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4. Complete the following sentences using active words and word combinations. Translate them into Russian.

a. Most business ... develop out of an initial enquiry from a potential customer.

b. The parties of the contract couldn't …

c. The ... of any business is to make a profit.

d. They ... the cost of the flood damage at $ 1.500.

e. They tried to ... local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.

f. We have to ... of our future business relations.

j. We hope that our future business relations will be

h. The ... of the commercial dispute decided to refer 'the matter to the court.

i. The journalists are ... with the Ambassador of the USA.

j. From time to time it is necessary to ... the employees.

II. Discussion

Read the following information and then discuss the main characteristics of good interviews.

Interview procedures

Interviews are a widely used and important tool in business and industry. Like many tools, however, interviews can be very productive or very -damaging.

Four traits characterize most good interviews:

1. They are not group communications but are usually dyadic (on a one-to-one basis).

2. They are not like a random conversation but have a specific purpose and concentrate on a specific subject.

3. They are not (at least not usually) interrogations but are conducted with the willing consent of both parties and have none of the accusatory atmosphere of an interrogation.

4. In interviews, as in good conversations – instead of monologues half the job of each participant is listening.

III.Reading,comprehension and summarizing

Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.


1. Many of the activities of an organization are transacted through people, and those transactions often take place during interviews or meetings. Both take place frequently. There are interviews between purchasing agent and vendor, salesperson and customer, personnel director and job candidate, chief engineer and director of research. In addition, there are the meetings held among a group of individuals to solve organizational problems. Like the interview, this one-to-group communication situation is the medium for the exchange of important information in most organizations.

2. Despite the frequency with which these meetings and interviews are held, probably no two other communication activities are carried on so inefficiently. Surprisingly enough, few managers have been trained to conduct interviews effectively; yet, almost every manager must do so frequently. The same is true of meetings. Although managers often call them, not many lead them effectively.

3. And yet both interviews and meetings are vital activities for the exchange of information and for reaching the solution to the problems.

Interviews and meetings are vital activities for the exchange of information and for reaching the solution to the problems.. The purposes of the interview are many. In general, the interview should be recognized as an effective communication method for

• sending and receiving information;

• gaining understanding and the acceptance of ideas;

• developing and changing attitudes and behaviour;

• motivating others to work for a common goal.

4. Some of the more specific types of interviews are:

Selection Interview – for choosing employees

Orientation Interview – for orienting employees, new and old, to organizational policies and practices

Transition Interview – for guiding employees through periods of change, especially during transitions in leadership or company directions

Training Interview – for instructing employees in new skills and attitudes

Information Interview – for securing the knowledge and experience of others so organizational objectives may be more easily attained

Appraisal Interview – for evaluating employees, reviewing job performance, establishing objectives, and analyzing future directions

Problem-Solving Interview – for discussing company, departmental or individual problems

Disciplinary Interview – for dealing with disciplinary or 'behavioural situations on the job

Counseling Interview – for advising employees on family, health, financial, or other personal matters

Exit Interview – for recording valuable input given by employees who are leaving the company

Persuasive Interview – for assessing needs, then applying suggested solutions to those needs. This form of interview is commonly used in sales.

5. Of course every interview will be different, depending on the purpose, the personalities involved, the emotions of the participants, and the complexity of the topic. The successful interview is a two-way process. Each of the parties must be an adept listener (receiver) as well as a sender; each person must be sensitive to the other's needs and be able to listen intelligently, skillfully, and understandingly. In all cases the successful interview is planned with objectives carefully defined. Although many think the interview is simply a situation involving two people – one asking questions and the other answering – it is much more. The interview is an exchange of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes in which ideas, goodwill, and understanding can grow as a result of the efforts of the individuals involved.

The interview is an exchange of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes in which ideas, goodwill, and understanding can grow as a result of the efforts of the individuals involved.

Main Idea

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