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Test on the Passive Voice

1 Translate the sentences into English

  1. Письмо будет отправлено через две недели.

  2. Это здание было построено в прошлом веке.

  3. Его часто приглашают читать лекции в университете.

  4. Почему вернули этот компьютер в магазин?

  5. Их будут обучать английскому языку.

  6. Доктор был послан на место аварии (an accident).

  7. За доктором послали.

  8. Моего друга сейчас спрашивают.

  9. Этот кинотеатр был построен до того, как мы приехали в этот город.

  10. Анна вспомнила, что деньги были оставлены на столе.

  11. Я думал, что статья будет написана г-ном Брауном.

  12. Вам уже выдали пропуск (a pass)?

2 Open the brackets in the Passive Voice

  1. She (to invite) to the party yesterday.

  2. Every day I (to give) a message.

  3. The telegramme (to receive) in some hours.

  4. Will you (to call) tomorrow?

  5. He (to fine) for crossing the street in the wrong place.

  6. A new supermarket (to build) in our street now.

  7. He was sure he (to ask) at the next lesson.

  8. This new dictionary (to sell) everywhere now.

  9. He much (to speak) about.

  10. … he (to give) the instructions yet?

Test on the Reported speech, Modal Verbs and the Passive Voice

1. Transform the sentences into the reported speech

  1. Jane said to us: “Please, don’t say anybody about it!”

  2. Mr. Morgan asked David: “What are doing near my room?”

  3. Robert said to his sister: “Would you help me to finish the work?”

  4. The guide explained: “The architect designed this palace last century.”

  5. The boy promised to the teacher: “I will have learnt the poem by the next lesson.”

2 Translate the sentences, using the Passive Voice

  1. За этим доктором часто посылают.

  2. Собор Святого Павла в Лондоне был построен архитектором Реном (Wren).

  3. Нас встретят на вокзале?

  4. Когда мама вернулась, обед был уже приготовлен.

  5. Об этом артисте много говорят.

3. Choose the right modal verb

  1. He has a large family so he … work much.

a) must b) have to c) has to d) ought to

  1. Your dictation is very poor. You … have repeated the spelling.

a) are to b) have to c) should d) shall

  1. The students … display the passes to the security at the University entrance.

a) should b) may c) ought to d) can

  1. The airplane … arrive in a ten minutes.

a) shall b) ought to c) should d) is to

  1. How … you … to solve this problem tomorrow?

a) can b) should c) will able d) shall

4. Correct the mistakes in the sentences (in total 8 mistakes)

1 My brother said that he will take part in chess championship next week.

  1. She didn’t late to the classes yesterday.

  2. Will you can help me to finish this work.

  3. There are much mistakes in my test-work, aren’t they?

  4. This student says that he must to take some books in the library.

  5. I remembered that I left my keys at the office.

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