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1. Which statement best expresses the main idea of the text. Why did you eliminate the other choices?

a. Meetings and interviews are considered to be vital activities to solve problems.

b. An interview is an exchange of ideas and feelings.

c. There are different types of interviews which have specific purposes.

d. An interview is known to be the most effective communication method.

Understanding the Passage

2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false by referring to the information in the text. Then make the necessary changes so that the false statements become true.

a. Meetings and interviews are very important for transactions among people.

b. Most of the managers are known to conduct interviews effectively.

c. An interview is considered to be successful if both parties are able to listen skillfully.

d. The purpose of the information interview is to choose new employees.

e. It is known that few managers lead meetings effectively.

f. Counseling interview is commonly used in sales.

g. An interview is simply a situation involving two people –one who asks and the other who answers.

h. To instruct employees in new skills orientation interview is necessary.

L In most organizations meetings are held to exchange important information.

j. Each party involved in an interview must be both n listener and a sender.

Locating Information

3. Find the passages in the text where the following ideas are expressed.

a. interview is known to be a method for motivating people to work for a common goal.

b. If a person is not able to listen intelligently an interview won't be successful.

c. There are eleven types of interviews.

d. An appraisal interview is necessary to establish objectives.

e. The purpose of the information interview is to secure the experience of others.

f. Different types of interviews differ depending on the purpose.

g. In order to be successful an interview should be a two-way process.

h. Managers often conduct persuasive interviews in sales.

Grammar and the Context

4. Look back at the text and find out what the italicized words refer to.

a. both take place frequently ...

b. with which these meetings ...

e. and attitudes in which ideas, goodwill ...

d. Although managers often call them ...

e. ... not many lead them effectively ...

5. Indicate the. Types of interviews that correspond to the given information.

a. …for establishing objectives and evaluating employees.

b. …for recording valuable input of the employees leaving the company.

e. ... for discussing company problems.

d. …for assessing needs in sale.

e. …for advising employees on personal matters.

f. …for dealing with disciplinary situations.

g. …for instructing employees.

h. …for orienting employees.

i. …for choosing new employees.

6. Say it in English.

a.Ни служащие, ни журналисты не были готовы к проведению ­интервью.

b.Не все менеджеры эффективно проводят собрания.

с. Недоброжелательное отношение менеджера к служащим


d. Он был принят как член данного общества.

e. Важность данного письма заключалась в убедительном

воздействии на получателя.

f. Работа менеджера научила его обращаться c клиентами.

g. Цели, которые вы сдавите перед собой в вашей карьере, должны быть четко сформулированы в резюме.

h. К сожаления, небольшое количество менеджеров является достаточно подготовленными для того, чтобы эффективно проводить интервью.

i. Интервью способствует принятию решений по разным проблемам.

j. Интервью различаются в зависимости от цели и сложности обсуждаемой проблемы.

к. Для того, чтобы интервью прошло успешно, его нужно заранее планировать и четко определить цели.

1. Интервью –это обмен мыcлями, выражение отношений к различным проблемам.


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