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Местоимения и выражения времени

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь


I / you; we / you / us; me / you

he /she; they / them; him / her

Выражения времени/места

yesterday, today, now. tomorrow

the day before / the previous day. that day, then, the day after / the following day

last..., this / these, next...; here

the previous..., that / those; the following; there

Таким образом, утверждения в косвенной речи могут принимать следующую форму:

Не says: "She looks so happy." – He says that she looks so happy.

He said: "Jane will come here tomorrow." – He said that Jane would come there the following day.

Косвенные вопросы


if/ whether (общие вопросы) (questions)

wh- (специальные вопросы)

Прямая речь

He asked: "Do you like strong tea?"

He asked: "What is the matter'?"

Косвенная речь

He asked if/ whether I liked strong tea.

He asked what the matter was.

  1. Косвенные вопросы отличаются от прямых тем, что в них сохра-няется прямой порядок слов и для связи частей предложения появляются слова if/whether, которые соответствуют русскому ли.

Косвенные просьбы и приказания

Повелительные (прямая речь)

Инфинитивные (косвенная речь)


He said: "Come again in the afternoon."

He told me to come again in the afternoon.


She begged me: "Don't go there today."

She begged him not to go there that day

  1. Косвенные приказы и просьбы передаются с помощью инфини-тивных оборотов. В главном предложении для приказов и просьб часто используются следующие глаголы:

глаголы, выражающие приказание

глаголы, выражающие просьбу

command, direct, instruct, require, tell, order

ask, beg, call for, implore, urge, press


1. Put these sentences into reported speech:

  1. The detective said to the old lady, “Where does the young man live?”

  2. The officer said to the young men, “Who owns the gun?”

  3. The officer said to the detective, “Did you get an officer’s permission to take the gun away from the young man?”

  4. The officer said to the young man, “Did you fire the gun?”

  5. Kate said, “I’ve been to Britain many times’.

  6. He said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow”.

  7. The guide said, “I’ll show you around the town if you have time after lunch”.

  8. The tutor said, “Stop talking”.

  9. The thief said to the jury, “Don’t be angry”.

  10. An attorney said, “Could you do me a favor?”

  11. Dr. Watson said, “The telegram was sent yesterday”.

  12. The servant said, “I cannot find her.”

2. Turn direct questions into indirect ones:

  1. How long were you and your husband married?

Could you tell me … ?

  1. Why do you want to know that?

Can you tell me … ?

  1. Did your husband have any particularly close friends or business associates?

Do you know if … ?

  1. How many children do you have, signora?

Could you tell me … ?

  1. Are your children in school in Venice?

Can you tell me if … ?

  1. Was your marriage happy?

Can you tell me … ?

7. Daniel: "Do you think it will rain tomorrow?"

Yesterday Daniel asked me …

8. Robert: "Are you leaving next Friday?"

Yesterday Robert asked me …


1. "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said.

a) She said the boys not to play on the grass.

b) She told the boys to not play on the grass.

c) She told the boys not to play on the grass.

2. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.

a) She asked him where he had spent his money.

b) She asked him where he has spent his money.

c) She asked him where had he spent his money.

3. Nancy asked me: "Why didn't you go to New York last summer?"

a) Nancy asked me why I did not go to New York that summer.

b) Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the previous summer.

c) Nancy asked me why I did not go to New York the previous summer.

4. Mandy asked me: "Are you reading this book now?"

a) Mandy asked me if I was reading that book then.

b) Mandy asked me whether I was reading this book then.

c) Mandy asked me if I am reading this book now.

5. Barbara: "Must I do the homework this week?"

a) Barbara asked if she must do the work this week.

b) Barbara asked if she had to do the work that week.

c) Barbara asked if I had to do the work this week.

6. "I was very tired," she said.

a) She said she was very tired.

b) She said I had been very tired.

c) She said she had been very tired.

7. They said:”We shall travel to England next week”.

a) They said they would travel to England the following week.

b) They said we would travel to England next week.

c) They said they will travel to England the following week.

8. "I cannot drive them home," he said.

a) He said I could not drive them home.

b) He said he could not drive them home,

c) He said he cannot drive them home.

9. Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?"

a) Linda asked if Max had flown to London two weeks before.

b) Linda asked if Max flew to London two weeks ago.

c) Linda asked did Max fly to London two weeks before.

10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.

a) The stuntman advised the audience do not try that at home.

b) The stuntman asked the audience not to try this at home.

c) The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.