronic swamp of endless button pushing.

  4. Be truthful. Give accurate and complete information even if it is not flattering to your organization. Your facts and figures must be clear and dependable.

  5. Answer questions. There are only there acceptable answers: «Here it is», «I don't know, but I'll get back to you within an hour» and «I know but I can't tell you now because...» «No comment» is not one of the three alternatives.

  6. Protect exclusives. If a reporter has found a story, don't give it to anyone else.

  7. Be fair. Competing media deserve equal opportunity to receive information in a timely manner.

  8. Help photographers. Facilitate their work by getting people together in a central location, providing necessary props, and supplying subjects' full names and titles.

  9. Explain. Give reporters background briefings and materials so that they understand your organization. Tell them how decisions were reached and why.

  10. Remember deadlines. The reporter must have enough time to write a story. One good rule is to provide information days or weeks in advance. In addition, don't call a media outlet to make a pitch at deadlines time.

  11. Price good work. If a reporter was written or produced a good story, send a complimentary note. A copy to the editor is also appreciated.

  12. Correct errors politely. Ignore minor errors such as misspellings, inaccurate ages, and wrong titles. If there is a major factual error that skews the accuracy of the entire story, talk to the reporter who wrote the story. If that doesn't work, talk to the editor or news director.